all the way to fairy

Chapter 214 Anxiety

Chapter 214 Anxiety
She walked around the room frantically, her mind turned into a spinning top, and she couldn't think of any good ideas.

No no no, calm down, calm down, there are still more than two years left, there must be a way, there must be!

She kept comforting herself, there were no accidents in the past two years, moreover, Canye Pavilion has been secretly paying attention to the four major sects, so many elite disciples were sent out, so they must be aware of it.

Bah, the vanguard troops have been hanging around here for more than half a year, and the Canye Pavilion is still taking revenge on the Xiao family. What are these people doing for food!
Wait, you can't think about bad things now, think about something good, what if Canye Pavilion has already been discovered, and it's just arranging?Or someone from other sects will notice the abnormality of the four major sects.

That's right, as the top four sects in the Canglan Continent, every move attracts attention, not to mention the absence of so many elite disciples at once, there will definitely be doubts.

Well, that's it. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a sect who doesn't want to be a top sect is not a good sect. Someone will definitely find out. Wait a minute, give them more time.

After a long time, she finally convinced herself. After calming down, she looked out of the window. The swamp is not allowed to enter, and she must clear her suspicions. If the water behind is mixed, she has become the main suspicion of the four major factions because she has entered the swamp. Object, then there is no need to cry.

Rescuing Chu Nan still made sense. Firstly, she was eager to save people. Secondly, she had just arrived and didn't know the danger of the swamp. Besides, she was only on the edge, and it was only for two breaths.

The most important thing right now is to get the message out.

Next, she thought hard in the house for three days, but she couldn't come up with any solution.

Seeing Chu Nan walking towards her wooden house from the window, she hurriedly got up and went out.

Chu Nan asked concerned: "What's the matter with you, I haven't seen you come out these days."

"Oh, I have experienced too many things recently, I feel something in my heart, the realm is loose, I plan to retreat and break through."

Chu Nan didn't think too much about it, and said, "It's all like this. It's the first time I heard about the disappearance of land and the closure of heaven and earth. I was shocked beyond words. When you know everything about Donglu and seals, your mind will inevitably be agitated."

He smiled: "However, it is a blessing to touch the edge of advancement because of this. Congratulations in advance for your smooth advancement."

Yunli bent the corners of her lips, "Thank you, Senior Brother Chu."

Lin Xi, who was in the distance, heard their conversation, and her heart was blocked. She actually broke through first, and a person who was not as talented as her, and her status was not as good as her, wanted to break through before her!
The more she thought about it, the more embarrassing she felt, and she faintly panicked, and looked in the direction of the swamp worriedly. If Brother Huai knew about it, he should treat her differently.

She took a few steps forward unconsciously, and Yunli on the opposite side activated the protective formation and the isolation and restraint in one go. In the blink of an eye, the wooden house was already a closed world.

Chu Nan murmured in a low voice: "Junior Sister Yun really has a quick mind, this wooden house is no worse than Linglong House."

Qin Fei, who was passing by, also smiled when he heard the words, "That's true, and the price is much lower than Linglong. Well, I will suggest that the younger sisters in Guzhong build a wooden house like this."

As he said that, he couldn't help complaining: "I don't know why these girls are so obsessed with Linglong House. They don't use good spirit stones for cultivation, they just save up to buy these flashy objects."

Chu Nan wrinkled his nose, his face full of disgust: "You think everyone is like you, you can live in muddy ground."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Qin Fei scratched his head. When did he live in the mud?
In the room, Yunli was sitting at the table with a pen in her hand. She decided to take a look at the surrounding environment of the swamp first, maybe she could find a breakthrough.

To the west of the swamp are forests, beaches, and the sea leading to the Canglan Continent; to the east is a mountain, where the Li people live, and behind the mountain is the West County;

To the north is Changzhou, which is flat and open, and the plain next to the swamp; to the south is Yingzhou, the fiefdom of my mother. She has been there several times. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is a beautiful place. Swamp, but there is no miasma, green green water, fresh and pleasant.

Wait, further south of that swamp is the Broken Star Lake in the mountain behind Qingyun Temple!

She was startled suddenly, and called Huanshiling out of her dantian, eyes full of disbelief, her Huanshiling was picked up by the Broken Star Lake!
Misty Swamp, Ordinary Swamp, Broken Star Lake, the three bodies of water may be connected together, or the source of Broken Star Lake is the Misty Swamp!
It is also possible that her Huanshi Ling floated from the Misty Swamp to the Broken Star Lake along the current. How is this possible? !

She murmured, "Can something float in the water here?"

I tried my best to think about it, but I didn't think anyone had mentioned this matter. Everyone avoided the water, lest they accidentally glanced at it. It was impossible for them to pay attention to whether there were any objects floating in the water.

She shook her head and put Huanshiling away. We will talk about this matter later, it is better to solve the current predicament first and find a way to deliver the news.

After carefully researching the surrounding area of ​​the Misty Swamp, I didn't think of any way to send the news. Except for the east, the other three sides are all connected to the realm of Liang Kingdom. She can't release the news to attract mortals.

She didn't dare to bet on the character of these people. The rule that monks are not allowed to attack mortals is just a joke to some people. They had no scruples about killing the mortal old man in Nanniwan on the first month of the year.

She froze suddenly, and with the concern of the four major parties, she would definitely investigate those who might have reached the swamp during that time. An old man in the village died inexplicably, and the villagers must still remember it vividly.

With such a suspicious clue, the four factions will definitely not let it go.

But it seems that their identities have not been found yet. They arrived at night that day, avoided the sight of the villagers and went straight to the old man's house, and then went out of the village directly to the sea.

It's just that the people in Canye Pavilion can't know about the breaking of the seal, especially the time of breaking. If they want to attract other people, they can only release the news that there is a secret treasure here.

All the details have been finalized, and only the most critical step is to release the news. However, she still has no good ideas for this step.

Soon, a few days passed, and she could only adjust her cultivation to the eighth level of Qi training to exit.

There are still more than two years left, and she can always find an opportunity. After retreating to sort out and think, she calmed down completely, and returned to her usual state, practicing kung fu, helping to take care of the poisoned people who came out of the swamp from the Taiyi sect, and silently paying attention to everything .

Time passed by little by little, and two months had passed in a blink of an eye.

For this operation, the major factions are clearly prepared for a protracted war. The disciples have brought enough resources, food and clothing are all available, and each faction even has two disciples who are responsible for refining the detoxification pill. To ensure the continuous supply of Jiedu Dan, the logistics work is quite in place.

However, the search still did not make much progress, and as time went by, new difficulties appeared, and the detoxification pill was not so useful.

While Yunli let out a sigh of relief, she secretly guessed that they must have taken too much of the same pill and developed resistance.

For a while, all the elites couldn't help being discouraged, and after persisting for a few days, someone was too poisoned and couldn't be rescued in time, and everyone was even more gloomy.

In the open space, some people were sitting on futons, some were leaning against trees, some were simply sitting on the ground, their faces were exhausted, and no one spoke.

After a long time, Su Xu took a deep breath and said, "Everyone has any ideas, let's talk about them."

Wang Mingyuan looked resentful: "It was a gamble with my life, but now the pill doesn't work, what's the difference between this and going to die directly!"

"Junior Brother Wang." Yu Ziyou glanced at him unhappily, displeased that he was showing off everywhere.

Chu Nan pursed his lips, "The pill matter really needs to be resolved as soon as possible. These days, the consumption of various spiritual plant medicinal materials is far higher than before. If this continues, our medicinal materials will not last long."

In terms of alchemy, the talents of Tianxin Pavilion are experts, so this time the detoxification pill is in charge of a senior alchemist in Tianxin Pavilion, and all the spiritual plant medicinal materials are also managed by the alchemists.

Hearing this, Yunli secretly rejoiced, if she needed supplies, she would have to go back to the Canglan Continent, if she could follow, she would find a chance to spread the news no matter what.

Although I will definitely be suspected after the accident, it is better than directly locking people on myself.

She pricked up her ears, listening intently to their meeting, looking for the best opportunity to interject.

(End of this chapter)

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