Chapter 210
Tears welled up in Lin Xi's eyes, "I didn't expect you to have an older brother."

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched invisibly, you didn't die brother, why are you crying.

"Me," Lin Xi sobbed, "my brother always took me with me when I was young, but after he became a teacher, I rarely saw him, and I haven't seen him for several years."

She sniffed, "This time he is in seclusion again, and I don't know when he will be able to leave. I, I miss him so much."

Yu Luo, she was crying out of breath, Yun Li didn't look good, everyone who hasn't seen her brother in Lin Xi for a long time cried like this, she dropped a few drops of golden beans when her brother died, it was unreasonable .

She immediately stepped forward and cried with Lin Xi.

Suddenly, feeling a sharp gaze falling on her, Yunli tilted her head slightly, glanced over with tears in her eyes, and saw Mo Huai's face was cold, and she kept throwing the knife at her.

What kind of wind is this girl!

She buried her head on Lin Xi's shoulder, and used her clothes to stimulate her eyes to shed tears. She really lived a very hard life.

Her eyes were all red, and she didn't shed many tears, but Lin Xi's tears were rushing down, soaking her shoulders.

Big sister, don't cry, if you rub it any longer, you will lose your eyesight.

Just as she was secretly crying out, someone exclaimed, Yunli took advantage of the situation to push Lin Xi away, and looked over suspiciously.


The rope in the hands of a disciple of Tianxin Pavilion trembled violently, and then suddenly tightened. Before he could finish speaking, the disciple was led to rush towards the mist.

Yunli moved over awkwardly and grabbed the hemp rope. The disciple sat down on the ground with cold sweat dripping down his forehead. The others were waiting to come over to help, but they found that Yunli had a relaxed expression on his face, without the slightest effort.

Yunli gathered the rope in her hand, trying to pull the person out, but the rope suddenly jumped straight, "Not good, it seems to be stuck by something."

"how come?"

Zheng Rui cried out, they took turns to go in, it was all green plants and water, how could they get stuck?
Hearing this, the Tianxin Pavilion disciple who fell on the ground was pale, his lips were bloodless, and he squirmed slightly: "I, how can I explain to Master Chu?"

Yunli thought, this Master Chu could not be Chu Feng, the Ice and Snow Young Master.

She blinked her eyes, but guessed wrong, the disciple in front of her was an inner sect disciple of Tianxin Pavilion, whose status was obviously higher than him, she was worrying that she would not have a chance to get to know people from Tianxin Pavilion, so this is where she came.

Push the rope into the hand of the person next to him, "I'll save him!"

As she said that, she collapsed in one stride.

Seeing her movement, Mo Huai was startled, stretched out his hand to grab her, and shouted at the same time: "Come back!"

However, Yunli's speed was too fast, he caught an empty space, everyone was confused by Yunli's enthusiasm, Qin Fei was even more stunned, in his memory, Yunli was soft and weak, and others spoke loudly The kind that would scare her.

When I saw her just now, the submissiveness of the past was no longer on her face, and her eyes were even more resolute.

He smacked his lips, "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yun to remain kind after suffering all these years. It's rare and rare. Qin is ashamed."

Lin Xi was puzzled, according to what they said just now, the two hadn't seen each other since they parted in Nanling City, how did Qin Fei know that Yunli had gone through hardships.

Although there was a lot of doubts, she didn't care about it right now, because Mo Huai hesitated for a moment, and then went in, Lin Xi felt sour, brother Huai really treated her differently.

She grabbed Mo Huai, "Brother Huai, it's dangerous."

Mo Huai was displeased, "Since you're here, you'll have to go in sooner or later."

Lin Xi also knew this truth, but she didn't want him to go in just to save another girl.

During the stalemate, Su Xu persuaded: "Brother Mo, don't worry, Nephew Yun has just entered, there will be no danger, why not wait."

Mo Huai was a little hesitant, but at this moment, Yun Liti walked out with a young man striding forward.

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, and it was only about two breaths later.

Handing the boy to the disciples of Tianxin Pavilion for treatment, Yunli spread her hands, "It's just a foot away."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, and Yunli was also speechless. As soon as she entered, she saw the young man entangled in the green bushes.

Being stumbled at the door, this luck was comparable to that of the senior brother.

Therefore, she stepped over in two steps, pulled off the weeds and vines on his body in twos and twos, and then lifted him up by his collar, how much time would it take.

Mo Huai took a deep look at her, lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

A disciple of Tianxin Pavilion came over and saluted gratefully: "Thank you for your help."

He handed her another elixir, "This is the elixir developed by my Tianxin Pavilion, which is specially designed to relieve the poison of the mist."

When Yunli looked up, she was plump and plump, with a good appearance, and should be worth a lot of spirit stones, but who made me a kind and heart-warming little angel who loves to help others?

Her eyes were crescent-shaped, "Fellow Daoist is too polite, I didn't do anything, it's just a few steps away, my poison is shallow, so I should leave such a precious pill for those who need it more."


The man was a little hesitant. They really didn't have much detoxification pills, but the other party was willing to help. If they didn't say anything, their conscience would be troubled.

What's more, after the incident happened, a bunch of them were making choices during the foundation building period, but it was her, a little qi training disciple, who came to the rescue without even thinking about it.

He also saw the situation of junior brother Chu just now, if it was later, his life would be in danger.

Although it was indeed a few steps for her to go in and out, but at that time, who would have known that Junior Brother Chu was on the edge, they were hesitant as fellow disciples, but this girl rushed in without hesitation .

If it wasn't for her, Junior Brother Chu would have been gone long ago by the time they had decided who would go to rescue him.

He turned his head to look at the other fellow disciples, one of the older men gave him a nod, and then he put away the elixir, "Fellow Daoist Gao Yi, I'm ashamed of myself."

Yunli smiled modestly, "Where is it, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

She looked at the young man on the ground who was still unconscious. It would be better for him to report this kind of thing in person.

Qin Fei said with emotion: "I didn't expect that soft and weak girl back then to be able to help others now."

Yunli's body stiffened for a moment, uh, in order to fool him, she portrayed the image of a weak little white flower, she glanced at Su Xu and others, how can this be rounded?
"Weak? Just her?"

Lin Xi squinted her eyes, "Her brute strength can't be compared to twelve viscera training sessions, you know the one in Jinye Pavilion"

Mo Huai shouted: "Junior Sister Lin."

Lin Xi's eyes were red, she bit her lip, she couldn't believe it, "Brother Huai, you—"

Su Xu sent her a voice transmission directly: "Now is not the time to fight for power, you have to remember that she is a disciple of Taiyi Sect."

She couldn't hear the tone of voice through the sound transmission of the spiritual sense, but Lin Xi could imagine how severe the tone would be if she said this sentence, she blinked, and big tears rolled down her eyes.

Wiping her tears hard, she turned and ran towards the woods.

Yunli didn't move, Lin Xi, no matter how close she is usually, she can immediately turn her face and be ruthless when it comes to Mo Huai.

He even wanted to say that he owns the Meng Zhan Dao. If he was really at the seventh level of Qi training, he would be dead when faced with the snatching by the elite disciples of the four major sects.

In other words, what happened after I left just now, and how did it trigger her sensitive nerves?
Qin Fei was stunned. Just now the two little girls were hugging each other and crying, and they turned their heads when they didn't have enough time for a cup of tea. Now the little girls are really getting more and more incomprehensible.

Su Xu shrugged at Mo Huai, "I don't want to chase after it, after all, it's a sea area with many sea monsters."

Mo Huai rubbed the center of his brows, let out a breath, and searched for it.

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows, "This is Lin Daoyou?"

Yunli smiled, "You all saw it just now, I am very strong, Senior Sister Lin disagrees with you calling me weak."

Qin Fei was stunned for a moment, and then smiled heartily: "Hey, you only practiced the fourth level of qi back then. Facing two foundation building stages, the difference in realm is there. No matter how strong you are, it's useless, and it's normal to be afraid."

Yunli squinted her eyes and smiled, cheating such a bright-hearted person is really hard on her conscience.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Xi came back with Mo Huai, glared at Yunli viciously, and turned her head away.

Yunli rolled her eyes and turned a blind eye.

At this time, the boy who was rescued by her woke up. Hearing about his experience of being rescued, he had to thank Yunli himself.

 Thanks to Tony for the big monthly pass, thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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