Chapter 224 Killing (2)

Wen Xuelian's statement can be easily found out, and everyone is not concerned about whether she is from the Canye Pavilion. After this matter is over, someone will go to the Wen family to check it out.

She couldn't get more information about the blue book here, so everyone stopped paying attention and turned their eyes away.

Wen Xuelian breathed a sigh of relief, those gazes just now were too terrifying, as if she was going to swallow her alive if she didn't answer well.

Seeing the two figures in front of him in the misty swamp, Yunli secretly sighed that it was unlucky, knowing that Zhenjun was with the Jindan Daoist from Tianxin Pavilion, and it was too difficult to deal with Yuanying and Jindan cultivator at the same time.

She fell far behind the two bitterly, she had to think of a way to separate them, and then break them one by one, but how could they be separated?
"Zhenjun, your perception range is also half a foot around your body?" The real person from Tianxin Pavilion suddenly asked.

Zhiming Zhenjun nodded solemnly, and the real person muttered to himself, "It's strange, after Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, and Yuanying came in, the perception range was half a foot around the body. I've never heard of such a place. But, I don’t know if Zhenjun has met him before?”

Zhenjun Zhiming shook his head, "Perhaps it's the same for mortals coming in here. I heard that mortals have left here alive, but they are crazy."

Yunli curled her lips, she didn't expect these two to be chatterboxes.

The monks of Tianxin Pavilion were silent, and after a long while, they said leisurely: "We usually claim to be advanced, and treat mortals and low-level monks as ants. It's no different, they're all ants."

Zhiming Zhenjun also sighed lowly, isn't it? From a mortal to today's Nascent Soul Zhenjun, how many years have passed, how many mortal thoughts have been cut off, in the end, in the face of the real power, still Just ants.

Feeling grateful, Zhiming Zhenjun didn't pay attention, and stepped into the water next to him.

Seeing the sudden splash of water, Yunli's heart burst into excitement, she was poisoned, could she not use her hands on this difficult bone.

The next moment, I saw Zhiming quickly lifted his feet out of the water, took a step across to the middle of Luping, looked down at the wet shoes with a frown, his feet were full of spiritual power, and in a short breath, the water stains on the shoes were baked Dry.

Yunli secretly sighed that it was a pity, although she didn't know that the water was highly poisonous, but a small spell could make herself more comfortable, and even a monk would not be stingy with that bit of spiritual power.

For just a short moment, she didn't know how much the poison would affect the Nascent Soul cultivator. She pricked up her ears, hoping that the poisonous water would not disappoint her.

The two people in front glanced at Zhiming's feet, and then walked forward. It seemed that there was no big problem.

Yunli pursed her lips. What the two of them said was wrong. Cultivation still had an impact. If he had stepped into the water during the foundation building stage just now, he would have been killed on the spot.

She frowned so much that it could kill a fly, and the poisonous water greatly reduced the Nascent Soul cultivators, so what should I do, she was counting on the poisonous water and miasma to kill them.

After walking a certain distance, Zhiming Zhenjun suddenly stopped, he lifted his trouser legs, and his legs were black and blue.

The real Tianxin Pavilion gasped, "The water is poisonous!"

Yunli in the back didn't know whether to be happy or worried. Although the effect was weaker, the poisonous water would still have an effect on Zhenjun Yuanying. But it is difficult.

Zhenjun Zhiming looked at the real person in Tianxin Pavilion and asked, "Is there a detoxification pill?"

Yunli stood motionless half a foot away from them, and the villain in her heart shouted manically, how could it be possible that the monks in Tianxin Pavilion did not have detoxification pills.

A Yuanying Zhenjun with super powerful combat power, a Jindan stage real person who is proficient in alchemy, and a violent output with a nanny, how to fight this!
The real person in Tianxin Pavilion lowered his eyes, apparently looking through the storage bag, after searching for a while, he took out a celadon vial, poured the elixir and handed it to Zhiming Zhenjun.

Yunli, who was ashamed, was stunned when she smelled the scent of medicine floating over. It was not the detoxification pill that the disciples of the four sects often took.

After thinking about it, this person is Jindan real person after all, the detoxification pill he made must be high-quality, and it is normal to be different from the one made by the alchemist in the foundation building period, not to mention the poison that stepped into the water like Zhiming Zhenjun. , naturally need a detoxification pill with better efficacy.

After taking the detoxification pill, Zhiming Zhenjun was still worried, so he sacrificed an umbrella-shaped magic weapon with a white umbrella surface, a few milky white flowers on it, and a light blue jade buckle on one side.

Then, he made a formula with his right hand, and gently lifted the handle of the umbrella with the tip of his left finger. Suddenly, a thin white gauze hung down around the umbrella, and there were shining spots of light on it, enveloping him and the monks of Tianxin Pavilion.

Yunli blinked, what are you doing again?
"It can actually isolate the poisonous miasma!" The real person of Tianxin Pavilion was surprised.

Mentioning his beloved thing, Zhiming Zhenjun couldn't help being secretly proud, "Don't look at my Yueying Mingxin Umbrella is only a high-grade magic weapon, and it only has the function of preventing poison, but it is effective against most poisons. .”

Yunli didn't want to talk anymore. As the Yuanying Zhenjun, the fog and swamp had limited weakening effect on him, and he even had a special magic weapon to target the ubiquitous miasma in the air.

Now, except that his perception is limited to half a foot around his body, there is not much difference between him and the outside world.

Seeing that they were about to reach the exit, Yunli was in a hurry, and was about to stop them without doing anything, when the two people in front stopped.

Zhiming Zhenjun: "She doesn't have the Yueying Mingxin Umbrella, so she must not have gone out. Look for it later."

With the umbrella of Yueying Mingxin, the most troublesome miasma, there is no threat to them. Tianxin Pavilion Daoist naturally has no objection. Moreover, the longer they can stay in the swamp, the better.

Seeing them turn back, Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, there is still a chance.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two people in front stopped again, and Yunli stopped at a safe distance, looking at the two in front strangely, there was nothing unusual, why did they stop again?
Under the umbrella of Yueying Mingxin, Zhiming Zhenjun, who seemed to be strolling in the garden, bent down, covered his abdomen with his hands, and closed his legs tightly, looking like he had eaten his stomach.

Yunli is puzzled, it shouldn’t be, they are all Nascent Soul True Monarchs, not to mention that they are basically bigu, and rarely eat; even if they eat, it has been so long since entering to the present, and the seizures will occur early .

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, she thought of the detoxification pill given to him by the real person of Tianxin Pavilion just now, and her eyes widened. Could it be that it was not a detoxification pill, but a poison pill!

While she felt chills in her heart, she also felt hopeful. If this was the case, then wouldn't she be able to be the oriole in the back!

"The elixir, the elixir you gave me, poof—"

Zhiming Zhenjun in front of him was also thinking fast, almost at the same time as she thought that the elixir was poisonous, he turned his head and questioned in disbelief, and quickly called out his natal magic weapon.

It's a pity that the real person in Tianxin Pavilion had been waiting for him to attack. The moment he reacted, a dagger had already pierced his heart.

After spouting bright blood, Zhiming Zhenjun's natal magic weapon also attacked Tianxin Pavilion real person.

However, the real person had been prepared for a long time. After the dagger was inserted, he immediately turned around and flew up, grabbed the Yueying Mingxin Umbrella above, and retreated to the half-foot boundary.


Zhiming Zhenjun half-kneeled on the ground, covering the wound on his heart with five fingers, his eyes were scarlet, and his face was full of disbelief.

Liu Xiuyuan quickly erased the imprint of divine consciousness on Yueying Mingxin Umbrella, and smiled coldly, "Do you still remember how you got this Yueying Mingxin Umbrella?"

Yunli was standing not far from Liu Xiuyuan, she was almost pissed off seeing this.

Big brother, let’s kill him first and then tell the story. For monks, although the wound in the heart is difficult, it is not impossible. I didn’t see the spiritual power surge in the hand of Zhenjun Zhiming covering the wound. Healing injuries in delaying time.

The mark of divine consciousness was erased, Zhiming Zhenjun's sea of ​​consciousness was stung, his brows were frowned, and he whispered: "It has something to do with Yueying Mingxin Umbrella."

He seemed to be thinking about it seriously, but the spiritual power in his hand became more intense.

Yunli gritted her teeth, thinking about whether she should slap the real person next to her into the water first, and then go there to kill Zhenming Zhiming.

Zhiming Zhenjun was still thinking, Liu Xiuyuan smiled suddenly: "Are you delaying time, just right, so am I."

Yunli blinked her eyes, and Huan Shiling calmed down in her dantian again.

"Don't waste your efforts, now that the poison has invaded your extraordinary meridians and all your limbs, no one in this world can detoxify it except the rebirth of Zhenjun Lingchu."

 Thank you for coming to 4, Muzi who listened to the book, two big monthly tickets, thank you very much! ! !

  PS: Prepare to change the cover.

(End of this chapter)

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