all the way to fairy

Chapter 203 Flaws

Chapter 203 Flaws
Mo Huai frowned, "Junior Brother Lin, calm down, what is going on with this matter remains to be investigated, how can you draw conclusions so easily?"

Lin Peng was a little stunned, "Senior Brother Mo?"

While he was in a daze, Yunli stepped forward, raised her hand and pushed him.

Unprepared Lin Peng fell to the ground, smoke and dust everywhere.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Lin Peng fell on his back in a human-shaped pit half an inch deep, his face was ashen, blood was still oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his pupils were full of disbelief.

All the onlookers opened their mouths wide, and Qi Qi was petrified. Just now they saw it lightly, this little girl was really just pushing, not only useless spiritual power, but also useless strength.

Yunli tilted her head slightly, glanced at the sluggish Xu Linghui, and looked at Lin Peng in the pit: "If I pushed her just now, her delicate face would not be as simple as leaving a red mark."

Hearing her words, everyone subconsciously looked at Xu Linghui's fair face, and then at Lin Peng who was already in the pit at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Everyone closed their mouths and swallowed hard. Just now Xu Linghui fell on his stomach. If she really pushed her, his face would be bloody now.

Xu Linghui covered her face, took a few steps back in horror, and looked at Yunli with guarded eyes.

Lin Peng in the pit stretched out his finger, "You—you—cough cough—"

He opened his mouth, and coughed up a mouthful of bright red blood.

Yunli turned her head to the sluggish Xu family guard and said, "Why are you standing there, don't you want to help your cousin?"

This time everyone woke up like a dream, stepped forward to help Lin Peng, and fed him the healing elixir. Yunli didn't use any spiritual power, and Lin Peng had some minor injuries. After the medicine took effect, he soon came back to life.

He stood up, looked at Yunli complicatedly, then bid farewell to Su Xu and the others with a livid face, and took Xu Linghui away.

A dignified foundation-building monk was knocked to the ground by a little girl with his bare hands, what a shame!
In disbelief, Lin Xi stepped forward and picked up Yunli's hand and looked at it repeatedly. Her hand was not slender, but fleshy, with smooth and tender skin, very comfortable to touch, and round and lovely fingers.

Yunli was terrified by her touch, "You, what are you doing?"

Lin Xi murmured: "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there will be such a strong hand."

As soon as Yunli withdrew her hand, she couldn't say something she liked to hear.

Lin Xi, who had no winks, didn't see her displeasure at all, and said excitedly: "How do you have such great strength, do you practice your body? It's so relieved!"

Yun Li put on a wooden face: "Natural."

Lin Xi suddenly realized, "Oh, no wonder, you are completely different from Ti Xiu."

Mo Huai glanced at Yunli coldly, "It will definitely cause trouble."

Yunli spread her hands, "If you want to find me, there is no way."

Thinking of his righteous words just now, he said, "Thank you just now."

Lin Xi took two steps forward, inserted between the two, and asked, "Why are you here? Didn't you say you have something to deal with?"

Yunli was also a little puzzled, Lin Xi had mentioned this trip a long time ago, and finally got Mo Huai to agree, but was told yesterday that she had to leave temporarily, Lin Xi was still sad for a while because of this.

The faces of the few people suddenly became serious, Su Xu said in a deep voice: "You all go back to the sect as soon as possible, and come out to play after a while."

Lin Xi was puzzled: "Why? We just came here."

"Something happened to the Xiao family."

Su Xu frowned, "Many shops of the Xiao family were attacked by Canye Pavilion, and many clansmen were also hunted down by killers."

It turned out that this was the case, Yunli knew it well, it seemed that Geli had already pinned the blame on Xiao's family, now she felt relieved for the time being.

Lin Xi said angrily: "Canye Pavilion? They are too arrogant!"

"It should be that they were annoyed by the last time they hunted down the demon leader Qianjiu. Over the years, no killer from Canye Pavilion has ever been hunted down like this. It's normal for them to get angry and revenge."

After finishing speaking, he warned again: "You stay in the sect these days, and beware of their revenge."

Although he said this to everyone, he kept staring at An Ran, obviously worried, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

Yunli couldn't help but send a voice transmission to An Ran, "Uncle Su still cares about you very much, why don't you consider giving him a good face? After all, he doesn't know anything."

An Ran said coldly, "Shut up."

She pouted, "Well, pretend I didn't say it."

From the corner of the eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Ye Chuchen looking at her. When she looked over, Ye Chuchen immediately lowered his head.

Seeing him tense all over, as if facing an enemy, Yunli was speechless, "Why are you so nervous, are you afraid that others will not know our relationship?"

Ye Chuchen forced a smile, and replied, "No."

Yunli: .
It's okay to laugh inexplicably, but she rolled her eyes so reluctantly.

Lin Xi bit her lip, stared at Mo Huai and said, "This is Tianyun City, the devil shouldn't be so rampant, and you are here today, so let's finish today, okay?"

Yunli nodded in agreement. Geli attacked the Xiao family because of the stronghold, and sent someone to investigate the whereabouts of the head teacher. During this period, other killers will not be allowed to come to Tianyun City to act as monsters and cause panic .

Mo Huai pursed his lips: "It's not convenient to talk here, go to the restaurant."

Yunli shrugged, and then walked back to the restaurant. There were so many twists and turns in this street.

After entering the box, Su Xu ordered a large table of spiritual meals.

Yunli was shocked, didn't she just come to find a place to talk?

A pot of tea is enough, why is it so extravagant/
Then she caught a glimpse of him raising his eyebrows at Mo Huai, and after thinking about it for a while, she understood what they were paying attention to.

It turns out that everyone's shopping trip is turned into a meal with a table of delicious food. As long as the meal is eaten for a long time, they will not be able to go shopping later.

She shook her head secretly, but she didn't see that you are such Uncle Su, you are so black-bellied!
After trying to understand their intentions, Yunli didn't intend to remind Lin Xi, after all, to her, the spiritual meal was more attractive to her than wandering around, not to mention, it was someone else's spirit stone!
"Junior Brother Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought that I would meet Junior Brother during my trip to Xili Mansion last time. Unexpectedly, Junior Brother didn't go."

While waiting for the meal, An Ran started to exchange pleasantries.

Ye Chuchen's eyes flickered, and he said, "Unfortunately, I went to Nanling City to check the accounts the day before the devil I knew, and I missed it."

Su Xu sighed slightly, "Speaking of which, this Remnant Ye Pavilion is also amazing. Qian Jiu was already a dragon and phoenix among men, and with his wounded body, he was able to escape the pursuit of everyone; the rescuer who appeared later was also very skilled. If it wasn't for Xiao Heng's breakthrough later, Lingxia, who presumably had already killed her, and the two young killers who easily suppressed Xiao Heng, would be a serious problem for my righteous path when they grow up in the future."

Hearing this, Mo Huai lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Chuchen's eyelids twitched, and he tried his best to restrain himself from looking at Yunli. Others didn't know who the killer who was wielding the orange silk was, but he knew it. That day, she waved the orange silk in the sky to kill a Foundation Establishment I can still vividly remember the easy beheading of a fellow sect in the early stage of Foundation Establishment.

If he hadn't coveted her orange silk, he wouldn't have fallen to this point, and his life depended on the other party's thought.

Wen Xueluo, who had always had nothing to do with herself, also raised her eyes to look at Yunli, and took the initiative to transmit voice for the first time: "You have hidden your cultivation."

This is not a question, but an affirmation.

Yunli smiled back and didn't say anything. Wen Xueluo had only seen her use Huanshiling once. At that time, Huanshiling showed only the power of a low-grade yellow-rank magic weapon, and it didn't show any difference at all.

This sentence is deceiving yourself.

Senior brother was in danger, Cheng Ling, and she happened to be in Dengtai Mountain. It is normal for her to guess this way, but she must not be sure, after all, her cultivation of the seventh level of Qi training was certified when she entered the Taiyi School.

Lin Xi asked: "Young killer? Didn't it mean that the killer behind him was covered in a black robe and couldn't see anything?"

Su Xu explained: "Although the voice has been covered up, it can still be heard that it is a young woman, and she showed her hands when she started."

Yunli's heart tightened, and the blood in her body froze. The memory of the monks is very good. They didn't think about themselves before, but just now Lin Xi held her hand and looked carefully. If the two of them are interested in connecting.
She lowered her eyes, tried her best to restrain her urge to pull her hand back under the table, recalled the scene of that day carefully, the black robe of Canye Pavilion had wide sleeves, when she used the Huanshi Ling, the sleeves swung along with Ling, when she The only time in my memory that I showed my hand was when I sealed Xiao Heng's spirit veins.

(End of this chapter)

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