all the way to fairy

Chapter 244 Patrol

Chapter 244 Patrol

Yunli didn't care about curiosity, followed the other three people through the gap, and then quickly took out the boat and put it on the sea. After standing still, she turned and watched Zhang Minda come out, took the token, and the gap quickly closed.

From opening the gap to closing it, the total amount is no more than two breaths. There are five people in a group. When the gap is opened, the whole process is at least under the eyes of four people. It seems that there is no other way to get out except to blend in with the patrol team.

Yue Yi managed to take the place of a sneaky and cunning person, no wonder he hadn't escaped for so long.

Zhang Minda said: "Junior Brother Xu, you and Junior Sister Wu are in charge of the left side, Junior Brother Qin, Junior Sister Yun and I are in charge of the island and the right."

After assigning the patrol section, Zhang Minda let the other three go first, while he took Yunli to patrol around the island.

"Our task is to find out any suspicious people who appear nearby, not only with our senses, but also with our eyes."

Yunli nodded earnestly. Although it is convenient to detect the spiritual sense, there are many ways to block the detection of the spiritual sense, such as talisman seals, magic tools, and spells. It is easy to be interfered by blinding spells when using the eyes alone.

Seeing her solemn look, Zhang Minda said again: "Junior Sister, don't be too nervous. There are other senior brothers patrolling around, and they have gone through layers of investigations. Those who can reach here are basically monks from our four major sects."

Yunli understands that this is the last line of defense. If someone can break through the layers of the sea to get here, ordinary means of detection will be useless. The key is to rely on the water barrier.

The more function of their inspections is to stop and warn when someone wants to break through the boundary.

Zhang Minda released his consciousness to scan the surroundings, and then checked a little bit. After making sure that there was no abnormality around, he continued.

"You don't have to worry about the monks from our four sects. Since they want to go in, they will naturally bring tokens. We just need to make sure that every time we open the barrier, only the five of us will go in and out."

While speaking, they had already left the island for a long distance, and Yunli sensed the fluctuations of spiritual power in front of her, she was startled at first, could it be that she was so unlucky that something happened as soon as she came to patrol?
Glancing at Zhang Minda, he didn't respond at all, Yunli hesitated, didn't he sense it?

In such a situation, she couldn't open her mouth casually. Fortunately, the place where the spiritual power fluctuated soon appeared within the scope of her consciousness. There was no one who broke through the barrier, and a group of formation masters were setting up the formation in full swing.

She quickly withdrew her consciousness, and as they patrolled, she slowly approached the position where the array mage had set up the formation.

Zhang Minda said: "After the formation is completely completed, there is no need to keep people here."

Time passed slowly, the red sun was sinking westward, slowly sinking into the horizon, leaving only a faint rouge color on the western sky.

At the end of the day, Zhang Minda saw that she was already familiar with the inspection process, so he let her be alone in charge of the [-]-kilometer road section near the island.

Gradually, the rouge color on the sky completely disappeared, night fell, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the sea was pitch-black.

"It's kind of scary."

Yunli muttered to herself, took out the fluorescent stone and hung it on the bow of the boat for lighting. When she turned her head, she found a small spot of light in the distance. She was about to check it, when the spot of light appeared in front of her.

Under the bleak white light of fluorescent stones, Zhenjun Fuyu stood with his hands behind his back. Behind him was a man with golden core cultivation. He had long eyebrows like willows and a body like a jade tree. The figure suspended on the water surface suddenly seemed like a fairy.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly saluted, "I've seen the true king, the real person."

Looking at Yunli who was saluting, the Jindan cultivator had doubts in his eyes, "Master, who is this?"

After the salute, Yunli looked at the nose, nose and heart without squinting. There are only three direct disciples of Fuyu, besides An Ran, they are Su Xu's grandfather Danyin Zhenren and Xiao Hei's master Danyang Zhenren. Danyang Zhenren is in retreat , this person is probably Daoist Dan Yin.

Zhenjun Fuyu slightly hooked his lips, "This little girl is also related to our Taiqing lineage. When she first entered the sect, she was responsible for taking care of your junior brother's spiritual pet. Cang Jie has always been naughty, but she is very close to her." , has been taken care of very well for more than a year."

Yunli complained, and the investigation was quite clear. Could it be that she had checked everything after she entered the sect?

Daoist Dan Yin was slightly stunned, Master is concerned about Cang Jie?
Immediately, he looked at Yunli in surprise, "You actually took care of Cang Jie for a year?!"

He knows how delicate his junior brother's spiritual pet is. He has also heard that the deacon's hall has been tormented so miserable that he has to change its caretaker in less than a month. This little girl can persist in taking care of it. more than a year.

"It's really rare."

After sighing, he still didn't understand, what is the identity of the master, the master of a peak, and the people with the highest cultivation in their Su family, there is no need to personally encourage the younger disciples to have perseverance in doing things.

Zhenjun Fuyu didn't reassure him, and continued on his own: "Later, she made friends with Xu'er and An Ran. You also know their temperament. There are not many people who get along with each other in the sect, so I I plan to accept her as a registered disciple."

Dan Yin is confused, isn't this reason a bit far-fetched, although there are few people who have good friends with Xu'er and Junior Junior Sister, it's not that there are no ones, why do you just accept her as a registered disciple?
Yunli was even more speechless, let's forget about the lame reason, and the recruiter didn't ask what the person wanted, the head teacher asked her anyway.

She opened her mouth slightly at first, tilted her head slightly, looked at Fuyu in surprise, then frowned, biting her lower lip, looking very embarrassed.

She bowed before she was surprised to accept the head, Zhenjun Fuyu was displeased, "Why, you don't want to?"

The tone of voice was calm at first, unhurried, and the ending sound rose suddenly, with a sense of oppression.

Yunli quickly showed a look of panic, and hurriedly waved her hands: "No, no, it is Yunli's blessing to be favored by Zhenjun."

Hearing this, True Monarch Fuyu's expression improved a bit, and he squinted at her without speaking.

Although Daoist Dan Yin next to him still didn't understand why Fuyu did this, seeing this scene, he hurriedly reminded with a smile: "Since that's the case, Junior Sister hasn't seen Master yet."

It was even more difficult for Yunli, he hesitated and said: "But, but this morning, I have already worshiped the head teacher as my teacher."

After finishing speaking, she blinked her eyes in doubt, looking puzzled.

Zhenjun Fuyu's complexion changed suddenly, and he stared at her fiercely, "What did you say?!"

Yunli was frightened by his cannibalistic eyes, kept shrinking her neck and lowering her head, and repeated in a low voice: "The head teacher has already accepted me as a registered student."

Feeling the knife-like gaze above her head, she couldn't help but feel anxious. He might want to grab it by force, right?

Can't, can't, this place is near the island, it's done, if he directly strikes, it's tantamount to slapping the head teacher in the face.

Although the Su family is powerful, the Lin family is not bad, and the Supreme Elder is also from the Lin family, so he should not dare to be so crazy.

But it can't be ruled out that there are only three of them here, and Daoist Dan Yin is his apprentice, and his movements are fast enough to prevent people from being caught on the surface, and the teacher can't do anything about him.

She lowered her head and stared at the deck, on high alert physically and mentally. The changes in Fuyu's and Danyin's breathing were presented in her ears one by one. The surrounding environment was terribly quiet. Subconsciously hold your breath.

From the corner of the eye, she glimpsed obliquely ahead, the water surface under the boat was as smooth as a mirror, and as deep as a black hole, as if some ferocious monster would burst out of the water in the next moment and swallow her in one gulp.

Fuyu's breathing was disordered, and the heavy breathing even blew the hair on the top of her head. One could imagine how angry he was.

In the middle of the second is like a year, Yunli felt a breath approaching here again, and then Dan Yin's words broke the stagnant atmosphere.

"It's Zhenjun Jinshu from Tianxin Pavilion, and they're here too."

Finally, the sharp gaze above her head moved away, Yunli exhaled secretly, slowly raised her head, and first glanced at Fuyu and the two of them. Although their faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot, they simply didn't lock her again, presumably they didn't do anything plan.

In just a moment, the visitor had stopped beside them, she turned her eyes to look at the visitor, where did the little angel come from, it came too timely.

The woman's blue shirt is plain and clean, her skin is as delicate as jade and soft, and the two strands of hair on her cheeks are blowing in the wind, adding a bit of softness to the indifferent face.

Standing behind her was Chu Nan, who was winking at her quietly at this moment, it turned out that it was Chu Nan, a little angel, Yunli also smiled back, feeling a little more relieved.

 Thanks to book friend 20190609180746151 for the monthly ticket, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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