all the way to fairy

Chapter 185 Mo Huai's Target

Chapter 185 Mo Huai's Target

Suddenly there was a commotion at the gate of the mansion, and the sound became louder and louder. Figures rushed out, and then the city defense army was also dispatched.

An Ran opened the door and said impatiently: "It's so noisy! Go and ask what's going on!"

Mu Yan trotted to open the courtyard door, pulled a servant who was passing by in a hurry, and asked, "Fellow Daoist, what happened?"

The servant turned his head and saw behind her at a glance. An Ran looked impatient at the door of the main house in the yard. When he rolled his eyes, Yunli, who was holding a talisman pen under the veranda on the west side, also turned his head and looked at him curiously.

"The stronghold of Canye Pavilion appeared in the city, and Guanshi Xiao died."

Mu Yan exclaimed: "What? How come?"

Hearing this, An Ran and Yun Li also walked to the gate of the courtyard.

The servant said: "I also just got the news, and I don't know the details."

An Ran waved him heavily and let him go, then turned around and took Yunli Mu Yan to find the city lord, "City lord Xu, what's going on? How did Guanshi Xiao save him?"

Xu Hui felt chilled in his heart, he came from a small family, spent half his life just breaking through to the golden core stage, and managed all kinds of things to find the position of the city lord mansion in Xili Mansion.

He knew that he couldn't offend the disciples of these famous families, so after the first appearance of the devil in Xili Mansion, he readily delegated the authority to these heavenly favored ones, and he did his best to provide logistical support.

I don't want to, he was so careful, and let a manager of the Xiao family die in Xili Mansion. What's more, Xili Mansion even discovered the stronghold of Canye Pavilion!
Seeing An Ran, Xu Hui was even more terrified. This is Tai Yizong Fuyu Zhenjun's beloved disciple. If there is an accident in the Xiao family, he just needs to give up some money, but if something happens to her, I am afraid that only his head can let her go. Zhenjun Fuyu vented his anger.

He explained Xiao Jin's death with a wry smile, and then hurriedly said: "Recently, the devil has been rampant, and the people are also panicked. I also ask Fellow Daoist An not to go out casually, so as not to be accidentally injured."

An Ran smiled and nodded in agreement. If she hadn't brought her cousin out for a walk to prove that she had been following her, she wouldn't have come to inquire about this.

At dusk, Su Xu and others who got the news rushed back to Xili Mansion. After dealing with City Lord Xu, Su Xu went straight to An Ran's courtyard, "Little Master, are you alright?"

An Ran rolled her eyes, and came back to get in the way of the magic weapon she just got, and immediately said angrily, "What can I do."

For her ignorant appearance, Su Xu may already be familiar with it, his face remained normal, and said: "It's fine."

Yunli looked behind him, but couldn't see Mo Huai, so she couldn't help asking, "Where's Uncle Mo?"

"Qianjiu showed up in another city square, he, brother Xiao and others went after him."

Yunli snorted, and then thought that Wei Lin also wanted to use this to create an alibi.

In the eyes of righteous people who don't know Xiao Jin's identity, Xiao Jin discovered the stronghold and was wiped out by the killer of Canye Pavilion.

But in fact, he was a member of Canye Pavilion, and his stronghold was taken away, and he was killed in secret. No matter how you look at it, someone discovered his identity as an undercover agent in Canye Pavilion, and followed the clues to find the stronghold.

At this time, if the whereabouts of the senior brother were unknown, it would be easy to be suspected. It would be perfect to have a righteous pursuer to prove his whereabouts.

It's just that there is still a reason to be given to the pavilion for the stronghold to be taken, Yunli frowned and thought, who else would find out Xiao Jin's identity as an undercover agent, and would kill him without making a fuss or exposing him?
Seeing that Anran was safe, Su Xu and the other Ye Xiao family members who came back followed the secret road to search all the way, and took several other Canye Pavilion strongholds one after another, but there was no more gain.

Moreover, there is still a big doubt about this matter. After much deliberation, everyone did not understand that Xiao Jin was the spy of the Remnant Night Pavilion in the casket shop, so who killed Xiao Jin?

If it was the work of the Canye Pavilion killer who came to the rescue, then after killing Xiao Jin, why are there still clues to expose the stronghold and lead to other strongholds?
If it wasn't done by the killer of Canye Pavilion, why did he kill Xiao Jin and guide everyone to discover the stronghold of Canye Pavilion?

Seven days later, there was still no result. On the other side, Mo Huai and others chased and killed Wei Lin to the Fanshui River, where they completely lost him.

When Yunli and the others rushed to meet Mo Huai around Fan Shuihe, they found that he looked extremely ugly, and his whole body was even colder. If he hadn't clearly known that he was a double spiritual root of gold and water, Yunli would have suspected that he was actually ice. Spirit root.

Looking at the setting sun in the west, considering that An Ran might not be able to bear it if he rushed back directly, Su Xu suggested: "Let's rest for a night first, and go back to the sect with all our strength tomorrow."

Mo Huai nodded sullenly, looking at An Ran with impatience.

An Ran snorted, took out her own Linglong Room, and brought Mu Yan in, Su Xu smiled apologetically at Mo Huai.

Yunli shrugged, and also took out her own cabin, and was about to go in, when she caught a glimpse of ripples on the water surface from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help turning her head to look at it, the water waves on the river surface were getting bigger and bigger, and the river surface was even more misty , obscuring the line of sight.

She quickly released her consciousness, under the water, a pitch-black giant snake hovered at the bottom of the river, Yunli immediately turned pale and froze in place.

Fear is like a vine growing from the bottom of her heart, starting from the heart, entwining and restraining her little by little, unable to break free or escape.

Mo Huai, who was still angry in his heart, rushed into the river with his sword in hand, jumped out of the water in just a few breaths, threw the giant python to the bank, and said coldly: "Little monsters, dare to be rampant!"

The strange gray and green patterns on the giant python dazzled Yunli, and she seemed to be back in that dream for a moment, the cool evening wind blowing by her ears was the cold snake letter licking her cheeks, and her whole body was full of pain. I was entangled by the snake in a trance, and it was bone-chillingly cold.

Her abnormality caught Mo Huai's attention, not only Mo Huai, but also Su Xu who was next to her, and An Ran who heard the sound coming from Linglong's room.

An Ran was surprised. She knew that her cousin was afraid of snakes, but she had been a monk for so long, and now she was not even afraid of corpses, so how could she be so afraid.

Besides, this is just a Tier [-] monster, a dead Tier [-] monster.

Mo Huai looked at her strangely, and suddenly said cruelly: "Why are you standing there, come here and deal with it."

Yunli tried hard to control the fear in her heart, and she couldn't make a sentence: "Master, Master Uncle, forgive me, I. I. I don't know how to deal with monsters and monsters."

Mo Huai looked indifferent, "If you don't know it, you can learn it."

Su Xu also persuaded: "Junior Brother Mo is right. As a monk, how can you be afraid of monsters? Today, Uncle Mo will help you kill them. If you are alone in the future, if you are afraid, you will only become a monster. lunch."

An Ran was about to refute, but after thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with this statement. In the world of monks, monsters and beasts are rampant, and snake monsters are also very common. This shortcoming should indeed be overcome.

Couldn't help sending her a voice transmission: "They are right, you use this dead one to practice courage first, the snake actually looks more disgusting, it's no different from other monsters, besides, it's dead, it won't hurt you of."

After persuading Yunli, she suddenly found that her sleeve had been touched, she turned her head, and Mu Yan behind her was also pale, trembling like a sieve.

An Ran was startled: "Are you scared too?"

Mu Yan is better than Yunli, and she can control her speech completely, "Maybe it's because I have too many nightmares. I've been afraid since I was a child."

Su Xu laughed, girl, after all, he is more timid, he gently encouraged: "It's just that this layer of skin is a bit hideous, it's just a skin, not to mention that this snake skin is still a good material, many cassocks like to add some snake skin .”

Hearing this, Yunli's soul froze at the thought of wearing snake skin on her body. She immediately decided that she would definitely ask about all the materials when buying cassocks in the future.

Mo Huai stared straight at Yunli, his eyes seemed to be frozen with ice for thousands of years: "Hurry up!"

Su Xu said: "Fear has to be done slowly, not in a hurry. It's better to forget about it today, it will be in the future, and later"

Mo Huai interrupted him directly, and said sharply, "Why are you still in a daze? Are you deaf?"

Su Xu gave him a strange look, why is Junior Brother Mo Huai targeting Nephew Yun, just to help her overcome her fear, there is no need to be so blunt, little girl, fear is inevitable, just get used to it slowly.

Yunli clenched her fist tightly, her nails pinching out a row of small bluish-white crescent marks on her palm, and only then did she regain a little reason from the extreme fear, "I won't go."

(End of this chapter)

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