all the way to fairy

Chapter 183 Interest

Chapter 183 Interest (3)

The next moment, his complexion was pale, and there was clearly a word 'thousand' on the silver jewelry!

His body trembled uncontrollably, and he staggered towards the cave where the Thunder Falcon was raised. In just a few breaths, he arrived at the cave. However, there was no one inside, not only that, but all the Thunder Falcons were also unknown. trace.

Qian Jiu really came to the door, so I have to tell Master Ming Qi immediately!

He turned around and flew towards Ming Qi's cave, on the way a shrill cry resounded through the cave, followed by the chaotic chirping of Lei Ji Falcon.

On the other side, Wei Lin looked at Yunli who was screaming, and felt that this group of Lei Ji Falcons was unnecessary, even though he had closed his ears and couldn't hear her screaming.

But since Lei Ji Falcon retreated one after another, and even some of them couldn't bear the burst of energy when she screamed and died, one can imagine how loud her scream was.

The empty and airtight room caused the sound to reverberate in the room over and over again, endlessly. Ming Qi in the inner room was excited by the sharp sound, and the sea of ​​consciousness shook and rolled, as if a boulder had been thrown into a calm lake, setting off a thousand layers of waves. .

The dense spiritual energy in the room was also shaken by the sound waves, and the violent spiritual energy entered the meridians and dantian, causing the spiritual energy in his body to start to riot.

Finally, he couldn't hold it any longer, spit out a mouthful of bright blood, and the hair crown on his head was also burst by the surging energy.

Outside the house, the culprit was still screaming: "Uncle Master—it's not good—the Lei Ji Falcon has run away—"

Although the sound was much lower than the sound of thunder on the dry land just now, but in conjunction with the chaotic sound of thunder and falcons outside, the listener's scalp tightened and his mood became irritable. A mouthful of blood.

Forcibly suppressing the fishy sweetness that was rolling in his chest, Ming Qi reached out and grabbed it out in a rage, shouting: "You son of a bitch from over there, you want to die!"

He knew very well that the visitor was not good, and almost everyone in this stronghold knew that he was at a critical juncture of attacking the realm, and they would never dare to disturb him, let alone such a deliberate scream.

Normally, after such a thing happened, he would definitely be cautious and never open the door easily.

But right now, he is extremely irritable, and his anger is surging in his heart, clamoring to tear up the little demon girl who is still screaming outside, not to mention, he easily discovered that the enemy's cultivation base is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment and It's just the initial stage of foundation building.

The stern hand grabbed a piece of soft gauze, and then, before he could react, burst symbols were thrown into the room following the door he opened.

After throwing away the talisman, Wei Lin slammed the door shut and locked it firmly with the Mo Li sword.

Boom boom boom!
The entire training room was bombarded and jolted non-stop, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake was happening below.

The defensive formation in the training room did not cut corners at all, it was very strong, and such a stack of explosion symbols was not damaged in any way, but Ming Qi suffered a lot, completely withstood all the explosions and was hit by the air wave They ran amok and fell back and forth in the small training room.

At this time, other spies from the Canye Pavilion who heard the sound came over, "There is an enemy attack, protect the uncle!"

"You stay on guard first."

After finishing speaking, Wei Lin raised his sword and rushed out. This time, he didn't wear a mask.

"Thousands and nines!"

Seeing his face clearly, all the monks suddenly felt their legs go limp. They were people who didn't know him well in the Remnant Ye Pavilion before. In the past three months, they, who were responsible for passing on his location information, were very concerned about his battle. Power has a very deep understanding.

The Jindan Daoist in the early stage did not stop him, but was killed by him in Fengyinyuan, and none of them survived; not to mention the Foundation Establishment cultivator behind, who would die if they met.

Without thinking, they began to flee.

Following three screams, Wei Lin read softly: "One, two, three."

The fleeing people immediately understood that he was counting people, and their hearts were even more flustered, scrambling to the outside.

Facing your back to the enemy, you can only die faster. With a cup of tea, the screams outside the house are much less.

Yunli looked towards the practice room expressionlessly, "Uncle, if you don't come out again, all of your subordinates will be killed, and you won't have any helpers at that time."

The threat of death made Ming Qi in the room completely calm down. He tremblingly took out the elixir from the storage bag and took it, running the exercises crazily.

Yunli shrugged her shoulders, she dared to try to recover her luck at this time, she was quite courageous.

She stretched out her hand to Lei Ji Falcon in the room: "Little guys, come and sing a requiem for our Uncle Ming Qi."

Receiving her signal, the Lei Ji Falcons began to chirp indiscriminately again. This piercing sound, not to mention cultivation, even if they didn't do anything, it was disturbing to hear.

Ming Qi made a decisive decision, sealed his ear consciousness, and concentrated on practicing kung fu.

Yunli sent him a voice transmission directly: "Tsk tsk, the majestic Jindan Daoist, it's shameless to bully a group of little birds who don't know how to use their spiritual sense. Don't worry, little ones, my sister will definitely seek justice for you!"

She cleared her throat and began to sing through voice transmission: "La la la, la la la, la la plant the sun, when that time comes."

Ming Qi's forehead bulged, and he opened his eyes angrily, simply took the elixir and absorbed it by his body.

Until dawn, Xiao Jin will come here to get the news, he will be suspicious if he doesn't get the news, Ye Xiao and his family are still chasing Qian Jiu, they must not dare to stay for long.

At this moment, Wei Lin also came back, looking at Shang Yunli's questioning eyes, he said calmly, "Not one will be left."

Yunli's heart trembled, and then she regained her composure. She turned her eyes to look at the training room, a silk and a sword flew out at the same time, and the defensive formation on the training room was activated, emitting bursts of light.

As Ling and Jian continued to attack, the light of the defensive formation became weaker and weaker, and Ming Qi inside was terrified. It turned out that the little demon girl was lying to him just now.

It's not that they don't have the ability to deal with the defensive formation in the training room, but they are waiting for Qianjiu to deal with the other people outside.

He was annoyed that he had made a big mistake. Since they dared to appear here, they had the idea of ​​annihilating this place. He should go out immediately and let those disciples escape quickly. In that case, they would definitely chase after him. Runaway.

However, it was too late to say anything at the moment, seeing the defensive formation that was about to collapse, he stopped waiting, and suddenly withdrew the formation, and slapped the two outside the room with his palm.

The two turned around to dodge together, Ming Qi took advantage of this opportunity and shot out like a sharp arrow. As soon as he flew out of the house, he felt his feet tighten, and then a strong force pulled him away. go back.

Ming Qi grasped the stone wall of the tunnel with his big hand and then let go, turned his body several times in the air, and when he turned around again, a long knife condensed with spiritual power suddenly appeared in his hand, and slashed fiercely at Ling on his feet.

Before his long knife cut the silk, a blue long sword swept towards his neck, Ming Qi had no choice but to give up the silk on his feet, and hurriedly backed away.

This time's pursuit, as famous as Qian Jiu's, was his natal magical weapon, which was extremely sharp, and even the Linggang of the Jindan stage could pierce through it without any hindrance.

Naturally, he didn't want to take the sword head-on. He was trying his best to avoid the long sword's attack. The Huanshiling had already reached his ankles, twisting and twisting.

Yunli didn't wrap around and tighten immediately, but controlled Huan Shiling to keep a one-inch distance from his body, and when Huan Shiling had already wrapped around his legs, she suddenly retracted. Tight Fantasy World Ling.

Ming Qi, who was concentrating on dodging and dodging, was caught off guard by the combination of his legs, his body was unstable, and he fell straight down. Wei Lin would not let such an opportunity pass, he stomped on the top stone wall with his toes, and stabbed with his sword. Xiang Mingqi.

Ming Qi was terrified, and backhanded his long knife to resist. Wei Lin felt a little weird, and before he had time to think about it, the long knife collapsed in just a few breaths. Seeing that Mo Lijian was about to pierce Ming Qi's heart, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and finally Be aware of what's weird.

Since the battle, Ming Qi has never used his natal magic weapon, even the moment when his life was hanging by a thread, he didn't use it.

Without hesitation, Wei Lin gave up the opportunity of being so close, and suddenly opened the distance, a thin needle like ink slipped past his cheek.

The ink needle was nailed to the nearby stone wall, and there was a sizzling sound, and a large piece of the stone wall was corroded instantly.


(End of this chapter)

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