all the way to fairy

Chapter 175 Rescue

Chapter 175 Save (2)

A young master of the Ye family shouted: "The devil has reinforcements, save Brother Xiao Heng!"

Only then did the crowd onlookers come to their senses, and all the swords and techniques attacked.

Holding the Huanshi Ling, Yunli flew up and flew up, the gorgeous damask spread out to block the incoming attacks, and then shook the Huanshi Ling, and those magic spells were bounced back.

Everyone avoided.

Then she tiptoed lightly, and she was already in front of Xiao Heng, and quickly sealed his spiritual veins.

"what happened?"

The two Su Xu and Mo Huai who rushed over could only see the orange gauze dancing by the pool, and the sons and daughters of Ye Xiao's family scattered in all directions.

After the orange veil fell, Xiao Heng stood in front with his neck strangled. Behind him, a black-robed mid-stage foundation-establishment cultivator supported the injured Qianjiu, and looked at them coldly.

"Step aside."

Misty and ethereal voices entered their ears from all directions.

Su Xu's eyes froze, and he raised his pure white long sword, "Unexpectedly, the devil has a helping hand."

Yunli tightened the Huanshi Ling once again, a strong sense of suffocation hit, Xiao Heng's face was full of grief and indignation, he was No.1 of the younger generation of the dignified Xiao family, and was tied around his neck like a dog on a leash.

Humiliation welled up in his heart, strong unwillingness surged in his chest, and he grabbed the orange silk around his neck with both hands.


With a roar, Cheng Ling was torn away by him a little bit, Yunli was surprised, and felt the spiritual power surging in him, is this going to open the spiritual vein?
Strong spiritual power surged on him, and with his roar, he actually broke through to the late stage of foundation establishment at this time, and with the momentum of the breakthrough, he also successfully broke through the sealed spiritual veins.

It seems that this is an arrogant person, Yunli quickly glanced at the others, except for Su Xu and Mo Huai, they don't know each other, and they don't know their status, threats may not work.

Mo Huai and Su Xu, she didn't think about it, firstly they knew each other, close contact would easily reveal their secrets, and secondly, they are the only two of the same clan here, what if other people don't care about their life or death.

She immediately made a decision, the fantasy world silk fluttered, emitting a brilliant light, the disciples of the Ye family were ready, while the Xiao family hurriedly stepped forward to surround Xiao Heng, throwing out all kinds of defensive magic weapons.

Xiao Heng has just entered the middle stage of foundation establishment, and his realm is not stable. If he is attacked at this time, his foundation will not be stable in the future. If he goes crazy because of this, the younger generation of Xiao family may be ruined on the first day.

There was a yellow light flickering in the gorgeous orange veil, and something flashed across Mo Huai's mind, and he shouted: "It's an earth escape talisman, stop them!"

While speaking, he had already attacked with a long sword in his hand, and the rest of the people were not slow to react, and they all rushed towards Cheng Sha.

What greeted them was a stack of Explosive Talismans, and the crowd who rushed over scattered like birds and beasts again.

Explosions were everywhere, and the smoke filled the air. Mo Huai's secret passage was not good, and he rushed in against the aftermath of the explosion, and the two of them had long since disappeared by the pool.

His eyes were scarlet, his spiritual consciousness swung, his body flickered, and Yujian chased towards the vast mountain forest.

"Junior Brother Mo!"

Su Xu was startled, and hurriedly chased after him. The two Remnant Night Pavilion killers, needless to say Qian Jiu, was seriously injured and was able to fight Xiao Heng, the number one genius of the Xiao family. lights.

Junior Brother Mo pursued him alone, which would be more or less auspicious.

The people who came back to their senses left two people behind to protect Xiao Heng's stable state, and the rest also chased after him.

Chengsha shuttled nimbly through the forest, Yunli controlled the direction of escape, and turned around to check Wei Lin's injuries, but was stopped by Wei Lin, "I can still hold on, you go to Yuling first."

Yunli was worried, Mo Huai had already appeared in the consciousness later on, if they also appeared in the other party's consciousness, it would not be easy to escape.

She gritted her teeth, turned around and concentrated on driving Huan Shiling through the woods.

Wei Lin behind him didn't stop. After taking the pill, he stabbed his thigh with a backhand sword, forcing back the dizziness that hit his head.

"What are you doing?" Yunli tugged at his hand anxiously, wasn't she crazy, she was seriously injured and stabbed herself.

Wei Lin's face was as pale as snow, his thin lips were almost colorless, but his dark and deep eyes were firm: "Don't faint now."

After the words fell, he began to exercise his skills to heal his injuries, "Pfft——".

A mouthful of blood was spat out, the blood was not the normal bright red color, but had a slight blue color, and there was a faint scent of green bamboo.

"You are poisoned!" Yunli was horrified.

Wei Lin shook his head, "It's not poison, it's the scale powder on the wings of the mutated bamboo spirit butterfly."

Ordinary bamboo spirit butterflies are more sensitive to smell and can help find enemy prey.

The scale powder on the wings of the mutated bamboo spirit butterfly can quietly soak into the blood from the skin, and the soaked person will have a faint green bamboo fragrance, which cannot be eliminated, and can only be waited for after six months. dissipate.

Yunli was short of breath, no wonder she was discovered more than ten times in the whole three months, with such a smell, it was like installing DPS on her body, how could she hide.

"Don't carry it, faint first."

During sleep, most of the sense organs go into dormancy, so that the body can do its best to repair, and the injury will heal faster.

Wei Lin shook his head with difficulty. How could he feel dizzy with so many people chasing after him, "Give me a Buling Pill, and restore my spiritual power first."

It's okay for Yunli to think about it, she has spiritual power to warm and nourish her, and it can also speed up the recovery of the injury.

Sweeping his consciousness to Mo Huai who was chasing after him, Yunli speeded up, and at the same time quickly checked the terrain below.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and Huanshi Ling pierced through a piece of greenery like a sharp arrow and entered a cave.

The fifth-order white-nosed bear in the cave was about to raise its head and roar, but the fantasy world flew over, closing its open upper and lower jaws, and tightly entangled them.

Yunli quickly took out the cabin, set up a concealment formation, and helped Wei Lin in first.

When the cabin was built, Yunxuewupine was added, which has the effect of isolating spiritual detection. Fortunately, my cousin brought it here for her.

Looking at the white-nosed bear who was still struggling, she released the aura on her body, and the demon bear stopped struggling immediately, with fear in its huge demon pupils.

She took a breath in satisfaction, grabbed the fur from the demon bear's neck and dragged it to the front of the cabin, patted its head, "You lie down here honestly, if you dare to reveal the little house behind, I will kill you." I peeled your skin, constricted your tendons, dismantled your bones, and stewed it to drink."

The huge fifth-order demon bear, even lying on its stomach, is like a hill, completely covering the wooden house behind it.

The small wooden house has its own spiritual isolation, and there is a demon bear blocking the view in front, no matter whether you use your spiritual sense to 'see' or look at it with your eyes, you will not find the small wooden house.

She also entered the cabin with confidence. This was inspired by the Kunpeng breath that Xiao Hei aroused when he was angry, and with Xiao Hei, a living experimental subject, by her side, don't be too concerned about releasing the breath that makes monsters fearful. skilled.

Seeing Mo Huai and others chasing after him from afar, Yunli quickly withdrew his consciousness, but he was still worried after thinking about it, so he surrounded Huan Shiling in the house, even if he was discovered, he could resist it, and give her more some reaction time.

Wei Lin, who was holding on all the way, couldn't hold on any longer at this moment, lost his breath, his injuries exploded, his body tilted and he passed out.

Yunli hurriedly caught him. The knife wound on his face was already black and purple and congested with blood. The skin of the incision was dry and cracked, and there was yellow dried liquid on it. This was obviously not a new wound, but it had not been treated properly, and it had already been filled with pus and was roughly squeezed out. old hurt.

Yunli's fingertips trembled slightly, and she checked his physical condition with her spiritual sense. Several ribs in her body were broken, and some of them had been misplaced. There were cracks that were healing, which were obviously broken before.

The internal organs are constantly injured, and they only rely on spiritual power to nourish them, but there is no time to stop and recover their spiritual power along the way, and the nourishing pills are exhausted. The remaining sporadic spiritual power must be used to defend against the enemy. I can pick up the important places and share some spiritual energy.

The rich spiritual power of the Buling Pill that he took just now was also rampant through the meridians because there was no control of the master. If the cracked tendons were not the foundation laid by the Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum, they might have broken by now.

(End of this chapter)

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