all the way to fairy

Chapter 226 Sister

Chapter 226 Sister
Chu Nan thought for a moment, and said, "It is estimated that Master Kaiyu and Fellow Daoist Mo separated, and we also split into two groups."

After finishing speaking, a group of people quickly divided into two small groups, determined the direction, and was about to chase. When one of them passed by, he kicked the green wooden sword stuck in the grass, and just turned the direction back.

"This sword?" Qin Fei frowned, "Who left it? Is that blue book a real person or Fellow Daoist Mo?"

Chu Nan frowned: "Friend Daoist Mo and the others, how could Lan Shu be hunted down and leave any traces?"

Qin Fei nodded, there was no blue book atmosphere here at all, he didn't understand why Mo Huai and the two wanted to put swords here, so he said: "It's important to catch up with Fellow Daoist Mo."

After the person left, Yunli was waiting to step forward to mess up the direction of the sword again, when Kaiyu came back.

Looking at the kicked sword crookedly, he frowned into a Sichuan character. Judging from the lingering aura around him, Lan Shu didn't come back, and it was monks from the four major factions who came here.

After a while, Mo Huai also turned around, and the two discussed with the Aoki sword, not sure if the Aoki sword had changed direction, so they simply continued to search based on their feelings.

Yunli shrugged, this matter is very troublesome, as expected, as long as there are enough people with different ideas, things will be like a wild horse running wild, I don't know what it will develop into.

This time, Master Kaiyu and Mo Huai chose the west and the north.

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched. Didn't they have the direction of south?
Forget it, she can't stay here for too long, and she doesn't want to bump into anyone, otherwise she won't be poisoned when she goes out, so how can she explain it to the people staying outside.

This is the south of the swamp, close to Qinyun Temple. Thinking of Huan Shiling, she simply left the swamp. The time was short, and she couldn't do other things, but it was still possible to determine whether the three waters were connected.

Out of the Misty Swamp, the swamp outside is no different from the inside, except that there is no miasma pervading, the two are completely of the same origin, and even in the corner on her right hand, a bay of water is half inside the Misty Swamp and half outside.

There was even a fish swimming happily in the water outside, leaving splashes behind.

Yunli stepped into the swamp one step at a time, the water spirit technique set off water jets, threw out a bowl to catch the poisonous water, and turned to go outside.

She knelt down and poured a few drops of the poisonous water from the bowl into the water of the fish.

The fish froze cheerfully and jumped up and down in the water, splashing water all over her face.

She leaned back and wiped the water off her face. When she looked again, the fish in the water turned over and floated on the surface.


With a soft murmur, she stretched out her fingers to touch the fish, and as soon as she touched the fish's body, the fish instantly returned to its soul, and its body swung violently a few times before regaining its joy.

Yunli stared at the fish in the water and fell into deep thought. Just now, the fish became stiff, which meant that the waters in the misty swamp on the other side were indeed poisonous.

In the same body of water, half is poisonous and the other is not. How is this possible?
Moreover, the poison that can poison the foundation-building cultivators inside, can't even kill a fish outside, why?

Could it be that only a few drops are not toxic enough?
She was cruel and poured all the water in the bowl into the water.

However, this time, the fish in the water were not affected at all, as if the water she poured into it was clear water, and they were still swimming freely.

Yunli's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she saw, she was dazed for a moment, she got up again and rushed into the swamp to fetch water to repeat the previous procedure.

After a while, she came to the conclusion that the water just taken out from the Misty Swamp was indeed poisonous, but as time passed, the poison disappeared for no reason.

What made the poison disappear?
She frowned. The groundwater sources in the connected areas are also basically connected, so not only this swamp, but also the other three sides should be the same. Once out of the misty swamp, the toxicity of the water flowing out will soon disappear.

There have been people living in the northeast and south for generations. If the water was poisonous, it would have been discovered long ago.

What is not in the misty swamp, but there is outside?

She looked around. Generally speaking, both sunshine and wind are possible. The misty swamp is full of miasma, and there is no sun, no sunshine and no wind, but there is not always sunshine and wind outside the swamp.

In addition, the poison on the people who were poisoned inside did not dissipate like the poison in the water, even on the corpses. What is the reason for this?

After thinking for a while, still having no idea, she got up and headed south.

When the sparkling lake appeared in her field of vision, she exhaled lightly. Sure enough, Falling Star Lake was connected to Misty Swamp.

At this time, the sun passed over the treetops, and the fine sunlight sprinkled on the emerald green lake surface, sparkling, as if covering the water surface with a layer of shiny silver fragments, or like crumpled green satin.

She stretched her body, stepping on the lake water and skimmed lightly to the Qinyun Temple on the other side of the lake, searched a little, and came to the place where she picked up the Huanshi Ling in her memory, but found nothing unusual.

Standing by the lake and looking over, the surface of the lake reflecting the sunlight was a bit dazzling. She scanned the surface of the lake back and forth. She even dipped her consciousness into the water to check a little bit, but found nothing, but there were a few bones at the bottom of the lake, and one Beside the bones stood a huge boulder, obviously killed by someone.

She secretly sighed in her heart: Taoism is not clean, there are disputes everywhere.

"Princess, slow down!" A young woman's crisp voice came from behind.

Yunli was taken aback, and dodged behind a tree.

In the scattered woods, a four or five-year-old girl in a water-blue brocade dress emerged. Hearing the shout from behind, her watery eyes rolled around, and she squatted behind two luxuriant peach trees. Next, Bai Nen's small hands covered all the scattered peach blossoms to her feet, and some petals were stepped on by her.

Yunli frowned, and with a wind spirit technique, all the petals under her feet were blown away.

The peach blossoms flying around attracted the attention of the chasing woman in azure-colored clothes. She walked behind the tree and saw the little girl squatting on the ground with a depressed face, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the woman's face clearly, Yunli was stunned. This is Qinghe, the maid of the Princess Mansion, Lue's younger sister. After eight years, the little girl has grown up, and her face can vaguely see her former appearance.

She stared blankly at the little girl squatting behind the tree, thinking of the princess just now, is this little girl a younger sister? !

Qing He knelt down, helped the little girl wipe the sweat off her forehead, and said: "Princess, why did you come here, the princess is looking for you."

Yunli's eyes lit up, mother is here too!She clenched her fists excitedly, and looked back into the depths of the peach forest, but she didn't see anyone coming.

She turned her head to look at the little girl under the tree again, only to see her smile sweetly, pointing to the tree above her head, "Let me see if there are any peaches."

Qinghe was happy, "It's just blooming, the peaches are still early."

After listening, the little girl pursed her lips unhappily, and muttered: "Then how long will we have to wait?"

Yunli smiled, my sister also likes peaches.

After tidying up the little girl, Qinghe pulled her to stand up, "Let's go back first, and be careful not to step on the petals."

The little girl looked at the petals all over the ground, raised one foot, shook it, put it back, and asked seriously: "Then where should I step?"

Yunli moved her fingertips lightly, and another gust of wind blew by, rolling up the petals on the ground and clearing a path.

"This wind is really timely." Qing He murmured, pulling the little girl towards Qin Yun Temple.

After they left, Yunli controlled the dancing peach blossoms to gather under the tree, and then followed them.

As she was walking, the little girl suddenly raised her head and asked curiously, "Why can't you step on peach blossoms?"

The other maid in front also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them, and replied, "Princess An Yue will be distressed. She used to pick up these scattered peach blossoms and pile them under the tree."

"Sister?" The little girl tilted her head, her face full of disbelief, "Mother said that my sister was so skinny in the past, she has done things like uncovering tiles and fishing in rivers, and she has also done tricky things like destroying flowers."

Yunli's face was covered with black lines: Mother, why did you blackmail me in front of my sister, my image!Also, when I destroy the flowers with my hands, at most a few pots will die.

Qinghe explained with a smile: "Princess An Yue is normal to other flowers, but she cherishes peach blossoms very much, and she is reluctant to hurt them at all."

 Thank you Momo for not being Baozida’s monthly ticket, and thank you Fengyouda for your reward, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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