all the way to fairy

Chapter 179 Wake Up

Chapter 179 Wake Up
Arriving at the west gate of Xili Mansion again, it was already dusk, and from a distance, Mo Huai could be seen standing on the tower with a frosty face, while the city guards below were monks strictly checking in and out.

Several people directly landed on the tower with their swords, and Xiao Jin smiled all over his face: "Friend Daoist Mo."

Mo Huai glanced at Yunli, then turned his eyes and said politely: "It's hard work, Manager Xiao, Senior Sister An is the beloved disciple of Uncle Fuyu, she concentrates on alchemy and is not good at fighting, did she cause you any trouble?"

Guanshi Xiao's expression was indescribable, but he said in his mouth: "What's the matter, fellow Daoist Mo, you're being polite."

It turned out to be Zhenjun Fuyu's beloved apprentice, no wonder there was such a big show!

Mo Huai's eyes fell on Yunli again, "The two young nephews also rarely go out. If there is anything wrong, I hope Guanshi Xiao will forgive me."

"Where is there, the disciples of your sect have rules and order, and the two juniors are doing their best for Fellow Daoist An, so there is no need for us to do anything."

Yunli felt terrified when he saw him, and couldn't help but transmit An Ran: "What is Mo Huai's background? Why do I feel that he is hostile to me? Besides, I always find it strange what he said."

An Ran followed Guanshi Xiao to the city lord's mansion, and replied: "Ask Ayan, she and Mo Huai were brought back to the sect by the same master. At that time, I had already followed Uncle Lin Chen to the sect. Not as many as her."

Yunli hurriedly asked Mu Yan, who knew that Mu Yan didn't know much, so she just said, "When Zhenjun Fuyu came to pick us up in Four Seasons Valley, he already brought Master Uncle Mo Huai with him."

"Could it be that he is also a member of the Liang Kingdom, and was snatched by Fuyu Zhenjun from other sects? It's like Sijigu snatching Taiyi Sect's disciples?"

"No," Mu Yan immediately vetoed, "At that time, he was already at the second level of Qi training."

This is so strange, she asked herself that except for the people in Canye Pavilion, she didn't offend anyone else, and after going through the people who died under their hands, she didn't find anyone who had such a son or disciple of the right age. nephew.

Just as she was thinking about it, An Ran and the others stopped in front of her, and a clear voice sounded: "This is Senior Sister An, I've heard Senior Brother Su mentioning you all the time, and I'm going to the Xiao family, Xiao Heng."

An Ran smiled: "Junior Brother Xiao."

"The devil is rampant, please ask Senior Sister An to settle in the City Lord's Mansion first. Senior Brother Su has something to do right now, so he won't be able to go back until later."

An Ran suddenly lowered her eyes, then raised them quickly, "Your brother Xiao."

She doesn't like Su Xu, and after thinking about it for a while, Yunli understood the reason. Since Zhenjun Fuyu has other plans, no matter whether Su Xu knows it or not, he is playing the role of Zhenjun Fuyu's eyes and ears.

The protector on the surface and the monitor in reality, no matter who they are.

Yunli's eyes fell on the long spear in Xiao Heng's hand. It was blood red all over, exuding a strong murderous aura. The blade of the spear was very peculiar, with a slight arc in the middle.

The wounds caused by such gun blades will also have their own characteristics, the sides of the wounds will be extraordinarily deep, and the incisions will be severely everted, which is not suitable for healing.

She stared for a while, Xiao Heng was slightly puzzled, "Does this nephew know me, Chili?"

Yunli shook her head, "It's called Chili? It sounds really nice, and the gun is also beautiful."

The eyes of An Ran and the others also fell on his long spear. Mu Yan didn't understand magic weapons at all. Apart from feeling murderous, she didn't feel anything special. She nodded politely and didn't speak.

An Ran didn't understand these weapons either, but felt that the gun was of good quality, and praised in general: "Good gun!"

Xiao Heng obviously treasured his long spear. Hearing this, the smile on his face became much more real. He twisted his fingertips back and forth on the gun, and after exchanging a few words of pleasantries, he told Xiao Jin: "Take care of Senior Sister An and the two young ladies. Nephew."


Watching Xiao Heng leave, Yunli squinted her eyes slightly to hide the coldness in her eyes, her heart was filled with anger, it seemed that he was the one who slashed the injury on the senior brother's face, and she had written down the grudge.
Cold, extremely cold.

The whole person is like being in an ice cellar, surrounded by bone-chilling ice, it seems that even his soul is frozen, he has forgotten who he is, and he doesn't remember why he is in such a place.

He wanted to curl up to keep warm, but the strength in his body disappeared completely with the passing of heat, and he couldn't even move his fingers, let alone curl up.

Faintly, someone was crying in the ear, the voice was indistinct, as if it came from the sky, and it was inaudible.

The man cried more and more, hot tears fell on his face, and with his stiff face, they slid down to his ears and chest, and then slowly soaked into his heart.

His frozen heart thawed out, and it twitched uncontrollably. It hurt so much, as if someone important was about to be lost.

The crying sound became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.


He shouted silently, desperately trying to control his body, his stiff body slowly responded, finally, he regained control of his body, and suddenly opened his eyes.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes, he took a few breaths, Wei Lin raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, this action touched the wound on his body, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

The forest at night was very quiet, except for his own rapid breathing and the heavy panting of monsters outside, there was nothing else.

He lay there blankly for a while, closed his eyes for a long time, and sat up.

Without taking out the fluorescent stone for lighting, everything was clearly visible under his consciousness. He saw the storage bag on the table and the sound transmission talisman next to it.

Reaching out to take the sound transmission talisman and crushing it, a familiar voice rang in my ear, "Brother, I'll go and lure them away first, and you can heal your injuries before leaving."

After hearing a lot of Yunli's nagging, he curled his lips in a funny way. Under such circumstances, he still dawdled and said a lot.

After checking the things in the house, he got up and walked out of the house. The white-nosed bear turned to look at him, and silently moved out of the way.

He knew about this bear demon, he was still conscious at that time, and saw Ali subdue it, since Ali still kept it here, he naturally made the most appropriate arrangements, and he was not worried.

The next moment, he found an eighth-level monster and a sixth-level monster outside, and his heart tightened, and he suddenly called out the Li Lijian.

Xuanshuangyanhu outside the cave also heard the noise inside the cave, and wanted to come in. Just as he reached the entrance of the cave, the quiet white-nosed bear rushed out and roared at Xuanshuangyanhu.

Wei Lin was startled, the fifth-level monster dared to roar at the eighth-level monster!

Thinking about it again, the eighth-level monster definitely didn't appear outside the cave just now, and the white-nosed bear didn't react before. It must be Ah Li's method to make the eighth-level monster and the fifth-level monster live in peace.

Xuanshuang Yanhu yelled at the white-nosed bear a few times. Wei Lin, who didn't understand animal language, naturally didn't know what exactly he yelled, but the two sides didn't reach a settlement, because the white-nosed bear was still blocking the entrance of the cave.

Helpless, Xuanshuang Yanhu communicated with Wei Lin in human language: "My lord, I am ordered by my king to protect you. How do you feel now?"

My king?What the hell?

Wei Lin was in a state of confusion, but he didn't show it on his face. He pointed at the sword in his hand, "The eighth-order Xuanshuang Yanhu?"

"My lord, you misunderstood. I don't mean to hurt you. I am here to protect you by the king's order."

Wei Lin was still confused, he didn't know any demon king.And an eighth-level monster said to protect him, heh, he still thinks it's more likely that it wants to eat him.

Xuanshuang Yanhu was very frustrated. It was a majestic eighth-level monster, but in Wang's heart, it could not be compared with this stupid bear with a low cultivation level. Even the adults whom the king wanted to protect trusted this stupid bear more.

It growled a few times angrily at the white-nosed bear, and then Wei Lin saw the white-nosed bear turning his head proudly, looking down on Xuanshuang Yanhu.

Wei Lin felt that his three views were shattered, this one's cultivation was far inferior, and his bloodline was also inferior, why was it so arrogant?
Also, logically, shouldn't Xuanshuang Yanhu, who was provoked in this way, roar and rush over to tear it apart?
So, what did Ali do to make these two monsters so abnormal.

Wei Lin carefully observed the two monsters, and suddenly saw a faint golden rune on the forehead of the white-nosed bear that hadn't completely dissipated.

"Master and servant keep promise."

He suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the white-nosed bear kept guarding outside the house so hard.

Xuanshuang Yanhu said in astonishment: "You know this?!"

Wei Lin wondered, shouldn't he know this?

Xuanshuang Yanhu's attitude became even more respectful, "This is the highest master-servant contract of our demon clan. It is passed down through blood, and only we demon cultivators know about it."

(End of this chapter)

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