all the way to fairy

Chapter 180 Xiao Jin

Chapter 180 Xiao Jin
"Since the king told you this, it means he approves of you."

Although he was still confused, he finally knew who the king it was talking about. Wei Lin couldn't help but have black lines all over his face, so how did Ah Li fool the monsters and become their king.

Seeing that Wei Lin and Xuanshuangyanhu had a happy conversation, the white-nosed bear was very depressed. It moved the rune on its forehead closer to Wei Lin, and turned its head to look at Xuanshuangyanhu provocatively.

Wei Lin glanced at it, then at Xuanshuang Yanhu, "You don't have a master-servant contract?"

At first, he thought that Xuanshuangyanhu's agreement had been completely lost in his mind, after all, Ye Chuchen was like this back then, and now seeing the reaction of the two demons, he realized that Xuanshuangyanhu had not concluded the contract.

Xuanshuang Yanhu nodded depressedly, if Wang found them first, there would be nothing wrong with this stupid bear.

Seeing the wariness on Wei Lin's face again, he hurriedly said, "My son has concluded a contract."

As he spoke, he hurriedly signaled the tiger mother to bring her cub over.

The color of the rune on the forehead of the Xuanshuang Yanhu cub is more obvious, it is golden and has not yet dissipated.

Wei Lin rubbed his brows, didn't understand Yunli's operation, and didn't understand the strange thoughts of this group of monsters, he turned back and put away the cabin, and asked, "You guys, cough, where did the king go?"

Xuanshuangyanhu naturally answered without reservation, and after getting the information he wanted, Wei Lin was about to leave, but Xuanshuangyanhu said eagerly: "My lord, can you tell the king so that my cub can follow you?" King?"

Wei Lin glanced at the little tiger cub who hadn't been weaned yet, he was no longer shocked that the monster asked to be the spiritual pet of the monk, after all, he had seen even more magical things.

Xuanshuangyanhu continued to fight and said: "Although it is still young, our Xuanshuangyanhu is good at fighting. When it grows up, it will be able to follow my king to fight everywhere!"

Wei Lin shook his head, "Go ask her yourself."

Although Ah Li loves all kinds of silly and cute little animals, he has no intention of raising them, and he is afraid that she will raise him to death for a cub that has not yet been weaned.

Saying goodbye to the monsters, Wei Lin pretended to go out of Dengtai Mountain. He heard some news from some monks on the way, and after putting it together, he guessed that the children of the Yexiao family were lured to Xili Mansion by Yunli. .

He brushed the Li Li sword with his fingertips, and the golden liquid sealed in the center of the blade was as clear as gold.

When he was hunted down to a desperate situation and the Dao of Heaven was acting maliciously again, the feather golden liquid sealed in the sword suddenly burst into brilliant light, a little spark flew out of it, and Fengyinyuan was ignited in an instant, a raging fire Swallowed all the monks who hunted him down.

That spark was very much like Ah Li's crimson flames, no spells could extinguish it, no matter people or things, as long as it was contaminated, there was no chance of survival.

It wasn't until all the pursuers died in the fire that a little spark flew back to the sword, and at the same time, Tiandao's malice completely subsided.

The injury is healed, and there is no heavenly way to look at it, so naturally I have to vent my anger.
Ye Xiao's two children, together with the Chengfang army, turned the Xili Mansion upside down, but they didn't find any trace of Wei Lin.

In the past two days, the geniuses of the two families have been very irritable. When the search goes wrong, they will get angry, making the people in the city below miserable. It is common for monks to fight fiercely along the way. Because of power, he won't really do it, but what he says will not be nice.

How can these young masters stand up to their gossip, there are no large-scale fights, but there are constant small frictions.

Arm in arm, Yunli and Mu Yan wandered leisurely in the streets and alleys of Xili Mansion, which made An Ran envious.

It's a pity that they haven't found a suitable opportunity to make their relationship naturally intimate, and it's not easy for An Ran to show her intimacy to Yunli in front of others.

Of course, this period of time is also a rare opportunity for her. Zhenjun Fuyu is far away in the sky, and Su Xu who is close in front of him is busy arresting Wei Lin. Apart from Mu Yanyunli, there is no other Taiyi sect by his side. She naturally wanted to take the opportunity to study spells well.

Thanks to her hard work on the basics of fire magic, learning other fire spells is more effective. In just a few days, she has already learned a lot of basic fire spells, and she is currently consolidating them.

In the restaurant, she gnawed away the last piece of snow-toothed diamond trotter, Yunli belched contentedly, Mu Yan looked at the neatly stacked dishes in front of her, and skillfully covered her face with a teacup , all over his face, 'I'm just a table sharing person, I don't know who this foodie is. '

Yunli stretched out her hand to brush away her teacup, and said with a smile, "Don't stand in the way, you've been with me for three times, the shopkeeper and the waiter both know us."

Mu Yan was struggling for the last time: "I don't know the other guests."

Yunli shrugged, "Deceive yourself."

Many people here are regular customers. She shook her head and looked out of the window comfortably. This location is not the best, and there is no bustling street outside the window, but a remote corner with several houses interspersed with each other.

She was about to look back, when suddenly a person came from below, with a hasty expression and a very familiar face, it was Xiao Jin whom she had seen every day these days.

He walked to the innermost wall, looked around vigilantly, Yun Li shrank back, Mu Yan put down the teacup, and asked silently.

Yunli shook her head, it is very impolite to use her spiritual sense to investigate others, and if found out, it will anger the other party, and here is a restaurant with people coming and going, so Xiao Jin would definitely not dare to use his spiritual sense to investigate.

After waiting for about a breath, she straightened up again and looked over, only to see Xiao Jin taking out a sound transmission talisman from a brick, seeing the talisman clearly, Yunli shrank hard in her heart, and retracted her body again.

On the sound transmission talisman, the bloody full moon is so familiar, it is a special totem for special missions in Canye Pavilion, she has crushed it with her own hands more than once, and she will never admit it.

Xiao Jin is from Canye Pavilion!

Yun Li was horrified, Canye Pavilion had already infiltrated the Xiao family to such an extent, Xiao Jin was one of the stewards of the Xiao family, at least the stewards of the Xiao family could not hide anything from him, and he knew everything about most of the masters. Chu.

The Xiao family has been infiltrated to this point, and the Ye family, which is as famous as the Xiao family, will not be much different, so it seems that only the four major factions are the blind spots of Can Ye Pavilion.

She changed her mind to think about the last time when she returned from Xili Mansion, she met Xiao Jin at the entrance of the village. At that time, she thought it was natural and deliberately stepped forward to chat with Xiao Jin. At that time, she easily fooled Xiao Jin.

Thinking about it now, it was very likely that he was also waiting for news from Canye Pavilion at that time, and wanted to send her away.

She blinked, at this time, what will Xiao Jin's mission be?

When he looked out the window again, Xiao Jin had already walked out of the corner, Yunli made a decisive decision and followed immediately.

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, put the food box on the table into the storage bag, and silently followed her.

The two followed from a distance, but saw Xiao Jin go straight back to the City Lord's Mansion.

After thinking about it, Yunli simply stepped forward and stopped him, "Guanshi Xiao, what a coincidence, did you just come back?"

Xiao Jin glanced at the two of them and said, "Yes, there is something urgent that needs to be dealt with."

"Then you are busy first."

Yunli stretched out her hand very understandingly, and made a gesture of invitation. The moment she stretched out her hand, a grain of sand silently fell on Xiao Jin's clothes, rolling into the dark pattern embroidery on it.

After finishing all this, she obediently dragged Mu Yan back to the guest room, without showing any intention of eavesdropping.

Say goodbye to Mu Yan at the gate of the courtyard as usual, then turn around and walk towards Mo Huai's courtyard.

Before she could go back to her own room, she heard Xiao Jin's eager and joyful voice in the sea of ​​consciousness: "There is news, the devil Qianjiu has appeared in Shanghe Mansion."

Yunli paused, and the murderous look in his eyes disappeared. There is no need to doubt that the news about the sound transmission talisman just now must be what he said now. It is obvious that Can Yege is actively leaking it to the righteous people.

She only had this guess before, but now that it has been thoroughly confirmed, she is still very angry.

She took a deep breath and continued walking towards the house, Xiao Heng's quiet analysis sounded in her mind, "Shanghe Mansion is not far from here, and the devil just slipped away from Xili Mansion!"

Then came Mo Huai's hesitant voice: "Where did the news about Guanshi Xiao come from? Is it reliable?"

Xiao Heng's tone couldn't hide his pride: "Naturally, this is an intelligence line of my Xiao family. The news has always been reliable. The news about the devil before was obtained through this intelligence line."

 Thanks to Misty Miyue for the monthly ticket, thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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