Chapter 186

The corner of Mo Huai's lips curled into a taunt, "You're not afraid of so many corpses, you're not afraid of blood on your hands, but you're afraid of a snake?"

There was madness in his eyes, and there were some other things that didn't wait for anyone to see clearly. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, all the emotions in his eyes disappeared, leaving only coldness and indifference.

"As a Daoist, if you don't listen to your master, do you know the consequences?"

Yunli moved her eyes away from the disgusting snake with great difficulty, and raised her head slightly to look at the gradually darkening sky. There were no dazzling and ferocious skins in her sight, which finally relieved her fear a little. She said, "I don't want to be your Daotong, if you are not satisfied, you can change it."

In the past, when these words came out, Mo Huai would hold back and compromise, but today, he didn't.

"Change?" He said coolly, as if he had heard a big joke, "The task arranged by the deacon hall is something you can change if you want!"

Yunli stared fixedly at the sky, tried her best not to think about the snake corpse lying on the ground, and comforted herself, don't be afraid, it's just a threat, she still doesn't believe it, maybe Mo Huai dared to kill her.

An Ran couldn't see it, and was about to speak, Mu Yan grabbed her sleeve, and said via voice transmission: "You can't expose the friendship between you and A Li."

Uncle An has never been a nosy person. Except for Lin Xi and herself, she has no good looks towards anyone in the entire Taiyi sect. If she speaks for Ah Li now, it will easily arouse suspicion.

Not only will it hinder their future plans, but it will also make Mo Huai and Su Xu suspicious. In this way, the cover they did for Ali in Xili Mansion and Dengtaishan Village will lose its credibility.

She took a deep breath, shook her lips and said, "I'll do it."

Yunli turned her head and exclaimed, "Ayan?"

Mu Yan squeezed out a smile: "The task arranged by the deacon hall, if you refuse, you will be expelled from the sect."

After speaking, she walked over tremblingly step by step.

Yunli's eyes followed her, watching her take out the green wood sword, tremblingly stroked at the snake, because she was too scared and unable to catch it, the green wood sword slipped away from the snake, and fell softly to the ground.

Tears slid down her almost transparent cheeks, she stretched out her trembling hand, picked up the sword, and continued to stab the snake.

Yunli's eyes were a little fuzzy, the slender girl kneeling next to the ferocious snake overlapped with a certain image in her mind for a moment, and there was a buzzing in her ears, and when she recovered, she had already left before she knew it past.

She kicked something with her toes, she lowered her head, froze again, her mind was dizzy, it was the snake's thick tail.

The crow's eyelashes trembled rapidly, and there seemed to be a faint cry echoing in her ears in a trance, pulling her heart into a ball, tears fell down unconsciously, she shook her head violently, shaking off the dizziness in her head, and slowly Kneeling down, holding Mu Yan's hand, shaking her lips: "I, I'm with you."

An Ran was stunned, she had never seen such a cousin before, her eyes were filled with extreme fear, but she shuffled her way over bit by bit without retreating a bit.

Mu Yan's eyes moved up from her hand little by little, and her eyes met each other. A smile slowly appeared on her pale face, and her voice was a little hoarse, "Okay."

On the palest face, the faint smile bloomed, like clear glass, fragile but breathtaking.

Su Xu was surprised, as if it was the first time he knew her, after so many years of acquaintance, she always left him the impression of the little master's little follower, she was very shy and timid, always hiding behind the little master, never At first glance, it is easy to be overlooked.

But today, she made him look at her with admiration. She was so scared that she gnawed her teeth loudly, but she bravely stood up for her friends. It turned out that that inconspicuous little girl had such a strong heart.

Yunli closed her eyes deeply, lowered her head, widened her eyes, and stared fiercely at the snake corpse on the ground. Perhaps because she held Mu Yan's hand, her courage was passed on to her, and she looked at the snake so closely. , but she wasn't so frightened that she couldn't move.


With a yell, she took Mu Yan's hand holding the sword and thrust it down hard.

The flying blood splashed all over their faces, and they looked at each other's face as the blood was mixed with tears and flowed down their cheeks. While dyeing their eyes red, it also gave them courage. No matter how difficult the situation was, someone would accompany them. Together, it's always better than doing it alone.

Mu Yan was also infected by her, and shouted loudly, holding the sword and cutting the snake skin while shouting, without the wrapping of the snake skin, the internal organs fell to the ground, followed by the pale pink snake meat, slightly white , very clean.

Perhaps the shouting released the fear in their hearts, or the opponent's hand gave them strength. The two gradually stood up, waving the green wood sword in their hands, and the giant python's head was chopped off, followed by its body, section by section. fall to the ground.

The other three were dumbfounded, and the two who were still trembling in front were now crying and screaming, wielding their swords and chopping the huge boa constrictor to pieces.

When the last section of the python body was severed, the two finally stopped, looked at each other, and hugged each other tightly, crying out of breath.

"It's terrible, woo woo."

"I hate snakes the most, why are they so disgusting, blah blah."

This scene is inexplicably funny. They deal with a snake corpse alive and feel like they have survived the catastrophe, but they feel hot in their eyes. The friends who are in fear tremble and give each other courage to face their fear together. In this indifferent world The world is inexplicably warm.

Looking at the two who couldn't help crying, Mo Huai couldn't bear it, did he really go too far?But then various voices sounded in his ears, crying, cursing
He turned around and flashed into the forest, where he disappeared.

Whether she was frightened or not, Yunli had nightmares that night, it was still the snake cave, or the crying girl, but this time, after she grabbed the little girl's hand, she heard the little girl's words clearly.

She said, "Yueyue, help me."

Yunli woke up startled, wiped her face, her palms were covered with cold water stains.

She raised her head in the dark, let the tears fall down the corners of her eyes, and kept telling herself that it was just a dream, just a nightmare.

At this time, she heard a shallow sigh from outside, it was Mu Yan.

After thinking about it, she got up and walked out, her eyes fell on the place where the giant python had been lying before, her heart was still shaking uncontrollably, she quickly moved her eyes away and looked elsewhere.

Under the moonlight, Su Xu was meditating beside An Ran's exquisite house, Mo Huai was nowhere to be seen, and Mu Yan was sitting on a big rock, looking at the sparkling river in a trance.

She walked over and sat down next to her. Mu Yan turned to look at her and asked softly, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Yunli hummed, and then let out a long breath, "Thank you today, if it wasn't for you, I definitely wouldn't have the courage to go forward."

"I want to thank you too. If it was before, I would have to think about it over and over again afterwards, and then scare myself to death. This time, with you by my side, when I think about it, I'm not so scared. Maybe I'll be completely scared next time." overcame."

"Have you often encountered Wanwan before?"

Mu Yan was startled, and instantly understood what she was talking about. She turned her head and continued to stare at the river covered with broken silver, and calmly said: "No, it's just that I often have nightmares. Sometimes it's a quiet green forest. There is a huge pit in the center, all kinds of snakes are crawling around in it, their bodies are entangled and twisted;”

"Sometimes the giant python tightly strangles me and swallows me with its stinky mouth; and in a vast white world, I feel the sun shining brightly, but I can't see it, it's not the kind of dark invisible , but the world is white."

"When my grandmother was around, I would crawl into her arms and tremble when I had nightmares, but after I woke up with my second uncle and the others, I could only keep my eyes open until dawn."

Yunli looked at her quietly, the night wind blew a few strands of hair on her cheeks, raising a slender arc, but her expression was extremely calm, under her slender appearance, there was an unusually resolute heart heart of.

"Where are your father and mother?"

Yunli knew very little about her family, only remembering that her family owned a silk shop, and after they met on the spirit boat, the few of them dreamed of the so-called fairy world together, and didn't ask much about their respective backgrounds.

After the reunion, mundane things became so far away, and all the conversations were about topics such as practicing drawing talismans and refining alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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