all the way to fairy

Chapter 197 The cultivation of monsters

Chapter 197 The cultivation of monsters

Mo Huai's eyebrows twitched slightly. If so, then demon cultivators would have an advantage over them in entering the upper realm, at least not like human cultivators whose eyes are darkened and they don't know anything.

Seeing that they were very interested, Songyin couldn't help but talk more about monsters, so that they could increase their knowledge.

The three of them were listening intently, when someone came to inform that the affairs of the head teacher had been dealt with, although they were reluctant to give up, Lin Xi and Mo Huai still left.

Yunli, who had nothing to do, naturally stayed, she still didn't give up, stared at Songyin with her chin on her hands, her eyes wide open, curious like a baby: "Hehe, I'm getting more and more curious, can I continue to ask? "


Yunli immediately asked: "How do you demon cultivators practice on weekdays?"

Song Yin raised his eyebrows, "Are you asking in such detail to prepare to accept spiritual pets?"

He has been in Tai Yizong for tens of thousands of years, and it is not only the three of them who come to him to ask him about monsters, but most of them come to listen to his opinions because they want to accept spiritual pets, but few people are interested in the cultivation of monsters themselves. Inheritance is so interesting.

Yunli rolled her eyes, "I also help take care of Danyang Daoist's spiritual pet. I heard that it has Kunpeng blood. I want to know more about it so that I can take better care of it."

Song Yin was slightly surprised: "Cang Jie?"

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was the name of the little black chicken, and nodded quickly. It seems that Daoist Danyang has a lot of face, even a demon cultivator like Song Yin knows his spiritual pet.

A trace of fear and envy flashed in Songyin's eyes, "Don't worry about its cultivation, it also has an inheritance, and it has awakened the Kunpeng bloodline, so maybe it may be able to open the Kunpeng inheritance in the future."

Who cares about it, I care about my race.

Yunli moved the corner of her mouth, and pulled out a stiff smile, "Hehe, no wonder it is already at the fifth level at such a small age, and its combat power is still extremely fierce."

"You've been bullied by it, haven't you?" There was a rare hint of teasing on Songyin's face, and then he comforted him: "It's still young, and it's very naughty. It'll be fine if you get along with it."

Yunli smiled and said nothing, this worry was unnecessary, Xiao Hei couldn't be more obedient.

After a pause, Song Yin still explained her confusion, "Human cultivators are weak and can only absorb docile spiritual energy for cultivation, but demon cultivators can not only absorb spiritual energy, but also directly absorb the essence of the sun and moon for cultivation, and their combat power is natural. It is far beyond the cultivation of people of the same level."

"Day essence and moonlight?"

It was the first time she had heard of this concept in this world.

"The essence of the sun and the moon has been transformed layer by layer, and will eventually turn into spiritual energy and disperse between the heaven and the earth, but the energy of the untransformed essence of the sun and the moon is particularly violent. If you don't pay attention, it is very easy to explode and die, especially the essence of the sun. Monster beasts don't dare to absorb it wantonly."

"So the monster absorbs the essence of the moon more? But Xiao Hei sleeps at night and doesn't practice."

Yunli was even more puzzled, Xiao Hei slept more deadly than her at night, no, it was rare to see it practicing during the day, but it was very edible.

Songyin smiled softly, "Sleeping is because it is practicing."

Yunli looked at him suspiciously, "I don't study much, don't lie to me, sleeping is just cultivating, is there such a good thing?"

"It is still young, and it has to sleep to grow its body, but when it is asleep, its long breathing can naturally absorb part of the essence of the moon. When its intelligence is more sound, it will breathe out the essence of the sun and the moon on its own, and practice consciously. It’s going to be a leap forward.”

Sleep long body?
She looked down at herself, was she growing up when she slept at night? !
No, no, only cubs need it. I'm already in my teens, so I'm not a cub anymore.

Songyin didn't notice her abnormality, he looked up at the sky: "Even the weakest mortal's spiritual intelligence is far superior to most of us demon cultivators."

Let out a breath, "However, after all, the way of heaven favors my beast race. It deprives us of our extraordinary spiritual wisdom, but also gives us powerful instincts. Even the most ordinary monsters are born to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon."

Yunli didn't listen to the emotion behind him, she suddenly thought of something, counted with her fingers, since she practiced so far, she has broken through a total of five times, and her cultivation has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment.

If it is replaced by the promotion system of monsters, the five breakthroughs are exactly the fifth-level monsters, which is equivalent to the middle stage of human foundation construction, which is completely on par.

If it's anything else, she can still struggle a bit, but the promotion system, apart from being a monster, can't explain why she has already reached the middle stage of foundation establishment after breaking through five times.

In addition, she can use the demon pill to practice, and some memories that don't belong to her pop up in her mind from time to time, all of this shows that she is a monster, or a monster with inheritance.

But what is amazing is that she was a human being in her previous life, and she is also a human being in this life. The paternal and matriarchal clansmen are all ordinary mortals, so why did she become a monster inexplicably?
Wait, she had an idea, could it be that some senior from the Yun family or the Li family had a flirtatious relationship with a ladyboy, and when she came to her, there was an atavism phenomenon, right?

For a while, various shemale sadomasochism plots flashed in her mind. She felt that she had found the root cause. Liang Guo used to belong to the Canglan Continent, and there might still be monsters who had cultivated to the transformation stage. Shemale sadomasochism made sense.

If you have a chance, go home and ask carefully, which ancestor is so romantic that she can't even be a human being.

When she recovered, she realized that Songyin was no longer talking, and suddenly felt embarrassed to be caught by the teacher, she smiled mockingly, "You know a lot, what do I not understand in the future , can I often come to ask you for advice?"

Song Yin didn't poke her, and said gently, "Naturally."

Yunli smiled brightly at him, she was really good-natured, as a big monster in the transformation stage, she was not annoyed at being dismissed from teaching popular science to juniors who had nothing to do with her, and she patiently accepted the juniors' words to resolve embarrassment. little angel.

If it wasn't for being impolite, she really wanted to ask, is there any cubs as gentle as you in your family? Do you mind if I accept a spiritual pet?
Thinking that Songyin was going to retreat with the head teacher, she quickly sorted out her thoughts, and if she didn't understand anything, she had to ask earlier, the time for monks to retreat is not guaranteed, if they retreat for decades this time, she Find someone to solve your doubts.

The time was spent in question and answer. The more she knew about monsters, the more sure she was. He concluded a master-servant contract and picked up cheap monsters.

She really wanted to ask what was going on with the master-servant contract, but she swallowed the words. As soon as the contract came out, both the eighth-level monsters and the fifth-level monsters reacted so strongly. It might be a symbol of blood. Take it out and loosen it. Didn't Yin see through her identity?

Back at Feiqi Peak, Yunli plunged into the cabin, took out a pen and paper, and prepared to write a secret letter to Wei Lin. Now she urgently needs to tell, such a big secret, holding it in alone will cause internal injuries.

Picking up the pen, she didn't know where to start, should she just write, 'I'm actually a monster'?
Even if this is the truth, she won't be able to accept it for a while.

After dawdling for half an hour, she finally started to write. She decided to write the information about monsters that she got from Song Yin today. Anyway, the senior brother also knows her cultivation situation, so he should be able to understand what she wants to express after reading this information.

After finishing the first draft, she took out "The Story of Luo Ling's Cultivation of Immortals" and translated the three full pages into a secret language to cover up their agreement. After the whole translation, she was going bald.

Do not commit suicide!

Why did she agree on such a complicated secret language in the first place? She will never write such a long secret letter again. If she comes a few more times, she really needs to get a hair transplant.

After doing all of this, she looked at the bright moon hanging outside the window, and she decided to give it a try. Facing the bright moon outside the window, she sat on the bed with her five hearts facing the sky, her tongue touching her palate, her eyes were naturally slightly closed, and with a thought, The world of mortals is working.

This time, she took out the stance she used to draw the qi into her body, and carefully sensed the aura sucked into her body around her. When her mind and mind settled down, she quickly discovered the difference.

The aura is warm and cool when it enters the body, and it is very comfortable, but the essence of the moon is extraordinarily cold. After the cycle of the sky, the increase of the spiritual power of the dantian by the moonlight is far more than that of ordinary aura.

Although she was shocked in her heart, at least she had an answer to the abnormality in her cultivation. Since it was a monster, she naturally had to practice according to the way of a monster. She looked outside at the black-crowned pheasant who was at the same level as her.

As a person who also has the inheritance of skills, and her spiritual wisdom is not inferior to others, her cultivation speed has not surpassed that of a chicken. If she talks about it, where will she put her face!
 There will be an update tomorrow, and the update time will be temporarily adjusted. Please understand and rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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