all the way to fairy

Chapter 184 Interest

Chapter 184 Interest (4)

After evading, Wei Lin rushed towards Ming Qi again, and Mo Lijian stabbed into his heart without hesitation.

Ming Qi also started desperately, this ink needle was his biggest hole card, he would never use it unless he was in a desperate situation, but every time it appeared, it was a needle that hit the enemy, instantly turning the tide of the battle.

If the ink needle misses, Ming Qi knows that he will surely die today, his eyes are scarlet, even if he dies, he will have to hold his back!

It's so embarrassing, he is a dignified Jindan real person, and he was cheated by two juniors with such despicable means, so that he couldn't even display a tenth of his original strength.

Even if he was able to kill the two of them in the first place, the little demon girl's voice at the beginning was enough for him, not to mention advanced in the later stage, if one's cultivation does not regress, one must say good luck.

Ming Qi's eyes were burning with madness, and directed the folded ink needle to shoot at Wei Lin's back again. The toxin on the ink needle is the result of various poisons mixed for many years. skin, not to mention a small initial stage of foundation establishment.

The madness in his eyes became more and more intense, so what about the genius of swordsmanship, no matter how exquisite the swordsmanship is, if it is contaminated with his poison, there will be no bones left!
Just when the ink needle hit Wei Lin's back heart, the thin orange gauze pierced obliquely, blocked the ink needle, then rolled it up and threw it aside, the madness in Ming Qi's eyes stopped abruptly.

He growled unwillingly: "No——"

His ink needle has made many arrogant people hate it.

However, the cold long sword had already been inserted into his heart, taking away his strength.

Looking at Ming Qi who closed her eyes, Yunli let out a deep breath, "It's too insidious!"

Who would have thought that his natal magic weapon turned out to be a needle!As expected of a spy, this insidious method is simply impossible to guard against.

Glancing at the black needle inserted into the ground several meters deep and then corroding the surrounding mudstone, Yunli couldn't help praising: "It's so sharp!"

She just stopped it and threw it away casually, but the needle was easily inserted several meters deep. If the poison on it hadn't corroded the surrounding rock mud, the naked eye might not be able to see where the needle is now.

Wei Lin looked at Ming Qi thoughtfully: "Natural artifacts are usually stored in the dantian for warming. Where would he put such a poisonous needle?"

"Could it still be Dantian?"

Yunli's eyes lit up, if Ming Qizhen put the ink needle in his dantian, then he would be a poisonous person, and he could do something to trick the Canyege people who came to check for abnormalities.

It's a pity that when the divine sense probed into his body, no toxin was found.

Wei Lin couldn't help but give her a blank look: "What are you thinking? Who is so insane that he transformed his body into a den of poison."

Yunli sticks out her tongue, saying that the book kills people, but is there really no such person who practices poisonous kung fu?

After thinking about it, she reminded, "There must be a lot of poison in his storage bag."

Opening his storage bag, sure enough, a cyan jar was half filled with pitch-black venom. Yunli rolled her eyes and thought of An Ran, "This poison and this needle are very suitable. Cousin."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and asked, "Huh?"

Yunli made a long story short, "Her master has ulterior motives and forbids her to learn any attacking techniques."


"Well, I don't know his purpose yet. The ink needle is hidden, and the venom is hard to detect. It is very suitable for her."

Wei Lin nodded, thought for a moment, and said: "The poison on the ink needle can hurt others and easily hurt yourself. Besides, the emergence of this kind of evil poison will definitely attract attention. In this way, the ink needle cannot be used frequently. gone."

Yunli pursed her lips, "Then get rid of the poison on it. Although the lethality has decreased, there are not so many worries in using it."

Wei Lin wrapped the ink needle with spiritual power and pulled it out from the ground, a bright flame wrapped around it, and under the high temperature contact, the ink needle was surrounded by a hazy blue color.

As time passed, Yunli turned out all the storage bags of the rest of the monks, and the poison on the ink needle was only removed superficially.

She held her forehead, it seemed that the toxin was very stubborn, "I'll do it."

"Can your crimson flame be summoned?"

Wei Lin remembered that it took her more than half an hour to call out Fei Yan last time.

"Uh," Yunli said suddenly, the arrogant Feiyan, she really can't call it out as she likes now, "Let's deal with this first, I will call it out slowly when I have time."

As she spoke, she ejected a burst of spiritual power, directly dragged the ink needle into the poison jar, and quickly closed the lid.

After burning all the bodies, the two left in a hurry.

Now, it's Xiao Jin's turn.

After finding the exit, the two discovered that the underground cave was located in a small town at the junction of Zhongzhou and Dongshan, thousands of miles away from Xili Mansion.

Yunli clicked her tongue twice, "It's really like a mouse, digging holes everywhere."

There is not only this one exit in the cave, they just found the nearest one, thinking of the one they took from the casket shop in Xili Mansion, I am afraid that all other exits are related to Yicheng.

Wei Lin smiled, "Don't dispose of the corpses in the casket shop, keep it for the Ye Xiao family, and let them take care of the rest of the stronghold, and mess up the pool as you please."

Yunli rolled her eyes, and immediately answered, "Use Xiao Jin to lead the Xiao family over!"

She sensed the location of the imprint of divine consciousness, and went directly to find him. When she found him, Xiao Jin was coming out of a house, with a smug face, walking leisurely towards the city lord's mansion.

Glancing at each other, Yunli pointed her toes and emerged from the corner, "Uncle Shi, you're so happy, did you pick up a spirit stone?"

"Nephew Yun! Why are you here?" Xiao Jin was taken aback by her sudden appearance, and immediately asked suspiciously, "What did you call me just now?"

Although she is in the foundation building stage and she is in the Qi training stage, it is not an exaggeration to call her a master uncle, but these days, this little girl has been taking care of each other, so why did she suddenly change her mind?

He lowered his head, the tip of the sword glowing with faint blue light under the moonlight, it was cold to the bone, a drop of bright red blood fell from the blade, and there was nothing on the blade. Dutiful blood.

A cold voice rang in my ears, "She calls you, uncle."

It's Qianjiu!
After this idea appeared in Xiao Jin's mind, he completely lost consciousness.

Yunli tore off his storage bag, and there were several unopened boxes full of spirit stones, "Sure enough, I found spirit stones, no wonder I'm so happy."

She was suddenly curious about where Xiao Jin went at night, Wei Lin glanced at the seal, "The totem of the Xiao family should be someone from within the Xiao family to win him over."

Yunli couldn't help but fell into self-reflection. She was also an undercover agent. Look at Xiao Jin, not only did he manage the internal affairs, but he was also wooed by others, and he took all of them. Thinking about himself, Mo Huai didn't care about his nose, his eyes, or his eyes. , the salary is pitifully low, and he can only comfort himself by earning some extra money from Su Xu.

Alas, she can be like Xiao Jin anytime, just sitting at home and someone will give her spirit stones.

After arranging everything properly, Yunli said, seeing Dongfang turning pale, "Or I won't go back to the Remnant Night Pavilion. Without Lei Ji Falcon, they won't be able to find you for the time being. After three months, the bamboo spirit butterfly scale powder will fail. I won’t be able to find you anymore, and the antidote still has my share.”

"No, Lan Shu is fully aware of our relationship. If we haven't died after a year, she will guess that one of us is not poisoned. If the pavilion strictly investigates, you will be exposed."

After a pause, he sneered, "Furthermore, why should I hide outside like a mouse and let my enemies have a good time in the pavilion?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yunli turned her head and asked, "So, did you decide to take over the Canye Pavilion? Or did you kill the high-level people and take over?"

Wei Lin said coldly, "It's all in one pot."

"Okay," Yunli nodded, looked up at the sky, and urged, "You should leave quickly, in case Mo Huai and the others don't find you in Shanghe Mansion and turn back again."

Wei Lin nodded, turned his head to look at her, there seemed to be a soft light flowing in his eyes: "Take care."

Yunli smiled brightly: "I know, I know."

Watching Wei Lin leave, she quietly returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

In the afternoon of the next day, the afternoon sun was scorching hot, and the green plants in the courtyard were all scorched to wilt.

Under the verandah of the northwest courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Yunli sat at the table with her back to the courtyard door, holding a talisman pen in her hand, drawing the talisman stroke by stroke with concentration;
On the opposite side, Mu Yan held a page of prescriptions in her hand, pondering every word, and wrote something on the paper from time to time;
Inside the house, An Ran manipulated the sharp needles, shuttled back and forth, and controlled the silver needles to insert into various objects from time to time.

 Thank you Miyue Miyue for your big reward, thank you very much! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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