all the way to fairy

Chapter 227 Night Party

Chapter 227 Night Party
The little girl still didn't believe it, "There isn't a single peach tree in my sister's Tonghua courtyard."

"That's because Princess An Yue is worried that she won't be able to take care of herself well."

After chattering all the way, they soon arrived at the yard where Princess Zhaoren was resting.

Looking at the familiar figure at the gate of the courtyard, Yunli's eyes became hot, and her dusty memories suddenly became alive.
In front of the mirror, the mother who calmly and gracefully directs the maid to dress up;
Scenes from the past emerged, and finally, after hearing the replies from the maids in front, they smiled and got together.

Yunli also laughed. She tried her best to resist the urge to run over. Now that there are so many people, it is definitely not the time to meet each other.

She simply used the invisibility talisman, followed them into the house, and followed them back to the Princess Mansion in Yingzhou.

At night, the maids and women all went to rest, so she withdrew the invisibility talisman, raised her hand and gently struck Hongying's neck who was going to turn off the lights, and then put her fainted on the low couch.

Hearing the sound, Princess Zhaoren poked her head out of the tent, facing Shang Yunli's eyes looking up.

Thinking of the drastic changes in her appearance over the years, she was about to confess her identity when Princess Zhaoren was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly, "Sister Li?"

Yunli was shocked, "How do you know it's mine?"

With her confirmation, Princess Zhaoren's eyes turned red suddenly, and she was about to get out of bed to greet her as soon as she lifted the curtain.

Yunli moved quickly to the side of the bed, smiled brightly, "Mother."

Princess Zhaoren stretched out her hand and tremblingly touched her face, "Really, it's you."

The voice was hoarse, with a bit of crying, a bit of hesitation, a bit of surprise, Yunli's throat was sore when she heard it, she sniffed, and nodded vigorously, "Well, it's me,"

Princess Zhaoren held her face in her white hands, and gently slid her fingertips across the corners of her eyes and brows. The tears in her eyes could no longer be held back, and rolled down, "It's changed, it's changed, my sister Li! grown up."

Yunli stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears from her cheeks, but she didn't hold back, the tears blurred her vision, she blinked, her vision regained a bit of clarity, and she asked pretentiously, "Are you getting more and more beautiful?" ?”

Princess Zhaoren chuckled, the tears in her eyes finally stopped, pinched the tip of her nose lightly, and said angrily: "You, this beauty-loving temperament has not changed at all."

Yunli giggled. "Mother is also, she is getting more and more beautiful, she is as beautiful as fish and geese, she is ashamed of flowers in the closed moon, she is full of beauty and beauty."

Princess Zhaoren didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and tapped on her forehead, "I'm not serious once I come back."

Yunli put a serious face on her face, "What I'm telling is the truth, there's nothing serious about it."

With this interruption, Princess Zhaoren felt better, and pulled her to stand up, "Let mother take a good look."

Yunli stood up as she said, and turned around in a circle like before.

Princess Zhaoren couldn't stop laughing, "Well, I've grown taller, but I've lost weight."

Yunli was very happy in her heart, but she comforted her on the face: "No, no, I am very strong now, I can carry a tripod, and my brothers are not as strong as me."

Princess Zhaoren was overjoyed, hearing this, she remembered that she was the only one she saw, and asked, "You came back alone?"

Yunli nodded, "I'm alone this time, but they're all pretty good. Cousin is doing alchemy and can't go away, senior brother is in retreat; and Ayan, that's the one—"

"I know her," Princess Zhaoren interrupted her, "That year when you were taken away by Huazi, it was her letter to Brother Lin."

Yunli scratched her head, "You know."

Princess Zhaoren explained with a smile: "There are only five children in the capital who have fairy fate, and she has a relationship with you. Naturally, I pay more attention to it."

"Thank you, mother." Yunli hugged her waist, "I miss you guys so much."

Princess Zhaoren was stunned, and sat down beside the bed with half her arms around her, "Did you feel wronged? A few years ago, your master said that he met you, and he refused to tell outsiders."

Yunli shook her head again and again: "It's okay, how can I be wronged, I am the only one who suffers wronged by others. Hey, I happened to be near Xijun that time, so I went to visit Master and brought some things for you."

Princess Zhaoren obviously didn't believe it, "Don't lie to me, I don't know the place where I live, and I don't have an elder to take care of me, so there's no way I won't be wronged."

Yunli's eyes turned hot, her cousin was raised by her master, her senior brother was hunted down, and she was also secretly tracked down. Speaking of which, except for Ah Yan, everyone was unhappy.

Seeing the courage in Princess Zhaoren's eyes, she lowered her eyes, suppressed her emotions, and said, "Occasionally there will be a little bit, but it's okay, the four of us are working hard and taking care of each other, gradually no one dares to provoke us easily .”

Princess Zhaoren sighed, leaving home, she would not be wronged, and the world of immortal masters is not something that ordinary people can talk about, she said: "If you don't want to practice Taoism anymore, let's go home."

Yunli leaned her head on her shoulder, "Don't worry."

She said silently in her heart: As long as you are all well, no matter how difficult it is, I can overcome it.

After a while, she raised her head and asked, "Where are father and brother? Why are you and your sister here?"

Princess Zhaoren was surprised: "You know Sister Ning?"

"That's right, I've been following you all day today." Yunli nodded, "My sister's name is Yunning, it sounds really nice."

Princess Zhaoren smiled, "Your father and elder brother are both in the capital, and the family is fine."

She slowly talked about the important things after Yunli left home. In her gentle drizzle, those swords, swords, swords, plots and calculations became very far away, so far away that they seemed to be things in a storybook.

It was windy outside, blowing in from the window, and the candles in the lampshade flickered.

Looking at Hongying who was knocked unconscious by her, Princess Zhaoren stood up: "I'll close the window."

Yunli pulled her, pointed with her fingertips, and the window and door closed gently, and the curtain leading to the outer room also fell.

Princess Zhaoren's eyes lit up, "Our sister Li has grown up."

Yunli tilted her head, "That's right, I'm really good now."

She took out the items that can be used by mortals that she has equipped one after another over the years, "These are what we plan to honor you, these are prepared by the senior brother for the master and the others, you help them give them, and the rest are In our family, the emperor's cousin has already arranged for it."

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, Princess Zhaoren saw that she spoke cheerfully, and she didn't feel compelled. Guessing that although these years have not been easy, the children should be doing well, so she felt relieved.

"We are well pampered at home, what is missing, you just take care of yourself."

Yunli smiled, it's been a long road to build, and it's been eight years since they left home, it's rare to see each other once, and they have to do their best.

Looking at the night, she hurriedly said: "The next time I test the fate of immortals, I will come with the uncles of Shimen. Mother, please pretend that you don't know me. Well, if other people in the family recognize me, you will Help stop it, don't spread it outside."

Princess Zhaoren was shocked, "What happened?"

"It's a small matter." Yunli comforted her repeatedly.

"This Canglan Continent is similar to our Liang Kingdom. There are intrigues and cliques everywhere. Naturally, we have nothing to do. This is not because we are worried that there will be treacherous villains who can't beat us, and will take revenge on you later."

Hearing this, Princess Zhaoren was not in a hurry, and said: "After you left that year, some immortal masters came to ask about An Ran, and I knew that those so-called immortal masters were not pure-hearted and sympathetic to the world. god."

Yunli blinked, was it the person who later leaked the secret or the person sent by Taiyi Sect to investigate the leak?

This question turned around in Yunli's mind, but she didn't ask it out. Mother had never seen any kind of intrigue in her life. If she asked herself, she would guess something, and she would inevitably be worried.

After explaining these things, she said: "Then I'll go first, you have a good rest."

Thinking of a bunch of red-eyed monks in the misty swamp, she said again: "If there is nothing urgent, you should go back to the capital as soon as possible."

Although Princess Zhaoren was reluctant to give up, her words tonight and the previous incidents all showed that their situation was not as optimistic as she said, and they just didn't want her to worry.

She didn't keep it, but got up and took out a jade pendant from the box under the pillow: "This is a new piece of jade that your father got a few years ago, and I carved a jade pendant for each of you three brothers and sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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