all the way to fairy

Chapter 196 Monster Beast?

Chapter 196 Monster Beast?

"That would be difficult."

Song Yin shook his head, "We monster cultivators rely on the power of this bloodline. When we are born, the bloodline has basically determined the upper limit of cultivation. Unless there is a great opportunity to improve the bloodline, otherwise, it is impossible to surpass it." capped."

Yunli couldn't help asking: "What does the great opportunity mean?"

There is nothing new in Song Yin's rhetoric. A monk knows that it is difficult to break through the blood limit in monster cultivation, but no one has been able to explain clearly how difficult it is and what the specific opportunity is.

"Bloodline devours, by devouring higher-level bloodlines than oneself, so as to obtain their power."

Yunli was even more puzzled, this method sounds not difficult, and it also looks like a shortcut commonly used by evil spirits.

Song Yin's eyes showed helplessness, "It is only useful to devour those with higher bloodlines than oneself, but in demon cultivators, bloodlines are everything. A cub with noble bloodlines can suppress a big demon with low-level bloodlines. It's nothing more than normal, let alone devoured, ninety-nine percent of them died suddenly."

"What's more, those that are only a little bit higher than your own bloodline are useless at all, and you can't use bloodline devouring frequently. If you use too much, it will backfire and make your original bloodline mixed."

It was the first time for the three of them to hear these things, and they were shocked. According to what he said, it seemed that the road of blood swallowing was blocked.

But since the so-called great opportunity exists, there must be a way to succeed.

Lin Xi asked: "Then how?"

"Given by the bloodline, the demon cultivator with noble bloodlines injects his own blood essence into the recipient's body."

Mo Huai's eyes lit up, "Then can you?"

"I can't," Song Yin shattered his fantasy, "Bloodline granting requires a corresponding contract, and this kind of contract is only passed on to demon cultivators with high-level bloodlines, and I don't have it."

He paused, and said: "Not only do I not have one, as far as I know in the entire Canglan Continent, only the demon king has mastered this kind of covenant, and there may be other unborn demon cultivators, but there will never be more than five."

Mo Huai was disappointed, Yao Wang, he didn't even think about it, he was the top expert in the Canglan Continent, even the No. 1 Supreme Elder of the Human Cultivator, Ling Su Zhenjun, had to stay away.

People rely on exercises to cultivate, but what about monsters?
Thinking of this, Yunli asked: "Aside from bestowing blood, is there no special cultivation method for monsters?"


Mo Huai once again ignited hope, but the next moment Songyin's words poured cold water on him again.

"The level of bloodlines is not only reflected in the suppression of bloodlines, high-level bloodlines may also be awakened and passed on. Demon cultivators with inheritance are inherently faster than other demon cultivators, and their combat power is far superior."

This knowledge, not to mention Yunli, an outsider who practiced Taoism halfway, didn't know it, even Lin Xi, a native born and raised top immortal second generation, didn't know much about it. She couldn't help wondering: "How is the blood passed down?"

"Bloodline inheritance is unique to our demon cultivators. The ancestors condensed their own practice experience in the bloodline through special means, and passed it along with the continuation of the bloodline. I don't know the details. Take me as an example. I awakened when I was young. After inheriting the inheritance from my ancestors, when I started to practice, the exercises of my family naturally appeared in my mind, and using this exercises, I quickly completed other brothers and sisters."

What he said later, Yunli didn't hear clearly, her mind had already shut down, and the words 'the exercises appeared in her mind while practicing' flashed like garbled characters. Isn't this referring to her mortal exercises? !

"Junior Sister Yun?"

Her dumbstruck quickly caught Lin Xi's attention, and she elbowed her.

Yunli closed her wide-open mouth, and murmured: "The demon cultivator is much better than the human cultivator. He is born with his own skills, unlike human cultivators, who have to bother about the skills."

"This statement is wrong. There are very few demon cultivators who can have inheritance. Most demon cultivators rely on luck and grope for cultivation on their own. Demon cultivators with inheritance are equivalent to the aristocratic families in your human cultivation, and they are more cruel than the aristocratic families."

"In the aristocratic family, in principle, all the children of the aristocratic family, even non-aristocratic children can obtain the exercises, but in the demon cultivator, not all brothers and sisters of the same mother can be inherited."

"Besides, in human cultivation, even if your own family doesn't have any skills, if you are extremely talented, you can also practice their skills if you join other clans. However, the skills of our monster cultivators are very different for each clan. As far as people are concerned, they cannot practice the exercises of other races."

"Therefore, even if a demon cultivator who has developed spiritual wisdom is willing to teach his skills to other demon cultivators, there are many restrictions."

Having said that, he looked at Mo Huai, "Except for the gift of blood, you can find wolf clans with inheritance, and their skills are suitable for your spiritual pet. It's just that you have to look for wolves who are in the transformation stage or have extremely high spiritual intelligence. Clans can do it, and others, even if they have the inheritance of skills, they can't explain it clearly, let alone teach other clansmen."

Mo Huai's brows were frowned. The higher the spiritual intelligence of the monster, the fiercer the fighting power. With his current strength, it was impossible.

Seeing him like this, it's not good for Song Yin to continue to attack him, the demon cultivator values ​​his own bloodline very much, and will not easily pass his skills to low-level bloodline demon cultivators.

"Oh, so it is."

Seeing that the topic was getting farther and farther, Yunli was secretly anxious. She pretended to have suddenly realized, and quickly turned into a curious baby, and pulled the topic back: "Is the inheritance of exercises like accepting jade slips, or other methods?"

"Most of them are memory fragments like jade slips."

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, Hongchen Gongfa is not like this,

Unexpectedly, Songyin changed the subject, "However, this method will not be very stable. In the long inheritance, those memory fragments will gradually become mottled, and it is not certain how many inheritances the younger generations can get. Therefore, the top bloodlines are all obtained through talismans. Inheritance."

"Spell, rune?!"

In Yunli petrification, the Hongchen skills are not just runes. Why do I have the inheritance of monsters alone? Is it possible that I am actually a monster?

No, I saw myself born from my mother's womb with my own eyes, how could it be a demon?

Could it be that mother is a monster?Or is daddy a monster?It's impossible, both the Yun family and the royal family are genuine people!
Impossible, impossible, there must be a mistake somewhere, isn't there a inheritance of human cultivation power, just like Wen Xueluo, who got the inheritance of Zhirou Zhenjun.

At this time, she selectively forgot the fact that Wen Xueluo's inheritance was through the medium of Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Longing and respect appeared on Songyin's gentle face, "Yes, those who have rune inheritance are the top bloodlines, and none of the demon cultivators in our Canglan Continent have one."

After being dazed for a long time, Yunli finally found her voice, "Then do you only inherit the exercises?"

Lin Xibai glanced at her, "Are you listening carefully? Didn't Grandpa Songyin say that both exercises and experience are fine."

Yunli, who was in a daze, thought about it for a while, and seemed to have mentioned such a sentence. She collected herself and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, it's the first time I heard such a miraculous thing, I was so shocked!"

Song Yin still smiled at the corner of his mouth, and patiently explained in detail, "If you relax, blood inheritance is quite common among demon cultivators. Will stay there, this is actually the lowest level of inheritance."

"But this kind of inheritance is too weak, and there is basically no help for cultivation, so the demon cultivator only recognizes the inheritance of exercises as bloodline inheritance. Of course, those demon cultivators with top bloodlines inherit not only the exercises, but also the inheritance of all the ancestors. What you see and hear can be passed on.”

Yunli asked weakly: "Can you give me a chestnut for what you have seen and heard?"

She still wants to struggle again, she is really human, not a demon.

Songyin seems to have a special affection for such a studious girl like her, and he is very kind to her, answering every question.

"For example, some treasures of heaven and earth, in order not to let the younger generation miss or eat them by mistake, the demon cultivator of the top bloodline will also be passed on. As long as the younger generation sees it, relevant information will naturally rise in the sea of ​​consciousness;"

"Or some cognitions about this world, for example, in my inheritance, after leaving our Canglan Continent, we will ascend to Qingxuan Continent, which is what you usually call the upper realm."

 Thank you carotte for your monthly pass, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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