all the way to fairy

Chapter 190 Reminder

Chapter 190 Reminder
Every word and every word, while excuse himself, it is also implying that Uncle Mang, Qian Jiu is not wholehearted in distracting the enemy.

If senior brother Wen Ming really couldn't save him, or left some incomplete, with the seeds she planted, then senior uncle Mangzhong would definitely put the blame on Qianjiu.

In one sentence, Qian Jiu's life-saving grace to Wen Ming was easily obliterated, Yue Yi felt a chill down his spine, Lan Shu, it was really a good intention.

Later, her words were even more heartbreaking, "Don't worry, Uncle Martial Brother, Junior Brother Qianjiu is amazingly talented, not to mention our Canye Pavilion, even in the entire Canglan Continent, it is difficult to find a swordsmanship wizard like him, let alone The younger brother has been doing missions outside these years, and he is also able to deal with various situations with ease. He will definitely be able to escape successfully. '

Yue Yi lowered her eyes, although she said this to Uncle Jing Zhe, she still intended to focus on the awn seed.

At that time, Wen Ming's life and death were unknown, even if he was rescued by chance, his gong power would be greatly reduced and his foundation would be damaged, but she boasted that she was so beautiful after being shocked for a thousand years, wasn't she just throwing salt on the wound of Uncle Mangzhong.

Fortunately, Uncle Mangzhong didn't appreciate it, and pointed out that revealing the killer's identity would shake the foundation of Canye Pavilion, so the pavilion master ordered that Lan Shusi had been thinking about Yasi for three years.

Wei Lin tapped on the table with his fingertips, his identity was leaked and hunted down, Wen Ming became useless, this made Yue Qi feel sad.

Leaking the identity of fellow sect and putting it on other people is the crime of treason. When it comes to Lan Shu, it is easy to expose it after thinking about it. The status of Lan Shu in the heart of the pavilion owner is self-evident.

As long as she doesn't die, the position of pavilion master will be hers sooner or later. In order to deal with her, Wen Ming, who treats her like a real brother, can be an abandoned son, let alone Yue Yi, a junior who Lan Shu has always looked down upon.

Wei Lin raised his eyes, looking at Yue Yi with a half smile, not a smile, this wishful thinking is really good, let him go to the front, and he sits behind to reap the benefits, but it's okay.
Picking up the teacup and lightly touching the cup in front of Yue Yi, he said meaningfully: "Thank you for letting me know, Junior Brother."

Yue Yi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Everywhere, they are all brothers, they should, they should."

The next day, after returning to the Remnant Night Pavilion to complete the task, Shen Yi suddenly called him back, "Junior brother hasn't come back for a long time, so you probably don't know that a big event happened in the pavilion?"

Wei Lin smiled playfully, "Oh? I'm curious, what is it that can make senior brother Shen Yi, who has always been indifferent to everything, call it a big deal?"

"Junior, do you still remember Mo You?"

Wei Lin nodded, the clansmen of Shuangjiang, they naturally pay special attention.

"Now Mo You lives in Miss Lan Shu's yard again, and you are neighbors again. She has already practiced Qi to the fifth level."

Wei Lin's pupils shrank, he was right last time, the aura on Mo You was cultivated by herself!
A mortal can actually practice cultivation!how can that be? !
There was a gentle smile on the corners of Shen Yi's lips, "I was as shocked as you when I first heard it, but now that I think about it, the thunderstorms that day were sent down by the way of heaven to eliminate those who defy the sky. I am afraid that at that time, she would have been able to cultivate gone."

Wei Lin was shocked, thinking of the menacing robbery that day, Tiandao's attitude towards those who defied the sky was obvious, that is, to kill them in one fell swoop, and never allow them to exist.

Everything in her mind became a thread. Mo You was able to escape the obliteration of heaven that day. It was the pavilion master and a group of Nascent Soul True Monarchs who helped her resist the tribulation thunder. Later, she hid in the Xingluoshan formation. Now she can regain Appearing in the eyes of everyone, there must be something restrained.

It's a Buddha relic!
Regardless of complaining about the things he desperately got back, making wedding clothes for others and being demolished while crossing the river, another thing occupied his thoughts.

He is also the person who defies the sky. Compared with Mo You, the way of heaven is much gentler to him. There is no blatant obliteration of thunder and thunder, but only distorts his perception when he is in danger, and makes him die by the opponent.

What does Tiandao seem to be worried about?
This scruple was particularly obvious when he was in Fengyinyuan. At that time, he was seriously injured. He intended to go west, bypassing Zhongzhou from the western wilderness, and directly entering the Nanshan system, but unexpectedly his perception was blocked too much.

When he found out, Fengyinyuan was already in front of him. Fengyinyuan was withered and yellow for thousands of miles, and it was a flat river. If someone attacked with fire, he could only escape into the air without any shelter.

The dozen or so Jindan cultivators in the rear were chasing after him. At that time, turning back would be like sending him to his door. In desperation, he could only risk his sword and pass through Fengyinyuan.

Without cover and misleading, a group of Jindan cultivators quickly caught up with him, and all kinds of attacks flew towards him. His spiritual power was already exhausted, and he had no power to resist at that time. He just felt unwilling and refused to give up. , holding hands firmly to block.

It was at this critical moment that the sealed feather golden liquid crimson on Mo Lijian overflowed and ignited Wanli Fengyinyuan, and all the pursuers were burned to death. The malice in it stopped abruptly and has not reappeared until today.

Is it Jin Mang that God cares about?Could that feather be the feather of a divine beast?

Suppressing the messy guesses in his heart, he took a deep look at Shen Yi. At this time, Shen Yi deliberately mentioned the way of heaven to eliminate those who defy the sky, to remind him.

With such an obvious contrast between him and Mo You, Shen Yi could imagine that there's no reason that those well-informed high-ups wouldn't pay attention, or they noticed their unusualness earlier.

He carefully recalled what he had experienced since Xiaobi, and looked at it from the perspective of others. The few possible ways to cultivate without immortality were obviously not in line with him.

This incident is obviously beyond the scope of this plane's cultivator's ability. If this incident did not happen to me, what would I think when I heard about it?

An expert from the upper realm appeared in the Canglan Continent.

That's right, they will definitely feel that behind them there is a power with hands and eyes that can reach the sky.

Later, not only did he successfully obtain the natal magic weapon, but Mo Lijian's rank was extraordinary, even Zhaoying couldn't match it.

On this point, Yueyi will definitely tell them the whole trip to the Yanming Pagoda.

There is also this tracking. After the flames passed that day, there was no living thing in Fengyinyuan except himself. Others did not know who died in Fengyinyuan, but the person behind the scenes who planned this matter would not be clear. .

One by one, it all shows that behind him, there is a great power, far surpassing the power of this plane.

When his thoughts came to this point, he couldn't help but doubt himself. He thought of the woman in Tsing Yi who suddenly appeared and then disappeared in the Tianwu Forest. Could it be her?

He was slightly relieved, no matter whether the woman in Tsing Yi was the powerful person behind him or not, as long as there was someone behind him in the eyes of the higher-ups, they would have scruples about him.

Now that their strength is low, what they are afraid of is that they will attack directly without any scruples. If it is really like dealing with Wen Xueluo, the Yuanying Zhenjun Jindan Daoist in the pavilion will attack together, and he has no fairy mansion to hide, I am afraid that he will die without a place to bury him.

Facing the unwavering gaze of Shang Shen Yi Gujing, he asked: "Since she is able to cultivate, as a member of the Shuangjiang tribe, Junior Sister Mo You is also qualified to live in Neigu, why is she still staying with Senior Sister Lan Shu?"

Shen Yi shook his head, "The Pavilion Master is personally responsible for Mo You's matter, it may be because Miss Lan Shu is also the Pavilion Master's disciple, living together is convenient for them to exchange ideas."

What he said was obviously perfunctory, and it could be seen from his expression that he didn't believe it himself.

Wei Lin suddenly remembered what Riying San said back then, and vowed not to give up until he was killed. Why did the thunder calamity that lasted for three days suddenly dissipate by itself?

At that time, they had just returned to the pavilion, and after a while, the lightning and thunder disappeared. Could it be because of him?

If so, wouldn't he have helped Mo You twice invisibly?

If this is the case, it makes sense for Mo You to live in Lan Shu's yard, and she wants to use herself to make Tian Dao scruples.

Wei Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, he himself was a person who was cheated by the heavenly law, yet he even wanted to provide protection to another person who defied the sky.

Farewell to Shen Yi, Wei Lin walked towards his own courtyard, the passing colleagues saw him with sympathy and awe, it was obvious that many people's attitude towards him had changed after returning this time.

After thinking about it for a while, he also understood that whether he escaped from the pursuit of the Jindan cultivator or later escaped from the siege of the geniuses of the Ye Xiao family, he proved his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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