all the way to fairy

Chapter 173 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 173 Chasing and Killing (5)

Mo Huai showed doubts: "What is so anxious, Brother Danyang's spiritual pet doesn't care, the knife bought at a sky-high price is thrown on the road, and the baby's wooden house is also gone."

"Oh, I left in a hurry, I forgot, uncle, take your time, I'll go and see the hut first."

Yunli jumped off the tree before finishing her sentence, and was about to leave in a hurry, but Mo Huai grabbed her hand, "There is Cang Jie, no one will take away your little shabby house, it rains so much, come on!" hide in the city."

Hiding with wool, Yunli cursed secretly and broke free from his hand, "Uncle Master is really good at joking, we monks are afraid of whether it will rain or not, it's a matter of spiritual power."

Mo Huai gave her a sideways look: "Really? Then what's the matter with your body of water?"

Yunli looked down, only to realize that she hadn't remembered the spiritual power shield at all, and was completely wet from head to toe.

She laughed a few times, quickly put on the spiritual power cover, and dried the water on her body with spiritual power, "I don't want to experience the feeling of being in the rainstorm, I'm leaving first."

Mo Huai grabbed her again, "Now I know I'm in a hurry. What were you thinking when I left earlier? If you can't take the knife, can't you take Cangjie and the cabin?"

Yunli looked at the sky frequently, seeing the time passing by, Mo Huai didn't have the slightest intention of letting her go, she was about to make him dizzy first, and then talk, she didn't want to, at this time, the direction of Tianyun City Suddenly, streaks of rainbow light flashed.

A bell-like voice resounded above Tianyun City, "Qianjiu, the devil of Canye Pavilion, appeared near Dengtai Mountain, everyone, go!"

When Yunli heard it, she said "I'll go support them", and chased after her with startling footwork.

Mo Huai froze in place, his face was completely devoid of blood, motionless, his slender eyelashes trembled for a long time, pain and hatred appeared on his face, and he uttered each word with difficulty: "It's really her."

After running a hundred miles away in one breath, Yunli stopped, and was about to dress up and sneak into the chasing monks to follow, when Mo Huai flew towards her again in his consciousness, and had already spotted her.

"Depend on."

Yunli cursed in a low voice, although Yukai Huanshiling can escape from Mo Huai's sight now, but then she will not be able to hide her hidden cultivation, Tai Yizong will definitely send someone to arrest her, the mission is messed up, Canye Pavilion will not let her go.

At that time, he himself will be deeply imprisoned, how can he save his brother.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Huai had already landed in front of her, with a cold face, "It's just your meager cultivation and what are you doing blindly."

The voice was cold to the bone marrow, and there was a bit of gnashing of teeth. Yunli didn't have the heart to think about what he was doing, so he dealt with it perfunctorily: "One more person will do more."

The divine sense penetrated into the storage bag, looking for items that could knock him down directly. No, her storage bag was just emptied during the last trip to the Jinye Pavilion, and the pile of monks who came to rob her did not. Professional, drug addicts are not ready to order.

Now in her storage bag, there is not a single poison in her storage bag, except for the demon pill spirit stone, the spiritual meal pill, let alone the drug.

"You have such a small cultivation base, it will be a drag if you go."

Mo Huai's voice was even colder, as if he had been soaked in an ice cellar.

Yunli snapped back impatiently, "My meager level of cultivation can beat my uncle until he vomits blood. It seems that my uncle is being humble."

Mo Huai choked, but his expression didn't loosen. Anyway, she was not allowed to follow, Yunli was so angry that she wanted to hit him on the head.

When the two were at a stalemate, a gentle voice sounded.

"Junior Brother Mo, so you are here."

The stagnant atmosphere between the two dissipated, and they looked over together.

In the rain curtain, Su Xu, An Ran, Mu Yan, and Lin Xi came in a spirit boat. The spiritual power shield cut off the rain curtain, and the rushing rainwater hit the spiritual power shield, splashing for a while, and the water vapor was dense .

Through the water vapor, Yunli met two pairs of worried eyes.

Cousin Ayan also saw the killing order, she immediately sent a voice message to An Ran: "Quickly think of a way, Mo Huai won't let me go!"

An Ran gave her a calm look.

Mo Huai frowned: "Why are you here?"

Su Xu: "There is news that there are traces of Qianjiu, the demon leader of Canye Pavilion, near Dengtai Mountain. The head teacher told us to go there immediately to capture the demon leader. We can't just let the people of Ye Xiao and his family contribute. How can we say that in Dengtai Mountain? It is also the boundary of our Dongshan family, so naturally we must do our best to be a landlord."

Mo Huai frowned even deeper, "The Yexiao family? Aren't the Jindan masters from the Beishan family also chasing and killing them?"

Su Xu chuckled softly: "A member of the Jindanqi clan of the Xiao family is the lord of Anxi City, and he fell into the hands of the devil. Xiao Heng specially rushed to the Beishan Department to avenge his revenge, but was defeated head-on by the Qianjiu. I feel ashamed."

"As soon as the devil enters the border of Central Continent, he immediately announces to all the monks that to deal with a mere foundation-building period, the Golden Core monks think highly of him. The younger generations of the Ye Xiao family will personally intercept him and give the monks in the world an explanation. And return the Buddhist relic to Yuan'an Temple to comfort the spirit of Master Huijue."

Yunli's heart is a little worried, if it's only in the foundation building stage, the senior brother's chances should be much better, among the same generation, the senior brother is not bad.

Thinking about it again, after all, they are carefully cultivated disciples of various sects and sects. In some respects, they must be far superior to ordinary monks. His heart tightened a little, and he asked via voice transmission: "Who is Xiao Heng?"

An Ran: "The Xiao family, two major families standing side by side with the Ye family on the Canglan Continent, the Ye family made their fortune through business, while the Xiao family made their fortune through the army. The law requires the younger generation, and all the disciples in the clan have good combat prowess. This Xiao Heng is even the best among them, with outstanding talent and outstanding combat prowess, he is known as No.1 under the Golden Core."

Yunli lowered her eyes, is she No. 1 under the golden core?

Mo Huai looked at An Ran, "She's going too?"

Su Xu had no choice but to say, "When I came out, I happened to meet my little master on the way. She insisted on coming, and I couldn't help it. Junior brother, please help me persuade her."

An Ran put away the worry in her eyes, raised her jaw slightly, and squinted at Mo Huai: "What are you looking at, where is this princess going, and I still need to report to you."

Mo Huai said coldly: "Senior Sister An Ran, now is not the time to be willful. Although this devil is only in the foundation building stage, his strength should not be underestimated. Even Xiao Heng of the Xiao family has suffered from him, and all forces Mixed, we also have no skills to protect you."

An Ran pinched her palm deeply with her fingertips, and her voice was as cold as ice: "It's up to you whether this princess lives or dies."

Mo Huai did not continue to reason with her, but looked at Lin Xi, "Junior Sister Lin, why are you messing around with me?"

His unkind appearance made Lin Xi's eyes turn red, and she explained in a low voice: "I didn't, Senior Brother Su couldn't find you, I'll help Senior Brother find you."

An Ran suppressed the hostility in her heart, and transmitted to Yunli, "So, what's going on with Wei Xiaosan? Why did he become a member of Canye Pavilion?"

"This matter is very complicated. I'll talk about it later. I'm going to save him now. Help me get rid of them."

"Nonsense, you are going to die. Do you know who are the people chasing and killing him? Not to mention those Jindan real people who are about to move, and the geniuses of Xiao Ye's family are also involved."

"That's why I'm going all the more. Don't worry, there is no threat to me below Jindan."

An Ran let out a sigh. The three of them grew up together. She knows the relationship between her cousin and Wei Xiaosan very well. She may not even realize that Wei Xiaosan is more important to her than her elder brother Yun Feng.

She didn't try to persuade her anymore, and said: "Go with them first, the spirit boat is fast and can save a lot of time, and I will cover you to leave later."

"it is good."

Over there, after Lin Xi finished explaining the reason, she looked at Mo Huai with aggrieved eyes, and pulled An Ran, "Senior Sister An, let's go back."

An Ran raised her head, and said forcefully, "I'm going too, what danger could there be, isn't it just an early stage of foundation establishment, why, you two think you can't beat it?"

Lin Xi was a little moved when she heard the words. No matter how exaggerated she said, it was also an early stage of foundation establishment. Brother Su was in the late stage of foundation establishment, and Brother Huai was in the early stage of foundation establishment. They are the top disciples of the sect. Not vulnerable at all.

(End of this chapter)

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