all the way to fairy

Chapter 265 Divine Soul Fusion

Chapter 265 Divine Soul Fusion
After all, Ji Ruochen is good at medicine, so he might not be able to give some useful advice on the matter of Mo You and Zhu Ge.

He didn't agree wholeheartedly, but Ji Ruochen was even more convinced. If he agreed without even thinking about it, it would be a lie to him in all likelihood.

Chihiro is right, you have to do things like protecting people by yourself.

To help analyze and study his junior sister's strange disease, to him, it is just losing freedom for a period of time, the life of a monk is so long, these times are not worth mentioning.

After pondering for a while, he said: "It's still the same sentence, I need to use spiritual power to check her body."

A smile floated on Wei Lin's face, which meant he agreed.

Slightly exhaling, he flatly refused: "No."

After a pause, he said again: "Maybe not in a short time."

Ji Ruochen was surprised, what happened to his junior sister, or is he not around now?

He frowned, he didn't see a doctor but the patient wasn't there, he was about to speak when Wei Lin said: "But I can tell you something about her."

"Her symptoms appeared suddenly, and the whole family had that strange symptom. Within a few days, everyone in the family died suddenly, even blood relatives far away."

Ji Ruochen frowned, stood up awkwardly, stared at Wei Lin with piercing eyes, flushed with excitement: "I remembered, she is from the Mo family!"

Wei Lin was startled by his big reaction at first, then he was startled when he heard his trembling voice, how did he know this?

Whether it was to Xu Linghui or him, he had never mentioned Mo You's name, nor had he mentioned his surname. Looking at his reaction, could it be that he knew the Mo family?
After being excited, Ji Ruochen's face became suspicious, Xuanyumen and Jincheng belonged to the Nanshan family.

At that time, the Mo family died suddenly, and the Fang family was also wiped out by the gangsters. For a while, people in Jincheng were in panic, and other surrounding cities were also in panic. This incident was widely spread, and everyone in the Nanshan family knew .

As far as he knew, all the monks of the Mo family's blood were dead, and only mortals survived. Why was Mo You an exception?
Thinking of the purple blood vessels on her body, he stared at Wei Lin and asked in disbelief: "She couldn't have been a mortal before, could she?"

Wei Lin was even more surprised, his thoughts turned too fast, he guessed it so quickly!

His surprised expression has already proved Ji Ruochen's conjecture. He gasped in shock, took a few steps back, and muttered, "How is this possible? Ordinary people can practice! This is an act against the sky!"

Because she was a monk before, he didn't think about that, but now after being reminded, he remembered how similar the purple blood vessels on that girl were to those in Mojia Village, but her color was darker.

"Could it be that this strange disease is something she did against the heavens, and the heavens punished her and brought disaster to the clansmen?"

Wei Lin shook his head, rejecting his conjecture, "She became a monk a few years after the Mo family perished."

"Then how can she practice?"

Wei Lin cleared his throat, since he had to rely on his opinion as a reference, some things had to be told to him.

"Remember the other soul in her body, she took that person's spiritual root by taking it away?"

After listening to his narration, Ji Ruochen was stunned. It is unbelievable that a book of skills can actually steal other people's spiritual root aptitude!

After a quarter of an hour, he finally digested it and said, "I understand a little bit."

Seeing Wei Lin's questioning eyes, he explained from the beginning: "I have always been curious about these bizarre illnesses. At that time, I heard about the Mo family in Jincheng, so I went to Jincheng to investigate."

"All the monks in Mo's family died, but the mortals in Mo's village survived, but they also had those purple blood vessels on their bodies. Earlier, some children in Mo's village were found to have spiritual roots. They wanted to get rid of strange diseases through cultivation. , who would have thought that as soon as the air was drawn into the body, he died suddenly."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest, knowing the situation of the Mo family in advance.

Ji Ruochen took two steps forward, and analyzed: "It can be seen that Mo You didn't die after becoming a monk, because the soul of the person she took away from her spirit root is still in her body."

After a pause, he sighed, "Although I really want to live, this is not a disease, and I cannot cure it."

At that time, he had researched it. Except for the purple blood vessels, there was nothing unusual about the Mo family's body. This was not a disease at all, but a curse, a very high-level curse.

Wei Lin said lightly: "There is no need to treat her, just save the other soul in her body."

Ji Ruochen was taken aback for a moment, but then he thought of his expression when the woman surnamed Mo had an 'illness' that day, and it became clear that what he wanted to save was another male soul.

"That's your friend." Without waiting for Wei Lin to react, he sighed softly and said, "It can't be saved."

Wei Lin frowned, "Kill her?"

Although it was troublesome to kill Mo You, it was just that.

Ji Ruochen shook his head, "Since she can use your friend's soul to help her cope with the curse, it is a complete fusion. From the point of view of the curse, they are one person."

"These tricks can fool the spell, but they can't coax the way of heaven. If you go against the sky, you will be punished by heaven in the end."

Speaking of this, he frowned, "Although I don't know what method she used to escape the killing of heaven, but after death, she will definitely lose her soul."

"Your friend's soul is sealed in her sea of ​​consciousness and merged with her. If she dies, he will also be wiped out with him, and there is no possibility of reincarnation."

Wei Lin lowered his eyelids, his heart froze for a moment, Mo You was the one who went against the sky.

He suppressed the gloom in his heart, Ji Ruochen did have a deep research on this aspect.

"Then is there any way to strip his soul out?"

Ji Ruochen shook his head, "I can't do things like stripping the mind and soul, maybe some Yuanying Zhenjun can."

After a pause, he said: "One more thing, if you can successfully peel off, your friend is doomed to die in this life."

Wei Lin's heart was heavy, he thought of this.

Zhu Ge's body is gone, and with his soul, he can't take it away, not to mention that it's against the way of heaven, and he can't go far.

He just wanted to save Moyou's soul and re-enter reincarnation before Moyou's foundation was established.

Fortunately, he didn't kill Mo You hastily before, and fortunately he kept Ji Ruochen behind.

Turning his mind, he asked: "If Moyou has established the foundation, can my friend still be reincarnated?"

Ji Ruochen hesitated, "It should be possible. God has the virtue of loving life. In the eyes of Heaven, they are two people. What she does should not harm your friend."

"That's good."

Wei Linding looked at the ground not far away, "You think about it carefully, and if you need anything, just tell Auntie, and I will guarantee that she will live until then."

Ji Ruochen struggled for a while, but said truthfully, "It's just possible, I'm actually not sure."

"It's okay, do your best and obey the destiny."
Cultivation does not know the years, and it has been four years in a blink of an eye.

After practicing diligently for four years, Yunli only touched the edge of the sixth level, but failed to break through.

On the other hand, Mu Yan, she has broken through the seventh level of Qi training for a long time, and she has been studying alchemy for the past few years, and she has been negligent in her cultivation.

This retreat with all his strength, he broke through the eighth level of Qi training at the end of that year, and under the bombardment of the elixir, broke through the ninth level of Qi training last year, but it is still difficult to successfully build a foundation in the next three years.

After thinking about it, Yunli still chose to pretend to establish a foundation one month before the alchemy assessment, and then announced the end of the retreat.

She broke through the eighth level of Qi training before Ah Yan, and it's okay to build a foundation earlier. If she broke through with Ah Yan, it would be a little deliberate.

In addition, she didn't want to use other people's flying magic weapon for a long time, and it was so cool to fly by herself.

First go to Taiyi Hall to ask for a visit to the famous master, as expected, she was rejected, but let the guarding disciple tell her, let her go to the Fengwu Hall to receive the foundation-building benefits of the disciples in charge-flying magic weapon.

She was just here to go through a process, but she was pleasantly surprised when she heard this, and she didn't expect that there would be a surprise!

The "addict" male cultivator who robbed before, the flying magic weapon was too ugly, it looked like a pot, how could a little fairy like her use such a magic weapon.

Originally, he planned to buy a flying sword, but now he can save the Lingshi.

Overjoyed, she bowed to the Hall of Supreme One more sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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