all the way to fairy

Chapter 177 Chapter 1 Chapter 76 Rescue

Chapter 177 The First Strike Chapter 76 Save (4)

Bringing the family of three outside the cave of White-nosed Xiong Shi, the bear demon in the cave heard the sound, roared and rushed out, only to stop when he saw it was Yunli, blocked the entrance of the cave, and flicked his tongue at her ingratiatingly.

Yunli has a dark face, this bear is really stupid, have you ever seen it flicking its tongue to please, if she didn't feel its emotions in her head, she would have thought it was threatening.

But I still remember her order, even now there are no other outsiders who know how to block the hole with their butts, just be stupid, no one has any shortcomings.

The rune on the forehead of the white-nosed bear hadn't disappeared yet, and Yunli met Tiger's father with jealous eyes as soon as he turned his head.

She was completely speechless, and told the tiger mother and father: "You just stay outside and don't let anyone enter the cave and hurt the people inside until he leaves, you understand?"

After a pause, he continued: "My instructions must be carried out to the letter, don't play tricks, if not, go to the poor and fall to the underworld, and hunt them down to the end."

At the end of the sentence, if Sen Han's tone had any substance, the three adult monsters present believed that as long as she dared to violate her, she would definitely do what she said.

After instructing a few monsters, she dodged into the darkness again and found a fifth-level hawk. After her aura was intimidating, she covered it with a black robe, picked it up, and left. Soon there was a commotion in the forest.

"Find the whereabouts of the devil, chase after him!"

Yunli put her arms around Changying who was completely covered by the black robe, and Yukai Huanshiling kept a close distance, and every time she entered the range of the other party's consciousness, she would speed up and surpass them in an instant, and reappeared in front of them after a few breaths. within the range of his consciousness, and then increase the speed beyond it, and so on.

With a look of exhaustion and desperate escape, he successfully deceived a group of pursuers, and led them away from the range of Dengtai Mountain. They rushed thousands of miles away overnight. In the early morning, a city square appeared in front of them, and Yunli quickly obeyed. The next elixir of nourishment disappeared in the range of the opponent's consciousness again.

After flashing into the city square, she turned into an unoccupied street corner, took off her black robe and mask, adjusted her cultivation to the eighth level of Qi training, and joined the passing monks with her eagle in her arms.

A while later, at the east gate of Xili Mansion, Yunli walked slowly towards the gate with Chang Ying in his arms. When he was still a hundred meters away from the gate, a rainbow flashed across his head, and a team of city defense troops descended and sealed the gate.

"There is a demon appearing in the city, and the whole city is under martial law. Everyone who enters and exits Xili Mansion must be strictly investigated!"

The crowd stirred.

"The devil has actually arrived at Xili Mansion!"

"Didn't you say that the talented children of the Yexiao family have all been dispatched? Why can't they catch a devil?"

"It's really hard to live up to the reputation. On weekdays, one is better than the other. What is the challenge of stepping up the ranks? What is the invincibility under the golden core? What is it now? The devil is only in the early stage of foundation building. Looking at the portrait, he is younger than them. You're still young, you can't beat this, what kind of genius is it?"

"I have no light in my righteous way, so many geniuses can't help me with a Canye Pavilion killer!"

Xiao Heng, who had been chasing after Li, felt blocked when he heard the words, and wanted to refute, but found that what they said were all facts, and there was no way to refute them, so he could only direct the city defense army to work with a dark face.

Seeing that most of Xiao Heng's people shut up and retreated one after another, a few people couldn't help muttering: "Xili Mansion belongs to the Dongshan family after all, when will it be his turn to be a Central Continent man?"

Yunli glanced at the middle-aged man who was talking, "Uncle, how dare you say it, you dare to complain about the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment at the ninth level of Qi training, and it's still face to face!"

A handsome young man in front of him clasped his folding fan lightly in the palm of his hand, with a face full of sarcasm: "You don't understand this, the Xiao family lost a Jindanqi, this place will always be found, and besides , Didn’t the Taiyi Sect send a few disciples to sit in the township?”

Glancing at their costumes, Yunli suddenly realized that they also had a backer. Although the He family, a middle-class family in the Dongshan family, could not compete with the Xiao family, it was still possible to say a few words.

She turned to look at Xiao Heng, being ridiculed in such a face-to-face, she was very curious about his reaction.

I saw Xiao Heng's face flushed, and he quickly returned to normal, standing aside with a cold face, supervising the work of the city defense army.

Suddenly he looked over here, and Yunli's eyes met his unexpectedly in the air.

She blushed and smiled shyly at Xiao Heng, lowered her head in embarrassment, and buried her face in the gray feathers of the hawk in her bosom, her shy appearance was like a young girl who admired Xiao Heng's handsome face.

Her cultivation and appearance have all changed, even if Mo Huai and Su Xu appeared in front of her, it would be impossible to recognize her, let alone Xiao Heng who had never seen her face before.

It was her turn soon, and with her eighth level of Qi training, the city defense army didn't even bother to check it. They glanced at it routinely, and waved her impatiently to let her pass.

After successfully passing, she turned around and gave Xiao Heng a timid look again, and then reluctantly left.

After walking a certain distance, she patted the neck of the eagle in her arms: "Dear brother die, work has started."

The eagle spread its wings obediently, and when Yunli jumped onto its back, it raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, rushing into the sky.

At noon that day, Yunli returned to the vicinity of Dengtai Mountain again, patted Chang Ying on the back, "Thank you."

After she finished speaking, she jumped straight off Changying's back, and Changying circled twice in the air and flew into the clouds again towards the Dengtai Mountains.

She changed her cultivation back to the seventh level of Qi training again. Just now she went out of the city and looked safe, but it was not the case. A monk of the eighth level of Qi training was holding a fifth-level monster equivalent to the middle stage of human foundation building. It's eye-catching.

Now she is at the seventh level of Qi training, and when he sees Xiao Heng later, he will not associate her with the shy girl who went out of the city, which is safer.

Raising his hand to look at the orange gauze on his wrist, Mo Huai didn't know why, and he paid extra attention to her. When he saw the orange gauze, he couldn't help but think about it. Pull out a green ribbon and tie it around your wrist.

In the future, he must also pay attention to the fact that the ribbons of different colors must be tied in turn, and he must not be able to see the fact that the orange yarn is a magic weapon.

Walking to the entrance of the village, she saw Xiao Jin, the steward of Xiao's family, looking back and forth at the entrance of the village from a distance. After thinking about it, she went straight to Xiao Jin and asked, "Steward Xiao, is there no inn, restaurant, or chef here? The prepared meal is gone."

The distraught Guanshi Xiao was dumbfounded by her question, this is a small village where immortals live together, where can there be any inn and restaurant spirit chefs; moreover, even if there were, they have all been killed now.

Yunli continued to complain: "I've been looking for it all morning, but I haven't found it. Are you going to starve us to death?"

The corner of Xiao Jin's mouth twitched, the monk said that he would die of starvation or not, and he remembered how troublesome the female disciple in the late stage of foundation establishment of the Taiyi Sect was. That's disgusting, it's nothing more than tossing the two junior nephews of his own sect, and he keeps tossing them.

After arguing for most of the night, she finally took out her Linglong House to live in, leaving Xiao Jin really at a loss for what to say, what kind of farmhouse do you live in if you have a Lingling House? Is this style here to catch the devil or for sightseeing.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a fake smile: "The conditions are difficult, please overcome them more."

Yunli snorted coldly, flung her sleeves in a sharp arc, raised her head, and strode into the farmhouse arranged yesterday.

"You're back, how are you? Is he all right?"

Seeing her, An Ran hurriedly stood up.

Yunli smiled slightly, "I'm fine for the time being, and I'd like to thank you for the pills you provided. Next, we have to lure them away completely."

"That's good." An Ran let out a sigh of relief, "It's not in vain for me to pretend to be a playboy all night."

Yunli was surprised: "Don't you always be?"

An Ran raised her hand and tapped her on the top of her head, and raised her eyebrows: "What look, this princess is beautiful, sensible and dignified, and she is a model for women in Beijing!"

Mu Yan chuckled, and Yunli was also very happy, she really dared to say that she was about to become the devil in the capital, and she dared to say that she was a model girl.

After playing a few words, An Ran asked, "What's going on? How did Wei Xiaosan become the killer of Canye Pavilion?"

Yunli glanced at her Linglong House, and An Ran said: "Don't worry, even if Zhenjun Yuanying comes, I won't be able to check the situation inside. I spent all my savings on it!"

(End of this chapter)

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