all the way to fairy

Chapter 193 Clues

Chapter 193 Clues
As soon as they met, Lin Xi couldn't help asking: "Where have you been, and why have you been gone for so long?"

Yunli rolled her eyes involuntarily, and Mu Yan said, "I went to buy a new alchemy furnace, and I went to the Spirit Talisman Hall with Ah Li."

Anran naturally knew about her alchemy furnace. It should have been changed long ago. She nodded and said, "Go back."

"So early? I heard that a few days ago, someone bought a Shenshen tree at a stall in Xicheng District. Shall we go and have a look?"

Lin Xi was a little bit reluctant, so she just went to a few shops, and she didn't even get halfway through Tianxingfang, let alone Xicheng District, where there are all kinds of interesting things, maybe you will find a treasure .

"Cultivating Shenmu? Hehe, it's silly to pick up such a treasure and let it out loudly."

Yunli doesn't believe a word, what kind of sacred tree is this kind of sacred object that can nourish the soul, even the Nascent Soul cultivators are moved by it. Once there was a true king of the righteous way who exterminated the owner for a piece of the sacred tree that was the size of a finger. Later, he blamed Canye Pavilion.

After Can Yege learned about it, in order to find out this person, he did not hesitate to slaughter all the monks in a city.

People who can visit Xicheng District are mostly in the foundation building period, and the possibility of the late foundation building stage is extremely small. If you really get this kind of fetish and show it off, you are looking for a dead end. This kind of information is mostly released by unscrupulous merchants in Xicheng District gimmick.

Lin Xiben didn't really believe it either, she just needed an excuse to have fun, she rolled her eyes at Yunli and looked at An Ran.

An Ran sighed, "The last time I went out to experience Master's respect, I still feel angry, so I don't dare to commit crimes against the wind at this time."

Yunli frowned, and asked via sound transmission: "Did he make things difficult for you?"

An Ran raised her eyes slightly, "It's just a warning, without his permission in the future, I will probably only be able to go to Tianyun City."

Yunli bit her lip, and was about to send back, when there was a brief movement in front of her, she looked up, and a woman in red came into view, her eyes were like silk, her white skin dazzled the eyes, her thin and elegant The red yarn is even more imaginative, it is Yingmei.

She immediately realized that this was an opportunity, and stepped in front of Wen Xueluo. The three of them entered the Remnant Night Pavilion through the hands of Yingmei that day, and Yingmei was very optimistic about Wen Xueluo back then. She must have been deeply impressed by the matter of the Immortal Mansion.

She stared at Yingmei curiously along with the crowd, and said with her spiritual sense: "You really don't think about telling me about the antidote? Aunt Yingmei is very familiar with you and me, you said she saw me here Will she see it? Oh, no need to guess, she has already seen it."

Yunli blinked at Yingmei who was looking over, and then sent a voice transmission to Wen Xueluo: "Oh, I don't get news of the antidote, I'm so sad, I can't even stand here."

As she spoke, her body leaned forward slightly, and Wen Xueluo hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "Don't!"

She closed her eyes and suppressed the anger in her heart, just as Yunli said, she couldn't afford to gamble.

After finally hiding in Tai Yizong, and having a peaceful life, if Can Yege finds out, whether it is the pursuit of Can Yege or simply leaking it to Tai Yizong, or just revealing that she used to be Canyege's If she is a human being, she will be able to attract a group of righteous people to fight her with swords.

If eyes could kill, Yunli might have been pierced with a bloody hole by her sharp eyes at this time. She almost gritted her silver teeth, "I really don't have an antidote."

As soon as the words fell, Yunli's figure swayed, as if she was drunk, she couldn't shed tears when she saw the coffin, right?

Wen Xueluo hurriedly said: "But I can give you some clues."

Yunli stabilized her shaking figure, and decided to listen to what she had to say first.

"Zhenrou Zhenjun is not an alchemist either, the elixir that can cure all kinds of poisons I ate was a gift from her friend, and this is the only one."

"Zhenrou Zhenjun? Is it the former owner of the Immortal Mansion? Didn't she die in a failed ascension 3 years ago, so this pill must be at least 3 years old? Can it be preserved for so long?"

Yunli doesn't believe it, 3 years, it's already past the warranty period, it's a blessing not to be poisoned to death after eating it, and it is expected to have medicinal effects, why not go to heaven!

Wen Xueluo was out of breath, "Then do you think that I, a person who has just entered the Qi training period and has never learned alchemy, can suddenly refine that kind of heaven-defying elixir?"

That's not necessarily the case, what if the so-called Zhirou Zhenjun's spiritual consciousness has not disappeared, and exists as a remnant soul in the Yunshu Immortal Mansion to guide you in alchemy?

But she didn't say that, it was obvious that Wen Xueluo's patience was about to run out, she didn't want to really turn against her, it would not do her any good if the people in the Canye Pavilion found out about Wen Xueluo.

Not to mention that the antidote must not be available, and Wen Xueluo will definitely reveal her identity as an undercover agent in the Canye Pavilion. This mission will be considered a failure. At that time, she can only betray Canye Pavilion in advance and start talking to Wen Xueluo Experience the life of being hunted together.

She doesn't care, anyway, she missed Devil May Cry, but it will affect the senior brother, they have nothing to hide in the Canye Pavilion, everyone knows that the relationship between the two is very close, she escaped, the senior brother can only escape with her, no What can be done about the antidote.

"Then what's the clue you're talking about?"

Wen Xueluo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he softened, "The friend who gave the Zhenjun pill came from the Yaowang Valley, and the Yaowang Valley is the predecessor of Tianxin Pavilion. There may be ancient records in Tianxin Pavilion."

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't have any hope of getting the detoxification pill directly, the chance of having two antidotes at the same time is really too slim, and getting such a clue is better than a headless chicken.

An Ran on the side showed displeasure, frowned and asked, "Who is that? What are you wearing in public?"

Yunli secretly slandered, this is not a master who is doing business in the first place, it is normal to dress like this.

Fuyu Zhenjun's methods are really good. Although my cousin knows that he is supporting her, and also consciously and secretly learns about this world, she still sees too little. Compared with them, Yingmei is nothing.

Lin Xi turned her head away with disgust on her face, as if one more look would dirty her eyes, "Yingmei from Zuimenglou, a person in the furnace business."

An Ran was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Let's go."

But in the process of controlling the sword, Yunli sent a voice: "What is the furnace?"

Yunli blinked, the cousin didn't even know this, maybe the purpose of Zhenjun Fuyu's rearing was really that.

Before waiting for her answer, An Ran started urging again. Yunli thought about it, and told her what the stove was. As for the Zuimenglou Yingmei, she didn't say anything.

Firstly, they are now in a cooperative relationship with Yingmei, and the premise of cooperation is mutual trust. Without Yingmei's permission, leaking her identity privately will affect their cooperation; secondly, the matter of Can Yege It was a matter of senior brother's safety, she couldn't afford to take the risk.

After listening to Yunli's explanation, An Ran was silent, and said after a long time: "So, he most likely trained me to be his furnace."

An Ran Yujian was in front of them, Yunli couldn't see her expression, and she couldn't hear her tone through voice transmission, but Yunli could imagine how humiliating and desolate her expression must be.

A person she was so proud of turned into someone she once despised, from a highly anticipated genius to a raised canary, this was already a big blow.

Just let her practice blindly, don't let her learn any attacking techniques, and don't care about her foundation, all of this shows that it is a humanoid elixir that is worse than Canary.

Yunli didn't know how to comfort her. She might have guessed what An Ran said the first time she heard it at the foot of Dengtai Mountain, but she didn't know how to say it.

After a long silence, she raised her eyes to look at the approaching majestic mountains, and said, "It will get better."

Seeing Tai Yizong gradually approaching, An Ran took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and asked, "How about you? How was the conversation with her?"

"It's okay, I got some clues, Tianxin Pavilion may have some ancient records about the antidote, find a chance to sneak into Tianxin Pavilion and look for it."

An Ran frowned, and murmured: "Tianxin Pavilion, there may be clues."

Tianxin Pavilion is famous for alchemy. Ninety percent of the alchemy geniuses in the Canglan Continent are gathered in the pavilion. Most of the elixirs in the entire continent come from Tianxin Pavilion, and the alchemy classics are even more numerous.

 Thank you Momo is not Baozi and Meili Yaya for their monthly tickets, thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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