Chapter 225 Killing (3)

Yunli's pupils shrank slightly, Zhenjun Lingchu, he actually knew Zhenjun Lingchu, this is really a surprise!
Zhiming Zhenjun panicked, "Liu Xiuyuan, what exactly do you want to do?"

Liu Xiuyuan sneered, "What are you doing? Naturally, I want to avenge my junior sister."

He paused, looked up at the shining Yueying Mingxin Umbrella, his eyes were full of pain, "Junior Sister loves you so much, she will do everything for you, and she will do everything possible to make the pills you need. But how did you treat her?"

Zhenjun Zhiming's eyes suddenly appeared, "You mean Jiangli?"

Liu Xiuyuan sneered: "Oh, it's hard for you to remember her."

Then, the pain in his eyes turned to sarcasm, "You abandoned her for this umbrella of Yueying Mingxin, just for this umbrella! Do you know what she went through?"

His expression suddenly became crazy, he rushed over, and grabbed Zhenjun Zhiming's lapel, "She was killed by those beasts, by those beasts..."

He couldn't continue, turbid tears flowed down his slack face, his skinny hands trembled violently, his lips kept moving, and he couldn't cry, "Finally, my junior sister couldn't stand the humiliation, so she committed suicide and died."

With a sad tone, a sad scene, and seeing Zhenjun Zhiming, who still looks like a middle-aged handsome uncle, Yunli secretly said that he is a good man.

Unexpectedly, Zhenjun Zhiming had a calm face, without the slightest sense of guilt, and said lightly: "Didn't you also participate in them."

Yunli was taken aback for a moment, and it took him a while to realize, looking at Liu Xiuyuan, he also participated in humiliating his junior sister? !
Liu Xiuyuan's face froze, he rushed over and grabbed Zhenjun Zhiming's neck, and shouted: "It's all you, if you hadn't escaped, why would my junior sister and I have fallen into their hands, and what happened later! It's all your fault, it was all your fault!"

Yunli's three views are completely shattered, she is weak, not as good as a beast, and she will blame others for her faults.

Knowing Zhenjun's face full of ridicule, Liu Xiuyuan sat down on the ground and muttered dejectedly: "I don't want to, I don't want to, but I can't help it, their cultivation base is higher than mine."

Yunli couldn't listen any longer, she caught a glimpse of the sneering joy in Zhiming Zhenjun's eyes out of the corner of her eye, her heart skipped a beat, he was stalling for time!

He has a way to restrain the poison!
The Meng Zhan Dao was thrown suddenly, and it slapped Liu Xiuyuan on the back fiercely, sending him and Zhenjun Zhiming in front of him into the water.

At the same time, Huanshi Ling flew out, entangled the falling Yueying Mingxin Umbrella, and pulled it over.

Zhiming Zhenjun is worthy of being Yuanying Zhenjun, poisoned, injured, and his consciousness was also damaged because the imprint of Yueying Mingxin Umbrella was erased. After entering the water, he was able to jump out of it and tried to go ashore; Liu Xiuyuan thumped a few times before he lost his breath.

Seeing this situation, Yunli decisively held the Zhanmeng Dao and swung it again. The blade was as light as practice, with a fascinating pink color, and slapped Zhenjun Zhiming who jumped out of the water back.

After a breath, Zhiming Zhenjun surfaced again and shouted sharply: "Who!"

Yunli didn't say a word, Huanshi Lingfei and Zhanmengdao came out together, wrapping one around and slashing at the other, and finally pinned him in the water. After a stalemate for a while, he finally stopped struggling.

Yunli exhaled, luckily Zhanmengdao and Huanshiling were of very good quality, otherwise they would have been corroded by the poison in the water.

Thinking that Liu Xiuyuan had just mentioned Zhenjun Lingchu, she had a thought, Huan Shiling sank to the bottom of the water, and salvaged the bodies of the two.

After pulling off all the storage equipment from the two of them, and quickly clearing her traces, she left the scene quickly.

After thinking about it, there are many people outside, and it is safer here, she found a deserted place, and quickly checked the storage bags of the two of them.

In the panic before, the real person of Four Seasons Valley and Mirage Palace didn't take the storage bags, and lost two huge sums of money, heartbroken.

I found all of Liu Xiuyuan's storage bags, especially the books and letters, but there was only one sentence about Zhenjun Lingchu mentioned in a monk's letter, saying that she was a rare alchemy genius in the Yaowang Valley. After making a elixir that can cure all poisons, there is no more information about her.

Yunli rubbed the center of her brows, feeling very happy.

Needless to say, the legendary elixir that can cure all kinds of poisons in the world is the one that Wen Xueluo took, "It's really the daughter of heaven, so this one elixir can be met by her."

After mumbling, she opened Zhenjun Zhiming's storage bag again, and the depression in her heart was instantly swept away.

Qi training monks are mostly poor, and some monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage are also poor. In the Golden Core Stage, there are very few poor ones. As for the Nascent Soul Stage, except for the strange thing called Shuang Jiang, who is not wealthy.

Throwing an object with obvious personal identification into the water, she just slapped herself with an invisibility symbol when a person broke in.

Feeling the aura here, the person who came came paused, and looked in her direction vigilantly. He didn't see anyone, and the person didn't stop, and flew past here like a sharp arrow.

Yunli slapped the breath-holding talisman quickly, and at the same time exercised her movements, left the previous position, and looked up, it was the blue book.

Then, led by Master Kaiyu, Mo Huai followed closely behind, chasing after Lan Shu.

She was stunned for a moment, no, if Lan Shu died here, how could she prove that she was the one who broke the seal?

It would be too fake for someone who can break the seal to die easily.

She quickly chased after her, and just after walking a certain distance, a few more people appeared behind her.

Someone asked, "Is this the direction?"

The other person looked at the blade of grass. On the top of the green grass, a part was cut off by a sharp tool. It was a fresh cut, "Well, it's this way."

After thinking about it, Yunli walked around, not far away was the south exit, if he wanted to escape, this direction was the closest place where Lan Shu could go out.

In addition, they came in from the west, and the people left behind are also in the west. Time is urgent, and there is no one in the south now. Going out here can just avoid the siege outside.

After waiting for a while, Lan Shu really came this way, Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, considering the importance of the four major parties, only Lan Shu was alive and well under the pursuit of a bunch of monks, this pot Only then can she carry her back steadily.

Moreover, another Canye Pavilion killer who has exposed his true face and is still alive can help the senior brother to disperse the pressure of hunting.

Seeing that Lan Shu had already reached the edge, and was only one step away from stepping out, she turned around and turned towards another person.

Yunli shook her head, a wind travel technique directly pushed her out of the misty swamp.

The sudden fluctuation of spiritual power startled Lan Shu, and his heart almost stopped suddenly. He was still some distance away, why did he suddenly catch up?
After being pushed for a few steps, her perception suddenly recovered, and she was no longer limited to half a foot around her body. Seeing the cages of green plants swaying gently in the breeze, she froze for a moment, and she had already come out.

Regardless of whether the sudden appearance of Feng Xingshu was a coincidence or someone was helping her secretly, she took off the sword, identified the direction, and flew towards the Canglan Continent in a hurry.

In the swamp, Master Kai Yu chased him nearby and stopped suddenly. He looked around, his brows filled with uncertainty.

After a while, Mo Huai also arrived. After scanning the surroundings, his face was full of hesitation, "Can the real person see which direction she is fleeing to?"

Master Kaiyu shook his head, "There are her auras in all directions, I'm not sure which direction it is."

Yunli blinked, there were no directions, in her perception, the breath left by Lan Shu was obvious, extending straight to the outside of the swamp.

She looked at the exit, and the edge of the swamp not only shielded perception, but also seemed to interfere with illusions.

Mo Huai thought for a moment, "Look in one direction and one direction."

He took out a green wooden sword and stuck it into the ground, and he and Master Kaiyu went north and east to look for it.

After the two left, Yunli was hesitating whether to change the position of the Aoki sword, when he saw the Aoki sword slowly rotating and moving down.

Yunli swallowed her saliva, this swamp is really evil, she didn't pull out her sword, when Mo Huai and two came back after a while, the directions were still in disorder, the Aoki sword would not have the slightest effect.

After thinking about it, she raised her hand to clear away the blue book's aura around her, then stood on the spot and used it as a wooden stake. She wanted to see what else was so strange about this swamp.

After a while, the monks who followed the two of them also came here. Qin Fei looked at the cutting direction of the grass blades and wondered, "Why are both sides fresh?"

(End of this chapter)

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