all the way to fairy

Chapter 171 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 171 Chasing and Killing (3)

"Oh, this matter is really difficult to handle. Now the slightly larger towns and squares are being searched and arrested, setting up checkpoints everywhere. Even in our small town, several groups of monks have come one after another."

Seeing Ying Qi started to stare again, he raised his hand and said again and again: "Don't worry, don't worry, let's find a way."

The steward carefully analyzed: "The main force of the pursuit is still concentrated in the area from Jiangguo to Anxi. If you can't find you in two days, you will definitely use this as the center to expand the search area around. Therefore, you need to go out in the shortest possible time. Beishan system."

"For the time being, this matter is only spread within the Beishan system. If you go out early, you will have the opportunity to take a large spirit boat to the Nanshan system. If you miss the opportunity, you may be hunted down all the way."

After a quarter of an hour, after discussing the route and asking the steward for some latest news, Ying Qi and Ying Qi left in a hurry.

After they left, a man in a black robe walked out of the secret room behind the screen, "You did a good job, let's make some arrangements."

The steward lowered his head and replied respectfully: "Yes."

After everyone in the room had left, Wei Lin got up and followed the steward again like a wisp of smoke, listening to all his arrangements.

He lowered his eyes, Lan Shu stretched his hand too far, let her continue to grasp the Canye Pavilion, sooner or later she will stretch her hand to Taiyizong.

After leaving the stronghold, he was surprised to find that Ying Qi and the two were not leaving in the direction of the city gate. He followed in surprise and found the two in an early shop.

At this time, the two of them definitely didn't come to eat breakfast.He twitched the corners of his mouth silently, sure enough, no one has been able to live in a place like Canye Pavilion so far.

As a killer, especially in a place like Canye Pavilion, you can't completely trust others, even your own people.

It's also fortunate that the town is populated by immortals, otherwise, at this time, the teahouses and restaurants are either not open, or even if they are open, there are not many people, so where to go to find out what news.

He simply found an inconspicuous place to sit down, and just sat down for a while, he heard a few people next door whispering: "Do you say that the killer of the Canye Pavilion is true or not? There has never been a Canye Pavilion before." Any news about the killer, doesn't it mean that once the killer of Canye Pavilion is discovered, if he can't kill the killer immediately, he will commit suicide?"

"This time is different. It is said that this Qianjiu was exposed in Jiang Country."

At another table, an eight or nine-year-old monk suddenly turned his head and asked, "Where is Jiang Guo?"

"Hey, it's just a small country. Maybe it's because of being in the world that this killer named Qianjiu is so conceited and shows his true colors."

Another person joined the discussion, "I heard that this Qianjiu also took away the Buddhist relic of Master Huijue from Yuan'an Temple."

The previous man raised his eyebrows, "That's not true, if not, how could those monks who built Jindan with their heads on the top of the surrounding city bother to chase and kill him? Don't you really think that they are doing it for the so-called Do you want justice for Master Huijue?"

"Oh, shortly after the master passed away, the top ten eminent monks of the Fenyin Temple ascended to the ascension, resulting in the fact that the Fenyin Temple did not have enough Nascent Soul Stages to sit in it. That's why Fenyin Temple fell down quickly, and now there are only two Buddhist cultivators left, one old and one young."

Someone echoed: "Yes, once upon a time, Fenyin Temple was also the number one ancient temple in the Canglan Continent, even more prosperous than the current Taiyi Sect."

What were those people discussing in the back, Ying Qi and the two were not listening, they looked at each other, and Ying Qi said via voice transmission: "What do they mean, only the portrait of Junior Brother Qian Jiu has been exposed?"

Ying Jiu was thoughtful, "It seems so, outside Anxi City, that little girl only has a portrait in her hand."

At first he thought that the little girl had only one portrait, but now it seems that he was wrong, from the beginning to the end, only Junior Brother Qianjiu was exposed.

Ying Qi was silent for a long time before saying: "Then we"

Yingjiu's face was ugly. The matter of the Buddha's relic was originally a joint action by the three personal disciples of the lore. If it was really exposed in Yuan'an Temple, it is impossible for only Qianjiu to be exposed, and the possibility of the injured Wen Ming being exposed is even greater. Big is right.

Later, Junior Brother Qianjiu was with them, but they didn't expose it, and it was even more unreasonable for a cautious person like Qianjiu to expose it.

Then imagine that they suddenly received an order to follow Miss Lan Shu out, and then they were assigned to follow Junior Brother Qianjiu to lure away the pursuers.

All of this undoubtedly does not mean that the so-called leaks this time are so-called by insiders, they are just pawns used by Miss Lan Shu to confuse Junior Brother Qianjiu, and they are Chiyu who have been affected by the disaster.

He spat in a low voice: "When gods fight, mortals suffer."

Each one of them has its own background, each has its own means, and if there are any grievances that cannot be resolved by themselves, why bother to drag them who have no power and no power to fight.

He didn't transmit these words, and people around looked over in surprise. The two of them had darkened faces, and someone saw their cultivation level, and smiled flatteringly at them from afar.

Then he turned his head and whispered to the others: "The foundation building period."

When those people with low cultivation bases heard it, they all looked away and didn't dare to look any more.

The two got up and left.

After a long silence, Yingqi asked via sound transmission: "What should we do now?"

Ying Jiu let out a breath of foul air, and gritted his teeth, "What else can we do? The gods above are fighting, and we mortals can still accompany them. We have to find an excuse to separate. As long as we leave Qian Jiu, find a place to lie down and wait Go back to the pavilion after the wind blows."

Wei Lin came out from the other side, and they went outside the forest one step ahead. He could more or less guess the content of the voice transmission between the two.

It is not difficult to guess the words of those people in the shop earlier, and he is the only one who leaked his identity.

He looked at the two people who appeared at the end of the road, tapped his fingertips on the bumpy tree trunk beside him, it seemed that he had to separate from them as soon as possible, the knife behind him was even more deadly.

Time flies like flowing water, and March has passed in a blink of an eye.

In July, the scorching sun was like a fire, and the scorching scorching sun burned her body. Yunli felt that she had become a furnace. After three whole months, she finally reached the boundary of Taiyi Sect. In a few days, she would be able to enter Huzong Dashan ,victory is in sight!
Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a mass of black circled around her feet, and she exploded immediately.

"Xiao Hei! Stay away from me! It's so hot!"

On such a hot day, it's okay to have ice cream without an air conditioner, but Xiao Hei doesn't know how to flap his wings to fan her, and leans against her feet.

She put down the Meng Zhan Dao on her shoulder, condensed out a glass of ice water and poured it down, it felt cool and comfortable!

The sun was not so hot anymore, she looked at the sky, and the sun hid in the clouds at some point, the sky became white, but the air became more stuffy and humid, covering the earth like an invisible steamer.

"I'm afraid there will be thunderstorms today."

Taking out the cabin, she was going to hide first.

Just as she was about to enter the house, the little black chickens at her feet began to circle her again, and Yunli's face was covered with black lines.

"Tell me about you. Even though your name has the word chicken, you really think of yourself as a chicken. Your wings are not decorations. You just walk around on the ground all day long. One day I will trample you to death." , Daoist Danyang still has to trouble me.”

Just as the count was falling, a ball of paper hit her on the head with a bang, she covered her head, raised her head and shouted: "Who, you have no public morals, littering!"

Looking at the monk on the flying sword above his head, not only did he not stop, but he sped up his speed, trying to escape.

In a hurry, she picked up the ball of paper and was going to throw it back to that unqualified guy, hitting his head and bleeding, don't you know how dangerous it is to throw a ball in the sky!

From the corner of the eye, he caught sight of the word 'Qian Jiu', paused in his hand, and quickly opened the paper ball.

Seeing the familiar face on it and the text next to it, Yunli's mind buzzed, everything around her seemed to be unreal, and it took her a long time to regain her consciousness.

With a flash of orange light on her fingertips, she disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered more and more, and there was a faint flash of thunder and lightning. Yunli controlled Huanshiling without dodging or evading, passing through the thunderclouds and heading straight for Tianyun City.

(End of this chapter)

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