Chapter 192
"What about the Dan formula? Do you know what ingredients are there?"


Yunli is angry, it's too perfunctory, don't think she dare not kill people to seize treasures.

"Hey, you can't do this, and you don't want to take your elixir for nothing, we will give you as many spirit stones as you need; your poison has been cured, and the antidote is useless to you, wouldn't it be nice to exchange for spirit stones? "

Wen Xueluo remained silent.

Yunli continued to mutter in her mind: "Besides, you have been chased into the turtle shell, uh, you have been hiding in the fairy mansion for so many years, aren't you aggrieved? Take out the pill formula, make more antidote and put it in the It is sold in the black market, think about how interesting it is that the pack of wolves will bite back at their master every minute without the killer under the control of Devil May Cry."

Wen Xueluo pointed out sharply, "You are here to avenge Qianjiu."

Yunli paused for a moment, "You know about this? It doesn't seem like you're so nerdy."

After muttering, she began to brainwash again: "Look, you have a grudge against Can Yege, and we will not deal with Can Yege, let's join hands together. There are so many people, so much strength!"

"Even if you arrive at Jindan Yuanying, as long as the Yunshu Immortal Mansion is on your body for a day, Can Ye Pavilion will not let you go. No matter how powerful you are, there is only one person. Except for the master who is lore, the rest of Can Ye Pavilion will kill you." There are also quite a few sky-level killers, two fists are no match for four hands!"

"Furthermore, even if you have been hiding in the Taiyi Sect and they have jumped over the wall in a hurry and directly reported your ownership of the Yunshu Immortal Mansion to the higher-ups of the Taiyi Sect, do you think they can resist the temptation of the Immortal Mansion? At that time, there will be a bunch of Nascent Souls chasing and killing you, what's more, if one is not good, the Nascent Soul monks in the entire Canglan Continent will chase and kill you."

Wen Xueluo was unmoved, and pointed out sharply, "You may also poke it out."

"Why would I do this? I'm just in the middle of Qi training, so I'm no match for you, and besides, you're pulling my braids, aren't you?"

Along the way, Yunli discussed the benefits of giving them the antidote from various aspects and the unfavorable situation for both sides of tearing up their faces. However, Wen Xueluo remained calm and blocked her back with "there is really no antidote" every time. , Yunli was so angry that she wanted to kick her off.

She put her head weakly on Mu Yan's shoulder next to her. She was really tired. Fortunately, she used her spiritual sense to transmit the sound, otherwise her mouth must be dry now.

Mu Yan pushed her head: "What's wrong with you?"

Yun Lisheng has nothing to love, "It's okay, it's just that I don't have breakfast and I'm in a bad mood."

Wen Xueluo didn't tell An Ran and Mu Yan about Wen Xueluo's possession of the Yunshu Immortal Mansion. This girl is obviously treated as a daughter-in-law of heaven. The idea of ​​winning the treasure, or accidentally slipping the tongue, so let the cousin and Ah Yan confront her, what should I do if I am cannon fodder.

This is also the reason why she doesn't want to confront Wen Xueluo directly. Luck is such a mysterious thing. I didn't expect it to be very important among monks. If Wen Xueluo angers Heaven, arrange a bad luck package for them. Don't force it Death, not to mention that senior brother is no longer treated by heaven.

Glancing at Wen Xueluo, who was concentrating on controlling the sword, she comforted herself that it's okay, she is already by her cousin's side, and there is a little spy like Ayan, she is still unclear about her affairs, and she can always find a chance.

When they arrived in Tianyun City, they didn't expect that An Ran and Lin Xizhen were just strolling around. After arriving, they went straight to Jinyi Pavilion.

Yunli stood at the door, remembering Su Xu's words, many cassocks would be made of snakeskin, she stopped in her tracks immediately, thinking that those exquisite and gorgeous cassocks were actually snakeskins, she was in a bad mood.

An Ran in front of her suddenly turned her head and said, "Ayan, take the pill to the Pill Hall for consignment first."

Yunli immediately answered, "I'll go with her."

Seeing the two of them walking away, Lin Xi couldn't help muttering: "The relationship between her and Ah Yan is too good, almost surpassing you, Ah Yan won't be deceived by her."

An Ran's eyebrows jumped, and she explained: "Let's hit it off, last time they practiced, they were together almost all the time, and something like that happened on the way back, so it's normal for them to be close."

She was suddenly glad that although Mo Huai's targeting displeased her, it had to be said that it made the relationship between her cousin and Ah Yan more natural and reasonable.

When mentioning the previous experience, Lin Xi immediately became worried, and asked, "She really didn't join Brother Huai?"

The corner of An Ran's mouth twitched. Since they came back, Lin Xi had asked this question no less than ten times. Where did she see that the two of them had the slightest possibility?

She glanced at her feebly, then turned her head and picked up the cassock seriously.

Coming out of the alchemy hall, Mu Yan said: "Accompany me to buy a alchemy furnace first, the airtightness is not good now."

Arriving at the alchemy hall, after Mu Yan selected the old alchemy furnace, she took out her old one and handed it to the shopkeeper, and explained to the puzzled Yunli: "The old alchemy furnace is also recycled here."

Alchemy is no better than drawing symbols. Pill furnaces and spirit plants require a lot of spirit stones. High-grade pills also have requirements for pill furnaces. Lost everything.

Fortunately, when the furnace is replaced with a new one, the old furnace can be sold for some spirit stones.

The tip of Yunli's nose twitched. She had been refining elixir for many years, and there was a faint fragrance of medicine floating on the elixir furnace, which seemed to be mixed with an extremely subtle fragrance of flowers.

With an idea, she said, "Don't sell it, give it to me."

Mu Yan was surprised: "You want to learn alchemy?"

"That's not true, I lack a saucepan."

Yunli smiled brightly. Although it was the lowest-grade alchemy furnace, it was better than ordinary pots. Moreover, the pills were refined for many years, and the furnace wall was soaked with the fragrance of spiritual plants. The stewed spiritual meat must be even more delicious.

Mu Yan: "."

The shopkeeper on the side is also petrified. This is the first time I heard that someone is so extravagant that he uses a pill furnace to make a pot. The lowest-grade pill furnace costs 800 spirit stones, and a pot, let’s not talk about those who buy three or five for one spirit bead. Ceramic products are the pots used by the top spirit chefs, and they are only worth 30 yuan of spirit stones.

Mu Yan turned her head, "Are you kidding me?"

Yunli looked away from the alchemy furnace, and spread her hands: "Do I seem to be joking?"

Mu Yan stared at her seriously for a while, and it really didn't look like she was joking. She turned her head and said to the shopkeeper, "Then I won't sell this pill furnace."

The shopkeeper handed the alchemy stove to her in a very speechless manner, and Yunli quickly reached out to take it, "Just give it to me."

Holding the alchemy furnace in her arms, the light floral fragrance seemed to be stronger, and it smelled particularly comfortable. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of spiritual plant it was, and it lasted so long, mixed with various spiritual plants, It can also maintain its own unique fragrance.

Put the alchemy furnace into the storage bag, and saw that Mu Yan was paying the Lingshi, she hurriedly said: "You can pay part of it, and I will do the rest."

"No, take the pill furnace as a gift from me, my spirit stone is enough."

In the past, she might have been short of spirit stones, but since she followed Master An, she basically had no other expenses except for cultivation. As a disciple of the true emperor, Uncle An would be given some commonly used cultivation pills every month. , it's all cheaper for her.

Then he lived in the main peak of Taiqing Mountain, which is rich in aura. There is not much demand for spiritual stones in practice. Over the years, he has accumulated some spiritual stones.

Among the twelve classmates from Liang Guolai, there are many people who are better than her in talent, and there is even one from the Linchuan Xu family, who is said to be somewhat related to Uncle An;

And the reason why Uncle An chose him as the Daoist boy, apart from the fact that they are all from the capital city and had known each other earlier, it was more because Ah Li had been on good terms with him when they were on the spirit boat.

Yunli smiled slightly, and was not polite to her, "Thank you, Ayan, if you need me in the future, just mention it."

The shopkeeper looked at Mu Yan as if he was looking at a fool. It is also a fool to coax away the pill furnace worth more than 800 spirit stones with a few words.

Mu Yan smiled, "Then you are at a loss, I need you too much."

Yunli patted her chest proudly, "As long as you have enough pots and tubes, you can do anything."

Looking at the back of the two leaving, the shopkeeper shook his head, naively, he believed in this kind of general talk, but he had seen too little, and experienced more, so that he would know what a cold heart is.

After selling the alchemy furnace, the two went to the Lingfu hall under Ye's name to sell the recently made talismans and exchanged part of the loan, and then went to meet An Ran.

 Thank you Fengyou for your great reward, thank you very much! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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