all the way to fairy

Chapter 205 Analysis

Chapter 205 Analysis
Wei Lin: "No matter how fast, can I compare with you?"

Hearing this, Yunli brushed the broken hair on her forehead, and raised her head tremblingly: "No way, who made me a little genius in cultivation."

There was a smile in Wei Lin's eyes, "The tail is up."

Yunli stuck out her tongue, swung away her consciousness, and scanned her surroundings, "Speak in another place."

Finding a hidden place, took out the small wooden house, the two of them went in, and then put up an isolation formation, she said: "Okay, it's safe now!"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and smiled playfully, "Why, you want to hide me?"

Yunli was stunned for a moment, stretched out her index finger to pick up his chin, and said with a smirk: "That's right, Jinwu Zangjiao, no, it's Wooden House Zangmei."

After being silent for a long while, Wei Lin's eyes turned around, his clear eyes fixed on her, and suddenly he smiled: "Thank you for your compliment."

Yunli stared blankly, this smile was different from his usual chuckle, like the sun shining on the ice and snow, the ice disappears in an instant, and the spring blossoms.

She can't stand it anymore, turn her head away, despicable, even using a beauty trick!
Seeing her reaction, Wei Lin laughed even more wantonly.

"So thick-skinned."

After muttering softly, Yunli coughed twice to cover up, and changed the subject: "By the way, what's going on between you and Xu Linghui?"

"Xu Linghui?"

Wei Lin thought for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "Are you still thinking about it?"

"That's right, I'm an enemy with her now, so we must understand clearly."

Wei Lin glanced at her with a smile that was not a smile, and said calmly: "It's just that we happened to be on the same spirit boat, and when we passed by Xuling, two Golden Core monks from the Loose Cultivation Alliance led people to attack the spirit boat. I happened to choose the same escape direction, and then a few casual cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage caught up, and I took care of it."

He paused, "Then the master and servant saw that I was strong, so they followed me all the way, and they also said that they would repay their life-saving grace. When I got out of Xuling, Yu Jian threw them away."

Yunli smacked her tongue, Xu Linghui was so stubborn, she just said, senior brother is the person who is most afraid of trouble, there is no such thing as drawing a sword to help when you see injustice!
Wei Lin suddenly took out a piece of paper and handed it to her, "This is for you."


"There are various ways to cultivate common monsters. You can see if it can help your cultivation."

Then, he took out another book, "This is a method for cultivating spiritual pets compiled by a beast master ten thousand years ago. It contains some discussions on the cultivation of monsters, which may also be useful."

Yunli was moved, the human race didn't know much about monsters, and there were no comprehensive and systematic books. If they want to find out these, they have to search from various materials. Senior brother, who is a cultivator, is willing to help her look up the information without practicing!
Even though it's been so long, it's still embarrassing to think about it now.

She bit her lip and hesitated: "Well, don't you have anything to say about this matter?"

"No." Wei Lin said lightly, and glanced at her again, "Aren't you always weird in your cultivation?"

"But I am," she lowered her voice, "a monster."

The way of cultivation is strange, but she can still comfort herself, maybe she is different, after all, she was born with the memory of her previous life, but after being a person in two lives, she suddenly turned into a beast for no reason, it is unbelievable to think about it!

"Aren't you still you?"

Yunli pursed her lips, feeling a little dazed in her heart, is she really still her?
This matter has been pressed in her heart all the time, she doesn't know who to confide in, and she dare not let people know easily, the monsters have different ways, the two races are against each other, whichever party dies, it is very likely to become the ration of the other party.

She was a little scared, if one day her identity was revealed, how would her former relatives and friends treat her?
Picking out the skin and bones to dig out the demon pills, which became the materials for refining magic tools and medicine pills, or directly stewed them in soup, just like the random stew she often cooks.

She flinched and asked softly, "Brother, will you be here all the time?"

Wei Lin was startled, and the teasing words came to his lips, and he swallowed them back. He looked into her eyes and said word by word: "Yes, I will always be with you."

Yunli stared at his eyes quietly, the black pupils shone with fine stars, like two clear lakes, so clear that she could see her own face.

She blinked, slowly evoked a shallow smile, and whispered softly: "It's good that you are here."

"I tell you to believe it."

There was a smile in Wei Lin's eyes, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, "If one day I break my promise, what will happen to you?"

Yunli glared at him, and said viciously, "That would break your leg, of course!"

Wei Lin smiled. In fact, he knew the answer. She is a very nice person when she is kind to others, but if she touches the bottom line, she will be decisive.

I remember that in the past, there was a well-dressed maid beside her, named Yuzhu, who was originally a court lady who was implicated by the strife of the palace. When she was punished by the empress dowager, Ah Li, who was being held by the nanny, suddenly stretched out her hand to her.

Seeing that Ah Li liked her very much, the empress dowager spared her the death penalty and asked her to serve beside Ah Li. Yuzhu was grateful for Ah Li's life-saving grace and took care of her very carefully. Ah Li also got close to her and turned to her in everything.

But later, in order to retaliate against the maid who framed her, she added some contradictory ingredients to Ah Li's porridge, and then slandered the maid. After the matter was found out, Ah Li didn't say anything to Yu Zhu who was punished.

Afterwards he also asked her why she didn't intercede for Yuzhu. He still remembered that her eyes were full of disappointment and pain, and she said: "It is because I am closer to her that I am more heartbroken. These years, I really will She treats her like her own sister."

She closed her eyes, tears rolled down, and she choked with sobs: "But she bet my life to get revenge on others. In her eyes, I am just a bargaining chip to bring down others."

Later, Polygonatum was dispatched to Zhuangzi.

Leaving Yuzhu, Ah Li is also not used to it. She even cried in her dream, and she lost a lot of weight. The eldest princess hesitated whether to call Yuzhu back. The life that stayed with her was worried that Ah Li would pass away someday. , will regret it.

Unexpectedly, Ah Li resolutely refused, and after a few years, she really forgot Yu Zhu completely.

She is so determined, if one day she breaks her promise, she should do the same, no matter how sad she is, she must separate herself from her life for life.

With his promise, Yunli was relieved.

She turned her head, looked at the snowflakes fluttering outside the window, let out a deep breath, and analyzed: "I just can't figure it out, my parents, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents are all mortals. Both the Wang family and the Xue family are big families with strict family rules, and the origins of the children included in the genealogy are all innocent, and things that confuse bloodlines should not happen."

Wei Lin looked at her. They grew up together. Before entering the Canglan Realm, she had been normal. If there were ancestors who mixed up the bloodline, after generations of reproduction, her monster bloodline should also be very weak.

But judging from the inheritance she obtained and the suppression of high-level demon cultivators, it is obvious that her monster bloodline is very strong in the monster clan, and it doesn't seem to be weak.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "I have thought about this matter too, there are two possibilities."

Yunli looked at him expectantly, one person counted the short, the two counted the long, she urgently needed someone to help her analyze and analyze.

"For one thing, your soul is originally a monster."

"This is impossible."

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, and gave her a blank look, "Listen to me, don't you have a Taoist door in your sea of ​​consciousness, and there are wings on the door, this is very possible."

Yun Li is numb, but she was also a human being in her previous life. She has changed parents in this life, but her soul has not changed.

"The second is what you said, someone from the ancestors combined with a demon cultivator in the transformation stage, and the blood of that demon cultivator is extremely high, it is likely to be a legendary beast, so although the blood of the demon beast is very small, it is extremely tyrannical. "

"The Zhuming bird demon pill on the island that day inspired your divine beast blood, which turned into an egg, and was inherited as a result. The evidence is the golden liquid that brought you back to life when you advanced."

"Makes sense!"

Yunli slapped the table excitedly.


After a crisp sound, the desktop was covered with cobweb-like cracks, and then fell apart.

Along with the gravel dust, there is also an atmosphere called tranquility.

Facing Shang Weilin's clear eyes, Yunli immediately put her hands behind her back.

Wei Lin rolled his eyes: "What are you hiding, I'm not blind."

"Hehe," she smiled mischievously, lowered her head and whispered, "I didn't do it on purpose, I was just too excited."

(End of this chapter)

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