Chapter 217

For example, if someone has the power to hide in the dark, then the senior brother will be exposed!

There was a panic in her heart. If their voice transmission was heard, they might be taken over by the pot.

Soon, she denied her conjecture again. After that, Zheng Ruifang made it clear that there was no source of information, and if she was really capable of spying secretly, she would definitely feel suspicious when she saw her senior brother parked in the nearby waters.

Then follow him, and if you find him spreading rumors, you will mistake him for the person who broke the seal, then you will catch him immediately and control the rumors, not now, the rumors are spreading.

It is even more impossible for the voice transmission of the spiritual sense to be intercepted, otherwise they would be exposed directly. To deal with the two foundation building periods, there is no need for the senior leaders of the four major factions to let their seniors leave and spread rumors, and they themselves would have been arrested long ago.

After denying these two points, she breathed a sigh of relief. If someone was really watching, she would be afraid to do anything.

This round really hit their trick, but it just let them see that their cultivation base is not high, which is better than doing nothing, and they will directly target themselves later, no loss, no loss.

In addition, divination is not omnipotent. She didn't have to enter the swamp, but just came here at this time. It seems that divination can only give a general direction.

She stabilized her mind and continued to listen to their conversation.

Qin Fei looked in the direction of the sea area, "So, do we have to stop it desperately?"

Su Xu smiled lightly, "Naturally, if releasing water is easy to scare the snake and can break the seal, how can we people stop it?"

Chu Nan pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth: "If your cultivation level is not high, then you have discovered our existence from a distance and then turned back. The monks who approached here a while ago and entered the swamp behind are the main suspects. "

Qin Fei muttered: "The person who spread the rumors is most likely the one who broke the seal. It would be great if we could find out."

Su Xu smiled slightly: "I hope."

Yunli was also faintly worried, wondering if senior brother had returned to the Remnant Ye Pavilion now.

Seeing that they didn't want to investigate from the perspective of how the news was leaked at all, and they didn't intend to suspect insiders for the time being, she was relieved a lot, at least it was safe now.

Later, their topics revolved around how to design the layout, all after the enemy entered the swamp, Yunli didn't listen anymore, and she didn't enter the swamp again.

Soon they arrived at the beach, and the monks of the four sects lined up in front of the dark crowd. The crowd was chaotic, comparable to the vegetable market.

"Do you four major sects want to be enemies of monks all over the world?"

As soon as I walked in, I heard a voice suddenly raised, overwhelming other voices, and clearly entered everyone's ears.

As soon as the voice fell, there was an immediate response, "Yes, this is a land without an owner, and secret treasures should live there!"

"Everything in the world belongs to the people of the world. The actions of the four major sects are too overbearing!"

"So what if you are overbearing, what can you do!"

Things were not going well these days, Wang Mingyuan had long held back his anger, and immediately pushed back in a fit of anger.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, very tough, young man.

Then a disciple of Mirage Palace said stiffly: "Again, there are no secret treasures here!"

"If there is, we will know if we go in and have a look."

At this voice, Yunli's pupils shrank, and she looked in the direction where the voice came from. It was indeed Lan Shu. Wasn't she thinking about Ya?
She is here, so the people from Canye Pavilion got involved?At this time, the senior brother who went back was properly sent to the door to do things for others.

Yunli looked around, but found no trace of Wei Lin, and there was no familiar face around Lan Shu, but she was quite close to a girl in white dress and skirt beside her, and the girl's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat familiar.

Her eyes lit up suddenly, isn't this the ready-made candidate for the blame!

Six years ago, they were the sea area where Lan Shu came together. Now that she appears here again, in the eyes of those who don't know the truth, the suspicion is naturally greater.

In the crowd, a person suddenly shouted: "Everyone, do you still remember that many monsters in Nanniwan died inexplicably eight years ago?"

"Remember, remember, I was only at the ninth level of qi training at that time, and I took the opportunity to pick up several high-level monster corpses and made a fortune, so I bought the Foundation Establishment Pill and successfully established the foundation."

As soon as he finished his sentence, a man beside him answered immediately, and the experience made those who didn't get the pie extremely jealous.

"I also know about it. I was not there at the time, and I missed the opportunity for nothing."

Most of the monks here are from the southern mountain system. The death incident of the monster in Nanniwan caused a lot of uproar.

At first, the man raised his hand and pressed it down, and the chattering people stopped, and he analyzed: "You said, why can all the monsters die silently? There are seventh-level monsters in there!" There are not many of them.”

He paused, "Besides, the highest demon corpse that came out was the seventh rank, and there was no one? How do you know that there are no eighth, ninth, or even tenth and eleventh ranks!"

Yunli squinted her eyes. Could it be that this person was entrusted by her senior brother, who fanned the wind so well that even eight years ago, she was able to bring together things that were impossible to deal with? Looking at this group of people, their eyes were wide open. famous.

Such a method, even many Nascent Soul cultivators would not be able to do it. If the secret treasure really has such power, wouldn't it be the Nascent Soul Stage who killed it!
Immediately, Yunli saw a monk from the Phantom Palace asking the Sijigu monk next to him, "Is this really the case?"

The disciples of the other three sects also pricked up their ears. There are real events to prove that the secret treasure does not seem to be groundless, and from this description, the power is not small.

The monk of Four Seasons Valley twitched his mouth, "We have been here for almost a year, do you think there is a secret treasure inside?"

The disciple's expression flickered, but they didn't know anything about such a big thing. The news was probably blocked by Four Seasons Valley. It wasn't in the Misty Swamp, but it didn't mean it wasn't in other places. The sea area is so big.

He laughed and said, "Hahaha, I'm the one who got the picture."

Zheng Rui took a deep breath. This matter was reported to the sect afterwards, and the higher-ups would worry about it. No matter what, the four major sects must work together to stop these monks.

He pushed aside the crowd and stepped forward, shouting: "Why are you arguing, if you don't back down, don't blame us for being rude!"

The two of them and one wolf naturally followed him forward. At this moment, the eyes of the girl next to Lan Shu lit up, staring at Lin Xi.

Yunli blinked suspiciously, did they know each other?

Lan Shu also saw Yunli, her eyes were full, and the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously. The next moment, Yunli received her voice transmission: "Junior Sister Qianshi, long time no see."

Yunli and her looked at each other, and naturally looked away, "It's been a long time since I saw Miss Lanshu. I heard that Miss Lanshu was thinking about Siguoya, and I was still worried. Siguoya is always ice and snow, extremely cold, and the strong wind There is a formation, and there is a spirit-forbidden formation, so you can't use spiritual power, and you can't practice."

"If you really stay in there for three years, not only will the Wind, Frost, and Sword damage your face, but your cultivation will also drop. By then, Yue Yi's cultivation will catch up with you."

The color of the blue book suddenly turned black, Yunli hooked her lips, and continued: "It's still the pavilion master who loves you, and came out after three years. I don't know if the coffin board will not be able to hold down the coffin because of this incident. live."

"Oh no, most of the dead are killers above Xuan level, all of them have lost their souls, so don't worry about them going to chat with you in the middle of the night."

Lan Shu's face was so gloomy that she could drip water, several strongholds were destroyed, and her prestige in the pavilion was not as good as before. If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have to do the task.

She took a deep breath, decided not to talk about it with her, and asked directly: "What's going on inside."

Yunli smiled: "My mission was issued by Ruo Qizhenjun himself, you have no authority to know."


Lan Shu squinted his eyes, and the sound transmission was word for word, "Don't think that if you go to the Taiyi School, I can't do anything about you!"

"Then try it."

At this time, the four major sects and other monks also fell into a fight, and Lan Shu took advantage of the situation and raised his sword to attack Yunli, and the fierce sword energy rushed straight to Yunli's face.

Seeing this fierce attack, Lin Xizao hid to the side, and the monks of the Taiyi sect also slowly approached, faintly protecting her behind her.

Yunli summoned the Dream Slashing Saber and met Lan Shu. He has recognized the master for so long, but he has never really used the Dream Slashing Saber. Let's use Lan Shu's blood to test its edge today!

(End of this chapter)

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