Chapter 218

"Nephew Yun."

Zheng Rui yelled anxiously, and was about to step forward to pull her back, when she saw her figure flickering, flexibly dodging the sword aura, raised her hand, and the soft peach pink flashed across, gently and skillfully holding her On the opposite side is the long sword of the female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

He was slightly surprised, it was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she caught it so lightly!
Thinking of Yun Lisu's strength, he felt relieved again, and said loudly: "Nephew Yun, well done, you really didn't embarrass me too much!"

Yunli turned her head and smiled at him: "Uncle Zheng can defend against the enemy with peace of mind, don't worry about me, I can handle this kind of flamboyance."

Zheng Rui saw her relaxed appearance, and also saw Lan Shu's slender figure and elegant appearance opposite him, so he believed in her idea of ​​embroidered legs, and only said, "Don't be careless."

After he stopped the monk in front of him, he couldn't help but murmured, "Small sects are messing around. They only focus on building up their cultivation and don't pay attention to their foundation. They can't even beat the Qi training period."

Hearing this, Lan Shu is almost dying, is it because she doesn't pay attention to the foundation, it is clear that this barbarian is too strong.

In front of this savage, her cultivation seemed like a joke, just like a child without any cultivation could not shake a bit against a mighty martial artist.

Yunli was even more happy, she didn't expect Zheng Rui to stab so hard.

Yunli raised her eyes slightly, looked at the blue book, and said via voice transmission: "It's fate, your sword is called Mengchen, and my sword is called Zhanmeng. Who do you think is better?"

As she said that, she flicked her wrist, lifted Lan Shu's long sword, and slashed at her fiercely. The force on the sword made Lan Shu stagger, and the sharp blade had already slashed towards her just as she stood still.

She quickly raised her sword to resist, and with a click, the cracks on Meng Chen's sword continued to spread.

Lan Shu's eyes were horrified, this is a heavenly magic weapon, and it was easily destroyed by her with a knife.

She was flustered, Qianshi has grown to this point, now that Jing Shisan is not here, will she let herself go?

Suppressing the fishy sweetness in her throat, she raised her eyes pretending to be calm, but saw Yunli smiling sweetly at her, and her voice sounded from the sea of ​​knowledge: "Don't worry, you are the daughter of the deputy pavilion master, how dare I kill you. "

With this knife, Yunli shook her head, feeling weak, Lan Shu was too weak to try the power of the Mengzhan knife, and she didn't even dare to use her spiritual power, otherwise she would be hacked to death with one knife, how could she let her go? She took the blame for herself.

Lan Shu felt at ease, Qianshi was not weak, she knew this all along, after all, she had killed several foundation-building stage monks she sent.

But she didn't expect that she didn't have the slightest ability to teach her, her eyes fell on her saber, when did she add such a powerful magic weapon, just a thousand and ten times, but she cut off her Mengchen sword with only strength, Meng Shen is a heaven-rank magic weapon!

Yunli is very conflicted, don't beat her up, she feels aggrieved, beat her up and worry about killing her.

She glanced at the blue book with a hideous face, no, she still had to beat her up, she would be very upset if she didn't!

With a lift of Yunli's wrist, the Dream Zhanmeng Saber slid past her cheek, her speed was too fast, the two of them were not far away, almost instantly, the blade reached Lan Shu's cheek.

Lan Shu felt cold all over, her blood froze, and her voice was stuck in her neck. She wanted to move away, but the pink pink color seemed to have magical power, and her eyes fell on her for a moment, and she lost her mind for a moment. Like falling into a soft dream.

After the warm pink, a touch of silvery white split the pink, and also the dream, Lan Shu came back to his senses, with liquid oozing from his face.


She covered her face with her hands, looking at Yunli as if she wanted to eat people.

Yunli was also slightly surprised, unexpectedly, Meng Zhan Dao actually has hallucinogenic effect, but the time is too short, if he can find a way to prolong the hallucinogenic time in the future, it will be no disadvantages.

Seeing this, Zheng Rui, who had been paying attention to this side, was completely relieved. It seemed that he was really an embroidered pillow, and he was no match for Nephew Yun. He stopped paying attention to this side and concentrated on defending against the enemy.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, and pretended to send a message, "Miss Lan Shu, forgive me, I am a disciple of the Taiyi Sect now, and you are a villain who wants to break in. You have to go through a few tricks under the noses of so many people."

Lan Shu gritted her teeth, she was obviously taking revenge!

Yunli grinned, raised her hand and slashed again, slanting down along Lanshu's shoulder, the bone was visible deep, and blood was gurgling.

Lan Shu backed away quickly, gasping for breath in pain, with cold sweat running down her forehead, on the one hand, it was pain, and on the other hand, she was frightened, if the knife was a little heavier, half of her shoulder would be removed,
"Oh, why don't you resist! If you don't move, it will be difficult for me to let go! Forget it, I don't need a knife anymore."

While transmitting the sound, she observed the surroundings vigilantly, and said, what about Jing Shisan, isn't he Lan Shu's personal bodyguard?
Jing Shisan didn't find it, but saw the white-clothed girl who was close to Lan Shuduo just now walking towards Lin Xi, but was stopped by the Taiyi sect, and she waved to Lin Xi who was also protected behind her.

"Sister Lin Xi, it's me."

Lin Xichong stopped the young girl's monk and nodded, saying: "She is the granddaughter of the master of Xuanyu Sect, let her come here."

Now that Jing Shisan is not there, Lin Xi and the girl know each other again, so they can't catch up if it's too late.

Yunli immediately put away the Dream Slashing Saber, rushed over like an arrow, grabbed Lan Shu's wrist and squeezed it lightly, under the pain, Lan Shu subconsciously let go of the Mengchen Sword in his hand, and then Yunli slapped her hard towards him Pulling, knees pressed against her abdomen, then elbows against her back several times, and finally kicked up, kicking Lan Shu flying far away.


The severe shoulder injury had not been treated yet, and she was punched, kicked, and fell heavily. Lan Shu felt that his bones were about to fall apart. The most important thing was that the other party did not use spiritual power. This was a blatant humiliation.

"You stop!"

A fireball hit Yunli in the distance, and Yunli easily avoided it by turning around. She looked in the direction of the fireball.

The girl in white ran over, helped Lan Shu up, and said worriedly, "Sister Lan Shu, are you alright?"

A deep scar on Lan Shu's cheek was shocking, and bones were visible on his shoulder. The bright red blood stained most of his clothes, and he fell to the ground and was covered with sand, looking miserable.

Lan Shu shook his head weakly, "I'm fine, go there first, it's not safe here."

Seeing Lan Shu's situation clearly, the girl's eyes were burning. If she hadn't been concerned about Yunli's status as a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, she might have started fighting with her long ago.

She gave Yunli a hard look, supported Lan Shu and quickly avoided the fighting skills of the surrounding monks, and went to the rear.

Yunli touched the tip of her nose, and followed. Fortunately, she guessed it, so she beat her up first.

Looking at the two people in front of her, she almost laughed. At this point in time, and with the help of the relationship between the girl and Lin Xi, she successfully infiltrated the elite disciples of the four major sects, so she didn't have to fight like everyone else , I am afraid that this suspicion value will rise in a straight line.

If we arrange it again and let people know that Lan Shu came here six years ago, the biggest suspect is that she didn't run away.

However, let the four factions slowly investigate what happened six years ago. If there are too many coincidences, it will be false.

At this moment, Su Xu and the others also came over after finishing the meeting. Seeing two strange girls standing beside Lin Xi, they couldn't help frowning: "Junior Sister Lin, who are these two?"

Lin Xi pursed her lips, pointed to the girl in white, and said, "This is the granddaughter of the master of Xuanyu Gate, the daughter of the master of Qingyao City, Wen Xuelian."

Yunli curled her lips, it turned out to be Xu Linghui's cousin, Lin Xi disliked Xu Linghui very much, and her relationship with her cousin was quite good.

Wait, Qingyao City, Wen Xuelian?

Her pupils shrank, Wen Xueluo also seemed to be born in Qingyao City, and their names were so similar.

The most important thing is that just now, she felt that the girl in white was vaguely familiar. Now that she thought about it, her forehead and eyebrows were [-]% similar to Wen Xueluo's, but they were completely different in other places.

Looking at Lanshu, there is no need to doubt that this girl must have something to do with Wen Xueluo. This is Lanshu's intention to get close to the girl, and take the opportunity to investigate Wen Xueluo?
However, it has been more than six years since the investigation, and the deputy pavilion master almost took root in Qingyao City. It is said that Wen Xueluo's family background should have been investigated long ago. Why did Lan Shu get close to Wen Xuelian?

She suddenly remembered something. Back then on Tianyun City Street, Xu Linghui said that Wen Xueluo was kind. At first they thought she was trying to find a way out for them, but now it seems that it should be true.

 Thanks to book friends 20200228234623487 and book friends 20190403152018629 for their monthly tickets, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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