all the way to fairy

Chapter 176 Rescue

Chapter 176 Save (3)

Yunli's eyelashes trembled, and she was afraid for a while. If it was a little later, she couldn't imagine how long her senior brother could last with this injury.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in her heart, and the spiritual power lingered around her fingertips. Under the inspection of her spiritual consciousness, she guided the frantic spiritual power in his body to run along the meridians and flow into the dantian.

After sorting out the spiritual power, feed him a series of healing pills such as Rejuvenation Pill, and fix the broken ribs in place.

Wei Lin, who was already in a coma, could feel the bone pain, his brows were tightly knit together, and his body convulsed uncontrollably.

Stiffly, she stretched out her hand to stop his convulsions, tried her best not to think about it, and concentrated on cleaning and bandaging the wound.

After doing all this, the tense nerves relaxed, and various emotions flooded her, instantly overwhelming her.

She stared at Wei Lin who was still frowning on the bed, and deeply doubted in her heart whether it was a mistake to go to the Taiyi Sect. The senior brother was unlucky in the first place. innumerable.

She doesn't have to go get the antidote to Devil May Cry in person, it's the same to find a chance to meet her cousin, there's no need to go to Tai Yizong to be an undercover agent.

Even if you don't find them for a while, you can wait for them to grow stronger in the Canye Pavilion, and then seek power and usurp the throne and kill the pavilion owner himself. By then, the Canye Pavilion will be yours.

The rustling noise outside pulled her out of her depressed mood. Now is not the time to feel sorry for herself, and they are not out of danger yet.

She listened quietly, in the darkness, Wei Lin's weak breathing was hidden in the heavy kick of the white-nosed bear, barely audible.

"How? Did you find it?"

Someone is talking outside.

"No, I have searched all over a hundred miles, but there is no trace."

"Where are the others?"

"No, the entire Dengtai Mountain system has been searched, and if they search again, they must not have come out of Dengtai Mountain. They searched inch by inch, even digging three feet to find the person!"

The voice of the conversation is getting closer and closer, and the cave has already been advanced wirelessly.

The demon bear looked back at the cabin in fear, and Yunli's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly received its consciousness, which was asking her what to do now.

She was slightly surprised that this kind of thought transmission between monks and monsters was mostly based on the conclusion of a spiritual pet contract, and she hadn't signed a contract with the bear, so how could she receive its thoughts?

Suspiciousness was reborn in her heart, and she didn't care about it right now, she directly gave orders to the demon bear in her mind.

The white-nosed bear shook the soft flesh of its neck, stood up, kicked its thick bear legs, rushed out of the cave, raised its head and roared towards the nearest monk.

The monk who was investigating little by little was shocked by its roar, and his face turned pale.

"It's the fifth-order white-nosed bear!"

"Retreat first, don't provoke it, it's important to find someone."

The monsters in the forest all have their own territory, and invading their territory will definitely anger them. Usually, they are not afraid of a fifth-level monster, but it will only take some time.

But now if he fights against this monster first, the loss outweighs the gain if the devil takes the opportunity to escape.

Without the slightest hesitation, the few people left the area with their swords. They hid in the cave without any suspicion. They had a strong sense of the territory of monsters and beasts, and they would never allow anyone or monsters to invade their territory.

On the contrary, with this bear demon here, they can completely rule out the possibility that the two of them are hiding here.

The white-nosed bear roared into the air for a while, then returned to the cave, and continued to stand trembling in front of the wooden house.

Yunli looked at the deep night outside. The Dengtai Mountains are not very big, only stretching for three thousand miles. With the ability of the monks who established the foundation, they will finish the search very quickly. If no one is found, they will definitely turn back and search every inch again.

At that time, these previously excluded and unsearched locations were their main focus.

If the senior brother's injury is forcibly taken away now, it will definitely affect the future. Besides, she can't stay for long. If Mo Huai and the others find that she is not there after they go down the mountain, they will definitely be suspicious.

Not only that, but his relationship with his cousin Ah Yan would also be suspected, maybe even the fact that they came from Liang Guo would be exposed.

She glanced at the trembling demon bear in front of her, thinking about it.

A rune was proficiently formed with both hands, and it fell into the forehead of the demon bear. Even if he was not around now, he didn't worry that it would be bad for his brother, and he could let him act as a bodyguard.

Leaning down to his ear, she whispered softly: "Brother, you must be fine, get well soon, I'll wait for you."

The mist in Hua Luo's eyes could no longer hold, dripping along the nose, this road has been chosen, there is no possibility of turning back, so he can only keep walking.

Leaving all the pills, talismans, and some spirit stones in the hut, after leaving a sound transmission talisman, she got up and went outside, and said to the demon bear: "Protect him, except for me, anyone, No monster can enter this cave, and even if you die, he can't die, understand?"

With the contract rune, the demon bear has a deeper understanding of her meaning, and there is even a faint joy in his eyes, and he nodded hurriedly.

Yunli was puzzled, the last time Ye Chuchen made this agreement, he acted like he was forced to sell himself, why is this bear happy, life and death are in the hands of others.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, she finally looked at the wooden house behind the demon bear, and her figure disappeared into the vast night in a flash.

Think about a fifth-level monster, which is too stupid, what if it encounters a higher-level monster or a human cultivator and is beaten to death.

She sensed the direction, her figure flickered, like a gust of wind floating in the forest, and half a quarter of an hour later, she stopped at the entrance of another cave. Inside the cave was a sixth-order Xuanshuangyan tiger sleeping soundly, with a nest in its arms. cubs.

Yunli entered like lightning, Huanshi Ling wrapped around it quickly, and then her breath appeared, and after suppressing the tigress, she began to draw runes out of thin air again, just as she was about to fall on the tigress' forehead, a fierce breath came from behind , Yunli dodged to avoid it, looked back to see the situation clearly, and couldn't help swallowing.

Wucao, the tiger father is back, and he is still an eighth-level Xuanshuangyan tiger!

She was weighing whether to grab the cub and threaten it, or drop the rune on the tigress before ordering her to attack her husband.

No, seeing the rune on her fingertips clearly, the tiger father shook his body, his tyrannical aura suddenly subsided, he bent his front legs, and actually half-kneeled in front of her, uttering the words: "Meet my king."

Cloud pear petrified, what is this thing talking about?
Looking at the tiger dad who bowed her head, she became vicious and courageous, so she simply controlled the rune and flew towards the tiger dad, with the eighth-level monster as the guard, the safety factor was greatly improved!
Unexpectedly, the tiger dad raised his head suddenly, and Yunli was taken aback. The rune jumped twice and barely stopped on top of its head.

Tiger Dad pointed to the rune carefully: "My lord, can this master-servant contract be concluded with my son?"

Yunli squinted at that brat who couldn't even walk steadily, what do you want him to do?Are you cute?
Seeing the disgust in Yunli's eyes, Father Tiger hastily explained: "It has awakened the blood of the ancient Xuanshuang White Tiger, and it will be able to protect the king better in the future."

That is also the future, she is in urgent need of Gao Zhan's bodyguards now.

The tiger dad is very caring, "Now the king has any needs, we used to serve the king."

As soon as it finished speaking, the trembling tigress also knelt down.

Yunli looked at the runes on her fingertips, and then at the strange tiger parents and mothers. Is there really any benefit to this contract?Or was the tiger cub paid for the phone bill?

She tentatively asked: "Do you know what the role of this master-servant contract is?"

Tiger Dad nodded, "I am willing to go through fire and water for my king, and I will do whatever I can."

Yunli weighed it for a moment, this little brat didn't look like he picked it up, and there was no need for an eighth-order Xuanshuangyan tiger to lie to her, she nodded, her fingertips moved slightly, the rune turned, and fell into the Xuanshuangyan tiger. The forehead of the Frost Flame Tiger cub.

The moment they saw the runes fall, the eyes of the male and female Xuanshuangyan tigers were filled with joy, which made Yunli very confused. Are these monsters stupid?

A master-servant contract is still the kind where the master dies and the servant follows, and the death of the servant has no effect on the master. I really can't figure out why they look like they have taken a big deal.

If she can't figure it out, she won't think about it for the time being, even if she has a plan, it's for herself, so let's deal with it first.

"follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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