all the way to fairy

Chapter 172 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 172 Chasing and Killing (4)

The dark clouds in the sky became lower and darker, as if they were trying to trap her inside.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, and streaks of lightning pierced the sky. The sky seemed to have a hole, and pea-sized raindrops poured out from it. First they crackled into a mess, and then poured down in an orderly manner.

A ray of orange light penetrated the white rain curtain and flashed into Zuimenglou. The guard at the door was stunned for a moment, and then chased after him: "The store is not open yet!"

Chasing along the water trails to Yingmei's house, the guards hesitated, were they here to discuss matters with Aunt Yingmei, or to seek revenge from her?
"I'm fine, you go down."

Yingmei's voice came, the guard exhaled and left.

Inside the room, Yunli's eyes were red, and she gently placed the portrait on the long table in front of Yingmei with trembling hands, trying her best to suppress the trembling of her voice, "What's going on? My senior brother, how could my senior brother's identity be revealed? Where is he now?"

Yingmei's gaze fell on the wrinkled portrait on the table, there was a drop of water on the character 'nine' on the right, the ink color was smudged, it was almost invisible.

She looked away and reprimanded: "Why are you here at this time, you're so impatient!"

Just entered the Taiyi School, the foundation is not yet stable, and she dared to come so openly, and was discovered. Not only did this damn girl want to play, but she also couldn't ask for anything in return.

The more Ying Mei thought about it, the angrier she became, she looked at Yunli as if she wanted to eat people, if she hadn't had to rely on her to lurk Tai Yizong, such a restless and unruly subordinate would have been thrown out long ago.

Yunli stared straight at her, and asked word by word: "Where is he now?"

Ying Mei said sharply: "Is this something you should know? Do your job well, don't be so reckless, and be careful with your life."

Yunli took a few deep breaths, calm down, calm down, calm down.

She suppressed the rage in her heart, and said patiently: "Aunt Yingmei, the situation of our spies is not an exaggeration. Today the identity of the killer can be leaked casually, and if it is not guaranteed, tomorrow our identities will be revealed." Leak, how do you let us spies feel at ease?"

"According to what you mean, do you think it was leaked by the people in the pavilion?"

Nonsense, apart from the people in the pavilion, Wen Xueluo also knows the code name of senior brother Qianjiu, but if she is, she will definitely reveal her identity first.

She sneered: "Auntie thinks it's an outsider?"

Ying Mei averted her eyes, normal people could see that someone inside did this, not only these insiders could see it, even those so-called decent families also had such speculations.

She just said lightly: "You can't know about this matter."

Yunli clenched her fists and said firmly, "Since I'm here, I won't leave unless I get an answer."

Seeing her attitude of never giving up unless she asks, Ying Mei shakes her fan irritably, this little ancestor, if not for the fact that she is the most hopeful person to get the news, she would have thrown it out long ago.

But this incident told her that with her indifferent attitude, she might have to abandon the mission and go directly to find it. Almost all the Jindan cultivators in the Beishan Department were dispatched, and one more person would die if she went there.

Ying Mei was upset, she shook the round fan more and more vigorously, as if what she was holding was not the round fan, but this annoying dead girl.

Yunli was very anxious, so many Jindan cultivators had been mobilized, and Tiandao, who was ready to strike at any time, was staring at him maliciously. Brother, how could he escape in the early stage of foundation establishment.

She begged: "Auntie, please tell me, where is my senior brother now?"

Ying Mei was startled, the anxiety, anxiety and fear in the girl's almond eyes were so familiar, it instantly brought her back to that nightmarish time.


Yunli yelled again, hesitating whether to take the risk of trying Huoxin, but Yingmei is a monk who practiced charm, so I don't know if Huoxin will work for her.

Ying Mei took a deep look at her, and turned her head to look at the waterfall-like rain curtain outside the window, "Three months ago, the pavilion issued a special mission. He, Wen Ming, and Yue Yi went to Yuan'an Temple to collect Buddhist relics. was discovered."

"Three, three months?" Yunli couldn't believe her ears, "He has been hunted down for three months?"

Yingmei briefly summed it up: "Wen Ming was seriously injured. Qianjiu led people away to lead the pursuers away. Unexpectedly, his identity was leaked later, and he chased them all the way from Anxi City. Ying Qi and others who followed him all died."

After a pause, she continued: "According to our clues, those fellow disciples all died under Qianjiu's hands, a sword piercing the heart."

Yunli's pupils shrank, and she murmured, "They betrayed."

There was an interception before, there was chasing after, and the people around him were still rebellious. Yunli didn't dare to think about the current situation of the senior brother, and asked anxiously, "What happened next?"

Ying Mei laughed, "Why do you think they were the ones who betrayed you? The sword pierced the heart without any struggle. It was clearly Qian Jiu's sudden attack. Ying Qi and the others were unprepared, so they were easily killed."

"Brother will not take someone's life for no reason. What happened later? Where did he escape now?"

Yunli didn't want to argue with her about this issue, the most important thing right now was to find her senior brother first.

"You believe him. Later, the Beishan system was completely blocked. He was discovered more than ten times in succession. The last time there was news of him was half a month ago in Fengyinyuan in Central Continent. Wanli Fengyinyuan was reduced to a sea of ​​flames. The fire burned for a whole day. After seven days, when the people behind arrived, there was only a charred corpse left, and there was no news of him after that."

Speaking of this, Yingmei also has to admire that in the early stage of the foundation building period, she was able to break through the joint blockade of the foundation building and Jindan monks of the Beishan system to reach Central Continent.

I don't know what the people in the pavilion are thinking, such a genius has to be discarded, and even let all the intelligence bases along the way take the initiative to disclose Qian Jiu's whereabouts to the pursuers.

Yunli's fingertips trembled badly, and she was discovered more than ten times. Didn't she go through more than ten fierce battles? She asked nervously, "Is he not injured?"

Ying Mei was speechless, "What do you think? There are so many Golden Cores, Foundation Establishment cultivators, and talented disciples from various sects who have also dispatched, and you still expect him to escape unscathed? It's good to be alive now."

Seeing her complexion as pale as paper, and her lips so pale as to be almost colorless, she couldn't bear it, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I haven't heard from him for so many days, maybe I thought of a way to escape."

It's really that good, others don't know, but she knows how unlucky the senior brother will be if he is injured.

"It should also be fortunate that the Buddha's relics have little effect on the Nascent Soul Stage monks who have conceived babies. Otherwise, those hypocrites will not think that chasing and killing a Foundation Establishment Stage monk will lower their status, and they will definitely attack with all their strength. Take the slightest chance."

"Thank you, aunt." Yunli pulled the corners of her lips, and hurried out of Zuimenglou.

The thunderstorm was pouring outside, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, lightning bolts fell from the sky like the Milky Way, and the huge thunder was like a landslide and the ground cracked. The streets of Tianyun City were empty.

Yunli rushed to the direction of Fengyinyuan, murmuring over and over again: "Fengyinyuan, Fengyinyuan"

She tried her best to calm herself down. Fengyinyuan is close to the junction of Zhongzhou and Dongshan, and to the north is Zhongzhou. The two families Ye and Xiao are entrenched. There are many monks. The brother probably fled to Fengyinyuan from the direction of Zhongzhou;

The junction of Beishan System and Central Continent is a rolling mountain range of [-] mountains. Although the monsters in it are not comparable to Tianwu Forest, there are many big monsters, even monsters in the transformation period.

There is a precedent in Tianwu Forest, the senior brother should not take the initiative to choose to escape from the dangerous mountain system, but he appeared in the nearby Fengyinyuan, there must be some accident that made him have to choose this route.

As soon as she left Sky Cloud City, she landed on a tall tree branch, and just as she was identifying the direction, a flying sword came out from the side and stopped in front of her, "You stand on a tree in this weather and want to overcome the calamity early what?"

Seeing the person coming, Yunli's heart skipped a beat, why is he here!
Before she could answer, Mo Huai asked, "Why did you suddenly come to Tianyun City?"

Yunli took a breath and said perfunctorily, "I need to buy something."

(End of this chapter)

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