Chapter 264
Those who can have the courage to strike up a conversation are at least in the foundation building stage, they fly with swords, and they can't do anything even if they want to strike up a conversation during the qi training stage.

I have to say that Xu Linghui is the most fairy-like female cultivator Yunli has ever seen.

Looking at the simple white dress and white skirt, she is full of immortality, and the light dark lines on the skirt and cuffs add a touch of delicacy. The veil covers the face, leaving only a pair of beautiful eyes outside, which is attractive Unlimited reverie.

Seeing more and more fellow students coming forward to talk to Xu Linghui, Lin Xi was upset.

He poked his head out and sighed pretendingly to An Ran from Yujian in front of him: "These devils are really cold-blooded and ruthless. They not only take advantage of sister Hui's sincerity, but also show no mercy to their fellow juniors. They run away by themselves when they are in danger. Tsk tsk, heartbreaker!"

Yunli glanced at her in surprise, unexpectedly, after thinking all the way, Lin Xi also learned to be tactful and sarcastic.

Hearing that Xu Linghui was being used, all the male cultivators were furious, and they all asked about it. Xu Linghui lowered his head slightly, with a look of embarrassment.

Yunli, however, saw the clenched fists beside her, and thought she was very angry, but also wanted to maintain her image in front of everyone, and her anger doubled.

She didn't say anything, but everyone turned their attention to Lin Xi, "Junior Sister Lin, what's going on? How could Junior Sister Xu be used by someone?"

Lin Xi naturally vividly described how Xu Linghui failed to hook up with others, but was used instead.

The focus is on Xu Linghui's deliberate deliberation, and at the end he laments a few words that the Canye Pavilion killer is not only cold-blooded and ruthless, but also a bunch of scum.

However, in the eyes of the suitors who only have Xu Linghui in their hearts, they only pay attention to the last sentence, their kind and weak Junior Sister Xu has been used by evil people!
After scrambling to speak out to comfort Xu Linghui, they cursed Qianjiu, the devil, saying that it's okay for the evil to be crooked, and they don't feel pity at all.

What could be wrong with Junior Sister Xu, she is just too kind, she just wants to repay her kindness, the blame can only be blamed on the cunning of the devil in Canye Pavilion, Junior Sister Xu is too young to see through his methods.

Lin Xi's face turned green. Not only did she not embarrass Xu Linghui, but she also won more sympathy for her after she spent so much time talking!

Yunli was not surprised. From Xu Linghui's point of view, she was indeed the victim, and she did enough in the previous scene, leaving no obvious clues.

There is a reason to repay the favor, and others will not think that she is deliberately hooking up.

What surprised her was another thing. As Lin Xi's grandfather, Fu Yue should know her temperament very well. Why did he tell her such an important thing?

Could it be that the head teacher wanted to use her mouth to publicize this matter?

Sure enough, Lin Xi's words seemed to have grown wings, but within one night, they spread throughout the Taiyi sect.

Back at the Zongmen, Yunli actively prepared for the retreat, first went to the head of Tai Yifeng, told him about the retreat, and then went to Tianxiang Tower non-stop, preparing to store more food.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Tianxiang Tower, he saw Xu Linghui's figure curling up, following a man from the inner door up to the second floor.

"Senior Sister Lin is right, Hu Mei, just arrived in our sect for one night, and hooked up with the senior brother from the inner sect."

An angry female voice sounded next to her, and Yunli looked over. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl was holding the chopsticks in her hand and staring at Xu Linghui's back unkindly.

The girl on her left was dressed in a white school dress, and she was clearly an inner disciple.

She glanced at the girl who spoke first, and said softly: "Don't talk nonsense, Junior Sister Xu made friends with Senior Brother Ye when she came to the sect last time. This time, Senior Brother Ye took her to get acquainted with her and let her do everything she can. Friendship should also be."

"elder sister!"

At first, the girl disagreed, with a face full of hatred, "You are just too good-natured, Senior Brother Ye clearly agreed to accompany you to go to the back mountain to practice, but the fox Meizi called Senior Brother Ye away because he said he was unfamiliar. Really, why let her go?"

The girl smiled wryly, still in a soft tone, "Senior Brother Ye wants to be with her, so why should I be so annoying, and I'm not in a hurry to practice at this moment."

Ruan Ningning was furious at the thought of how she had been booing her sister a while ago, and turning around to please other girls.

But there was nothing they could do, it was they who begged Senior Brother Ye, and Senior Brother Ye was willing to help because of affection, and if they didn't help, they couldn't find any fault.

After being angry for a while, she said in frustration: "Why do men like her?"

The round-faced girl on her right raised her head from the delicious food, swallowed the meat in her mouth, and said with a slurred speech: "Not everyone likes her, that Qian Jiu from Canye Pavilion is not Don't care about her, and use her."

"Eat yours." Ruan Ningning said angrily.

The round-faced girl didn't care what she said, and continued to work hard to cook.

Ruan Ningning was even more upset, one had no desires, the other only knew how to cook, she was really tired.

After a while, she sighed again, "Don't tell me, although that devil is a bit scumbag, he has good eyesight."

At this time, a man with an honest face sat down on the opposite side of her, and said seriously: "Junior Sister Ruan's words are wrong, the devil is clearly inhuman."

Yunli glared at him, and cursed back silently in her heart: You are inhuman, you pick up girls as you like, and you can say anything without a bottom line, I will draw a circle and curse you that you will never catch up with your sweetheart.

"Senior Brother Du, why are you here?" Ruan Ningning interrupted him, looking at the opposite person in a daze.

Du Lesheng secretly glanced at the girl in white beside him, seeing that she didn't show any displeasure, he felt relieved.

He turned his eyes and said to Ruan Ningning gently: "This matter is not what you think. As we all know, Qingque Mountain is the property of the Lin family. This time Canye Pavilion dared to attack the Lin family, which shows its arrogance."

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly. As she expected, the head teacher deliberately used Lin Xizhi's mouth to reveal the real culprit of the Shuying Xiaozhu incident. Otherwise, it was impossible for so many people to know about it in just one night. .

After thinking about it for a while, I understood why the head teacher did this. On the surface, the information given by the Lin family was only that the clan member Yu Sheng was killed, and did not mention any circumstances of the murderer.

After all, the murderer was in the foundation building period and the Qi training period, and escaped from their hands. Naturally, the Lin family and Tai Yizong had no face to speak out directly.

But this matter is also related to the layout behind the Tai Yizong. It is only because of this grievance that the action to wipe out the Canye Pavilion will be famous.

After figuring this out, she didn't care about those gossips, bought the spiritual meal quickly, and returned to Taiyi Peak to start her retreat.

Tianyun City, the secret room of Zuimenglou.

Ji Ruochen moved back, covering himself in the darkness, pressing his back against the cold cave wall, and the cold air pressed against his back, completely invading his body.

The cold air took away his body temperature and made him more clear-headed. He turned his head away, not to look at the young man under the long light.

Wei Lin ran out of patience, and looked down at him condescendingly, "If you don't say anything else, then—"

"Whatever, you're going to threaten me with senior sister again." Ji Ruochen interrupted him with a sneer on his face, "You give up, I won't agree."

The senior sister is the most important person in his life, there was no other way before, they threatened her with her life, so he could only tell Shuying Xiaozhu's information.

Now that Zhenjun Fujian is dead, this incident will definitely alarm Tai Yizong, and the senior sister will also come into Tai Yizong's sight.

With Xuanyu Sect and the Lin family's in-law relationship, Tai Yizong will not do anything to the senior sister, but will definitely control her whereabouts, so that Qianxun and others cannot easily hurt the senior sister.

He has nothing to worry about, so he has nothing to fear!

Wei Lin shook his head, "I never make promises lightly, but if I make a promise, it will be difficult, and I will keep my promise."

Ji Ruochen closed his eyes, not looking at him.

Wei Lin was not annoyed, and said softly: "I have some clues about her symptoms, if you are useless, then I won't keep you."

Looking at the man in front of him who was hiding in the darkness without looking at him, he sighed softly: "Why bother to fall, it's better to die than to live. Since you cherish Xu Linghui so much, you should live a good life. We won't touch her, but As for other people, there are quite a few people who don't see her good."

Ji Ruochen's eyelashes trembled, opened them slowly for a long time, and after a while of silence, he raised his head and asked hesitantly: "After the matter is done, will you really let me go?"

Seeing him loosen, Wei Lin felt relieved, but he didn't agree, but said: "I will set you free, but we have to wait until the time is right."

 Thanks to Kui Niu and book friend 20171020145305613 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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