all the way to fairy

Chapter 208 Heading to Liang Country

Chapter 208 Heading to Liang Country
Yunli looked at the black shadow squatting under the tree, and decided to trick it, "Wolf cub, I want to ask you something."

The boy under the tree raised his head and stared at her with wide eyes, "Aww———"

"You haven't learned to speak yet?"

The young man was still staring at her with wet eyes, saying that the plan failed prematurely, and Yunli hated that iron could not be made into steel.

"Tell me about you. Now that you have this opportunity, you should change your form in advance. Besides training, you should also learn to speak human words and do human things, and become enlightened as soon as possible; If you don’t understand something, you can ask if it’s right, don’t treat yourself like a wolf all day long, and still cultivate by instinct!”

On the mountain road, Mo Huai's stature paused, this may be a way, although it can't break through the blood limit of the monster, opening up the spiritual wisdom earlier, it is good for its cultivation, and it is more convenient to communicate with.

Hearing the noise behind her, Yunli turned her head, what was she doing hiding her breath when she returned home?
Just now she didn't feel any aura at all, until he arrived at the door and found out, she glanced at Mo Huai, he also coveted his Zhanmeng?

Blinking, she asked, "Why are you back?"

Mo Huai pointed to the wolf cub under the tree, "Come and take him away."

take away?

Yunli's mind turned quickly, and she blurted out: "Are you going on a long trip?"

Mo Huai nodded, hesitant to speak on his face.

Yunli was confused, should she take this opportunity to go out and hide?

But if he leaves Taiyi Sect, those people will wait until he goes out to set up an ambush, wouldn't it be in their favor to go out.

She was struggling, and Mo Huai instructed: "For a while, you just stay on the mountain, don't go out casually."

What does this mean?
Did he know that someone was going to deal with his special order, or did he join forces with others to deal with him together?
After pondering for a while, she tentatively asked, "Where is Master Uncle going this time?"

"The Lost Land."

Liang Guo!

Yunli almost jumped up, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible: "Are you going to accept disciples again? Let me go with you. As a Taoist boy, there is no reason not to follow."

Mo Huai didn't speak, Yunli's heart hung up, was she too excited just now?Did it reveal a flaw?

When she was thinking wildly, Mo Huai suddenly said, "That's fine."

Yun Li was startled, he seemed to be particularly easy to talk today.

She suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, put away the cabin, looked at the little black chicken, she turned her head and said: "I have to go to the deacon's hall first."

Mo Huai nodded, Yu Jian drove her to the deacon's hall first, and after entrusting the little black chicken to the deacon's hall, they flew to the mountain gate.

At the door, Lin Xi saw Feijian flying in the distance. She was still in the mist of parting, but when she saw Yunli behind her, the reluctance on her face disappeared immediately, "What did you bring her here for?"

Seeing that everyone was there, Yunli was taken aback for a moment, isn't it just two people to accept apprentices?
Seeing An Ran's expression clearly, combined with Lin Xi's words, she knew that she had misunderstood. The sect should be Mo Huai and Su Xu, and the cousin and the others should be sending Lin Xi to say goodbye to Mo Huai.

Mo Huai said calmly: "She is my Taoist boy, so naturally I have to follow."

Lin Xi glared at Yunli, bit her lip, "I want to go too."

Mo Huai frowned: "This time is different than usual, we have to stay in the mortal world for a while, without aura, what will happen to your cultivation?"

"I can use spirit stones."

Mo Huai's brows were frowned even more. In the sect with strong aura, the progress of cultivation base is so slow. How can there be any progress in the mortal land.

Lin Xi pointed to Yunli, "She is also on the seventh level of Qi training, she can go, why can't I go."

Su Xu rarely helped Lin Xi to speak: "This trip to the mundane world is not dangerous, so it's good to take her with you."

Lin Xi smiled happily when she heard this, "Thank you, Senior Brother Su."

Yunli sighed slightly, girl, your method is wrong, cultivation base is the root, and only when cultivation base catches up, can the two of them go further. If she puts the cart before the horse like this, sooner or later she will lose her qualification to stand beside Mo Huai.

Mo Huai couldn't win her over in the end, Lin Xi was even more excited, and raised her eyebrows at Yunli provocatively.

Yunli was speechless.

"Little Master"

Just as Su Xu opened his mouth, An Ran snorted coldly, turned around suddenly and wanted to leave, paused again, his eyes wandered between Yunli and Lin Xi, and handed a storage bag to Lin Xi, "Help me give it to my father." Empress."

Lin Xi nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely bring it for you."

An Ran said softly, "Thank you."

Then he exchanged a glance with Yunli, and Yu Jian flew away.

Mu Yan smiled apologetically at Su Xu, turned around and chased after her.

"Did you mess with her?"

Yunli couldn't help but be curious, although my cousin usually doesn't like to see Su Xu, but at least she still wants to show some face, she has never been so directly cold-faced today.

Su Xu sacrificed his flying sword with a wry smile, but he himself was baffled.

"Uncle Su, I'm going to trouble you."

"Junior Nephew Yun is very polite."

Seeing Yunli consciously hit Su Xu's flying sword, Lin Xicai felt a little better.

All the way through the flight, Yunli suddenly remembered that Liang Guo's apprentices are selected once every ten years, and it is still two years away from the last time, why did they go early?

Thinking of what Mo Huai said just now, she asked, "Why do we have to stay in Liang Guo for two years?"

Mo Huai glanced at her coldly, "Where's the reason, just follow."

Yunli had a question mark on her face, she was fine just now, why did she suddenly have a bad attitude again? !
Seeing Lin Xi's cloudy weather again, he raised his eyebrows triumphantly at her. Could it be that he wanted to keep a distance from other girls because Lin Xi was angry just now?
Su Xu explained gently: "It's not a big deal. Eight years ago, Master Lin and a member of my Su family went to the Lost Land to recruit disciples. For some reason, the news that the little master was a single fire spirit root was suddenly reported by Four Seasons Valley. I learned that Master Xuanjie from the Four Seasons Valley and a woman named Lingmei from the Foundation Establishment Stage stopped our Taiyi Sect’s spirit boat.”

Yunli's thoughts turned, something was wrong, if Tai Yizong really paid attention to this matter, after the incident happened, someone should investigate it, eight years have passed, and all evidence has been destroyed, then whether Xuanjie and Lingmei are still alive Not necessarily.

"It's been eight years, can you still find out the reason?"

Su Xu said lightly: "The geese leave traces, there will always be some clues."

Hehe, I believed your ghost.

Lin Xi tilted her head, and interjected: "The four major sects all send foundation-building phases to recruit disciples. Why does Xuanjie Daoist from Four Seasons Valley appear?"

"Reverend Xuanjie and Lingmei are not the candidates for Four Seasons Valley to go to the Lost Land to recruit disciples, they rushed over behind."

That day, Lin Chen and Su Mao went to their capital first, and then went to Bozhou, Chengzhou, and Linchuan Prefectures one after another; if Sijigu had placed undercover agents in the capital, use their time to go to other prefectures after the Linggen test is over. , to send the news back to Four Seasons Valley.

Four Seasons Valley is also the closest to Liang Guo among the four major sects. It is faster and can completely stop them.

But no matter what the situation was back then, since the cousin has arrived in Taiyi School safely, and even Ah Yan and others who were taken away by Sijigu were finally asked to return to Taiyi School. There is no other loss.

Senior brother has two spiritual roots, and they might regret it for a while. They probably forgot all about their own five spiritual roots.

Moreover, she also heard that after this incident happened, when Zhenjun Fuyu went to ask for someone, Sijigu lost a lot of money. Speaking of which, Tai Yizong still made money, but at this time he asked for an investigation, which sounded like a external excuse.

She took a look at the expressions of Mo Huai and Su Xu. They would definitely not tell her the reason behind it, and it would be useless to ask.

After flying for a while, she became worried again, so she went back like this, mother and the others recognized her and shouted out, what should I do?
If you find an opportunity by yourself, it would be good to meet them in private first, and tell them what to do, but what if you don't have time, or someone else recognizes you first.

She hastily got out of the water mirror, carefully photographed her, and compared the people in the mirror with herself in her memory one by one.

The person in the mirror is completely different from his former self. Except for the faint appearance between his eyebrows and eyes, the whole person is mostly the same from appearance to temperament.

In the past, maybe the eyebrows and eyes were not opened, and there was a little baby fat and milky, but now the face is still cute, but the eyebrows are clear, a little more beautiful.

She is relieved, with this appearance, even if mother sees it, she will hesitate, not to mention that she is also an immortal master now, no one should keep staring at her.

(End of this chapter)

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