all the way to fairy

Chapter 198 Interrogation

Chapter 198 Interrogation

She was determined to practice hard and establish an absolute advantage over the little black chicken, but after practicing for a while, her mind became confused and her eyelids couldn't stop fighting.

Finally, she couldn't hold on any longer, and she fell asleep when her body was tilted. Forget it, let's grow her body, and let's talk about cultivation during the day.

She didn't make it through the night, so she simply changed her daytime schedule. The essence of the sun was violent, and it was always gentler at sunrise. She didn't stop until the sun passed the treetops, and she felt hearty for the first time.

In the past, she only focused on absorbing spiritual energy and peeling off the other energies that came in. The effect of the practice was not good.

On the pretext of going to the Spirit Talisman Hall to sell talisman seals, she went to Zuimenglou.

Seeing her, Yingmei's forehead twitched, "Why are you here at this time again?"

Do you have the consciousness of being a spy, and rushing here in broad daylight, is it because you are afraid that people will not know that this is the stronghold of Canye Pavilion?
Yunli curled her lips, "I'm a ghost when I come at night. I'm a decent young disciple of a famous family. I don't practice hard in the sect at night and come to Tianyun City to wander around. Do you think it's appropriate? Besides, there are people here at night. Those with multiple eyes have a greater chance of being discovered."

Seeing that Ying Mei was still worried, she said, "Don't worry, no one saw me when I came in."

If she entered this kind of place without concealing it and was recognized by others, would she still want to live?

Ying Mei felt at ease, and shook the fan in her hand, "What's the news?"


Yunli was stunned for a moment, then said with a serious face: "There is news that the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect is going to retreat."

Yingmei is a bit unbelievable, just this, is it worth taking a special risky trip?
Yunli didn't change her face, and she followed her own train of thought while telling her, "The head teacher only came back a few months ago, and where he went is strictly kept secret, even his granddaughter doesn't know. I had a secret talk, and then immediately announced the retreat, there must be something tricky in it!"

Ying Mei was expressionless. It was normal for a sect master to hold meetings with the principals of each peak after he returned. During the period of his absence, he needed to know about important matters in the sect, and some things could only be decided by him; It is necessary to convene personnel to arrange future matters. Do you need to come here to report on such a small matter?
Yunli, however, spoke eloquently: "As spies, we must always remain skeptical. Many things look normal individually, but when some things are connected together, it becomes unusual."

"Think about what happened in Donglu last time. The four major sects had changed a lot a long time ago, but it wasn't until four years later that Master Jingzhe noticed the abnormal aura and rearranged all the information. We don't know yet."

Ying Mei thinks about it, it makes sense, now it's just a waste of time, if Tai Yizong really made a move, wouldn't it be dereliction of duty if he didn't report now.

Seeing her relaxed expression, Yunli was relieved.

The reason for her visit was reasonable, so she took out the secret letter and asked Yingmei to help convey it, but Yingmei didn't doubt it, she just stopped her when she was about to leave, and took out the photo stone.

"Auntie, what is this for?"

Yunli's heart immediately became aroused, the picture stone has always been associated with pulling people's pigtails, could it be that what he said just now was recorded?
No, I didn't say anything outrageous just now, no matter how I interpreted it, I couldn't catch the pigtail, or was it caught elsewhere?
"It's not a big deal. The stronghold near Xili Mansion was taken away. All the disciples who were nearby during that time will be questioned. Don't worry, it's just a process."

Yunli's hanging heart fell, she raised her lips and smiled, "So that's the case, you can ask."

Don't worry, it's clear that they suspected that the one who attacked was their own people. Fortunately, they had already figured out who would be the one to take the blame.

Yingmei activated the photo stone, her voice became severe: "The stronghold of Xili Mansion was destroyed, you know about this, right?"

Yunli immediately nodded with a heavy face, "I know."

"How did you know?"

"The official of the city lord's mansion of Xili Prefecture notified me, and I and the two female cultivators of the Taiyi Sect suddenly heard that day."

Yunli seriously described in detail how they went out to ask the servants when they heard the noise, and how they hurried to find the city lord afterwards, with an attitude of knowing everything.

"It happened the night before, where were you at that time?"

Yunli didn't hesitate to think, "City Lord's Mansion. The two female cultivators of Taiyi Sect are both alchemists. I was ordered to protect them and stay with them all the time."

Ying Mei narrowed her eyes, "That's not right, that An Ran is in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and still needs the protection of a little Qi training level [-] of you."

Yunli nodded without blushing. This is the truth. I believe that someone in the City Lord's Mansion knew about Su Xu's visit to her before going out that day. The people in the pavilion would know that she was not lying .

"Su Xu told me."

Ying Mei fell into deep thought, the room was very quiet, so quiet that the breathing of the two could be heard.

Yunli lowered her eyes, is this a psychological tactic?

She stared at the lines on the white jade floor carefully, but she didn't know if she didn't see it, and she was shocked when she saw that there was also a spirit-gathering formation carved on the floor.

Extravagant, too extravagant!
Thinking of the room she lived in before, she couldn't help guessing that the rooms in Zuimenglou had spirit-gathering formations.

Why don't you find a chance to learn the formation as well, and get one for your cabin?
Just when her thoughts had drifted thousands of miles away, Yingmei's voice sounded again, "After hearing what the servant said, did An Ran go to the city lord of Xili Mansion immediately?"

Yunli raised her head and looked at her suspiciously, as if she didn't understand why she asked such a question. Seeing the seriousness on her face, she thought about it seriously, and nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

"The other two foundation-building periods of Tai Yizong went to Shanghe Mansion, why didn't she go?"

Yunli replied: "She is an alchemist, and she is also the lover of Zhenjun Fuyu in Taiqing Peak. Su Xu was afraid that something would happen to her, so he specially asked her to assist Xiao Jin in the city lord's mansion to sit in the rear."

Originally, this assistance was only in name. After all, Xili Mansion belongs to the Dongshan family. If the Xiao family was responsible for everything, Tai Yizong would lose face.

But now, after what she said, the suspicious intelligence personnel will definitely interpret it from another angle.

Ying Mei raised her eyebrows, "At Dengtai Mountain, she also assisted Xiao Jin in the village?"

Yunli nodded without hesitation.

After asking some more questions, Yingmei took away the photo stone and let her go.

Just three days ago, the same questioning took place in Canye Pavilion, Wei Lin and a dozen or so disciples who appeared around the stronghold during that time were taken outside the Law Enforcement Hall.

Seeing Ying San, Wei Lin was overjoyed. If some words were said deliberately during questioning, people would be suspicious to some extent, but if they were found out by members of the Law Enforcement Hall in the chat with fellow students, or let the Law Enforcement Hall know them through other means You know, the authenticity can be greatly improved.

He walked over and greeted lightly, "Senior Brother Yingsan."

Uneasy Ying San suddenly saw an acquaintance, surprised in his heart, "Hey, it's you, you were also nearby at that time?"

After being surprised, he remembered that the cause of this incident was caused by Zhengdao chasing and killing Qianjiu. He was very normal nearby, and he couldn't help but feel sympathetic. As the fuse for the destruction of the stronghold, Qianjiu must be the focus of the Law Enforcement Hall subject of interrogation.

Wei Lin gave a wry smile, and then fell silent.

Ying San sighed slightly in his heart, what is this called, Qian Jiu is also a victim, his identity was leaked and no one in the pavilion explained, and because of the destruction of the stronghold, he became the target of interrogation, thinking about it, he is very wronged.

He comforted: "Don't worry, it's just a question."

Wei Lin squinted at him, "It's just a question, what are you doing with your pale face and sweating profusely?"

Ying San was discouraged at once, and wiped the cold sweat off his face, "This is the law enforcement hall, in charge of all kinds of punishment prisons in the pavilion, and there are rumors that there are all kinds of inhuman interrogation methods. It is a blessing to die here. The scary thing is the dark prison, and being refined into a medicine furnace, ouch, my ancestors bless you!"

Ying Mitsukoshi became more frightened as he spoke, he put his hands together and made a bow to the air, muttering something in his mouth.

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, and he silently moved two steps to the side. After all, he has been a killer for so long, why should he be so timid.

Ying San's face was filled with the expression that you are still too tender, he leaned over, and glanced at the people waiting for interrogation around him, "You just pray, it would be good if you can find the traitor from these people earlier, otherwise, one round at a time After rounds of interrogation, I don’t know how many of us in this group can survive.”

 Thanks to 941 Dessert and book friend 20170629225115617 for the monthly pass, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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