all the way to fairy

Chapter 178 An Ran's Predicament

Chapter 178 An Ran's Predicament

Thinking about the Xiao Ye family who have the most foundation-building cultivation outside, they probably don't have the ability to eavesdrop. This is also a rare opportunity, far away from the Taiyi Sect, and there are no other people around.

Yunli picks and chooses the experiences of these years and tells them to them, only concealing the abnormality of her cultivation and Wei Lin's lack of celestial karma.

An Ran sighed, fate tricked people, if it wasn't because of Sijigu's nonsense, everyone arrived at Taiyi Sect smoothly, how could there be such a mess.

She rubbed her brows, "So you came to Taiyi School to be a spy?"

Yunli nodded, then shook her head again, "I'm here to find you, to see if I can make a complete antidote. Only when Devil May Cry is cured, can we regain our freedom."

"Is there any antidote given to you?"

Yunli hurriedly handed the pills to her, "Yes, yes, I gave three pills this time when I came out of the pavilion."

An Ran took the antidote and sniffed it for a while, handed it to Mu Yan who was at the side, then turned to explain to Yunli: "Ayan has a unique talent in distinguishing spiritual plants."

Yunli's eyes lit up, and she looked at Mu Yan expectantly.

Mu Yan sniffed for a while, then scratched a small piece with her nails, crushed the piece with her fingers while sniffing, and finally even tasted it, shaking her head and said: "Most of the Lingzhi know , there are three kinds of spiritual plants that I have never seen, and the worst thing is that those three are the main ingredients of this elixir."

Yunli is a little disappointed, but she also knows that this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, not to mention the materials, that is, all the materials are complete, some special medicines and special techniques, the cousin and Ayan still need to learn, so they may not have skills She doesn't feel at ease if such a deadly elixir is handed over to others for refining.

"No rush, take your time."

This matter came to an end for a while, she remembered Mo Huai's attitude towards An Ran, she inadvertently looked down on An Ran, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with Mo Huai, except for me, why do I feel that he is talking about what you need? Protection, it's as if you need more protection than Lin Xi for a period of Qi training."

An Ran froze and remained silent, while Mu Yan blinked at her, signaling her not to say this.

what happened?
Yun Li was stunned, did she say something wrong, even if her cousin was an alchemist, she was still an alchemist in the late stage of foundation establishment, even the amount of spiritual power was much higher than Lin Xi's.

An Ran let out a breath, and said to Mu Yan: "If you blink any more, your eyes will be useless."

Mu Yan bowed her head in embarrassment and counted the floor.

An Ran sneered: "There's nothing to hide, I don't know any means of attack."


Yunli's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she heard, "You don't know how to attack?"

As a monk, dangers are everywhere. This is not commonplace. If you don't know how to fight and attack, no matter how high your cultivation base is, no matter how powerful your alchemy method is, it will be in vain. If you encounter danger, you can finish it in minutes.


An Ran's eyes were full of frost, "Master won't let me learn to attack."

Yunli still had a question mark on her face. After drawing qi into her body, the first thing she should teach her disciples is to attack. Even Canglan Continent's table-footed rotten street skill Yinlingjue, the only one that comes with it, It is also the fireball technique with the strongest attack power in the five elements technique, which shows the importance of attack for monks.

Fuyu Zhenjun is the dignified Taiyi Sect's Taiqing Peak, and there must be no question of not being able to teach his apprentices. Yunli looked dignified, "What does he want to do?"

An Ran shook her head, "After apprenticeship, he taught me cultivation and alchemy, and I won't let me touch anything else."

Mu Yan was also shocked, Yunli said: "You don't know about this?"

Mu Yan shook her head, "Everyone in the sect knows that Uncle An doesn't know any offensive techniques, but we don't know that Master Fuyu didn't let him learn them. We all thought that Uncle An didn't want to learn them."

An Ran gave a wry smile: "I came from the vulgar world, and I don't know anything about the world of monks. At first I thought that the girls here just have more choices than the vulgar ones, and they don't have to learn spells."

"He has also been urging me to practice. I practice with all my strength, and I built a foundation at the age of 13."

She laughed at herself, "In the beginning I was complacent. At the age of 13, I established a foundation. Not only was it far superior to Uncle Lin Chen back then, it was rare in the entire Canglan Continent for thousands of years."

"Later, seeing that Mo Huai did not break through after reaching the ninth level of Qi training, I realized that there is such a thing as polishing the foundation."

"In the beginning, he only let me practice, and didn't let me touch anything else. It took me a long time to let him let go, and I followed him to learn alchemy. For this, I learned the most basic fire spirit art."

There was irony and sadness in her eyes, "My first spell is also the only one. I am also stupid. If I could have discovered it earlier, maybe today would be different."

Yunli held her hand, "If he intentionally obstructed you, you wouldn't be able to change anything even if you found out earlier."

Cousin is different from her. She grew up in a deep palace. Although she has seen all kinds of scheming since she was a child, it is the first time she has come into contact with a world that completely subverts her cognition.

As a disciple in charge of Yifeng, she has limited contact with people, and Zhenjun Fuyu is her master, so she is naturally convinced by him and has no defenses.

Seeing her bowing her head like a defeated rooster, Mu Yan also sighed in her heart. From the princess of a country to the person in charge of a peak, An Ran has always been the envy of the stars and everyone.

Who would have thought that after being bright, it would be all conspiracy and sinister plotting, she comforted: "We will face it together."

Yunli also said: "Ayan is right, let's face it together. Fire Spiritual Art is the foundation of all fire-type spells. After mastering Fire Spiritual Art, it will be easy to follow up with other fire-element spells. If we don't let us learn it, we can Secretly learn!"

An Ran smiled wryly: "He doesn't allow me to go out at will. If I didn't go to Taiyi Peak to see Lin Xi occasionally and follow her to Tianyun City, I would really be a canary he raised."

The matter was more serious than imagined, Yunli thought for a while and said, "So last time you didn't communicate with me on Taiyi Peak because you were afraid that he would spy on you?"

An Ran nodded, "Be careful."

Yunli thought about Dong Lu's matter for a while, and asked, "Will he have something to do with Liang Guo if he treats you like this? It doesn't make sense that so many talented people are only eyeing you."

An Ran: "Donglu?"

"You don't know yet?"

Yunli told her what she knew, Mu Yan suddenly remembered something, her body shook, and said: "It's possible, I heard some sour words from other senior sisters in the medicine garden, all the disciples of the Taiyi sect started They all have to go through the climbing ladder, except for those from our country of Liang;”

After a pause, she continued: "Not only that, but the other three major sects do not accept disciples with four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots. This rule is also an exception for us Liang people."

The three looked at each other for a long time, Yunli said: "These are just guesses, but the attack methods must be learned secretly."

She patted An Ran on the shoulder, "Don't worry too much now, your cousin is a talisman teacher, I will draw a stack for you when I have time, and if you meet an enemy, you can smash him to death with a talisman!"

She stuck out her tongue, "Now I don't have anything on my body, I leave it to my brother."

An Ran gave her a sideways glance, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise. The big stone on her heart finally lightened a little.

"Actually," Mu Yan hesitated, "alchemists are not without combat effectiveness."

Yunli and Yunli looked at her together, "What do you think?"

"Use the wrong dose of medicine, and if you use the wrong medicine, the disease will become poisonous. If you use the poison correctly, it can also save lives. Medicine and poison are mutual generation and mutual restraint."

"You mean, refining poison elixir?!" Yunli's eyes lit up, this is a good idea, as long as they get the method, they can even kill the invisible enemy.

There was a dazzling brilliance in An Ran's eyes: "Let's go back and study the Lingzhi pill."

After Xin Ran, she instructed: "In the future, we will pay more attention to the sound transmission in private, and it has nothing to do with it before."

Yunli and Mu Yan all nodded, the opponent is Yuanying Zhenjun, so you can't be too careful.

Looking at the undulating mountains behind the village, Yunli was still a little worried, and was about to touch Wei Lin again, not wanting someone with a sword coming from the direction of Xili Mansion. After a few breaths, they received a message from Xiao Jin Notification, set off for Xili Mansion immediately.

Yunli sensed the master-servant contract with the two monsters, the two runes were normal, there was no abnormality, and she felt at ease; standing on An Ran's flying sword, she looked back in the direction of Dengtai Mountain, and there was an eighth-level monster As a bodyguard, it shouldn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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