all the way to fairy

Chapter 195 Song Yin

Chapter 195 Song Yin
The next day, Yunli and Lin Xi tacitly agreed, and they left the matter of learning to make tea with them yesterday, and found an open and bright place to practice facing the morning sun;

One happily took the tea set to watch his sweetheart practice swords. Maybe Mo Huai also felt that the tea made by Yunli was really hard to swallow. Lin Xi also wanted to stay, so he didn't intend to wrong him, and acquiesced to their behavior.

Yunli was even more confident and bold to do her own thing. She practiced until noon, and she picked up a few leaves and went back to her hut. Feel the direction of its texture, no nuances are missed.

After observing, she began to outline the leaves in her mind from scratch. After all, there were other people around. In case someone accidentally sees it, there is nothing left to say.

It took a lot of mental effort to sketch it in her mind. It took a few months before she managed to set up the skeleton of the veins of the leaves. Eat the next spiritual fruit.

Outside the door, the little black chicken clucked, Yunli shook her hand, and the spirit fruit plate on the table was instantly put into the storage bag.

She got up and walked out, "Senior Sister Lin."

Facts have proved that even a sweetheart will get tired of looking at it for a long time. After getting along for a few months, Lin Xi has a lot of confidence in Yunli. After making tea for Mo Huai, she will occasionally chat with Yunli.

Of course, in the entire Feiqi Peak, there were three people, one chicken and one wolf, two monsters who couldn't understand human language, and Mo Huai was busy practicing swords, so if she wanted to chat with someone, she could only find Yunli.

After going back and forth, the two barely became friends, mainly because Yunli didn't have the slightest thought for Mo Huai, and never took the initiative to go to Mo Huai's side when nothing happened.

"In a few days, grandpa will go to seclusion. Brother Huai and I will go to the Hall of Supreme Oneness to listen to his old man's teachings. Come over and tell you."

Yunli lowered her eyes, she has been here for so long, and has never been in contact with the high-level officials of the Taiyi Sect. After all, she is here to be an undercover agent, so she has to put on a show. Now that her strength is low, direct contact is dangerous. I will need it later.

She immediately said: "I'll go with you, I haven't been to the main peak yet."

Lin Xi was a little conflicted. Although Yunli was not interested in Brother Huai, she still didn't like that they had too much contact, "This."

"The last time I saw the head teacher from a distance with Ah Yan, the head teacher was not angry and pretentious. As a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, I have never paid a visit to the head teacher."

Lin Xi said euphemistically: "Grandpa is busy with affairs, I'm afraid he doesn't have time to accept your visit."

"It's okay, I'll pay my respects to the main hall from a distance, and don't bother the head teacher."

She smiled embarrassedly, and asked curiously: "Then what, Mr. Songyin is also at Taiyi Peak, is he really a demon cultivator in the transformation stage?"

Lin Xi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, it turned out that the drunkard was not interested in drinking, Grandpa Yin had a gentle temperament, a handsome appearance, and was a demon cultivator in the transformation stage, almost no one was not curious about him.

She bent the corner of her lips, "Of course it is."

In order not to arouse suspicion, Yunli explained, "I'm just a little curious. I've never seen a demon cultivator in the transformation stage, and maybe I won't have the chance to see it in this lifetime."

Lin Xi: "Alright, Grandpa Yin is going to retreat with Grandpa this time. If you miss this opportunity, then you will have something to wait for."

Yunli said cheerfully: "It seems that I am lucky."

Guessing that Mo Huai was about to finish his sword practice, the two hurried to join him.

Don't want Mo to listen to it without thinking about it, so he objected to taking Yunli to Taiyi Peak.

Yunli looked at him suspiciously, the main hall of Taiyi Peak is not a forbidden place, everyone of Taiyi Sect disciples can go, she doesn't need his consent to go or not, why is he objecting?
Lin Xi also looked puzzled, could it be that Brother Huai didn't want Yujian to carry her?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Xi couldn't help but secretly rejoice, Yunli also had this guess, and said angrily: "I won't take your flying sword, I'll ride the crane myself."

The entire Taiyi Sect covers a very large area, and each of the nine mountain systems stretches for thousands of miles. If you rely on walking, you may have to walk for several days and nights from one mountain to another.

Qi-training monks can’t drive flying magical weapons. The sect specially prepared walking cranes for the disciples in the qi-training period. They are extremely human. Just put the spirit stone in the brocade bag around their necks, and they will take you to the sect. anywhere.

She gouged out Mo Huai's eyes, she was inhuman, and she didn't want to give her a pass on anything that happened along the way.

Just about to go down the mountain by herself to ride the crane, but Mo Huai suddenly changed her mind and asked her to go up the flying sword with a black face, Yun Li and Lin Xi were both puzzled.

After thinking about it, she jumped on Feijian, why bother with Lingshi, it costs a few yuan to go back and forth, and she still owes a lot of money, so she can save a little bit.

When they arrived at the main hall, the head teacher was still busy for the time being. Lin Xi simply took Yunli to find Songyin, and introduced her to Songyin personally. A big monster can make contact.

"It's here, it's here!"

Lin Xi pointed to the quiet courtyard in front of her, ran forward, and slammed the courtyard door, "Grandpa Yin, are you there?"

After a while, the door opened, and Song Yin smiled like a spring breeze, "Why did Xiao Linxi remember looking for me today?"

Lin Xi smiled and hugged his hand, "Didn't I miss you?"

The smile on Songyin's face became more and more gentle. When he saw Yunli behind Lin Xi, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "This little girl is here too."

Yunli was shocked: "You know me?"

"There are not many girls as bold as you."

Songyin couldn't help thinking of that day, when a group of disciples saluted respectfully, he was used to this kind of scene, and he flew with Fu Yue without looking sideways, unexpectedly, a soft voice suddenly came from below, "Who is the master?" door? '

The two of them froze at the same time, Fu Yuedang sighed to him through voice transmission: "The younger generation is really getting more and more courageous."

For some reason, that voice attracted him all of a sudden. He subconsciously looked towards the owner of the voice, but he happened to meet her eyes that were peeking over at her. He was indeed very courageous, and he dared to look up. He was not afraid when he was discovered. Actually smiling at him, it's hard for him not to be impressed.

Immediately, Yunli also thought about the fact that she was found peeking quietly that day, and she smiled embarrassedly, "I made you laugh."

Lin Xi looked at Songyin, then at Yunli, "You two knew each other before?"

"It doesn't count."

Yunli briefly described the situation that day, and looked at the gentle man in front of him, the light-colored blue and white clothes were indifferent, his black hair was tied up by a simple and elegant wooden hairpin, and there was a small flower on the top of the hairpin. Pale pink flowers, sky blue eyes are gentle and peaceful, and there is no trace of a monster in his body.

Song Yin smiled and asked, "Why is the little girl looking at me like this?"

"Are you really a demon cultivator?"

His gentleness made Yunli relax his vigilance, and he couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart. The monsters are so cruel, especially those who can cultivate to the transformation stage, and they have experienced many battles. It is also rare in mortal teenagers.

Song Yin smiled and said nothing, but Lin Xi next to him looked proud: "That's natural, Grandpa Yin is Baisong Taolu, with a gentle nature, and because he followed his grandfather since he was a child, he is naturally different from other demon cultivators."

"So this is ah."

Yunli nodded thoughtfully, and was about to speak when another person came, it was Mo Huai.

Song Yin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Did you make an appointment today?"

After seeing the ceremony, Mo Huai said: "There is one thing I want to ask Uncle Yin."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Mo Huai studied under the head teacher, if there is any question that the head teacher can't answer, and he has to trouble Songyin, Yunli couldn't help being curious.

I just heard him say: "It's my spiritual pet. Because it accidentally ate the transformation pill, it has transformed into form at the third level, but its spiritual wisdom is not yet developed, and its cultivation is also very slow. If you want to ask Uncle Yin for advice, can you help me?" Ways to make it practice faster?"

Song Yin had heard a little about Mo Huai taking in a monster to be a sword boy, but he didn't know the specifics.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "How about the blood?"

"Fashion wolf, there is no other special bloodline."

Mo Huai also knows that this is a difficult matter. The cultivation of monsters mostly depends on blood, and with the current blood of the wolf cub, it is astonishing to be able to cultivate to the sixth level.

However, in the past few months, he couldn't be more satisfied with the wolf cub as a sword boy, and he was a little reluctant to abandon him so easily, so he came to find Songyin. It can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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