Chapter 202


The green-clothed maid exclaimed, strode forward to support her, Yunli repeated her old trick, and the chain of spiritual power was pulled violently and quickly dissipated.

With this tugging, the green-clothed maid not only failed to support Xu Linghui, but also rushed forward, pressing on Xu Linghui's back, and the two of them fell to the ground hard together.

Yunli folded her arms around her chest, and smiled unkindly, "Tsk tsk, I can't even stand upright, and I'm still imitating other people's fighting skills."



Xu Linghui's guards, who had been watching at the entrance of the restaurant, ran out screaming one after another. One of them quickly stepped forward to help Xu Linghui, while the rest sacrificed magic weapons and stared at Yunli fiercely.

"Little bastard, if you dare to hurt our lady, take your life!"

Yun Li hurriedly pulled Mu Yan to run behind Lin Xi, and stretched out her head, "It's reasonable, why did I hurt your young lady? It was she who wanted to hit me first, and I just stopped her hand."

She covered her face with her hands, and said with a mournful face: "Then your lady was jealous of my beauty and wanted to scratch my face with a knife, but I just let her go. Who knew she was an embroidered pillow, and she fell to the ground by herself. What's wrong with me, I'm obviously a victim."

The onlookers were stunned for a moment, and when they thought about it carefully, what they saw just now was indeed the case, but Xu Linghui was a monk at the eighth level of qi training, and even if he had no actual combat experience, he would not be able to throw himself down.

However, there is indeed no evidence. There was a fluctuation of spiritual power just now, but Xu Linghui's saber also lingered with spiritual power.

The guards of the Xuanyu Sect didn't care about the evidence, so they shouted, "Sophistry!"

He suddenly rushed towards Yunli, but because of Lin Xi in front of her, he didn't dare to move his moves, so he reached out and grabbed Yunli, trying to grab her from behind Lin Xi.

While moving around Lin Xi to avoid it, Yunli yelled loudly: "It's unreasonable, a disciple of the Xuanyu Sect killed someone! Help—"

The Xuanyu Sect disciple who was catching her was furious, and the hem of his clothes hadn't even touched her, so he yelled like this, thinking that someone was going to do something to her.


Following a loud shout, several figures flew over quickly, they were Mo Huai, Su Xu, Ye Chuchen and another young man she didn't know.

From afar, the young man who looked somewhat similar to Lin Xi asked coldly, "What's going on?"

When he got closer, he spotted Lin Xi and frowned: "Cousin Xi? Why are you here?"

Without waiting for an answer, he said again: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xi's expression turned bad immediately, and she said angrily, "I didn't cause trouble."

After finishing speaking, he moved to Mo Huai's side, and called out with some grievances, "Brother Huai."

As soon as she left, Yunli also moved over, still standing behind her.

Mo Huai nodded, Lin Xi seemed to be comforted, smiled sweetly at him, and stood beside him.

While following her step by step, Yunli silently complained that she was too easily satisfied, so she just nodded, tsk tsk, crush is scary.

Su Xu looked An Ran up and down, seeing that she was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and silently stood aside, not wanting to interfere in this matter.

Seeing Yunli was there, Ye Chuchen's expression tightened, and he shrank his neck back.

The young man's sharp eyes swept over, and his eyes fell on the lines on the lapels of a group of guards. He was stunned, "Xuanyumen?"

"Brother Peng."

A soft choked voice sounded behind him. The young man turned his head and saw Xu Linghui. He first blurted out in surprise: "Sister Hui! Why are you here?"

Then facing Xu Linghui's red eyes and the clear red marks on his face, the young man's face was filled with distress, and then he was furious again: "Who did it? Who is it?"

Seeing the red mark on Xu Linghui's face, Yunli was also taken aback. Is this face too delicate? It just fell and left a mark. Is she the princess and the pea?
Xu Linghui looked in Yunli's direction quietly, and then quickly moved away, as if it was just a subconscious reaction just now, then she forced a smile, "No, no one pushed me."

The young man turned his head and stared at Lin Xi, wrinkled his nose, and his eyes were full of disgust: "Sister Hui just came here, and you bullied her again!"

Lin Xi:? ? ?
Her face suddenly darkened, and she immediately exploded: "You are blind! Which eye saw me bullying her?"

The young man's face was even darker than hers, "What a shame to be yelling!"

An Ran couldn't see it, frowned and said, "You figure out what's going on before you explain."

The young man's complexion froze, and he looked back at Xu Linghui suspiciously. Xu Linghui was gently wiping the wound, and the maid beside her was quick-mouthed, and told everything about how they met after they met.

Under her explanation, Yunli felt that Xu Linghui was too pitiful, and greeted her cousin Lin Xi enthusiastically, but was cursed by Lin Xi to go out and meet robbers;
Affectionately befriended the disciples of the Taiyi School, but was ridiculed by An Ran for being low-level and unworthy to associate with them;
An Ranlin Xi's status was too high, and her young lady endured her grievances and wanted to use Wen Xueluo to get in touch with the girls, but Wen Xueluo not only ignored her, but also glared at her gentle, beautiful and understanding young lady viciously;
The most hateful thing is Yunli, an unreasonable savage, who first curses inexplicably, and then pushes her weak and weak young lady to the ground.

After hearing those words, Yunli was amazed, and looked at the green-clothed maid seriously, what a talent!Dare to turn black and white in front of so many people.

The young man's eyes slid over several people one by one, and finally stared at Yunli: "Who are you? How dare you do something to Sister Hui!"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Yunli, but Yunli turned away and shouted: "This fellow Daoist Xu, you have to be reasonable. She wanted to hit me with a knife, and I just avoided it."

The young man's face became even darker, "What fellow Daoist Xu, my surname is Lin."

"Ah? Isn't your surname Xu?" Yunli looked surprised, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you didn't even ask a question, but you just defended Fairy Xu when you came up. I thought you were her biological elder brother."

An Ran raised her eyebrows, and immediately answered: "This is Lin Peng from the Lin family. I don't know if you just came to the Taiyi Sect. He is the cousin of Junior Sister Lin."

She bit the word 'Junior Sister Lin' very hard, and then raised her eyes to Lin Peng and said, "Brother Lin, forgive me, she is a new student this year, and many people and things are still unclear."

Lin Peng's brows were frowned even more, a new student dared to do something to sister Hui, and he didn't take the Lin family seriously.

He was about to speak, when Yunli murmured softly: "So it's Senior Sister Lin's cousin, those who don't know think it's an enemy, no matter right or wrong, he will beat his head and face his own sister when he comes up, there is such a big brother Is it?"

After these words, the onlookers couldn't help but think of his behavior after he came. His accusation against Lin Xi and his defense of Xu Linghui formed a sharp contrast. At first they didn't realize it, because Xu Linghui was the weak in their eyes.

But now when Jing Yunli reminded them, they realized that Lin Peng was different from passers-by like them. He was Lin Xi's elder brother, and he would blame his sister for anything that happened without asking about the situation.

Immediately, everyone was pointing and discussing in low voices, and a female cultivator whispered: "Fortunately, my brother is not like this."

Lin Peng blushed for a moment, but still insisted: "It's very clear what Lu'er said just now, how can I wrong them."

An Ran held up a picture stone, and said coldly: "You can tell what's going on at a glance."

Wucao, the cousin is the ruthless person, and even secretly used the photo stone to record it!

But is it too prodigal to use the photo stone in this kind of scene where little girls bicker?

Panic flashed across Lu'er's face, and she looked at the calm Xu Linghui who had already tidied up her appearance, and the panic on her face stopped a little.

After reading the picture stone, the words are all ambiguous, and the meanings are naturally different due to different positions. Although the maid's words are a bit exaggerated, as Xu Linghui's maid, it is normal for her to put her first in everything.

After weighing it up, Lin Peng decided to pick a soft persimmon with the lowest cultivation level, and somehow intervened, directly attacking Xu Linghui's Yunli.

He sternly shouted: "You are such a daring dog, you dare to hurt sister Hui."

Yunli rolled her eyes, "You are blind, which eye sees that I hurt her."

"You still dare to quibble, if you hadn't pushed Sister Hui, how could she fall down as a dignified eighth-level Qi training monk?"

(End of this chapter)

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