Chapter 207

Hearing the exact answer, everyone was surprised and sour, she actually succeeded!
The expression on Zhenjun Fuyu's face changed inexplicably, and his eyes seemed to be glued to Yunli's body. Seeing it made her feel hairy. Could it be that he wanted to shamelessly rob him?
Yunli swallowed quietly, and had to think of a way to remind him tactfully that not everyone can use the Mengzhan Dao.

But how to put it mildly?
While he was struggling, he heard Zhenjun Fuyu say: "For more than a hundred thousand years, no one has been recognized by it. I don't know what is so magical about such a magic weapon. You can tell us about it."

Yunli's heart froze, shameless, I'm still curious about your magic weapon, why don't you tell me.

"This. I just succeeded. I haven't tried it yet."

The magic weapon is a monk's personal belongings, even related to the secrets of his wealth, so there is no way for anyone to show it in public. Then she suddenly realized that this was an opportunity. Although it would appear that she was a little deliberate, it was still considered tactful.

She smiled ingratiatingly, and handed the knife to Fuyu, "I don't know much, please ask Zhenjun to help me see it."

Although Fuyu was a little hesitant, it seemed that he was persecuting the younger generation and losing his dignity, but the origin of this knife is mysterious, if it is really a magic weapon, if you miss it, you will really regret it.

Stretching out her slender fingers, a condensed rope of spiritual power wrapped around the blade, and Yunli let go of her hand naturally.

All of a sudden, Zhenjun Fuyu only felt that there were several mountains entwined on the other end of the spiritual power rope. Almost the moment Yunli let go, the Mengzhan Dao fell and the spiritual power rope snapped. Zhenjun Fuyu took a few steps back to stabilize himself. stature.

At the same time, Yunli pretended to be taken aback, and then reached out to grab the Meng Zhan Dao that was about to fall to the ground, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry Zhenjun, I forgot, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Seeing Zhenjun Fuyu's helpless sword in her hand was as light as nothing, and some monks who robbed their minds after the incident also temporarily calmed down.

"Put it up."

A stern man next to Fuyu suddenly said, Yunli was surprised, among the group of monks who wished she could show them the magic of the Dream Slayer like a monkey, it was rare for this person to let her put it away .

The man frowned and said: "Since it recognizes you as the master, it is destined to be with you. What is so magical about it, you can explore it slowly in the future, don't be in a hurry."

Yunli didn't know what his cultivation was, nor how to address him, so he just replied, "Yes."

The man looked at Zhenjun Fuyu, "Junior Brother Su, since it is a disciple's magic weapon to recognize the master, there is no abnormality, let's go back and continue discussing."

True Monarch Fuyu's eyes flickered, but he finally nodded unwillingly.

"It's all gone."

After finishing speaking, the man left with Zhenjun Fuyu.

The other disciples looked at Yunli, then at the distant figures of the two True Monarchs, and hesitated.

A shrewd man suddenly stepped forward and said cordially: "These days my nephew is getting started, it's going well, I'm Wu Fei, a disciple of Tai Afeng, and I'm a famous talisman master, if my nephew needs a talisman, just come to me, it's enough! "

This action of his reminded other disciples, and someone immediately sneered at him: "Don't worry about it, don't inquire about it, Master Yun is a talisman master himself, and Ye Shi just took a fancy to her ability to make talismans." , I gave her the knife on credit, and I still need you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and smiled kindly at Yunli: "I am Tai Yifeng Jihao, majoring in swords. My nephew will go out to practice in the future, so you can join me."

With their leadership, Yunli was overwhelmed by various invitations, even the few Jindan monks were ready to move, the corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, did she look so easy to deceive.

An Ran's eyes sharpened, and she shouted loudly: "Why are you arguing, I didn't hear the uncle say we're parting!"

The chattering monks stopped, An Ran ignored their gazes, and said impatiently, "Why are you standing still, why don't you leave!"

After a moment's hesitation, all the people spread oil on the soles of their feet to scatter like birds and beasts.

In a blink of an eye, there were only a few of them left on Feiqi Peak, Yunli let out a breath, this level was temporarily fooled.

Although the hope is extremely small, this group of monks will not let it go. A monk with five spiritual roots can be recognized by the sword, why can't they, they don't lack perseverance!

Yunli rubbed the center of her brows, money is touching, she underestimated the greed of these people, she was not afraid of practicing Qi and building a foundation, it stopped after a few beatings, Jindan cultivators were also fine, if they couldn't be beaten, she was still very confident in escaping .

Terrible Nascent Soul Stage monks, only two Nascent Soul Stages came today, and Fuyu was ready to move. This news cannot be concealed. make them even crazier.

Headache, Headache!
Alas, why can't she be a secret agent in peace.

"By the way, who is the other True Monarch?"

He helped her out, but now she is too weak to repay her. Remember first, she must repay him when she has the opportunity.

"Tai Ahfeng takes the seat, True Monarch Fuguang."

Yunli nodded, Tai'a Peak, the main peak in the northwest.

An Ran's expression was complicated. She tried her best to prevent her cousin from entering the sight of the master, but she didn't want her to fall into the sight of the master, or in such a way.

Knowing what she meant, Yunli took pleasure in bitterness, and this matter was not without harm, at least Zhenjun Fuyu didn't just stare at his cousin.

She thought ferociously, if pressed, she would expose Wen Xueluo's affairs in the Taiyi Sect to Can Yege, and let Can Yege and Taiyi Sect confront each other, completely muddying the water.

Or burst out the lair of Canye Pavilion, when the time comes, she will have to see whether it is important for her, a little monk, or to eliminate the cancer.

Seeing her bitterness and hatred, Lin Xi said angrily: "What are you thinking? You are not happy after getting such a good sword."

Yunli didn't want to talk to her, she didn't see a group of people wanting to bite off her body, now she wished that the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm would be opened tomorrow and go in and hide for ten years.

Seeing that Lin Xi wanted to continue asking, An Ran changed the subject, "I heard that Su Xu and the others are coming back."


Lin Xidang put the rest of the matter behind her and said happily, "Then I won't go back to the main peak today."

"So fast?"

Yunli was surprised, these days, the Xiao family and Canye Pavilion are coming and going, very busy, today, the Xiao family was killed and the shop was destroyed; tomorrow, the stronghold of Canye Pavilion was destroyed.

Speaking of which, the Xiao family is also powerful, relying on some strongholds in Xili Mansion and nearby, followed the clues, and found out several Canye Pavilion strongholds one after another. I don't know if the pavilion owner will regret it now.

For so many years, the reason why the Canye Pavilion has been able to make Zhengdao helpless is because it is extremely mysterious. It is unknown where it is located, how many people are there, and no one even knows a specific totem.

The few killers who were discovered also committed suicide immediately, and there was no information about Canye Pavilion in the killer's identity token, only the killer's code name, spiritual root, and contribution points, and nothing else.

However, the blue book revealed the identity of the senior brother, which broke this point. Externally, without that layer of mystery, people's fear of the Canye Pavilion is also less invisibly; internally, everyone in the pavilion is in danger. The two uncovered another stronghold under the noses of the Xiao family.

With this opening, the Xiao family was torn down all the way, and the Canye Pavilion, an organization hidden in the dark, slowly came under the sun.

Lin Xi was not happy, "You don't want Brother Huai to come back?"

"Well, I'm just curious."

Lin Xi turned around and took a few steps, "I'll go see what's missing in Brother Huai's house."

Mu Yan smiled slightly, "Congratulations, I got what I wanted."

Yunli was stunned for a moment, then smiled, thinking about it from another angle, after all, Meng Zhandao recognized him as the master, and as for the troubles caused by it, they could be regarded as happy troubles.

A few days later, Mo Huai came back, but he was still busy, and he was hardly seen on Feiqi Peak. Lin Xi stayed for a while, and found that he didn't spend much time with Mo Huai, so he went back to the Taiyi Peak Master. temple.

The resident population on Feiqi Peak is only Yunli and a chicken and a wolf. She took the time to try the Dream Slashing Knife, but she didn't actually fight it. She only saw that the knife was beautiful when it was swung, and the blade was very sharp.

I don't know if it's her illusion, the atmosphere of the whole Taiyi Sect is also a bit weird, she rarely sees the disciples wandering outside when she goes out everyday, she thought they would find an excuse to fly to Qifeng, so as to get closer to her.

Could it be that everyone knows about the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm and is stepping up their cultivation?Or are you thinking of another way to deal with her?
(End of this chapter)

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