all the way to fairy

Chapter 194 Wolf Howl

Chapter 194 Wolf Howl
An Ran thought for a while, and said: "Don't mess around, five years later there will be the Dao Dao assessment in the mainland, and the master will also participate, and I will most likely be able to follow the past. It’s so shallow, the ones who came to entertain us must be the core disciples of Tianxin Pavilion, we’ll think of a way later.”

Yunli responded, "Okay."

During the sound transmission between the two, Tai Yizong arrived, and they immediately stopped the sound transmission.

After a long time, after several months of transporting, Yunli finally moved the Mengzhan Dao to Feiqi Peak, stuck the Mengzhan Dao on the ground, and she let out a long breath, "It's almost here, I'm exhausted."

He raised his eyes and looked around, but found no trace of Mo Huai, the whole Feiqi Peak was quietly, and there was no one there.

After being puzzled for a while, she put the matter aside, put her things in order, and performed dust removal on the little black chicken's house, cleaning it clean inside and out. After a few months of eating and sleeping with her, the feathers are not bright anymore.

When it was dark, Mo Huai came back, followed by the silent wolf cub and the chattering Lin Xi.

Seeing her, his face immediately turned dark, "You still know how to come back?"

Yunli ignored his black face, and first said to Lin Xi with a smile: "It's all Senior Sister Lin who is sympathetic, knowing my difficulties, and specially letting me bring my knife back with peace of mind."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Mo Huai with a look of envy, "I heard that Senior Sister Lin is excellent at making tea, so Uncle Mo must be feasting his mouth these days. Don't worry, I will definitely learn from Senior Sister Lin in the future." , strive to be a qualified Taoist boy who can make tea."

Hearing this, Lin Xi looked a little ugly. Why did she still want to learn how to make tea? She was about to say something to Yunli, when Yunli looked at her with shame on her face, "It's just that I'm stupid, Especially when it comes to tea art, I don't have much talent, so I might have to trouble Senior Sister Lin to take care of it."

A little embarrassment appeared on her face, "It's just that before I learn it, can I work hard for Senior Sister Lin for a while?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi was naturally overjoyed, but she hoped from the bottom of her heart that Yunli would never learn it.

Hearing this, Yunli smiled with crooked eyebrows, and praised: "Wow, Senior Sister Lin is really kind-hearted, tsk tsk, in this world, such a girl is really rare."

After Xing Xingyan finished complimenting Lin Xi, she then turned her head and asked, "Uncle Mo, do you think so?"

Mo Huai's eyes narrowed, his cold light was calm, he was really eloquent, a few words made Lin Xi's heart burst into joy, and all the hostility towards her disappeared, really a good skill!

Yunli tilted her head, "Uncle Mo?"

Mo Huai came back to his senses, and perfunctorily twitched the corners of his lips, "Naturally."

He stepped into the room, and came out again in a short breath, holding a brocade box in his hand and handing it to Lin Xi, "Please trouble Junior Sister Lin for a trip."

Lin Xi shyly said, "What's the matter, brother Huai is too polite."

Yunli is speechless, knowing that you are being polite, why are you so shy, obviously treating you as an outsider, it would be better for you to pretend to be angry at this time.

After delivering the brocade box, Mo Huai remained silent, waiting for Lin Xi to bid farewell, while Lin Xi stared at the ground with a blushing face, looking up at Mo Huai from time to time, which made Yunli's tooth ache. What a strange way to get along Way.

One wants to see off the guest and doesn't open his mouth, waiting for the other party to understand his meaning, and the other wants to stay and doesn't say anything. Are these two acting in a pantomime?
She decided to help Lin Xi and herself, "It's getting dark, Senior Sister Lin is a girl, isn't it safe? Why don't you give Senior Sister Lin a gift?"

As soon as the words came out, she scolded herself in her heart, what kind of lame excuse was she making, and she was not an ordinary person, why would a monk be afraid of walking at night, not to mention that this is Taiyi Sect, which thief would dare to be so arrogant.

These two really lowered her IQ. She thought about how to get round, but Lin Xi's eyes lit up, and she lowered her head shyly, "Then I will trouble Brother Huai."

The corner of Mo Huai's mouth twitched, and he said to the wolf cub beside him, "Go see her off."

Lin Xi's eyes turned red, she bit her lip and looked at Mo Huai, her eyes were misty and full of water.

Yunli sighed lowly, and said, "You wolf cub is only at the third level, who will protect who in case of danger?"

"Then you go and deliver."

Lin Xi suddenly drew inferences and said, "Junior Sister Yun is only at the seventh level of qi training. If I return after sending me off, I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous."

Mo Huai felt that he was being treated as a fool. He really couldn't think of any danger in the short steps from Feiqi Peak to Taiyi Peak for two monks who practiced Qi at the seventh level, so that they needed to cross Tianwu The forest is average.

Yunli also felt that sending it back and forth like this was not a problem, but after all, she initiated this shameful topic, and she had to settle her debts, so she said, "Why don't Senior Sister Lin go back tonight, anyway, fly to Qifeng's house many."

Upon hearing this, Lin Xi nodded hurriedly.

Mo Huai rubbed his eyebrows irritably. If he stayed tonight, he might not know when he would be able to leave. Feeling bad, he decided to refute with their mortal customs just now.

"It's not right, a lonely man and a widow may affect the reputation of Junior Sister Lin."

Yunli was unhappy, "Master, am I not human?"

She is a living person stuck here, why is she lonely and widowed?Staying for one night will affect Lin Xi's reputation. He, a male cultivator, wants her a little girl to be a Taoist boy, what about her reputation?

Mo Huai choked, but Lin Xi suddenly realized that there were only Mo Huai and Yunli in Fei Qifeng, and this gave them a chance to develop, so she immediately raised her vigilance to [-] points, not only decided not to go back today , even in the future, she will also live here.

Lin Xi, who was alerted, had amazing fighting power, overwhelmed Mo Huai, and managed to stay.

The night was getting darker, Mo Huai and Lin Xi were all practicing in their respective rooms, and Yunli was sleeping soundly. The watery moonlight fell on her gently through the window. Against the backdrop of that fair sleeping face, the moonlight The color seems to be a little lighter.


A shrill wolf howl came from Feiqi Peak, echoing in the forest, and then the wolf howl continued again and again, Mo Huai, who was cultivating in the room, frowned and opened his eyes.

This wolf cub is really helpful to his sword practice. Although it is not as strong as his and has no skills, it can only bite with its claws and teeth, but its attacks are fierce enough, and because of its insufficient cultivation, it will not cause fatal damage to him. In the past few months against it, his sword skills have improved a lot.

However, although this cub has turned into a human form, he still maintains his animal nature. Every few days when the moon is full, he howls at the moon every night, which is very annoying. At first he tried to stop it, but it was useless.

This is the nature of wolves, and he couldn't stop it, so he let it go. Fortunately, the full moon only lasted for a few days, and Renren passed away.

He was about to get up and go to the next door to remind Lin Xi that if he couldn't calm down, he shouldn't practice, but suddenly he felt that this was a good opportunity, if Lin Xi couldn't bear it, he might leave Fei Qifeng.

Thinking of this, he sat down again, took a few deep breaths, and after a few breaths, he began to practice again.

Lin Xi in the next room was indeed agitated by howling wolves, but feeling Mo Huai's long and long breath, she resisted the urge to rush out and scold the wolf cub.

Brother Huai can practice in such an environment, so she can too.

After a while, the black-crested pheasant was woken up, raised its neck and clucked angrily, venting its dissatisfaction, but its warning didn't have any effect on the wolf cub, and it still howled its own way.

The black-crested pheasant was also provoked into a temper, and it kept chirping. The sharp clucking sound was mixed with the shrill howling of wolves. It made a ghost cry and howl, and Mo Huai could no longer practice peacefully.

He opened his eyes, his brows were so wrinkled that he could kill a fly, and Lin Xi next door stopped early, the howling of chickens and wolves, I'm afraid the brothers and sisters in the next mountain peak heard it.

In the wooden house on the right side of the yard, Yunli was also woken up by the noise. She turned over and sat up, and shouted out the window: "Why howling! It's so noisy!"

The howling of wolves outside the window stopped abruptly, so did the little black chicken, and Fei Qifeng regained his tranquility. She tilted her head, fell limp, and fell asleep.

Mo Huai was startled. After waiting for a long time, she still didn't hear howling wolves. Could it be that she is still a beast master?
Lin Xi in the next room heaved a sigh of relief, and finally stopped barking. It would be fine if it was an ordinary monster roaring, but the voice was sad and melodious, and it directly touched people's hearts, telling people how to cultivate.

 Thank you Yu You Ruo Li for your monthly ticket, your likes are my biggest motivation!

(End of this chapter)

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