all the way to fairy

Chapter 232 Pig Teammates

Chapter 232 Pig Teammates

However, their relationship has never been very good, if his attitude is too good, Yue Yi must be suspicious.

Thinking of this, she sent a voice transmission angrily: "You are stupid, my side is where the Taiyi sect is, and to the west, there are people from Tianxin Pavilion guarding it, and their combat power is relatively weak."

Yue Yi's consciousness was swept away, and the shortest way from his position to the west of the swamp was through the Misty Swamp, which was dangerous and unpredictable. After entering, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to get out of the swamp alive.

But if you go around from any other side, you will meet the disciples of Tai Yizong or Four Seasons Valley, followed by people from the Mirage Palace, and if you are slower, you will be besieged by two factions of disciples, then there is really no hope.

He gritted his teeth, and was about to turn around and cross the swamp when he heard someone say, "Junior Sister Lin, Nephew Yun, why did you come out? Go in quickly, Nephew Yun, and protect Junior Sister Lin."

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched. Where did the pig teammate come from? She almost suspected that he was Yue Yi's accomplice. This was because Yue Yi didn't know that the two of them had low cultivation bases and Lin Xi had a high status, right?
Yue Yi looked at Lin Xi, obviously knowing Lin Xi's identity, and immediately turned around. With a flick of his black robe, a cloud of white mist flew out from his sleeve.

The disciples of the Taiyi Sect who were about to stop him avoided one after another. After avoiding, they realized that the white mist was not the miasma in the misty swamp, but the monster mist bee.

For more than a year, they were tortured physically and mentally by the fog in the misty swamp, and they all had psychological shadows. However, the fog bee is also very tricky, and no one is willing to be easily infected.

While they were dodging, Yue kept attacking Lin Xi, Yunli pulled Lin Xi away who was dazed in fright, and punched Yue Yi instead.

Yue Yi was so angry that the three corpses twitched violently on her forehead, and voice transmission yelled at her, "You are crazy!"

Yun Li yelled back: "You're crazy, I didn't hear that they asked me to protect Lin Xi, you took her away, how can I explain to the sect?!"

Yue Yi was so angry that she wanted to stomp her feet, "Follow the matter urgently."

Yunli resolutely refused: "No, if she is taken away by me, how can I stay in Taiyi sect in the future!"

Yue Yi almost wanted to curse.

Yunli remained silent, took a few steps back, pretended to stabilize her figure, and stepped forward again with her fists waved. It was obvious that she would never hand Lin Xi over to him.

A joke, she would not let go of such a good opportunity, who knows whether he was discovered after he came out of the swamp or before he entered, if it was the latter, his suspicion would be less.

In any case, it is safest to let him enter the Misty Swamp in full view and escape successfully.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Yue Yi squeezed out from between his teeth, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, it was naturally a swamp, of course she would not speak so bluntly, "Whatever you want, you can't take Lin Xi away from me."

A palm print slapped Yue Yi's back fiercely, feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power behind him, his figure flashed sharply, and he left the spot in an instant.

Yunli's fingers flickered, and a light curtain appeared in front of her, blocking the splashing mud and dust.

Everyone in the Taiyi School, who were afraid of the dispersal of the mist, saw him shamelessly attacking two Qi training period disciples, especially Lin Xi. If he caught him, they really didn't know what to do.

Sun Wenrui, the leader, made a move immediately, and after pushing Yue Yi away, he ordered without turning his head, "Nephew Yun, Junior Sister Lin, you enter the formation first."

Yunli obediently pulled Lin Xi into the formation. Before stepping into the formation, she sent a voice transmission: "Friendly reminder, the water is highly poisonous."

Looking at the monk Tai Yizong who was blocking the front, the monk from the Phantom Palace who was chasing after him, and the monk from Four Seasons Valley flying towards this side, Yue Yi gritted his teeth, turned around and dodged into the swamp.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, it can be regarded as going in.

She walked out of the formation again, several disciples discussed briefly, picked up the hemp rope again, and entered the swamp with division of labor.

There are still fish that slipped through the net. They don't have core disciples among them, so they don't know that Yue Yi may be the candidate to break the seal.

But because of those so-called secret treasure-seeking monks, the four sects suffered heavy losses, and the fellow sects who lived together day and night died tragically, some even had no bones left. Thinking about it, everyone was furious and vowed to catch Yue Yi and avenge the innocent dead fellow sects .

Seeing Yunli and Lin Xi wandering outside again, Sun Wenrui's forehead twitched, "Junior Sister Lin, it's dangerous here, maybe the thief will come out again, you'd better stay inside the formation."

After persuading Lin Xi in a soft voice, he raised his eyebrows and stared at Yunli, "How many times have I told you to stay inside the formation, and then what are you doing running out? Are you going to die? You want to die, so don't hurt Junior Sister Lin. "

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, a bunch of national curses against him circled around his mouth, and he swallowed it again.

Forget it, don't care about the pig teammates, after all, I have achieved my goal.

Returning to the formation, it was not yet dawn, she was about to go back to sleep, Lin Xi called her to stop, and said coyly: "Just now, thank you."

Yunli turned her head, "For saving my life, a thank you is enough?"

Lin Xi didn't expect her to say that, she was stunned immediately, and said after a while: "Then what do you want?"

"What else, Lingshi, it's not like you don't know, I owe a lot of Lingshi."

Lin Xi is different from Chu Nan, she can't talk about affection with her, only a little bit about Mo Huai, she can put aside any affection, it is more practical to use Lingshi, and the two are clear.

The emotion that sparked in Lin Xi's heart just now was snuffed out, and she snorted coldly, "I'll give it to you when I get back."

At dawn the next day, the sky was not yet clear, and everything was sleeping. In the western part of the Misty Swamp, only one monk was outside, with several ropes in front of him.

After receiving the sound transmission talismans from the other three sects last night, the monks of Tianxin Pavilion also entered the swamp. There were not many people left here, so only one person was in charge of all the ropes.

Fei Heng stared at the dark swamp in a daze. His nerves were tense for days. He was a little tired, and his vision gradually blurred. When the first ray of morning light fell on his face from the sky, he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

The next moment, the ray of light was suddenly blocked again. Fei Heng was startled, and immediately woke up. He saw the person coming out of the swamp. He sacrificed the magic weapon and was about to step forward, but unexpectedly As soon as it was raised, a cloud of white mist flew out.

Fei Heng backed away reflexively. After taking a few steps, he realized that this was the fog bee mentioned by the Taiyi sect monk, not the miasma that came to control the swamp.

However, what Yue Yi needed was just this short moment. He shot over like an arrow and didn't fight with him too much. No matter how bad the monks of Tianxin Pavilion are in fighting skills, it's always okay to delay.

He grabbed Fei Heng's storage bag and fled away immediately.

While sending out the signal, Fei Heng tried to catch up, but the imprint of spiritual consciousness on the storage bag was forcibly erased, and his consciousness felt a pain, and he almost fell to the ground.

Half a quarter of an hour later, everyone's faces were ashen, and Sun Wenrui said bitterly: "Let him escape again!"

A person next to him comforted: "Send a message to Zongmen first, he can pass our test, but he can't escape the blockade at sea!"

A monk from Tianxin Pavilion also echoed, "Our task is to stay here and wait for Zhiming Zhenjun and others to come out. We are short of manpower, and here is a misty swamp, and all aspects are restricted. You don't have to blame yourself."

Now that things were like this, everyone could only accept it. After transmitting the sound to their sects, they dispersed to all directions again, waiting for the return of Zhenjun Zhiming and the other three real people.

On the other side, after resting for a few days, Wei Lin took Mo You out of the Remnant Ye Pavilion again. When he arrived at Moyun City, he saw many familiar faces. A disciple of Yege?
Wei Lin's face changed, and everyone didn't know him, but they recognized Mo You, not to mention anything else, Mo You's blue and white face and purple blood vessels are iconic symbols, even if she completely changes her face to another person to no avail.

There is no girl who does not love beauty. Over the years, Mo You has tried various methods, but the purple blood vessels on her face cannot be covered up. It seems to be a mark on the soul. So far, there is no solution, and Zhenjun Xingye is also helpless. It wasn't because of that person, so what if her fate changed against the sky, she still couldn't survive.

Thinking of the importance Xingye attaches to Mo You, someone immediately sent a voice transmission to her: "Junior Sister Mo You, it's best not to go out now, it's better to go back to the pavilion quickly."

Moyou looked around suspiciously, she was in a special situation, she couldn't use her spiritual sense to transmit sound, and she couldn't find out who sent her sound transmission.

 Thanks to 15985502093 and 13327567022 for the two big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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