all the way to fairy

Chapter 211 Cause of Death

Chapter 211 Cause of Death
What could Yunli do? As a kind and warm-hearted little angel, she naturally went to the boy's temporary residence in person and told him modestly that it was all a matter of little effort, so you're welcome.

The young man coughed twice: "Anyway, fellow daoist saved me, and Chu Nan will never forget the kindness of saving my life. If you need anything in the future, fellow daoist, just ask me."

What she was waiting for was your words, and Yunli was overjoyed. While waiting for him to wake up, she had already learned from other people's chats that the boy was Chu Nan, the younger brother of Mr. Bingxue Chu Feng.

Unlike the other two young masters who were born in famous families, Chu Feng, like them, came from a mundane family. Both his parents died when he was young. He and his younger brother lived in a miserable life. closed.

However, the means of the monks are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The monks who choose the disciples will find the hidden Chu Feng after scanning the spiritual sense. Walk.

Chu Nan was Chu Feng's only family member. As Chu Feng became the number one genius in Tianxin Pavilion, Chu Nan's status also rose.

With his route, it will be much more convenient to go to Tianxin Pavilion to find Zhenjun Lingchu's alchemy in the future, or if he knows it, he won't have to wait for the alchemy assessment in five years.

Thinking of this, Yun Li's face became more humble, "Tianxin Pavilion and our Taiyi Sect have always been in the same spirit, and they should help each other. If Uncle Chu is in trouble, there is no reason for me not to help."

Chu Nan was taken aback, and said very politely, "It's too polite to call me uncle, if Sister Yun doesn't mind, just call me Senior Brother Chu."

Yunli changed her words steadfastly, "Senior Brother Chu."

For a time, the atmosphere in the house was very harmonious.

Su Xu, who came to visit Chu Nan, smiled lightly, "We won't disturb Fellow Daoist Chu's rest."

After speaking, he took Yunli and left. Not long after, everyone returned from the swamp one after another. After everyone was together, everyone exchanged opinions on what they encountered in the swamp.

After several discussions, everyone discovered that there were some people who went in for a short time before, but the poison was heavier than those who went in first.

But these people, without exception, died quickly when they were pulled out, without leaving a single word, and they had no way of knowing what happened to them inside.

Wang Mingyuan, the Mirage Palace disciple who was arguing with Zheng Rui before, said, "Why don't you try soul searching?"

As soon as this proposal came out, some people's eyes lit up and they were eager to try it.

We will continue to investigate behind the swamp. Everyone wants to go in. If you don’t investigate clearly, you will die for no reason.

Zheng Rui immediately objected: "No way!"

His eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he scolded angrily: "Wang, can you have a bottom line? You can also say such an unreasonable way of searching for souls, thanks to your reputation and integrity."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of those who were eager to try were chilled. They opened their mouths, but they didn't know how to object. They were decent and decent, not those evil spirits. If no one objected, they would pass by pretending to be deaf and dumb.

But Zheng Rui made it clear that if he persisted in searching for souls, his conduct would be wrong. But after all, his own life was at stake, and everyone couldn't pretend to be righteous, so they had to remain silent.

Wang Mingyuan glanced at the group of shrinking turtles ironically.

Su Xu smiled warmly, "Everyone has been away for so long, so what kind of spirit is there?"

It was only then that everyone realized that this method would not work at all, and they secretly rejoiced that they hadn't talked to persuade Zheng Rui just now, otherwise, even if they lost their character, they would not be able to save their lives.

Yunli turned her head to look at the corpse on the side, and suddenly found that the shoe on her right foot was wet. The miasma in the swamp was misty, and there were many dewdrops on the ground. It was normal for the shoes to be wet, but it was not normal for the shoes to be wet enough to drip.

Yunli twisted a formula casually, and uncovered the white cloth on the corpse.

Everyone was stunned, there really are people who never give up, Zheng Rui glared at Yunli even more: "Nephew Yun, Master Shen—"

Yunli interrupted him, "Look at his right foot."

Zheng Rui murmured, "What's on your right foot?"

Yunli rolled her eyes. The contrast between the left and right feet is so obvious that she still can't find it. This observation ability is no one else.

Mo Huai: "The ground, the ground under the right shoe is wet."

The left shoe was just wet, and those who had just come out were soaked in the dew, but there was a puddle of water under the right shoe, which could not be achieved by being soaked in dew.

Qin Fei was surprised: "Did he accidentally step into the water?"

With a flash of inspiration, Su Xu asked, "Has any of you ever stepped on water?"

Wang Mingyuan retorted subconsciously: "The water is so evil, who would be stupid enough to get it contaminated."

"Junior Brother Wang."

This time, without waiting for Zheng Rui to get angry, Yu Ziyou, the head of the Illusion Palace, immediately stopped him and said to Su Xu: "Those shallow streams are unpredictable, and if you don't pay attention, you will be dragged into the illusion, so before you go, The elders in the palace remind you to stay away from water."

Su Xu nodded, and then looked at Chu Nan and Qin Fei. The two replied in the same way. The disciples of the four major sects have all been instructed in this way. Then those people before may have been accidentally contaminated with water, so they will not be able to survive for a short time. Inner poisoning is quite deep.

Seeing that Yunli had made another contribution, Lin Xi urged, "Where are the corpses of those people before, dig them out and verify them."

Everyone looked a little helpless.

Zheng Rui: "It's all burned."


Lin Xi couldn't believe it, and cried out: "They are all from the same family, how can we let their bones disappear."

Mo Huai explained to her with a dark face, "Their corpses are all poisonous, if they accidentally get infected, wouldn't it be another life?"

Lin Xi was about to refute that if she got a little bit contaminated, she would die, when she received a voice transmission from Mo Huai, "Shut up!"

She bit her lip, unable to express her grievance.

Yunli shrugged her shoulders, she is really an ignorant young lady, here a detoxification pill is a life, who would waste life-saving things on the corpse, burn it on fire, and it will be over once and for all.

Su Xu smiled apologetically at everyone, and continued: "From this point of view, it may be a water problem, let's verify it next."

Qin Fei got up: "I'm going to catch a monster."

Next, there is the question of candidates for verification. Although everyone has entered the swamp and now has a new breakthrough, but at this time, everyone is unwilling to stand out.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Yunli, hoping that she, a fool, could make a move again.

She couldn't hold back, and immediately rolled her eyes. A group of brazen people wanted her to go to the seventh level of Qi training, so shameless.

Although the miasma didn't work on her, going there several times would inevitably arouse suspicion, and she didn't want to expose her invulnerability to all poisons.

Furthermore, whoever likes to do this kind of selfless dedication will do it.

Everyone's reaction made Chu Nan even more grateful to Yunli. Now they just go in and find a water source at the door to verify. These people are so timid.

He didn't know anything about the situation at that time, so he could imagine that if Yunli wasn't here today, he might have lost his life because of their indecision.

Seeing Chu Nan's eyes looking over was even more gentle and kind, Yunli was so happy that she wanted to laugh up to the sky, thank you all for your help.

Seeing that Yunli was silent, with bright almond eyes open, waiting for them to decide on the candidate, it was difficult for everyone to ask her to go.

She volunteered, they can naturally push the boat along, but they directly ask a girl who has practiced Qi Qi to go, they are not so thick-skinned, and there are people from the Taiyi Sect.

She didn't go, and some people turned their eyes to the few people who should have entered according to the round. Naturally, these people shrank their necks and looked down at the ground, as if they wanted to see a flower on the dusty ground.

Glancing at the crowd, Su Xu said lightly, "I'll go."

Zheng Rui called out in a low voice: "Brother Su."

Su Xu smiled slightly: "Among fellow Taoists, Junior Brother Mo and I have not entered the swamp yet."

The disciples of the other three sects did not speak, obviously agreeing.

Su Xu had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, and turned to Mo Huai, "Brother Yu, how old are you, this time, Junior Brother Mo will let me be good."

Mo Huai nodded, "Brother, be careful in everything."

They looked like they were going shopping, and they compared other people to scum on the spot.

Yunli shook her head secretly, not thinking what this group of people thought, before they all knew that they would enter in turn, now that the reason is about to be found out, the danger of entering will be reduced in the future, and instead they become vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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