all the way to fairy

Chapter 231 Appearing on Month 1

Chapter 231 Appearing on the First Moon
When she was embarrassed, Lin Xi cried more and more sadly, she shrugged her shoulders, she scratched her head, and advised dryly: "Well, don't cry."

After listening to her persuasion, Lin Xi cried even more bitterly, Yunli tried to persuade her a few times again, but to no avail, she simply said: "Forget it, you can cry first, it will be fine after you cry."

Lin Xi raised her head, and said angrily with tears in her voice, "How can you comfort people like this?"

Yunli pursed her lips and said nothing, it's because she doesn't know you well, there are many things that are hard to say, and she doesn't know where to start to comfort her.

Lin Xi wiped away her tears, "When he first came to Taiyi Sect, he just stayed silent and was often awakened by nightmares at night."

To talk about Mo Huai's past, Yunli became interested, so he could do a comparison and confirm again whether he is Fang Mo.

Lin Xi looked up at the night sky, "At that time, I hadn't drawn my breath into my body. Grandpa said that it was easier to succeed in the silence of the night, so I always practiced at night, and I was always startled by his cry when I woke up from a nightmare. "

"I was very angry when he interrupted me at first, but when I saw his terrified eyes when he woke up from a nightmare, it was very similar to the way my Xuelingxiang rabbit saw a stranger, and I lost my anger again."

"Later I asked my grandfather, and my grandfather said that he became like this because everyone in his village was slaughtered. He also asked me to take care of him and not let people bully him."

"I always talk to him, telling him about my elder brother, about my spiritual pet, and my annoying cousin, and the distress of not being able to draw breath into my body; I remember it was a bright afternoon, and the sun was shining through the window. Entering, it was very dazzling, he raised his hand to block it, and the bright yellow light fell on his pale and thin fingers, it was really beautiful."

"He talked to me for the first time, his voice was a little hoarse, low, but surprisingly nice, he told me the technique of drawing breath into the body."

Yunli glanced at her, dare you have been talking to yourself all the time, you are so persistent, but the slaughter of the village means that the Fang family was wiped out?
Back then, Fang Mo was holding a blue-green incense burner, which was still a high-grade magic weapon. If Mo Huai was really Fang Mo, Lin Xi had known him for so long, so he would never have seen that incense burner.

"Slowly, he stopped being silent and started practicing day and night. At that time, we all lived in Grandpa's cave, and we went in and out together, and we were inseparable. He is cold to everyone, except for me..."

Seeing that she seemed to be lost in memories, and just when her mind was relaxing, Yunli turned her head and stared into her eyes, quietly trying to confuse her. Seeing the trance in Lin Xi's eyes, she asked softly, "When Master Mo comes to the Taiyi School, what will you do?" Is there a small green incense burner?"

Lin Xi looked at her blankly and said nothing, Yunli looked away, it seemed she didn't know.

Also, if Mo Huai is really Fang Mo, who was born in a family of immortal cultivators and has experienced the tragedy of exterminating his family, he should have a strong sense of guard against others. Huai will not show others easily.

After retreating suddenly, Lin Xi continued: "I thought he liked me too, but he was just not good at expressing it."

She raised her head, looked at the dark night sky, and murmured softly: "But it turned out that I was thinking too much. He is not only different to me, but also different to you."

Yunli's face is quite different, she is always ready to pull her pigtails.

Lin Xi turned her head and glanced at her, "You are not pretty, you are not talented, you are not smart, and your family background is not good, why does Brother Huai like you?"

I go!Who gave her confidence!
Yunli directly skipped the second half of the sentence, and exploded: "Bah! You are not beautiful. I am as beautiful as a flower, and I am a fairy. Besides, why am I not smart?"

As for talent, she couldn't bear to say it out to hurt her. Apart from family background, Lin Ximian was barely better than her, but among monks, strength was the most important thing, and a good family background was nothing special.

Lin Xi rolled her eyes, "Are you smart? You foolishly rushed into the misty swamp, causing Fellow Daoist Chu to look for you everywhere."

"I," Yunli paused, not wanting to silence her, "I'm honest and simple."

"Tch!" Lin Xi disdainfully said, "It's obviously stupid, and last time, Xu Linghui didn't bother you, but you took the initiative to provoke her. Can you provoke her with your status?"

"That can't let her bully Ah Yan, she can't afford to offend you and Uncle An, so she just wants to use Ah Yan to vent her anger, no way!"

Lin Xi choked. She didn't expect that it was because of Mu Yan that she took the initiative to confront Xu Linghui. She was a little moved and changed places. Can she do this for her friend?Could her friends do this for her?

I admired her in my heart, but muttered: "Why don't you just run away with a few words."

"Today it's a run, and tomorrow it's time to get started. If it goes on, one day she will be unhappy, and it won't be surprising to kill someone to vent her anger."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly remembered the second half of Lin Xi's sentence, and she was shocked, "Wait, you just said that Master Mo likes me?"

Lin Xi didn't want to talk to her, didn't want to discuss this matter with her.

"How did you know that he likes me? Are your eyes okay?" Yunli was speechless.

This topic made Lin Xi very depressed. She had been chasing Mo Huai all these years, and she couldn't be more sensitive about his emotions. He didn't realize how much he cared about her.

Yunli looked at the sky, it was getting late, she should go to bed, she got up, "Sleep, good night."


"Don't worry, I won't like him, I won't fight with you."

With a wave of her hand, Yunli entered the wooden house, entangled in these boring questions, she might as well get more sleep, she talked to her mother all night last night, and today she has to make up for the sleep she owed.

Outside the house, Lin Xi was very depressed, and after a while he breathed a sigh of relief, at least Yun Li didn't like him, so she still had a chance.

She stood up, stared deeply at the wooden house, and murmured softly: "I hope what you said is true."

This night was destined to be restless, at about three o'clock, Yunli was woken up by a loud noise.

She rushed out of the house, and almost everyone withdrew from the cultivation, sacrificed their magic weapons, and looked to the southeast vigilantly.

At this time, there were many rays of light flashing there, and suddenly, a gorgeous sword light illuminated the night sky, a man in black stood in the air, and the bright yellow brilliance flowed on the long sword held in front of him, as if the sun sinking into the ground was not reconciled, and once again Tore apart the night and appeared in the sky.

Shadow Sword!
Yunli was surprised, why did Yue Yi come here?Didn't see him on the beach the other day?

Looking at the direction of Jianguang, he should have met the monks of the Mirage Palace sent to the west of the swamp.

In the night sky, Yue Yi read softly: "It's like a frightened bird, taking a picture."

After saying those words, the long sword suddenly slashed downwards, and the brilliant light pierced the night sky, like the tail feathers of a flying bird, illuminating the night sky as if it were daytime.

At the same time, a milky white flute flew out from below, facing the sword, the two objects collided, bright yellow and milky white rays of light intertwined fiercely, and the light pierced people's eyes.

In just two breaths, the flute kept humming, and it could no longer hold on. Seeing that it was about to be defeated by the Zhaoying Sword, another sword flew out from below, resisting the Zhaoying Sword together with the flute.

Then, next to him, all kinds of magic weapons and spells came out, attacking Yueyi from all directions;

Yue Yi quickly swung the Zhaoying Sword, the lingering sword energy made his robe sleeves flutter, and the sword light condensed in front of him, destroying and crushing all kinds of attacks one by one.

However, two fists were no match for four hands. Facing the combined attack of several monks from the Mirage Palace, he finally couldn't hold back. The condensed sword light in front of him collapsed, and he was also blown away by the huge impact.

When he was hit and flew backwards, he found Yunli who had just stepped out of the wooden house in the northern part of the swamp, and couldn't help being overjoyed, and flew towards Yujian.

The cultivator of the Illusion Palace shouted sharply: "Chasing!"

The people on Taiyizong's side also dispersed to surround him, and the Sijigu monks on the other side also discovered his whereabouts, and they all drove magic weapons to block his retreat.

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

Seeing the monks approaching him, Yue Yi was completely panicked, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to urge Yunli.

Yunli rolled her eyes, telling you to pretend to be aggressive, it's late at night, you have to make a fight so that everyone knows, wouldn't it be nice to run away quietly.

However, Yue Yi, a foundation-building period that had escaped layers of raids, appeared around Misty Swamp. Isn't this a person sent to confuse the public? She definitely hoped that he would escape.

 Thank you Yu Youruo Li Da, book friend 20190426020122036 Da Da, wow Tian Tian Da Da Da's monthly pass, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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