all the way to fairy

Chapter 215 Consonance

Chapter 215 Consonance
The monk in charge of pills in Tianxin Pavilion said: "It can only last for half a month at most."

Yunli was excited, but that didn't mean that he had to arrange for people to go back for supplies soon.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Su Xu said: "Then I have to arrange someone to go back, Fellow Daoist Qin, this place is the closest to Four Seasons Valley, I will trouble you."

Qin Fei responded straightforwardly, "Of course, I will send the sound to Guli, but, should I send it from Guli, or should we send someone to pick it up?"

Yun Li's heart hung up again, oops, I forgot that it can be delivered from outside.

Don't send it, don't send it.
Perhaps her prayers helped, but Su Xu pondered for a while, and said, "Let's go get it, this matter should not be known to too many people."

Chu Nan nodded in agreement, and added: "The issue of candidates must also be considered. Those who enter the secret realm cannot go, in case they are exposed."

Secret realm?

Yunli blinked, could it be that some of them disappeared from the public eye for the reason of entering the secret realm for training?
Have any secrets been opened recently?I haven't heard of it.

However, it doesn't matter, she didn't enter any secret realm, she can go there, she clenched her fists, she was waiting to find a middle time, so she introduced herself, a familiar coolness appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Her eyelashes flicked a few times, and she was slightly taken aback, why is senior brother here?

Immediately, Yunli was overjoyed and swallowed the self-recommendation that came to her lips.

At this time, Mo Huai who was next to her looked over, and she quickly put on a sensible expression of being puzzled and refraining from asking.

Fortunately, Mo Huai's gaze was only for a moment, and then quickly moved away.

She hammered down her eyes and told Wei Lin her position through the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness. The coolness of a cup of tea became more and more obvious. She guessed that the distance was enough. Well, brother, you are finally here."

Over the sea area, Wei Lin, who had received her fluent sound transmission, slowed down his flying sword. He rubbed the center of his brows, and wiped away the exhaustion and dust all over his face, "What danger did you encounter?"

Yunli hurriedly transmitted to him the anecdotes and her speculations she had heard these days.

Spit out the things that were suffocating in her heart like beans, and her heart suddenly became more relaxed. She felt that the current posture had been maintained for a long time. She tilted her head, changed her posture, and stared at the person who was speaking now. The monk, with a look of listening carefully to the meeting.

Hearing this, Wei Lin was also shocked, with cold sweat running down his forehead. It turned out that a big net had been silently unfolded in places they didn't know all these years.

He took a deep breath, "I'll arrange it, you just stay here and don't show your head."

"it is good."

When she turned her eyes, she looked at Chu Nan who was speaking opposite. She had a serious face, nodded her head, and seemed to agree.

After thinking about it, she worriedly told: "You should be more reliable in making up the secret treasure. Don't be too specific and vague, otherwise it will be easy to see through."

The flying sword stayed in the air, Wei Lin hooked the corners of his lips, and sent back: "You are quite experienced."

"That's right, tell me about the stories that have passed through my mouth over the years. Isn't that one vivid and touching?"

She changed into a frowning look, and said in a voice transmission: "It's all right with my acting skills."

At this time, Lin Xi suddenly cue her, "Junior Sister Yun, don't you want to go? You have great strength, and one person can cover several of them."

Yunli looked ashamed: "My cultivation base is low, and I can't fly the imperial weapon, so I won't cause trouble for fellow Taoists."

After she was ashamed, she looked at the selected elites with a sincere face, "But if I need to contribute, all the masters can just transmit the sound to me."

Glancing at Lin Xi, the sample, there are space equipment such as storage bags and rings, where do you need any coolies, and considering safety issues, at most two people can go there.

Instead of dismissing her, but instead giving her a chance to portray a bright and sensible image, Lin Xi was furious.

Yunli smiled sweetly at everyone, ignored her, and continued their voice transmission: "By the way, why did you come here? Aren't you in Tianyun City?"

Without waiting for an answer, she sighed again: "I have to say, it's too timely."

"Didn't you call me here?"

Wei Lin's light words stunned Yunli. She was so far away, no matter how loud her voice was.

Moreover, she never issued a sound transmission symbol at all.

Speaking of this matter, Wei Lin was also shocked. Two months ago, he got the latest information from Ying Mei, and when he left, the bamboo moonlight lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled violently.

He was stunned immediately. It was the first time that this flower had been in his consciousness for so many years. His thoughts subconsciously focused on the bamboo moon lotus. Light orange medium.

Immediately, she heard her yelling and saying help, while he was waiting to listen carefully, his consciousness was in a trance for a while, and when he came back to his senses, everything was like his hallucination, and he was still standing where he was.

In view of Zhu Yuelian's coolness and her connection, he was flustered for a while, and later learned of her whereabouts through Mu Yan, so he rushed here without stopping.

After hearing his words, Yunli also fell into shock, "What is this refreshing meaning? It's amazing. It can be felt from such a distance. The real version has a tacit understanding!"

Wei Lin is also very curious, but unfortunately he has been looking through the albums of various spiritual plants and rare treasures these years, but there is no record, but he has seen many similar lotus-shaped spiritual plants, but none of them are stored in the sea of ​​consciousness of.

After Yunli sighed, she wondered again: "How did you find Ayan?"

Without Lin Xizai, my cousin would hardly have the chance to go out, and Ah Yan is not a lively person.

Wei Lin said indifferently: "Go to the alchemy hall to buy the elixir she consigned, and then say that there is a problem, and ask the steward to come to her."

Yunli bit her lips lightly, holding back the smile that was on her lips, "You actually touch porcelain! Ah Yan is so miserable."

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, who is he doing this for!
After flipping through, she remembered that she couldn't see it, "I'm going first, don't mess around."

Yunli: ". Got it."

When did she mess around.

"Wait," she suddenly remembered that once the rumors came out, the four factions would definitely think that the person who spread the rumors was the one who broke the seal, so wouldn't they want to chase and kill the senior brother instead.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Wei Lin said: "After this incident, I will report the progress of the task under the pretext of going back to Canye Pavilion."

Only then did Yunli feel relieved, and said: "Then be careful when you spread the news."

Next, Yunli exposed her own trajectory to the eyes of everyone, shuttled among them like a butterfly, and ran to help immediately when she met someone in distress.

In the end, Chu Nan couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled her to speak earnestly, "Junior Sister Yun, you have just made a breakthrough, and you must focus on stabilizing your realm."

He pointed to the disciples practicing on the tree, on the stone, and in the room behind him, "Our monks' cultivation is the most important thing. Even if the foundation building monks are so diligent, you can only cultivate eight levels of qi, and you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Practice hard and strive to build a foundation as soon as possible.”

Yunli was stunned for a moment, realizing that she had overplayed herself. Except for the monk who was dedicated to refining the detoxification pill, the rest of the monks sent two people in each time, and a fellow monk outside was responsible for the rope. It is to seize the time to practice.

She said sincerely: "Thank you, Senior Brother Chu, for reminding me, I understand."

After thinking about it, she simply went to Zheng Rui and asked to be included in the shift in charge of the rope outside. When it was her turn, she would go there, and spend the rest of the time in the house to practice.

On this day, none of the people entered the swamp because the detoxification pills were gone. According to their previous estimates, the two people who took the supplies should have returned two days ago, but now there is no sign of them. shadow.

Su Xu's eyes were heavy, and the consuls from the four factions discussed it. Su Xu and Qin Fei decided to go to meet him in person, and Chu Nan and Yu Ziyou stayed in charge of the affairs here.

After the two left, Yu Ziyou squeezed out a gentle smile, "It happens that everyone is tired, so take this time to rest."

The matter of the elixir was not resolved, and everyone had no intention of cultivating, so they got together to talk, except for Mo Huai, who took Ying Feng to the grove to practice swords, and Lin Xi naturally followed.

Yunli chose to stay without hesitation. In the current situation, it could be that her senior brother had released the news, so she naturally wanted someone to testify for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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