all the way to fairy

Chapter 181 Interest

Chapter 181 Interest (1)

The murderous intent in Yunli's eyes was awe-inspiring, and the Remnant Ye Pavilion was a good means, and she even disguised her information base as the Xiao family's. No, such a secret line, Lan Shu has not taken over the Remnant Ye Pavilion, so it is impossible for her to know.

She was startled, Lan Shu was not the only one responsible for this leak, so which high-ranking person would it be, the pavilion master or the deputy pavilion master?Or who is the lore?

On the other hand, Mo Huai's suspicion did not diminish at all, "So that's how it is. I heard that the senior brothers of the Xiao family are always able to spot the trace of the devil at the first time, and there are some unruly people who speculate that it is the Xiao family and Canye Pavilion. There is collusion, it is indeed a superficial person, how can I know the background of the Xiao family!"

These words are heartbreaking. These days, there are quite a few people who speculate like this, but none dare to say it in front of Xiao Heng.

"Junior Mo praises, in terms of background, which faction in Canglan Continent is better than Guizong, it's just that someone took advantage of the devil's unawares, left some tricks on him, and then tracked him with Lei Jifalcon, this is the first time It’s just a matter of time to find the trace of the devil.”

After a pause, he said again: "It's just that the smell is getting weaker now, and it's much more difficult for Lei Ji Falcon to find it."

Yunli exhaled lightly, the so-called method is the powder of the bamboo spirit butterfly, it will take three months to completely dissipate.

That being the case, the news that the senior brother appeared in Shanghe Mansion is true, why don't you stay away from here when the injury is healed, Shanghe Mansion is very close to Xili Mansion.

She had a headache and was playing with the green ribbon on her wrist. She had to end the information line of Canye Pavilion first. Now she couldn't deal with Lanshu, and she couldn't deal with the people behind the scenes, but she had to charge some interest!

In the sea of ​​consciousness, everyone was ready to leave for Shanghe Mansion, Yunli hadn't figured out what to do, Mo Huai and Su Xu came together.

Su Xu: "Nephew Yun, we have urgent matters to leave now, please protect my little master."

Yunli smiled, "Uncle Su, don't worry, I will guard Uncle An every step of the way."

After she finished speaking, she blinked her eyes, and looked at Su Xu expectantly, I helped you with your work, do I have to show something?
Su Xu is indeed a considerate child, immediately understood what she meant, and took out a small bag of spirit stones and handed it to her: "This will bother my nephew."

Yunli smiled happily, and grabbed the bag, "Oh, Master Uncle is just too polite!"

Su Xu laughed, while Mo Huai's face was gloomy, his eyes did not hide his dislike for her, "Insatiable greed."

Yunli ignored him, and just looked at Su Xu silly. The more she looked at Su Xu, the more she felt that he was pretty and very pleasing.

These days, whenever Su Xu entrusts her to help protect An Ran, he will give a tip, and Yunli makes a small profit because of this.

Mo Huai may feel that it is very embarrassing to have such a Daoist boy who sees money openly, and his nose is not his nose, and his eyes are not his eyes.

However, she didn't care at all, for such a stingy guy, the fixed salary for being a Taoist boy was no more than the part-time bodyguard for his cousin, earning much more from Su Xu.

After Mo Huai said "Don't run around" with a cold face, he left with Su Xu.

Yunli hurried to An Ran's side to explain something, and then put all her attention on Xiao Jin.

For a whole day, Xiao Jin didn't do anything else, An Xin sat behind the city lord's mansion, and just when Yunli suspected that he would not make any moves in a short time, he left the mansion.

Yunli hurried out of the city lord's mansion with an earth escape talisman, sensed the sand on his body, and touched it in the direction.

Because of the pursuit, these days and nights, there were not many people on the streets of Xilifu, Yunli did not dare to follow too closely, but fortunately there was sand, so she was not worried about getting lost.

Follow along, the clear thoughts in her mind cleared, she was slightly startled, senior brother!

Wei Lin on the other side also sensed her presence, and quickly came over, and said via voice transmission: "At this time, you are not staying in the City Lord's Mansion, what are you doing?"

Yunli smiled brightly, looking at this nimble skill, it seems that the injury is completely healed.

She pouted in the direction Xiao Jin left: "The manager of the Xiao family is from Can Ye Pavilion, and I plan to follow him to find the stronghold of Can Ye Pavilion and collect some interest."

After finishing speaking, there was no surprise on Wei Lin's face, "You also know that he is from Canye Pavilion?"

Wei Lin let out a soft 'hmm'. He had been hunted down for three full months. He had discovered this a long time ago, but he never had a chance to make a move.

Looking at each other, everything is silent.

"Don't follow him yet, he's not going in the direction of the stronghold."

After Wei Lin finished speaking, he dragged her around to a cassock shop, and the two of them sneaked in like ghosts.


In the room at the door, the guard who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes and looked around in surprise. A cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and then he felt a chill on his neck, and the numbness quickly spread to his whole body.

At this time, the treetops in front of the window were shaken by the night wind, revealing a few strands of gentle moonlight.

Outside the window, a girl with a full face of innocence winked at him playfully, and then his eyes went dark. At the last moment of losing consciousness, he saw a familiar figure behind the girl sitting against a tree trunk, with strangle marks on her neck. shocking.

Wei Lin stretched out his hand to catch the weakened guard, the spiritual power from his fingertips gushed out to seal his wound, preventing the blood from spreading, and then gently put him on the ground.

Afterwards, the two each found a direction and walked through the shop. After a few breaths, the sound of breathing in the shop completely disappeared, and it was as quiet as a dead building.

This is just a small stronghold, and there is only one person stationed at the early stage of foundation establishment, and the rest of them are all on the ninth floor of Qi training. It is a small cassock shop, and the number of high-level monks is more eye-catching, so most of the intelligence personnel are underground.

Swinging away his spiritual sense, he checked the surroundings little by little, but he didn't find anything, Wei Lin frowned: "There should be a formation or object at the organ to isolate the detection of the spiritual sense, look for it."

It seems that the consciousness is useless, so Yunli simply took out the fluorescent stone to illuminate it, and suggested: "Let's go to the inner room first."

Although the most dangerous place is the safest place, but the cassock shop, the outer shop is full of people, who knows which cheap customer accidentally touched the trap, so the possibility of the trap being set in the inner room is even greater.

The first place they went to was the monk's house at the early stage of foundation establishment. The furnishings in the room were very simple, a futon, a long table, a celadon tea set, a lamp, and nothing else.

Yunli couldn't help feeling emotional: "Tsk tsk, it seems like a cultivator."

Things that can isolate the detection of the spiritual sense, there must be something sheltered outside. In this room, apart from the surrounding walls, there is only the floor covered by the futon, the long table under the tea set, and the lampshade.

They checked the futon and tea set in two or three, and finally their eyes focused on the exquisite lampshade.

Looking at the small mechanism inside the lampshade, Yunli couldn't help being speechless: "It's too simple to hide, nothing new."

Wei Lin said: "The shop outside is the biggest disguise, a tepid shop, a few shrewd but hard-working shop assistants, not eye-catching at all, who would have thought that this place is actually Can Ye of Xili Mansion The intelligence base of the cabinet. If it is already suspected, no matter how deep the room is hidden, it will not help."

Yunli thought about it for a moment, and suddenly realized that it made sense. If the killer in Canye Pavilion failed in his mission, he would die if he went back. If he took refuge in the righteous way and had no antidote to Devil May Cry, he would still die.

Therefore, if this place is exposed, there is no need for them to escape, and there is no need to set up complicated mechanisms to buy time.

After the mechanism was activated, the wall behind shook and suddenly turned over, revealing an entrance for one person to pass through.

After collecting the fluorescent stones, they walked along the dark corridor. After walking for an unknown amount of time, they reckoned that they had already left Xili Mansion. After walking for a while, there were faint voices, and the two of them were even more careful. A light and fluttering shadow didn't make the slightest sound.

Slowly, they have been infinitely close.

The front opened up. This is an underground cave. The fluorescent stones and night pearls on the top of the cave illuminate it as if it were daytime. The corridors extend in all directions. From time to time, monks wrapped in black robes rush past.

What's more, when a man in a black robe and silver decoration passed in front of them, he glanced at this side. The silver decoration on his shoulder was a pattern they were all too familiar with.

After confirming that this place is indeed Can Ye's person, the two simply walked over there.

(End of this chapter)

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