Chapter 189
The next day, there was less than half an hour left before Mo Huai finished his sword practice, so Yunli could only hastily set up a cover-up formation and rushed to the sect.

As soon as she reached the foot of Feiqi Peak, she saw Lin Xi's expression was tangled, looking up at the mountain for a while, and staring down at her toes for a while, Yunli had an idea, straightened her clothes, and walked slowly over.

"Senior Sister Lin, why are you here? Are you looking for Uncle Mo?"

Seeing her, Lin Xi's expression became more complicated, looking at her, hesitant to speak.

Yunli pretended not to notice her strangeness, and asked for advice with a smile on her own: "Senior sister Lin, you have been with Uncle Mo for a long time, so you must know what Uncle Mo tastes like, can you teach me how to make tea?"

Lin Xi was taken aback for a moment, but her heart immediately became alert, and she said sharply, "Why are you learning this?"

Yunli chuckled: "The tea I make is always not to the taste of Uncle Mo. I think Senior Sister and Uncle Mo have been together for many years. You must know what kind of tea Uncle Master likes. If I learn it, Uncle Mo will get used to it after a long time. Drinking someone else's tea, you will definitely compare it with the tea I brewed in your heart, you will find that my tea is good, and it will treat me better."

It was a good idea to say that it was not intended, but the listener had a heart, and Lin Xi's heart moved. If Brother Huai got used to drinking the tea he made himself, he would think of it whenever he drank tea. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel sweet.

Yunli glanced at Lin Xi, whose face was flushed, and who had already begun to dream about things. While secretly delighted, she couldn't help but sigh, unrequited love kills people, look, the dignified granddaughter of the Taiyi sect is willing to be the girl who makes tea for her sweetheart .

Lin Xi, who withdrew from the fantasy, looked at Yun Li who was still eagerly waiting for her to tell her the answer, her face became serious, she squinted up and down, and said coldly: "You clumsy look, How can you do such an elegant thing as making tea?"

Yunli had a bitter face, "There's no way, my uncle always drinks tea after practicing swordsmanship. As a Daoist, I can only bite the bullet and learn."

Hearing this, Lin Xi became jealous. Not only could she see Brother Huai every day, but she could also practice swords with him. Images appeared in her mind unconsciously.

A cold young man in white dances a sword in the forest, his hair is like ink, and his white clothes are more snowy, he looks like a celestial being; beside him, a girl in green clothes sits kneeling by the long table, resting her chin on her hands, staring at him infatuatedly.

The sword-wielding young man turned around and met the girl's gaze for an instant. He slightly hooked his lips, closed his sword and walked towards the girl. The girl happily handed over a clear white jade teacup. Come out of the water.
Lin Xi shuddered and shook her head, no, she must not let such a thing happen!

Dingding looked at Yunli, and she tried to be kind, "Haven't you brought your knife back yet? It's always worrying outside, so you should bring it back as soon as possible."

"Oh, I'm worried, but I have to make tea for Master Mo."

After finishing speaking helplessly, Yunli looked up at the sky, with a look of haste, "I won't tell you, Senior Sister, but Uncle Mo should finish practicing sword in a while."

Lin Xi hurriedly grabbed her hand, "Go and carry your knife, I'll go to Brother Huai."

Yunli froze for a moment, as if she didn't understand what she meant, she confirmed, "Sister, do you want to help me make tea?"

Lin Xi hummed uncomfortably, and added: "It's not something you can learn to make tea in a short while. You do your own thing first, and there is no rush to make tea."

A look of joy flashed across Yunli's face, and she was about to nod in response when she suddenly remembered something, hesitated again, looked at Lin Xi, and faltered: "But Master Mo said, if he finishes his sword practice today, I won't make the tea , let me get out of the Taiyi sect."

Lin Xi waved her hand: "Don't worry, with me here, you won't be expelled from Taiyi School, what a big deal."

After getting her answer, Yunli was overjoyed, "Then I will trouble Senior Sister."

After thanking her, she looked at the sky and urged: "It's getting late, senior sister, go quickly, and don't keep Master Mo waiting."

Lin Xi nodded, and disappeared into the forest in a blink of an eye. Yunli happily turned around and went to the deacon's hall step by step. Since they have already returned, let's go to get some rations for Xiao Hei.

It's better to be Xiao Hei. During the days when she was gone, she worked diligently to help her guard the Dream Slayer, and let the disciples sent by the deacon's hall fool around and refuse to leave.

In desperation, the Deacon Hall could only temporarily send a disciple to help guard it, and also helped Yunli take care of the sword by the way. When Yunli came back yesterday, the disciple left sourly.

Although this matter has been resolved, Yunli is still a little worried. After all, Lin Xi only has a pair of Mo Huai, so she has no opinion and can't put on any airs. Huai.

No, women are very persistent when it comes to dealing with potential rivals, and they will not give an inch.

At dusk, Mu Yan came to her and told Lin Xi that she had gone to An Ran to learn how to make tea.

Although Lin Xi's tea-making skills are not as simple and crude as Yunli's, they are not much better. In order to better grasp Mo Huai's stomach, she worked hard to learn the tea ceremony from An Ran, an authentic lady from a great family.

Mu Yan was curious, "What on earth did you say to her? How could Senior Sister Lin suddenly want to learn how to make tea?"

Yunli shrugged, "It's nothing, I just mentioned it to her tactfully, if you want to grab someone's heart, you have to grab his stomach first."

"If you are like this, if the headmaster finds out, I'm afraid I won't be able to spare you."

The time of the monks is so precious, especially for those Qi training monks, it is reasonable to establish the foundation and formally embark on the immortal journey as soon as possible. If the head teacher finds out that Lin Xi wasted time on these trivial matters, he will probably die of anger.

Yun Li didn't care, "How can you blame me, Lin Xi's thoughts are all on Mo Huai, even if she doesn't learn how to make tea, she may not be able to practice, and I also want to practice, Mo Huai stares at me every day, what can I do?" Practice."

After a pause, she continued: "It's hard to say that this method can really help Lin Xi take down Mo Huai, so that she doesn't have to think about it every day, and she can practice with peace of mind."

Lin Xi sighed, "I hope so."

As time passed, it was unclear whether Lin Xi had captured Mo Huai's heart, but Mo Huai hadn't sent anyone to bother him recently, and Lin Xi also came, her goal had been achieved.

Although she has reached the range of the Taiyi Sect now, it is not a month or two from Huzong Mountain to the Central Main Peak.

All the disciples of the Taiyi Sect would come out of the Taiyi Sect to watch her from the very beginning, but now they are no longer surprised by it. Yunli is like this, carrying the knife at sunrise and resting on the spot at sunset, living a pleasant life.

On the other side, after several months of flying, Wei Lin finally arrived at Moyun City in the Nanshan Department, which is already considered the sphere of influence of the Canye Pavilion. Thinking of the treacherous situation he will face after returning to the pavilion, Wei Lin decided to go to Moyun City to rest first some.

This is the first monk city they arrived at. At that time, they were short of money, and what they wanted at that time was to earn more spirit stones. Today, there is no shortage of spirit stones, but they are deeply imprisoned, separated from each other, and guarded for a while. Complicated emotions.

He walked slowly along the street, feeling that everything here was so novel at that time, but now it seems that it is mediocre.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a figure appeared in front of him, blocking his way, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

Yue Yi stared at him for a long time with a complicated expression, "You're really back?"

Wei Lin chuckled lightly: "I let my junior brother down."


Wei Lin glanced at him, opened his lips and said, "Junior Brother leads the way."

A moment later, the restaurant box.

Yue Yi let out a foul breath, "Wen Ming is useless."

Wei Lin twitched the corners of his lips, he was Senior Brother Wen before, but now he is Wen Ming, it really is a cold drink, and people are indifferent.

Yue Yi made a painful expression, "He has stopped at the foundation building stage in this life, and there is no possibility of forming an alchemy anymore."

He glanced at Wei Lin's expression, and said: "Your identity was indeed released by Lan Shu. She admitted this matter in front of the pavilion master and all the lore, and the pavilion master has already punished her. Think about it." Yasi has passed three years."

While speaking, he kept staring at Wei Lin's expression, but unfortunately, he was disappointed, Wei Lin's face was pale, and nothing could be seen.

He recalled Lan Shu's answer to Uncle Jingzhe's interrogation in the conference hall that day.

"This is also a helpless matter. Junior Brother Qianjiu is not only superb in swordsmanship, but also in stealth. When we arrived near Anxi City, there was no news of him. The hunters couldn't find him, and the search was strict. Brother Ming's poison is about to expire, so I have no choice but to take the risk. '

(End of this chapter)

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