all the way to fairy

Chapter 233 News from Fenshui City

Chapter 233 News from Fenshui City
After searching around, but failed, she pulled Weilin, "Senior brother."

Wei Lin frowned, raised his hand to brush her hand away, turned to look at her, and said, "Junior Sister Mo, I will be a villain first and then a gentleman. I never like others to touch me, so I will call me directly in the future."

Mo You felt a little embarrassed, but quickly suppressed it, and unconsciously rubbed the jade bracelet on her wrist a few times, forced a smile: "I see."

Wei Lin asked quietly: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Mo You opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, this is a busy street, how could she speak loudly about the contents of the voice transmission, even mentioning it.

Fortunately, the person who sent her the sound transmission didn't get an answer. He felt strange and kept paying attention to her. Seeing her looking around, he guessed that she might not have learned sound transmission yet.

Seeing her calling for Senior Brother Wei Lin, she knew that she was also from Canye Pavilion, so she turned to Wei Lin via sound transmission, "This senior brother is about to go on a mission. Right now, Fenshui City is full of people from the four major sects, searching for us everywhere. I can't go."

Wei Lin moved his eyes from a small stall next to him, and naturally fell on a young monk who was in the early stage of foundation establishment obliquely in front of him, and asked, "What happened? If it's convenient for you, brother, can you go to the teahouse and tell us about it?"


Wei Lin took Mo You to the teahouse and asked for a private room. He looked at Mo You, "You don't know how to transmit sound with spiritual sense?"

Mo You bit her lip, and said softly, "I, my spirit is special, so I cannot learn the spirit transmission."

Wei Lin's eyes flickered slightly, but he couldn't use his spiritual sense to transmit sound, or he couldn't use his divine sense?

While thinking about it, the young man came in, Wei Lin put the question aside for a while, and greeted him.

After the two parties greeted each other, the young man looked at Wei Lin, "This senior brother is very strange, it seems that he has never seen him in the pavilion before."

Wei Lin said lightly, "It's easy to do the task."

After finishing speaking, he immediately changed the subject, "Then why can't you go to Fenshui City?"

The young man sighed softly, with a complicated expression on his face, "Miss Lan Shu has been exposed."

Wei Lin was puzzled, "What is the meaning of what Junior Brother said? What exposure? Isn't she thinking about the past?"

The corner of the young man's lips curled into a sneer, "Who knows, the person who should have been thinking about it suddenly appeared in the misty swamp in the Forgotten Land, and his identity was found out."

After listening to the young man's words, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, Lan Shu actually went to the Misty Swamp, still in that way, isn't he rushing to take the blame for Ah Li.

He picked up the teacup and drank it slowly to hide the smile on his lips.

The young man shook his head, "Senior Brother Qianjiu's identity was suddenly leaked back then, and now it's clear that the law is clear, and the retribution is not good. It's just that it has been implicated in Fenshui City, and several of my classmates have been arrested by the four sects. Now people are panicking."

Lan Shu is still the Young Pavilion Master after all, when it comes to her, the young man speaks vaguely, but his meaning is clear.

Mo You looked at Wei Lin, but saw that his face was calm, as if the person the young man said was not him.

Wei Lin couldn't understand, what happened last time had greatly damaged Lan Shu's image among the disciples, and now she has cheated the pavilion again, if things continue like this, without their help, Lan Shu can ruin the Canye Pavilion Kill the door.

Mo You suddenly said, "Sister Lan Shu really escaped from the four Nascent Soul mid-stage monks and all the Golden Core monks?"

"That's still fake. I don't know what the four major sects are doing. They suddenly blocked the entire sea area, preventing monks of Jindan stage and above from passing through. Even if the Patriarch of the Xiao family came personally, they couldn't pass."

"It is said that the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect, the owner of the Four Seasons Valley, the owner of the Tianxin Pavilion, and the palace owner of the Phantom Palace have all arrived. The other four factions have also sent several Yuanying Zhenjun, not to mention the Jindanqi monks, most of them have arrived there .”

"Realist Jing Shisan was stopped earlier and has been wandering around the cordon, so that he could quickly take Miss Lan Shu away after she escaped and escape the follow-up pursuit."

Mo You said softly, "That's it."

Wei Lin glanced past a jade bracelet on her wrist. She was more relaxed than when she just came out after hearing that Lan Shu crushed the hairpin, killed Jindan and seriously injured Yuanying.

Xingye valued her so much, since he dared to let her out to do tasks, he must have taken protective measures.

If there is no accident, the bracelet on her hand is the same as Lan Shu's hairpin, and it also stores Xing Ye's ultimate move.

After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Has the Headmaster of Taiyi Sect arrived?"

Isn't it closed, how long has it been?

"Naturally." After answering, the young man asked tentatively: "Senior brother, do you know the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect?"


When it comes to tasks, it is difficult for young people to ask more questions.

After thinking about it, Wei Lin asked, "Junior brother, are you going to turn back?"

The young man nodded, "The investigation of Fenshui City does not know how far it will be involved. My task is not in a hurry. I will go back to avoid the limelight."

"What about us?" Mo You looked at Wei Lin, they were about to go to Fenshui City to take the spirit boat.

Wei Lin murmured, his mission was to find out that Taiyi sect was in charge of teaching Fuyue, and now someone else is here, according to what Ali said, this matter should have been planned for a long time, so could Fuyue's sudden disappearance before have something to do with the present matter?
If this is the case, the pavilion cannot be allowed to know too much, especially about the Donglu seal.

It's just that not only he is investigating this matter, but other people are also investigating it. If he is slack, others will not. If others are allowed to get there first, they will be passive, and they still have to investigate as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he said: "Wait for instructions from the pavilion."

They decided to stay in Moyun City to wait for the news, while the young man was in a hurry to go back. Unexpectedly, when they got up, they saw the entrance of a pet shop opposite. red moon.

The blood moon is the totem of the Canye Pavilion, and it is not easy to show it to others. If the blood moon totem appears outside, the disciples of the Canye Pavilion who see it must rush to it immediately.

The young man was startled, "Let's go there quickly."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Act separately."

After finishing speaking, he left the teahouse first, and when Wei Lin and the two entered the spiritual pet shop, he saw him carrying two Xuelingxiang rabbits. After negotiating the price with the waiter, he handed the Xuelingxiang rabbits to the waiter.

The shop waiter looked at the two Wei Lin who entered the door, and apologized to the young man: "You see, I am really busy here, why don't you go in and wait?"

The young man entered the inner room cheerfully, and after a while Wei Lin, who pretended to be buying spiritual pets, came in with Mo You. They saw the waiter as soon as he changed the lampshade, and they were the first to arrive. There was only the young man and a man in the room.

The young man stood aside, not daring to take a breath, while the man sat on the grand teacher's chair with his eyes closed.

Seeing him, Wei Lin was slightly taken aback, and said respectfully, "Master."

The young man looked at Wei Lin in surprise, Master Jing Zhe accepted a disciple, without exception, this person was Qian Jiu, thinking that he had just talked about his affairs in front of the person involved, the young man was a little embarrassed.

Mo You also saluted, "Master Jingzhe."

Jing Zhe nodded slightly, then remained silent, waited for a while, and then several people came one after another, before he slowly said: "Qinghe Valley is temporarily closed, no one is allowed to go back."

The young man was shocked, raised his eyes to look at him, then quickly lowered his head, not daring to ask the reason.

Wei Lin guessed a little bit, Fenshui City is the gateway to the Canye Pavilion. This time, Fenshui City is being targeted by the four major sects. If most of the monks inside come out and go in one direction, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the four major sects. If one is not good, the location of Qinghe Valley will be exposed.

Jing Zhe's calm eyes swept over everyone one by one, and continued: "Leave the Nanshan Department as soon as possible, and let each other know when you see other people."

The reminder was so obvious, the others also thought of this level, and respectfully responded.


After giving the order, he seemed to think of something again, and called Wei Lin to stop, "Qianjiu stay here."

Mo You froze, followed the crowd out, and waited for him in the front shop.

In the inner room, Jing Zhe asked, "Is there any news about Qian Shi?"

Wei Lin raised his head in surprise, showing a bit of anxiety, but endured it again, and said, "No."

After finishing speaking, she still couldn't hold back and asked, "But what happened to her?"

The big money of the four major factions is obviously not because of the secret treasure of Lao Shizi, but also because it is related to the Misty Swamp. Not surprisingly, most people have guessed that their move has something to do with Donglu.

It's about Donglu, Geli will naturally think of Ali, he doesn't believe that Jing Zhe doesn't know where Ali is, if Yingmei can't even do this bit of information well, how can she hold her current position, she's just playing tricks on him.

(End of this chapter)

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