Chapter 201
Yunli looked over, and Lin Xi, who had just stepped out of the Jinyi Pavilion, was visibly stiff, then raised her head and smiled and said, "Why is Sister Hui here, and she didn't say a word, so that Uncle San can send someone to pick you up. The mountains are high and the roads are far away, and sister Hui's cultivation level is low, so what if she meets robbers."

Upstairs, Xu Linghui leaned sideways by the window, "Sister Lao is concerned, although my sister's meager cultivation level is only one level higher than my sister's, she really has more than enough energy to deal with the robbers. My sister got it right."

She raised her hand and stroked her chest, as if she still had lingering fears, "I met the robbers from the Loose Cultivation Alliance when I passed by Xuling, and they dispersed me and the guards."

In a few words, it satirizes that Lin Xixiu, who is an older sister, is lower than her, and also faintly reveals that Lin Xi has a crow's mouth and is uneasy and kind to her sisters.

Then, she looked rejoicing again; "It's fortunate that this fellow Taoist rescued him and sent him all the way, so that he could reach Tianyun safely—"

Her words stopped abruptly, and the smile froze on her face. Yunli had already walked to the center of the street at this time, and saw with her own eyes that when she was speaking, Wei Lin threw a spirit stone on the table and jumped out of the window on the other side up.

This scene was not only seen by Yunli, but also by the people on the street who were attracted by the conversation between the two of them. Everyone was astonished. They saved the daughter of Xuanyumen, but they didn't take the opportunity to seek benefits. They walked straight away without caring about Xu Linghui's face. What does drop mean?
Lin Xi, on the other hand, laughed unceremoniously. After laughing, she ridiculed: "This is the benefactor who saved you and sent you all the way?"

The emotions on Xu Linghui's face quickly cleared up, and she said with a smile: "Benefactor has a noble character and doesn't think about repaying, so he is different from vulgar people."

Yunli changed her posture to watch the play, and every sentence was full of ridicule, this girl has such a sharp mouth!

Lin Xi was so angry that her whole body was trembling, she squeezed through her teeth: "Didn't your benefactor send you off all the way, he wasn't among the guards just now."

Xu Linghui still smiled and responded calmly: "He has saved my life, how can he be used as an ordinary guard, and the Taiyi Sect, as the number one sect in the Canglan Continent, doesn't care about these vain gifts."

Lin Xi was completely defeated.

The smile on Xu Linghui's face from the upstairs was even wider, she turned around and jumped down from the upstairs, looked at a few people, and said, "Sister Xi has a new face, why don't you introduce me?"

Lin Xi turned her head aside, not even looking at her.

An Ran took a step forward, and said with a smile, "Nephew Xu, long time no see, nephew Xu is getting more and more beautiful."

She spoke one nephew to another, and the focus was very prominent. Xu Linghui, who practiced Qi at the eighth level, had a cracked smile, but An Ran didn't notice it, and pointed to Yunli, "Our Taiyi Sect's new disciples, Qi training at the seventh level of cloud pear."

Turning sideways again, pointing to Wen Xueluo at the back, said: "This is also a new disciple this year, Wen Xueluo in the early stage of foundation establishment, just like you, is also a three-spiritual root."

Xu Linghui's smile froze. She just mocked Lin Xi, who was also a three-spiritual root who was only able to cultivate the seventh level of qi. An Ran emphasized that this female cultivator with three spiritual roots was already in the early stage of foundation establishment, which meant it was self-evident.

She took a deep breath, and in just a moment, a gentle smile appeared on her face again, "The Taiyi Sect has produced a large number of talents, and it is worthy of being the number one sect in the Canglan Continent."

Suddenly, she glanced at Wen Xueluo again, and frowned, "This fellow Taoist seems to be kind."

Wen Xueluo's face was calm, even though she was in a busy city, she seemed to have her own barrier, which isolated her from everything around her.

Xu Linghui once again encountered a soft nail, feeling unhappy, An Ran and Lin Xi, one is the head disciple of Taiqing Peak, and the other is the granddaughter of the head teacher of Taiyi Sect, so they are fine. A monk in the Foundation Establishment period dares to ignore her.

Seeing that the expression on Xu Linghui's face began to change again, Yunli wished she could take out a spiritual fruit and gnaw a couple of bites. Is the elegant and beautiful heroine and the cruel goddess of luck going to battle head-on?

I saw Xu Linghui's eyelids slightly raised, creating enormous psychological pressure on the opponent invisibly, and then she fixed her eyes on Wen Xueluo, her eyes were sharp, as if she could see into the enemy's heart.

Then there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "Why, fellow daoist, do you look down on my Xuanyu sect?"

The tail sound has a slight rise, which further creates a sense of oppression for the enemy.

Facing her aggressive attack, Wen Xueluo continued to remain expressionless, making the enemy's attack feel like hitting cotton, unable to concentrate.

As time passed, the playful smile on the corners of Xu Linghui's lips was maintained for too long, and it became a little stiff.

Just when Yunli wondered if the corner of her mouth was cramping, Wen Xueluo moved!

She turned her eyeballs slightly, and her slack pupils gathered light. She looked at Xu Linghui, and the stagnant water in her eyes rippled.

Oh no, there were waves, layers upon layers of waves swept across, one wave was higher than the other, and finally the wave turned blood-colored, rushing straight at Xu Linghui, submerging her in an instant.

Xu Linghui took two steps back, bowed her head and gasped for breath.

The blood in Wen Xueluo's eyes receded, and she became indifferent again.

Yunli sighed: It seems that the ruthless goddess of luck is even better. She has not yet activated her ultimate move, and the aura of Tiandao's daughter-in-law has forced the enemy back with just her ruthless aura.

Everyone was a little surprised. This was Xu Linghui's only major gaffe since she appeared on the stage. In those scenes just now, her expression was always adjusted in an instant.

Xu Linghui was also surprised that she was frightened by the other party's eyes. She wanted to teach Wen Xueluo a lesson, but she was also palpitated by the other party's eyes, which were really terrifying.

At that moment, she seemed to be in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the monstrous hatred and fierce murderous intent even changed the color of the world.

However, she really couldn't swallow this breath, let alone in front of so many people, her majestic granddaughter of the head of the Xuanyu Sect, unexpectedly lost to the eyes of an unknown person.

From the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of Mu Yan whose face was still surprised. She was in the restaurant just now, and this little girl seemed to be there too.

She let out a breath, raised her eyebrows and asked, "This little girl is also from your Taiyi sect? Why didn't Senior Sister An introduce her, is she unable to do so?"

Yunli squinted her eyes. It has been seven years since Ayan joined the Taiyi School. She knew her cousin, so she should have met Ayan.

Lin Xi: "Are you blind? I introduced it to you last time you came."

Changing the subject, Xu Linghui regained her composure, "Really? I don't have any impression, maybe it's too ordinary."

Yunli's face darkened, and she immediately turned back: "You are so unusual, why do you still need help? If you have the ability, do it yourself."

Mu Yan tugged at Yunli's sleeve, and said via voice transmission: "Don't provoke her, the wife of the head of the Xuanyu Sect is a distant cousin of the Lin family."

Yunli patted her hand, not to mention that the three-thousand-mile relationship is unreliable in the mortal world, not to mention that strength is the most important thing among monks, but he is a monk with three spiritual roots who really thinks he is something The little princess of Xuanyumen.

Xu Linghui's complexion became more and more unsightly when she saw the person who hated her clearly. Before she could speak, her servant girl couldn't sit still and said, "Our young lady only trains Qi."

Before she could finish speaking, Yunli interrupted: "The so-called savior of yours just now is only in the early stage of foundation establishment. If he can save you, the robbers must be in the late stage of foundation establishment at most. You have already practiced Qi level eight, you can't You won't be able to escape when you step up to fight? Tsk, it seems to be too ordinary!"

Perhaps no one has ever insulted her so bluntly, Xu Linghui turned pale and shook her hands, "You—"

Yunli raised her chin: "What are you, you can't jump over the steps to challenge, what kind of genius are you pretending to be here."

Thinking of Wei Lin saying that he didn't know Xu Linghui, and that the senior brother was not a warm-hearted person, Yunli added another knife: "Also, are you sure that he saved you? Don't rely on you."

Xu Linghui was so angry that she waved her hand and fanned Yunli.

An Ran was startled, and shouted, "Stop."

Yunli pulled Mu Yan, who was about to step forward, behind her with one hand, and grabbed Xu Linghui's wrist with the other.

An Ran breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Xi was slightly taken aback, and said sarcastically, "Just do it if you can't say it, this is not like your style."

She had a flash of inspiration, and smiled mockingly: "Could it be that what she said is true, that person really didn't save you, you relied on yourself, right?"

Xu Linghui blushed, and moved her hands, trying to free her wrist from Yunli's grasp, but failed.

"Little bitch, let go."

She became angry from embarrassment, and suddenly a bright light appeared on the other hand, and she slammed towards Yunli fiercely.

Yunli let go of her hand, turned her toes, and led Mu Yan to avoid it, and then a spiritual force entangled her right ankle and pulled it back suddenly, then let it go quickly, Xu Linghui, who was caught off guard, rushed straight forward.

(End of this chapter)

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