all the way to fairy

Chapter 204 9 Liyuan Secret Realm

Chapter 204 Nine Liyuan Secret Realm

At that time, Mo Huai and Su Xu hadn't arrived yet, so they must have not seen them. She was relieved and had to be more cautious in the future.

After the food was served, everyone's topics became more relaxed, and they also exchanged some cultivation experience in a timely manner. Wen Xueluo even reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Ye Chuchen.

Thinking of the many spiritual plant monsters in Yunshu Immortal Mansion, Yunli couldn't help being envious. As she carried the orchard, zoo, and medicine garden, she seemed to see a bunch of spirit stones shining.

Her eyes were a little fiery, and Ye Chuchen, who was always paying attention to her, felt it immediately, and immediately sent a sound transmission carefully: "What? You don't agree with me doing business with her?"

Yunli wanted to roll her eyes again, is she so boring, hurting others and not benefiting herself? She was too lazy to move, and immediately replied angrily: "I don't care about your Ye family, what do you want to do? Except don't divulge the matter between me and my senior brother, the rest is optional."

Amidst the delicious food and various chats, Lin Xi and the others unknowingly missed the moment of shopping. Although Lin Xi secretly regretted it, she could only return to the Taiyi School as agreed. aware.

The three of Mo Huai continued their important business. After that, there was no movement in Tianyun City, and there was no shadow of Canye Pavilion. I heard that they went to Zhongzhou again, and it seemed that they were discussing something with the Xiao family.

Yunli didn't care anymore, Mo Huai was gone, Lin Xi returned to the main hall of Taiyi Peak where the aura was more intense, and she was the only one up and down Feiqi Peak, so she couldn't be too happy.

In addition to cultivation, she almost races against time to practice phantoms. Naturally, she should take good advantage of the rare time alone.

I have the experience of transforming sand, and I have been using my spiritual sense to outline the veins of the leaves in the early stage. This time, the transforming leaves are very smooth. In a short time, the transformed leaves have already taken shape. If you look at it, you will not notice that it is fake. of.

Yunli's confidence suddenly increased. Everything is difficult at the beginning. This head has already been opened, and the rest will follow the path. Maybe one day she will be able to transform everything!

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the end of the year again, but unfortunately, the monk was not new year at all, and had no taste of the year at all. Looking at the thick snow on the branches on the eaves, Yunli bit her lip, and decided to go to Tianyun City.

After settling down the little black chicken, she braved the wind and snow, rode a crane to the gate of Taiyi Sect, and then walked on her way obediently.

Alas, it's too hard to play the Qi training period. In this bad weather, you have to go step by step.

Why don't you find an opportunity to improve your cultivation base, at least switch to the early stage of construction.

No, no, a seventh level of Qi training with five spiritual roots is already very eye-catching, Mu Yan with three spiritual roots is at the seventh level, and Lin Xi with three spiritual roots who also has strong resources to support the master is also at the seventh level of Qi training.

She is a five-spiritual root, so she should be a junior sister honestly.

It was a coincidence that I came here today, and I happened to meet Ye Tiancheng, the general manager of the Yejia Tianyun City.

Ye Tiancheng greeted her cordially: "Hey, little friend Yun is here."

Ye's Commercial Bank has used her installment payment method in many shops under its name. The shops are full of people, and they must have made a lot of money. No wonder she is so kind.

Yunli smiled: "Senior Ye is also here, and Senior Ye is personally patrolling the shop in such weather, admiration!"

Ye Tiancheng laughed, and said, "The opening of the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is about to begin, and all sects and sects will start the foundation-building stage disciple competition. Naturally, such urgent items as talisman pills should be prepared earlier."

"Jiuliyuan secret realm?"

Ye Tiancheng was taken aback, "You still don't know?"

Then he smiled and said: "This is a rare experience for our Canglan Continent's foundation-building period monks. Unfortunately, with my little friend's cultivation base, seven years may be too late. The Jiuliyuan Secret Realm will be opened every 3000 years. Little friend is going to miss it."

After feeling sorry for her, he suggested again: "In the past few years, you should also make more talismans. As the opening time of the secret realm approaches, the price of talismans will inevitably rise. Lingshi is not."

Yunli rolled her eyes, and realized that the secret realm in the foundation building period must be visited!

She smiled at Ye Tiancheng and asked, "Senior Ye, can you tell me about the secret realm of Jiuliyuan?"

Ye Tiancheng was surprised: "What? Do you want to go?"

Yunli nodded, "Whether it's successful or not, I have to give it a try. I haven't built a foundation in seven years, so I need to learn more about secret realms and make talismans in a targeted manner to maximize the benefits."

"Not bad, kindhearted!"

Facing Ye Tiancheng's admiration, Yunli touched the tip of her nose guiltily.

Ye Tiancheng signaled her to follow him to the inner room, and said as he walked, "This Jiuliyuan secret realm has existed since ancient times. The exact origin is unknown. It is said that it existed longer than the Canglan Continent."


Yunli was shocked, "How is this possible?"

Without the Canglan Continent, how could there be a secret realm attached to it?
She suddenly thought of a possibility, swallowed her saliva, and guessed: "Could it be that the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is from another interface?"

Ye Tiancheng was taken aback, turned around and praised: "Little friend is smart, you can see through it at one point, the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm really does not belong to the Canglan Continent, and you can even meet Foundation Establishment monks from other continents in it."

Yunli opened her mouth wide. She originally thought that the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm was something from outside the sky, and at most there were only a few indigenous peoples. Now it seems that it is still a secret realm shared by several continents!
There is eagerness in her eyes, the origin of such a secret realm must be extraordinary, there must be something different from the Canglan Continent, and she must go!

Ye Tiancheng sat down at the table, and the servants standing in the room silently stepped forward, poured tea for the two of them, and then stepped aside.

He picked up the teacup to moisten his throat, and said: "The secret realm of Jiuliyuan is opened every 3000 years, and each time it is opened for ten years, so the important thing in it is not to win treasures, but to live. Your talismans can be more life-saving As a result, the ones with stronger attacks that day should be more, after all, there is Xiaobi in front of him."

Yunli automatically filtered out the suggestions behind him, she was very surprised, ten years, this is too long, the monks who went in didn't go through all the corners and corners of it!

As if seeing what she was thinking, Ye Tiancheng said: "The secret realm of Jiuliyuan is very big, even if the journey is smooth and smooth, it is impossible to go through it all, not to mention that there are rampant monsters and ghosts, there are many ghosts and ghosts, and there are even more secrets. It is extremely dangerous for monks to kill and seize treasures, among the [-] foundation-building monks who enter each time it is opened, it is already very good if more than ten come back."


Yunli gasped, the survival rate was less than one percent!

Ye Tiancheng looked at her, and changed the topic: "However, those who can come out of it alive are all powerful people who can intimidate one side. The Supreme Elder Ling Su Zhenjun of your Taiyi Sect is the one who came out of it last time."

Yunli frowned, doubting: "With such a small chance of survival, are there really so many people going?"

Ye Tiancheng smiled, "In the end, only 2000 people can go, and even fewer people will be assigned to various sects. This is also an opportunity to prove themselves. The so-called young geniuses, who will admit that they are inferior to others, and want to participate There must be more people who live than monks who cherish their lives."

He smiled slightly, "And all of them are well-known geniuses, not bad for spirit stones."

Then he gave Yunli a look that you are working hard, Yunli nodded, and clicked his tongue twice in his heart, he is indeed a profiteer, and he has grasped the business opportunities very accurately.

Coming out of the Spirit Talisman Hall, she frowned. She must participate in the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm this time, so how can her cultivation be reasonable and reasonable from the seventh level of Qi training to the foundation building stage in seven years?
In addition, the secret realm is so dangerous, if you can raise your cultivation level to the foundation establishment, uh, it would be great to raise it to the sixth level. Will it be too late in seven years?
Thinking all the way out of the city.

"What are you thinking? So fascinated."

She was startled by the sudden thought of the voice, and then she was overjoyed that she really met her senior brother.

Looking up, on the soft and white snow, Wei Lin was wearing a light-colored blue and white shirt, leaning on a tree, surrounded by crystal clear rime frost flowers, covering him, he looked very similar from a distance The dreamy and holy snow lotus on the snowy ice field.

She pursed her lips and complained: "Could you give me a hint next time when you appear, it scares me to death."

Wei Lin glanced at her lightly, "Are you a thief?"

Yunli stared at him, is that a problem of being a thief?She was wondering if things were okay.

She stepped forward quickly, and asked suspiciously: "Why do you have time to go out for a stroll today? You don't practice anymore? Hey, you are in the middle stage of foundation establishment? It's so fast!"

 Thank you book friend 20190403152018629 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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