all the way to fairy

Chapter 187 Reasons

Chapter 187 Reasons
"My mother had a difficult labor when she gave birth to me. She left when I was just born. When I was four years old, my father went out to buy goods, fell into the water and died."

Yunli's heart tightened suddenly, "I'm sorry, I"

"It's okay." Mu Yan stopped her apology, "Actually, I don't have any memories of them. I haven't even met my mother. In my memory, she is just a stone tablet on the mountain. Every year, except for a few The first time I went to the grave, I rarely thought of her."

"Father doesn't have much memory, I only vaguely remember that someone once hugged me, passed through the crowd, and bought me a bright red candied haws."

Yunli tightly grasped her hand, the pain in her eyes was overflowing, she called out in a low voice: "Ayan."

Mu Yan smiled, "Don't be like this, I didn't realize how miserable it was. There are many people in this world who are worse than me. At least I still have my grandmother, and after my grandmother is gone, I still have uncles and aunts. Frozen and not hungry."

Yunli smiled at her, turned her head to the hazy river ahead, her tears fell silently, if she really lived so comfortably, she would not have such a cautious temperament, always hiding herself from everyone's sight .

Mu Yan smiled suddenly, and changed to voice transmission: "Actually, I have known you for a long time."

Yunli put her head on her lap, turned her head to look at her, and asked with her eyes.

"I used to help entertain guests on the upper floor of the shop. I always saw a little cat sneaking towards the candied haws hawker, and then was taken away by Young Master Wei with his collar. One time, he was almost taken away by Pat Huazi."

Yunli wondered: "You know about this!"

Since she was a child, she had no resistance to these sweet and sour things, but her mother forbade her, so she had no choice but to bleat hard and sneak out of the princess mansion with her senior brother.

What's annoying is that although the senior brother agreed to take her out, she was not allowed to eat more outside food. In desperation, she started a guerrilla war with the senior brother.

Then something happened once, she slipped over to buy candied haws, just hid behind a small stall, a man came to take her away, just as she was about to scream, a drugged veil covered her on the snout.

Fortunately, the senior brother found her very quickly, thus avoiding a disaster.After that, the opportunities for her to go out were even more pitiful.

"That's right, I should tell Mr. Wei what Pai Huazi who took you away looks like, and in which direction he went."

"Wow, so you are still my savior!"

Yunli was very happy, it turned out that their lives had intersected so early, she suddenly frowned, no one told her such an important matter!

Thinking about it again, she also understood that in the era when the reputation was greater than the sky, this matter must have been suppressed by the Princess Mansion and the Weining Hou Mansion together, and the mother definitely didn't want her to have too much contact with Ah Yan , arousing the suspicion of interested people.

"Sorry, I don't know about this."

It's all the brother's fault that he didn't tell her. If she had known earlier, she would have gone to thank Ah Yan in person, and then they would have been friends long ago.

She firmly believes in this point, there are always some people in this world, even if they meet for the first time, it's like meeting again after a long time.

"I'm really sorry, because of this matter, our silk and satin can be protected by the Princess Mansion and Weininghou Mansion, and this is the real root in the capital."

After a pause, she turned her head and asked, "What about you? Why are you afraid?"

Yunli thought about it, and it seemed that her fear had no reason at all. Before the secret realm of Jueying Peak, she had never even had a dream about snakes.

"I don't know, I'm just scared. I'm scared when I see the picture, and I can't help but tremble when I hear the word. I know it can't hurt me, and I know that it will run away in fright if I move, but I'm still scared. The soul will be frightened out of the body."

While speaking, she heard the sound of feet stepping on the leaves, and turned her head to find that Mo Huai, who had disappeared all night, had returned at some point. She snorted coldly, turned her head, and said to Mu Yan: "I'll go in first and then come back." Go to sleep, and don't sit here for too long."

After she finished speaking, she got up, uttered a nasal sound to Mo Huai again, and raised her head into her cabin.

At this moment, Mo Huai had already returned to his former appearance, and found a place to sit and practice without saying a word.

Lin Xi, who had received news from several people at the mountain gate of the Taiyi School, was waiting at the mountain gate early on. After returning that day, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. How could brother Huai be with Yunli?
In the past few months, she has replayed the situation of that day over and over again in her mind, and the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that there is something wrong between the two of them. At that time, brother Huai should be practicing swords on Feiqi Peak. Eight times out of ten, he refused.

In her anxiety, three rainbow lights flew straight to this side, her eyes lit up, she stared at the rainbow lights closely, and from a distance, she could distinguish Mo Huai's figure, and her eyes stuck to him.

"Brother Huai!"

Lin Xi trotted forward, staring at Mo Huai with her bright eyes. It took her a while to look away from Mo Huai, and she didn't see Yun Li: "Where's Junior Sister Yun?"

Mo Huai didn't speak, but Lin Xi was sensitive to find that his mood suddenly became very bad, and his face was gloomy and frightening.

Su Xu smiled, "Nephew Yun will naturally continue to carry her sword."

"That's it."

Lin Xi looked at Mo Huai's expression while talking.

"I'm going back to Fei Qifeng first."

After leaving this sentence, Mo Huai hurriedly flew away with his sword, and Lin Xi's eyes turned red.

Su Xu said embarrassingly: "Don't worry too much, the devil in Canye Pavilion has escaped, and Junior Brother Mo is in a bad mood, it's not against you."

When he said this, Lin Xi not only was not comforted, but tears fell down, unable to stop.

Su Xu looked at An Ran helplessly, he really didn't know what to do with the girl's tears.

Fortunately, the little master doesn't like to cry, if not, what should he do.

An Ran stared at him fiercely, which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, wasn't this a bright reminder that Mo Huai did this because of Lin Xi.

She stepped forward and took Lin Xi's hand, "Junior Brother Mo is really in a bad mood these days, he has been acting like this for several days."

Lin Xi said angrily, "Senior Sister An."

An Ran rolled her eyes to the sky, "Okay, okay, he's not yin and yang, it's me, okay?"

Lin Xi smiled embarrassingly. One moment she was crying because of Brother Huai's attitude, but the next moment she couldn't help defending him. She was embarrassed at the same time, but she couldn't help sighing, she really hurt him up.

Embarrassed for a moment, she asked again in a low voice: "Then Junior Sister Yun."

"Don't worry, your elder brother Huai forced others to dispose of the snake corpse on the way back. Now, if it wasn't for her status and cultivation, I think she would want to kill your elder brother Huai with a knife."

Lin Xi finally laughed out of tears, and argued, "She can't beat Brother Huai."

Mu Yan stared at the ground, and couldn't help mourning for Yunli's future life. Thinking about Mo Huai who was deeply hostile, and Lin Xi who cared about Mo Huai and regarded her as a rival in love, they felt like they were in dire straits.

While talking, an indifferent voice sounded in An Ran's head, "Not coming back yet."

An Ran froze for a moment, and said to several people: "Master called me, I'll go first, Ayan."

After the two of them left, Lin Xi and Su Xu really had nothing in common, so they also separated.

Lin Xi rushed to Feiqi Peak to catch up with Mo Huai, and heard Mo Huai gritted his teeth and said to the sound transmission talisman: "As a Taoist boy, do you still remember your responsibilities? I will finish my sword training tomorrow. If I don't see Tea, you are ready to get out of the Taiyi sect."

Lin Xi paused, feeling complicated. With such strong emotions, is brother Huai really just hostile towards Yunli?

Seeing Mo Huai walking straight back to the house after recording the sound transmission talisman, Lin Xi opened his mouth and did not stop him for the first time.

When Yunli received this unreasonable sound transmission talisman, her whole body exploded, and then she fell into deep thought, where did she offend him?

She sat down and sorted out all her enemies since entering the Canglan Continent. First, in the rented house in Moyun City, a shopkeeper surnamed Xu came to rob him. He seems to have a grandson, but his grandson is not a disciple of Four Seasons Valley. Well, judging from the old man's appearance, he should still be not very talented.

Mo Huai has dual spiritual roots, pass!

Next is the Remnant Night Pavilion, except for those who have died one after another, are still alive, and have vengeance, Hao Liuhaojiu who was robbed in Jueying Peak, and a bunch of people who were blackmailed by her when Xiaobi was later. people.

Uh, thinking about it this way, it seems that there are quite a lot of enemies.

But this group of people didn't look like they had anything to do with Mo Huai, Yunli felt that she was going bald.

(End of this chapter)

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