all the way to fairy

Chapter 188 Trading

Chapter 188 Trading
"What are you doing?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Yunli was startled, turned her head to look at the person who came, she was delighted at first, then she immediately became aware and looked around vigilantly.

Wei Lin walked over and sat down beside her: "Don't worry, there is no one."

Yunli was about to have a heart attack from fright, this place was the outer edge of the Taiyi Sect's protectorate mountain, and disciples of Taiyi Sect would show up at any time.

She quickly took out the cabin, dragged him in, and then growled: "Why are you here? Are you not going back to the Remnant Night Pavilion?"

Wei Lin looked calm, "When passing by Tianyun City, I received a sound transmission talisman from Aunt Yingmei, and turned to Zuimeng Tower."

"What did she do to you?"

Yunli looked puzzled, Yingmei was the person in charge of the spies in Sky Cloud City, her senior was not a spy, and she had no direct relationship with her, so what could she do with her senior?
Wei Lin skillfully condensed water and poured it into the teapot on the table. The teapot floated up, and the flames from his fingertips burned the bottom of the pot. Then he said slowly: "Make a deal."

What time is it, still doing this, Yunli was in a hurry, took the floating teapot and patted it aside, and said seriously: "Let's talk about the business first!"

Wei Lin rolled his eyes at her, and with a move of his index finger, the teapot floated above the flames at his fingertips again, heating up while saying: "Alliance, she provides us with information and cover, and I will help her kill someone."

"Kill who? Are her words credible? If the information is false, it is easy to be cheated to death."

Wei Lin said indifferently: "Deputy Pavilion Master."

"Deputy Pavilion Master? Lan Shu's father?"

Yunli frowned. She remembered that in Yingsan's story about the three of them, the three of them were in distress on a mission and the passing deputy pavilion master rescued them. Later, Yingsan was dying, and it was Yingsan who became the registered disciple of the deputy pavilion master. The Contribution Points of the ten-year mission were exchanged for the Yangshen Pill, Jiuyingyi.

Aside from the kindness of the deputy pavilion master to Ying Yi Ying San, he also has kindness to Ying Mei, why would she kill him?
Her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "Is there really something hidden in the story? Did Aunt Yingmei leave Master Yingyi for a reason?!"

The fire of gossip in her heart was blazing, her brain was wide open, and she guessed: "Could it be that Ying San was able to become the registered disciple of the deputy cabinet master back then because Yingmei made a deal with the deputy cabinet master? No, if this is the case, Aunt Yingmei You don’t want to kill the deputy pavilion master, could it be that the content of the transaction is too vicious?”

She blinked her eyes and fixedly stared at Wei Lin.

The water in the teapot boiled, Wei Lin got himself a glass of water, took a sip to moisten his lips, and looked up again to meet her shining eyes.

Wei Lin: "Why are you staring at me like this?"

"Waiting for your answer, so what is the deep hatred between them?"

"do not know."

"I don't know?" Yunli Petrochemical said, "No, you don't know the grievances between them, why did you agree, what if she lied to you?"

"If there is a story of bloody feud, then she won't be a lie?" Wei Lin drank water, and said, "Stories can be made up, and to evaluate whether she is deceiving, you have to feel it with your heart, not listen to the so-called reasons she said. "

Yunli curled her lips, really, she missed an opportunity to know the truth for nothing.

"Then why did she ask you to kill the deputy cabinet master? She dared not face the deputy cabinet master at the golden core stage. What's the matter with us two at the foundation establishment stage?"

"I didn't say to kill him now, it's probably because I was able to escape from the pursuit of monks this time, and she saw my potential. There are thousands of geniuses in this world, but not many can grow up. "

Wei Lin lifted the pot and poured himself another glass of water: "As for herself, her foundation is not stable, and she may not have the chance to be promoted to the Nascent Soul stage in this life, not to mention that she is not a monk who is good at fighting, but she was promoted to the Nascent Soul True Monarch by chance. , is not the opponent of the deputy cabinet master."

Yunli thought for a while, and said: "I'm afraid there is another reason why she came to you. After this incident, we and Lan Shu are complete enemies, and we will never die. If you kill Lan Shu, you must face the deputy pavilion master. He And our enemies."

From this point of view, Yingmei is completely using this cooperation to make friends with them.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "Maybe."

He put down the teacup, "I'm here to tell you that in the future, if you encounter something critical that you can't solve by yourself, you can go to her to avoid it, and if I have any news in the future, I will pass it on to you through her. "

Yunli nodded, as long as Yingmei really wanted to kill the deputy cabinet master, this matter would not be harmful to them at all. The deputy cabinet master and the others would face each other sooner or later, and if they formed an alliance with Yingmei, they would get a part of it. help.

Yingmei is the chief intelligence officer near Tianyun City, and has been working here for many years. She is familiar with the major forces in the Dongshan faction and knows a lot about Canye Pavilion. You must need her information.

Wei Lin stood up, "Let's go."

Yunli pulled him back, "It's imperative to be defensive, just put the news with her, in case she peeps at it, you have to take some protective measures, right, let's set up a password book!"


Yunli nodded, and thought about the various spy war dramas on TV before. After all, she only knew a term for the code book mentioned in it. The same is true for Morse code. Pass.

After thinking about it, she made up her mind and took out a script book she bought before and handed it to Wei Lin, "This book "Luo Ling Xiu Xian Ji" is our code book. The number represents the page, the second occurrence of the number represents the column, the third occurrence represents the row, and so on."

Wei Lin: ". Wouldn't it be fine if you put a ban on it? Is there any need for this trouble?"

Yunli defended: "Where is the restriction reliable? What should I do if I encounter a master and get rid of it? Just like me, even if other people get our letter, they will still be at a loss."

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, "Okay, just do as you say."

He believes that after using this method a few times, she will give up. She must rack her brains to make up a story to spread a message, and make up those unregulated numbers to make a reasonable one. She will not last long.

Seeing that he agreed, Yunli said again: "I also added a barrier outside as a cover."

If there is no restriction, isn't this telling people that their letters have other means to prevent peeping?

Wei Lin nodded, his eyes fell on the light pink knife outside the house, and raised his eyebrows: "This is the magic weapon you bought with all your wealth?"

As soon as Yunli talked about her beloved knife, Yunli immediately became radiant and nodded hurriedly, "Let me tell you, I am very satisfied with this knife. The thin blade looks very light, and it is beautiful Huan's appearance, as long as I can pick it up, I will be a proper little fairy!"

As long as she thinks that she is about to bid farewell to the image of a female man, Yunli will be very happy.

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, "So, you've taken a fancy to its lightness?"

Yunli sticks out her tongue, which is naturally the part she particularly likes. Except for Huanshiling because she has a connection with her mind, she is particularly uncomfortable with other light magic weapons. There is a kind of tiger who uses small branches as weapons. She felt that the strength was a little stronger, and she was worried that those fragile instruments would be broken, and they might not be as good as her fists.

Of course, she won't admit that she bought it just because of this loan, which makes her seem like a prodigal.

"This is only one aspect, the main thing is beauty, and the quality is also great!"

Wei Lin hit the nail on the head, "So, when will you be able to use it freely?"

"do not know."

Speaking of this, Yunli's mood suddenly fell to the bottom, her current strength is still too weak, if she wants to be able to use Zhanmeng, her strength has to increase exponentially to have any hope.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Lin said, "Maybe it's not that you need strength, but that you haven't been fully recognized by it?"

Yunli was startled, "But my spiritual consciousness has already been imprinted."

She was stunned, she thought it was because the Meng Zhan Dao was too heavy, and her knowledge and strength were too weak, the connection between her and Meng Zhan Dao was so weak.

Now that Wei Lin said this, there was another possibility, she was not fully approved by Zhanmengdao.

Since the brand of her spiritual consciousness can be penetrated into the Mengzhan Dao, it means that it does not reject her as the master, but why doesn't she fully agree with it?
She couldn't figure it out. After sending Wei Lin away, Yunli was thinking and took the time to go to Taiyi School with a knife in her hand. Mo Huai, the unscrupulous landlord, has no understanding of human nature. At this time, she might not even be able to reach the Huzong Dashan .

(End of this chapter)

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