all the way to fairy

Chapter 293 Jealousy

Chapter 293 Jealousy
The tall child Xiudao: "Last time in Qingzhou Mansion, they were discovered again, and then Mo You said to Mr. Mo that the past is gone. Since Mr. Mo has never valued their marriage contract, why bother to mention it now?" Not cruel, just a stranger."

While everyone was stunned, she added, "At that time, my brother happened to be nearby and saw the whole process. Mr. Mo didn't refute her words, so it's true."

Everyone was stunned, what a big melon!

Yunli was thoughtful, Mo You's identity was not simple, they guessed it early on, if she really had a marriage contract with Mo Huai, then her identity in the Mo family must be very important.

The most important person in the Mo family is Shuangjiang Mo Qishan, so it makes sense that she should be Shuangjiang's direct descendant.

The news was too shocking. One was the leader of the righteous way, a direct disciple of Tai Yizong's head teacher, and the other was the notorious killer of Canye Pavilion. The two actually had a marriage contract. Everyone was momentarily stunned and forgot to gossip.

By the time they regained their senses, the examiner team had landed on the high platform one after another, and An Ran and Mu Erya also landed with them.

Too many things have happened recently, and Zhenjun Ningjun was not in the mood to make a long speech, so he directly ordered to start after he finished.

Seeing that all the examiners were in a bad mood, the onlookers didn't dare to gossip anymore, and they all quietly watched the Dan Dao assessment.

Time passed slowly, and more than ten days later, the assessment came to an end, and most of the onlookers, except the alchemist, had lost interest.

For those who don't understand alchemy, they only see that the alchemy furnace has been burning for more than ten days, so they can't see any mystery.

Daoist Danyang next to him suddenly looked serious, looked at the high platform, and then handed the little black chicken to Yunli: "Zhenjun Ningjun, I will go to prepare for the assessment first, and Cang Jie will trouble my nephew."

Yunli took the little black chicken and hugged it in her hands, smiled brightly, and replied sincerely: "Master, you are too polite, you are here to win honor for our Taiyi clan, so what am I doing?"

"You can rest assured that Xiao Cangjie will be handed over to me. With the strength of my uncle, I will definitely be able to refine the peerless magic pill this time and win the leader!"

These words reached the heart of Daoist Danyang, for a madman who made alchemy, didn't he just hope to refine the elixir in his life.

Hearing this, his brows were filled with joy, and the coldness on his face faded a bit, "Nephew Cheng Cheng said auspiciously."

Mu Yan followed and said: "I wish the real person will make a pill and everything will go well."

The disciples of the Taiyi Sect around also came to see off Daoist Danyang one after another, cheering him on.

Not long after he left, Dan Cheng withdrew from the circle one after another in the assessment area.

Thinking of the words of Daoist Danyang just now, Yunli admired Zhenjun Ningjun. He could estimate the time to complete the pill while the pill was still in the furnace.
In the midst of everyone's attention, the ninth-grade alchemy assessment began. Yunli stared closely at Daoist Danyang. She had put all her treasures on him. Notice.

On the field, a few examinees had finished drawing out the test questions, and the rest began to examine the materials, sacrificing the pill fire to warm the furnace and throwing medicine, but Daoist Danyang frowned and stared at the test questions on the light screen.

Yunli glanced at Jin Sui Dan, she had never heard of it, she asked Mu Yan in a low voice: "Is this medicine difficult?"

Mu Yan had no choice but to say, "I'm just a young Qi training disciple. For me, it's difficult for me to learn anything I haven't learned before."

Yunli also realized that she asked the wrong person.

Mu Yan showed concern, and said euphemistically: "However, if Guan Zhenren is like this, he probably hasn't refined Jin Sui Dan much before."

Yunli's heart tightened, luck is also a part of strength, and the alchemy assessment also runs through this principle.

The pills tested are different, some people can encounter the ones they often refine, and some unlucky ghosts, such as Daoist Danyang, encounter the ones they haven't learned yet, it depends on personal fate.

Immediately, she comforted herself that if she didn't get the leader, she wouldn't get it. Anyway, Daoist Danyang would find a way to get the Jiuchonglou in exchange for the spiritual fruit, and she just needed to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

On the court, Danyang Zhenren felt sad, scanned the materials, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Among a group of alchemists in full swing, he was the only one who was as quiet as a sculpture. This attracted everyone's attention, and the crowd whispered: "What's the matter with Daoist Danyang of the Taiyi Sect? Is he giving up?"

"How is it possible? He was a blockbuster in the last assessment. He passed eight tests and eight tests. All the way from being a little transparent to nothing, he passed the test and successfully refined a mid-grade heavenly elixir, becoming an eighth-rank alchemist."

Mu Yan who was on the side also said: "When a real person makes alchemy, he will practice with his eyes closed first, and then complete it in one go."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiu Yunjie asked next to her: "How do you know?"

Yunli had a strange look, and looked at her. There was something wrong with this girl. She wanted to get close to the real person Danyang, so what did she have to do with Ah Yan?
Qiu Yunjie quickly came to her senses, smiled, and said, "I heard that real people's alchemy rooms never allow outsiders to enter or leave. I'm just curious."

Yunli did not ignore the flash of hostility in her eyes.

Mu Yan explained calmly: "I'm Uncle An's Daoist. Uncle An gets advice from real people, and often goes to observe real people making alchemy, so I will follow along."

Just after she finished speaking, a little girl in a blue woven gold skirt said enviously: "Wow, then you are so lucky, you can often watch high-level alchemists make alchemy."

Mu Yan smiled and said, "It's very lucky."

Yunli kept paying attention to Qiu Yunjie, and her expression became more and more ugly. Feeling Yunli's gaze, she quickly lowered her eyes to hide the jealousy in her eyes.

Something is wrong.

"Look, the uncle is moving!" A fellow Taiyi Sect exclaimed in surprise.

Yunli hurriedly looked over, and saw that Daoist Danyang quickly called out the pill fire and placed it under the pill furnace, and with a palm slap on the table, several elixir plants flew up and fell straight into the pill furnace.

Then, he controlled the pill fire to be big and small, jumping and burning under the pill furnace.After a while, he turned around and patted the long table again, and another dozen elixir plants fell into the furnace.

Various materials have different grades, different temperaments, and different suitable temperatures. This requires the alchemist to control the timing of dosage, keep an eye on the temperature of the alchemy furnace, and make timely adjustments according to the conditions of the medicinal materials inside.

When all the medicinal materials were put into the pill furnace, he started to play tactics. His hand speed was not very fast, but there was a strange rhythm. After watching for a long time, it made people ecstatic.

In a trance, her eyes seemed to pass through the furnace wall, and she saw the liquid medicines of different colors, colliding and merging in the misty steam, and condensed into one under the action of the spirit of pill fire.
Thinking of the knowledge about alchemy that Daoist Danyang had given her a few days ago, she understood that this is the key step in alchemy—melting alchemy.

This step is related to the final properties of the medicine and the probability of becoming a pill, and it is also the most prone to frying.

If the order of mixing is wrong, the properties of the medicines conflict, the auxiliary medicine liquid is not in place, the temperature is too high, etc., it is easy to cause the fryer.

"Fellow Daoist Yun was so fascinated by watching it, I think I learned a lot about alchemy a few days ago."

A joking voice pulled Yunli out of that mysterious and mysterious state, and when he looked out, he could only see the burning red furnace wall.

Yunli turned her head and stared at Qiu Yunjie viciously, and said angrily, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

Mu Yan's expression was cold: "Interrupting other people's perception, what kind of heart do you feel?"

All around looked over, looking at Qiu Yunjie with guarded and disgusted expressions. Once she realized it, she would have to practice hard for several years.

I have a feeling in my heart, although it is not as good as epiphany, but it can also benefit a lot. The non-alchemists are here, isn't it just to be able to get a glimpse of some mysteries from the alchemy process of the top alchemists.

Qiu Yunjie blushed, and pretended to be calm, "What kind of epiphany, I didn't see that she was epiphany."

Mu Yan was in a hurry when her concept was secretly changed, but she was not good at arguing with others, her eyes were flushed with anger: "You—"

Yunli hugged her hand tightly, and comforted her: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, if you are bitten by a dog, we can't bite back either."

This time, Qiu Yunjie was so angry that she couldn't speak, pointing at Yunli, "you you you for a long time, but didn't say a second word."

The people around burst into laughter, Qiu Yunjie couldn't stand the mocking eyes of everyone, gave Yunli a hard look, and walked away.

Mu Yan glanced at the back of her going away, and then looked at the assessment on the field. After thinking about it, the assessment is more important.

It is held only once every 50 years, and such an opportunity is too rare, so he said bitterly, "Who is it?"

Yunli was funny and touched, it was rare to see her so angry, she comforted: "It's not angry, it's just a small realization."

Mu Yan was still very angry, "What is a small sentiment, even Cang Jie knows to keep quiet, she did it on purpose."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, "There is no sign of this feeling, and we can't set up a barrier to block it. If she wants to interrupt, what can we do? Otherwise, when it's over, go beat her up and vent your anger? "

Mu Yan looked at her, and changed to voice transmission: "This can be available."

Yunli was overjoyed, and according to her previous temperament, she would never be able to say such words.

With such a move, everyone involuntarily stood a little farther away, and their eyes became wary of each other, expecting to feel something from their hearts, but also worried that they would be interrupted maliciously by the people around them when they realized something.

This kind of entanglement lasted for a few days, and everyone realized that they were worrying too much. Not everyone has this kind of insight, and everyone's situation is different, and the time of insight is also different.

Some are only for a short moment, and there is no need to wait for others to interrupt at all. My reaction is slow, and I may not be able to catch it.


(End of this chapter)

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