all the way to fairy

Chapter 243 Patrol

Chapter 243 Patrol

Yunli scratched her head in embarrassment, and climbed up the pole without hesitation, "Thank you, Senior Brother Su."

This is the only benefit of being a teacher, so don't be polite.

Everyone who had just recovered from their astonishment heard her words, and they were surprised again, the little girl is really rude.

But Su Mo, as the Su family, gave her face so much, they were naturally happy to make friends with her.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister Yun."


Looking at the smiling Yunli, Yue Yi was also taken aback. Her spy work was so smooth and nourishing. It didn't take long before she became the head teacher's disciple.

From now on, Ge Li will have to rely on her even more, as long as it's not a matter of treason, she won't be touched easily.

He was so annoyed that he originally planned to go back and sue her this time, so he was angry.

Seeing that the congratulations were almost over, Zhang Minda intervened: "We are here to ask Senior Brother Su to arrange a task."

Su Mo glanced at the two of them, "Since you want to take Junior Sister Yun with you, you should patrol along the sea line with Junior Brother Xu and others."

Zhang Min took the token from Su Mo and was about to take Yunli away when Zheng Rui walked over and said to Su Mo, "Junior Brother Su, find a new team for me too."

Su Mo was surprised, "Where are Junior Brother Qian and the others?"

"Hey, I asked them to send the newly recruited disciples back to the sect."

Su Mo lowered his head and flipped through the roster in his hand, without raising his head, he said, "Then you may have to wait, there are not enough five people now."

Zheng Rui smiled heartily, "It's okay, just let me know if you have gathered enough people."

After speaking, he waved to everyone and left cleanly.

Yue Yi's heart moved, but he didn't leave. After waiting for a while, Su Mo looked up at him, "You can go with Senior Brother Zheng tomorrow."


Yue Yi relaxed slightly, he just waited one more day, nothing would happen, he bowed to everyone, turned and left.

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, and a plan came to mind, the layout, always moisten things quietly, seize every possibility, no matter whether the other party steps on it or not, dig a hole diligently.

Zhang Minda looked up at the sky and said to her: "We will set off in an hour, if Junior Sister needs to prepare anything, go as soon as possible."

She frowned and thought for a moment, then murmured: "I can't drive the magic weapon. If I patrol the sea, I need a boat. I'll prepare it."

After finishing speaking, she left quickly, and soon caught up with Zheng Rui in front.

Seeing Zheng Rui, she smiled slightly and quickened her pace. When passing by him, she quickly greeted him and rushed forward again in a hurry.

Zheng Rui was stunned, didn't he want to follow Zhang Minda to patrol, what are he running?
He stopped her, "Junior Sister Yun, what are you doing here?"

"I'm going to find a boat."

Zheng Rui nodded, yes, she really needs a tool for a Qi training period, but where is the boat for her here.

"Except for you and Junior Sister Lin, this place is in the foundation building period, who will use the boat."

"Ah, here," Yunli showed some distress, thought for a while, and sighed, "Then I can only find a wooden plank and make do with it."

Zheng Rui disagreed, "After all, it is the sea area. The monsters on the bottom of the sea have long been dissatisfied with our torment. The high-level monster cultivators have organized several attacks, but they were suppressed by a group of true kings."

"Although they don't dare to attack the barrier anymore, they provoke us patrolling monks from time to time. We are all driving magic weapons and try not to touch the water. You are floating in the water during your Qi training period. If they make trouble , how about a piece of wood."

"It's better to build a ship and set up a small protective circle. It's better than wooden boards no matter what."

Yunli frowned tightly, her fair fingers wrapped around the ribbon around her wrist, and she was in trouble, "But I don't know how to build a boat."

Zheng Rui thought about it for a while, and said with a smile: "You are lucky, I happen to have nothing to do now, so I will help you build one."

"Ah!" Yunli looked at him in surprise, then blinked and asked sincerely, "Will it delay your business?"

Zheng Rui waved his hand, "No, your seaside inspections are scheduled to change defenses, and you have to go to the beach a quarter of an hour earlier, so there is only one hour. It's a bit rushed, but there is still time, let's go quickly."

The two came to take the other side of the hill, Yunli took the initiative to cut down trees, cut wood, and actively helped him.

Looking at Zheng Rui, who is deftly building ships, she decided to boast first, "I never thought that my brother would have such skills. The elites of our four major factions are indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Rui didn't care, "Before the foundation building period, it was a lot of inconvenience to go out to experience, and it was common to encounter rivers, lakes and seas, and slowly learned some messy skills."

Yunli quickly praised him again, and then pretended to ask casually, "Do you know Jiang Yurou, Taoist Jiang Yurou from Sijigu?"

Zheng Rui thought about it, and he knew such a person in his memory, but he didn't have much specific impression.

He kept following her and said, "I know her, but I'm not familiar with her. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"Oh, I just suddenly discovered that she is so beautiful."

Yunli handed him a piece of wood, her face full of doubts, "We've been together for so long, if it wasn't for the mysterious man in black at the back who escaped, and we stayed outside the swamp to discuss, I wouldn't have discovered that there were people in Four Seasons Valley. Such a beautiful sister."

She intentionally made the time of the discussion vague, omitting the details about them waiting for Zhiming Zhenjun and others. Sure enough, Zheng Rui was attracted by Jiang Yurou, so he didn't notice this small detail.

There was a pause in his hands. She didn't mention that he hadn't noticed yet. When facing Jiang Yurou, he never noticed her face. Not only him, but others didn't notice. Looking back now, she is indeed beautiful, very beautiful. spiritual.

He frowned and murmured: "There should be some secret method."

I couldn't help but be secretly vigilant in my heart, and I must not take it lightly when I encounter it in the future.

"That's it." Yunli nodded, and took advantage of the situation to turn the topic to Yueyi's Zhaoying Sword.

"The mysterious man who broke into the swamp is also very powerful, especially his sword. The moment he swung it, bright yellow and orange red intertwined brilliant colors, just like the midsummer sunset, sparing no effort to emit the last light, so beautiful, so decisive, and A trace of helpless desolation must be a sword with a story."

Zheng Rui's mind was still immersed in Jiang Yurou's anomaly, and he couldn't hear her rambling words, and Yunli wanted exactly this kind of effect.

If he really paid attention to the Shadow Sword, if something happened during their inspection, only Yue Yi would take out the Shadow Sword, he would definitely find out, how could Yue Yi escape then?

And when they patrol, something will happen!
When patrolling, the five people will keep each other within the scope of each other's consciousness, so if Yue Yi wants to escape smoothly, he must create some troubles and trip everyone up.

Otherwise, as soon as he has other signs, he will face the siege of a group of elite disciples if he is discovered. If there is a slight delay, the Yuanying Zhenjun on the sea will arrive in an instant, and he will not be able to escape.

And this kind of overhearing is not enough, you won't notice it at a glance. After Yue Yi escapes, think about it again, isn't that the person who escaped in the misty swamp!
A blue book brazenly broke through the blockade and escaped by relying on the attack of Yuanying Zhenjun. After a month and a month, he quietly blew and baaed under their noses for so long, and then walked out of the barrier openly.

It will definitely leave a very deep impression on the four major factions. In this way, the suspicion of Yue Yi being the person who broke the seal will be greatly increased, the candidates will be more confusing, and they will be safer.

Of course, there are uncertainties in this plan, that is, Yue Yi may not take out the Shadow Sword, after all, he is escaping for his life, and before the critical moment, how could he take out the Shadow Sword in a big way.

But it doesn't matter, if you don't detonate it this time, go back and plan with your senior brother, and let the people of the four major factions know that the person who escaped from the misty swamp is still alive and well.

The pit has been dug, and it is up to God whether to step on it or not.

After finishing what she wanted to say, Yunli casually chatted with Zheng Rui about other things, as if what she said about Zhaoyingjian just now was just a rush, and it was just a matter of course.

Hurrying and hurrying, Zheng Rui finally built a simple boat before departure. Yunli was naturally grateful, packed up the wooden boat and hurried to the beach.

After everyone was ready, Zhang Minda took out the token to inject spiritual power. After the token was activated, it flew towards the water curtain enchantment, and then the water curtain moved to both sides, revealing a gap for only one person to pass through, and urged: " quick!"

(End of this chapter)

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